Blood Source Era

Chapter 722: : Start first

The tense atmosphere between the two sides can be said to be a very straightforward state at the critical point at this moment.

Everyone has already shown their weapons at this moment, and they are ready to actively fight.

In the face of such a scene, I have already prepared myself to prepare for an active challenge.

The next thing may happen is that kind of change, and what kind of direction may result, then everything seems to be waiting for time to put this thing inside, which may make people feel as if it is confusing Everything is explained clearly.

And in this process, it seems that for Alfred, or for these people, they are not willing to break the near-previous balance at this moment, which can be called a very delicate balance.

The two sides chose to keep silent and showed their weapons, but they chose to keep a certain distance from each other.

In the face of such a very straightforward status quo, then there are any other unsuitable preparations for the problem.

Or it is any problem faced by others, there are too many should not consider the matter.

Hunters, they can almost be said to be focused and very careful, what the alert watcher sees.

They didn't dare to face Alfred in front of them at this moment, and they had the slightest concern for the problem.

It was as if they knew exactly how powerful Alfred possessed, so they always try their best to take the initiative when they take their own actions.

However, this kind of situation that makes you seem to be trying hard to master the absolute initiative. In some ways, it is explained in more straightforward terms, which is completely shameless, so as to bully.

This kind of action is downright. At the very least, it has completely abandoned all aspects of things. It seems to be an action that does not need to do anything else. It is worthy of people thinking or choosing problems. The need to worry.

And it was at this time that they also seemed to be actively taking the absolute advantage of the current number of people, so as to bully less, which is a matter that can be understood.

In fact, all of these are very worthy of discussion, but also a very worthy of doubt.

Alfred, he also noticed that the encircling circle that the other party opened to him in a quiet manner, and he could also notice that there were several guys in these crowds, it was purely some. Not inferior to his own strength.

But even in this case, they still have no choice. It seems that there may be a certain risk of heads-up, but choose to adopt this absolutely conservative means of victory at this time.

And this made Alfred, when his mood in India presents what he saw in front of his eyes, he felt a strange scalp numbness.

Because no one can really explain at this moment, which side's camp is correct, and which side's camp is sometimes absolutely wrong.

Both sides are only because of the views they have committed and the positions they have on things, and there is such a near-obvious conflict of views.

Therefore, at this moment, it becomes such a very realistic situation that we see in front of us.

Then if the other party has such a conflict again under such circumstances, they should choose to use more fairness. Fighting alone to carry out their own justice.

However, he completely underestimated the shameless preparation that the other party had at the beginning.

Alfred, he has no concessions and escapes from this kind of thing. For the choice of things, and the straightforward attitude towards things, this has faced a lot of things that have been faced with in silence.

But she did not expect that the other party did not plan to have a fair and just relationship with herself from the beginning, so that everyone was willing to see a one-on-one duel like a knight.

If this is a trouble that is found in front of them, then the situation does not need to go any further and any other preparations for the problem.

Just like the hunter has always taken his own action plan when facing the monster, he can't help but say that he has evolved completely, and he has no hesitation to use the simplest, fastest and most efficient speed.

This kind of simple, direct and straightforward approach that people can see with their own eyes, and efficient ways to deal with and solve problems, in fact, it seems that there is no hesitation about other problems.

Then Alfred was looking at the hunters in front of him at the moment, and they took a step forward very uniformly.

In the future, when faced with the matter in front of me, I should have my own idea of ​​the problem. Can it be the best way to deal with the problem?

It seems that the situation itself, from the beginning, has not become much more worthy of being clearly recognized by people and the need to judge problems.

Alfred, when he faced these hunters, seemed to show his attitude and faced with the battle that was about to come. He prepared himself well and was very prepared for the battle.

However, the situation does not require any other things that are completely unnecessary, and to prepare for doubt and thinking about the problem.

It is in this kind of situation that has a very sufficient attitude to deal with the problem.

It seems that there are other things, some inappropriate considerations for the problem, so it changes all the time. There are no more good schools that are worthy of a clear understanding by people and the need to understand the problem.

If you want the other person to follow the situation you originally planned, you may continue to develop as you planned in your own heart, then you must change your own understanding of the problem.

