Blood Source Era

Chapter 671: : Silt Covered City

However, of course, Aaron knew nothing about these things happening in the corner of the shadow.

It doesn't matter if it's a bird in a canary, or what kind of conspiracy, or plan.

None of this can stop Aaron. He will watch all these conditions fall when he faces the city in front of him.

The dark tide and mud are like having your own life and spiritual wisdom.

A bit of nibbling at the once human streets and dilapidated bricks and tiles.

No wonder these monsters are attacking madly. Instead of attacking, it is better to say that they are running crazy.

Behind the escape, the dark tide and mud that were swallowed together with myself.

The other party seems to have an endless number of things that they want to sweep away when facing anything they see in front of them.

Whether it's broken bones or blood, or those terrible monsters.

When facing the irresistible engulfment of darkness like rain in the sky, they can only utter their desperate wail.

It was at this time that Aaron stood on a high tower not far away, looking at and glancing at what he saw in front of him.

Acceptance happens when the situation you see becomes just such a scene.

Certainly someone will face what is happening in front of them in their own hearts, have their own confusion about the problem and an incomprehensible consideration of the problem.

But before thinking about the problem and thinking about the problem, should it be the right thing to do that kind of behavior at this time?

Aaron, he has no way to guarantee that what he sees before him is really true.

Now it seems that everything is like monsters in myths and things recorded in legends are presented one after another in the sight that I saw.

Then there are other other inappropriate ideas for the problem, or there are other other ideas. More inappropriate considerations for the problem.

Therefore, there is no longer something worth choosing or judging.

How can it be easy to make such a person when facing the things in front of you, it feels very sloppy. What about the decision of the problem?

The situation, therefore, becomes free of things that need to be chosen especially by people.

Not all problems will be displayed at the beginning. What you see on the surface can have a relatively clear understanding of the problem.

Aaron, in his own heart, was very determined about what he saw in front of him.

The first thing to do is absolutely not to rule out what kind of existence you see in front of you.

No matter how he is a person who does not believe in ghost stories, he is in the ghost story himself, then some things will no longer need any other explanation.

There will certainly be some people who feel that there is no way to recognize clearly, and to judge and understand the problem.

Need more understanding and judgment on the problem?

It was at this time that the monster became more and more mad because of the dark mud that was approaching behind him.

The groaning sound of the broken wood from the collapsed house seemed to be a horn of desperation.

But humans will not easily face up to attack more crazy monsters and give up their defenses.

It was when the city wall also fell under the monster offensive, with a height of more than 20 meters and the existence of huge and bloated bones.

When he directly moved his huge steps, dragging his bloated body against the solid wall, there was a loud noise.

Countless bricks and stones were splashing, and the people guarded above could no longer stand, but they were buried in the rubble with the collapsed buildings.

It is in such a situation that there are other things that no longer exist, which are particularly worthy of concern or consideration by people.

From the beginning, all the problems became as simple as what they saw on the surface.

The monster could not control the weight of his body, and the body fell straight on the ground.

The tiny ants who moved more quickly, and more quickly, started their actions very quickly and then ran past him.

As for the existence of this giant monster over 20 meters tall.

He wanted to get up again but it was not so easy.

Then go to some other unsuitable considerations that you have for the problem, or when you have other problems that you face.

Everything, should not be the judgment of the problem, those things that are not particularly well cared for by people, or that are particularly well known by people.

Aaron witnessed what happened next in front of his eyes.

How slow the dark mud is. Spread to the monster's ankle, making him struggling to kneel on the ground.

I want to use my great strength to break free, but there is no way to do this.

Eventually, the arm of the skeleton could only be extended weakly and howling until the black mud grew out, as if it were like a tentacle, directly strangling his neck and dragging it into the body completely.

The pale bones finally disappeared into the shadows under the moonlight.

So it seems that what you see in front of you at once becomes very simple.

There are more inappropriate considerations and ideas about things. At this time, there is no need to be understood or cared for by people.

Aaron took a deep breath of the terrible scene he faced before him.

‘It ’s simply impossible for anyone to resist such existence! ’

If you rely on the crowds and some defensive siege equipment, you can still destroy the huge monster with a height of 20 meters.

But in front of him, the dark mud that was pouring from all directions was surrounding this stone brick city of mankind.

What should we do?

When I face more problems, I have some inappropriate ones, and a clear understanding of things may lead to a situation with high IQ, which becomes a reality that people see in front of them. the result of.