In such a situation, the other party is forced to ask the other party to choose and judge according to their own understanding.

It seems that any other self-righteous preparations for problems, and any other problems faced, are totally worthless. Consider the problem.

Except that it will only bring people a clear understanding of the true nature of the problem, they have changed a lot. There is not much else and other things that need to be clearly understood and judged by people. understanding.

You should have your own way of thinking, and understand the status of the problem. That may be the best way to think about the problem, or to judge the problem.

What kind of words might Alfred say about things in the future? No matter for other people, or for the hunters on the battlefield at the moment, they seem to be waiting for something.

So, just accepting what you have seen in front of your eyes, there is no other other views or insights about the problem. Is this something that must be accepted without a choice to retreat? ?

It seems that this is a situation that can be clearly understood by people, and it seems that it is not difficult to accept it.

But all of this is not the situation when people first started, as it seems on the surface, so many complicated things are more than people have prepared for the problem at the beginning. It's much simpler.

Faced with the fact that it can almost be called a thing at the beginning, there is a very simple means of preparation and processing that can clearly understand the problem, but Alfred is not in the first place. It's just a matter of time to make such an act.

However, it is clear that what is being seen in front of the present at this moment seems to prove to Alfred in a certain way that he is fully convinced of his ideas and his own guesses about the problem at the beginning. There seems to be nothing wrong, but he does not take his own actions. This is the biggest wrong preparation for things.

Therefore, it is naturally in such a situation that things no longer need any other attitude, inappropriate preparation for the problem, and wrong inappropriate considerations of the problem, or Said something.

Alfred looked at the crowd with his confused eyes, and then he asked each other with a curious tone.

"Are you going to go together with this group of people? The group of people came to bully me alone?"

Although a kind of vaguely revealed in the discourse, as if to be a faint joke about things, he did not really have any of his own for these people. Half contempt.

Because he believes that this guy can indeed be shameless to this point.

So if the situation goes again, there are any other considerations for the problem.

Or in other words, to have any other, more thoughts on the problem.

Those things that have been communicated from the beginning are clearly aware of how unrealistic it is.

"Don't you answer? Well, I know what you mean."

After the light in the pupil flashed slightly, he raised his mouth, and Alfred decided that it was at this time that he should preemptively face the problem!

Any stay and more preparation for things will be things that affect your final decision on the situation.

So while maintaining your own rational understanding of the problem.

Then there are other more ideas, that is, there is no need to be specially selected.

He squeezed the sharp weapon in his hand, and then swung it sideways!

Seeing this, the hunter did not dare to have the slightest hesitation and immediately made his own nervous response.

Almost all of them jumped back and forth uniformly at that moment.

This scene naturally fell in Alfred's eyes without a doubt, and he clearly saw the actions of these hunters.

It is neat and can be said to be absolutely dangerous and deadly!

If I say that I am a little careless about this, I am afraid that the outcome will definitely not be any better.

So after seeing such an action, Alfred was almost the same, that is, he had a similar base for things in his own mind.

To what extent is the situation, it is within a range that can be tolerated by oneself.

And if you have any missteps or mistakes, then the actions and behaviors you have done before can almost tell the situation.

After all, the other party is still a group, and he must not easily provoke a ruthless character.

So what should we do in order to solve these people easily and without much effort?

In Alfred, it seemed like he was asking himself, when he did not understand things.

These people, they also noticed Alfred's actions. It's just tempting his own behavior.

If it is for someone else, they will definitely feel more or less angry in their hearts.

It's these guys ~ ~ they are all trained, and no matter what the situation is, they will not have the slightest reaction.

Some people even simply turn around to understand the other party, and how much was exposed in the previous attack.

Then use this to analyze the kind of strength comparison that the two sides have directly.

In addition, the situation becomes nothing better and more worth explaining.

The real thing is right at the moment, what else is there to say?

Alfred couldn't help being able to show this kind of action to the problem.

In addition to admiration, there was no other expression in his eyes.

The situation is clear in front of him.

Could it be that there are other thoughts about yourself.

Or will it be safer for others to prepare for the problem?

At least for now, Alfred had clearly understood it at this time.

The situation is definitely not as simple as what you see on the surface.

So after this first trial, he faced the matter in front of him and finally planned to take out all his strength!

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