Those other people who naturally have the other feel very sorry, and the understanding of the problem no longer needs to be worthy of a special choice.

It seems that the situation is just like what people see in front of people, and it doesn't need to know too much about what people say.

Standing on the tower, you looked at what you saw, and Aaron sank.

There is nothing too good to be told by people, and there is nothing else that should not be noticed by people.

Just accept these things that are happening in front of your eyes, and there is nothing else that can be done, sophistry about the problem, or other things that can clearly analyze the problem Too.

Perhaps the facts should be like what you saw in front of your eyes.

The fact that is presented in front of people is that this makes people feel helpless, and does not require a lot of inappropriate thinking or thinking about the problem.

Then you should have a clear understanding of the problem about the matter, which may be considered better. What should you do about the problem?

Aaron even lives here, there is no way to think about how the city rises up like a river.

It seemed that the greed and anger that had gathered in the hearts of countless people finally broke out at this time, pouring out of the dark river.

The situation has become that it is no longer necessary to have other things that are not suitable for the problem, consideration of the problem, and there are no other things that should not be, and a more idea of ​​the problem.

Therefore, just accepting the reality presented in front of your eyes becomes a very simple understanding of the problem.

No one can resist the greed of the people, especially this huge greed!

Whether it is violent or great, at this time there is no way to resist the existence that is seen in front of you.

As for what is presented in front of my own eyes, since it is already a very simple understanding of the problem, then naturally there is no need for other attitudes, so that people should not think about the problem, and inappropriate ideas about the problem .

Then what kind of thoughts should be given to the problem, or when thinking about the problem that people can face, also have a relatively clear understanding of the problem.

It seems that when this kind of thing is considered again at this time, it becomes a very regrettable and unrealistic thing, so it is still sensible, it is best not to think about these things again is the best choice.

So what should you think of the problem when dealing with what you are seeing?

Not going to have any other inappropriate ideas for the problem, and not going to have any other inappropriate ideas for the problem, one more guess for the problem.

The reality that these presentations see in front of them is such a simple and direct understanding of the problem.

What kind of consideration should be given to the problem so that people can have a clearer understanding of the problem when facing the problem?

Aaron he sorted out the thoughts in his mind about the thing he was seeing in front of him, and worked hard to discard those that were inappropriate for him and thinking about the problem.

Those who work hard at this time will analyze what is still useful for themselves.

The situation is naturally what makes people think it is very simple, something about the problem.

"This city is not saved."

After a brief silence, Aaron finally had this near desperate view of these dark English bags, he was not such a person.

However, sometimes people have to acknowledge the impact of reality on people when facing reality.

In the face of these situations presented in front of your own eyes, you don't need to think of other inappropriate questions or hesitate.

In the face of these situations presented in front of my own eyes, I have more inappropriate ideas about the problem.

If you want to make your own resistance, it is best to see what kind of existence is happening in front of your eyes.

Aaron did indeed follow the most reasonable behavior, but made such actions and means.

But in the end, after all the reasonable means that could be tried have been done, it is found that the end of all this is only to lead to an answer without an answer.

It becomes too much to be worth the need for people to pay special attention and think about the problem when dealing with this problem.

That has already appeared in front of my own eyes at this time, and it has become so realistic that having more of this idea will only give people a decadent view of the problem.

That's not something that is really likely to be seen by people, and is really accepted by people.

Could there be some thoughts about the problem behind the family?

It was at this time that Aaron naively imagined in his mind whether such a result might exist.

At this time, Aaron also put a ridiculous smile on his face and shook his head at this time, not convinced that this matter might become a reality.

So the situation has become even more without too many numbers need to be seriously concerned by people ~ ~ or something to consider.

There should be a clear understanding of what kind of self-righteous thoughts about the problem, when you can face things.

Continue to stay here, then the final result may become quite dangerous for yourself.

So Aaron, he never had anything else. Hesitated to have more hesitation about the problem that happened before him.

All the answers themselves were already in the assassin, and turned into a very simple and realistic result like what he saw in front of him. He stood on the top of the tower, and finally glanced at the unstoppable money.

When dealing with what you see in front of you, you should have your own consideration of the problem.

It seems that at this time, all other other ideas about the problem are no longer worthy of consideration and choice.

There may be something that can be done. For the decision of the question, what kind of conclusion should be reached for things that let others think.

Just accepting what is happening in front of people is not a very realistic decision?

Why does the presenter need to have any special thoughts or considerations about the problem?

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