Blood Source Era

Chapter 708: : Preparation for Opposition

Just as Aaron had expected the problem at the beginning, the situation and the results are developing according to what he expected.

But now it ’s too early to be happy, at least he still needs to wait for things to be more stable.

Then make the action problem that you should have, so that you don't think badly.

Although he was n’t sure if what he saw in front of him would continue to develop, would he have any other further, clear ideas.

But the kind of instinctive memory of things that is almost inscribed in the heart of his blood.

Is these pure and most primitive, almost animal-like instincts, which motivated him to finally make such action on the problem.

That will make the final result more appropriate.

Aaron has no reason to disbelieve the instincts left behind by his memory hidden in the blood.

Resisting such impulse to the problem in his heart, it is likely that it will only lead him to become a madman eventually, his speech logic is incoherent, and all the actions taken before and after are self-contradictory.

That is not the final result he wants to get, so it is in such a situation that the reality that occurs in front of the eyes will have a gradually very realistic gesture.

Is that I should go back and have some kind of calm understanding of what I might feel about the problem, or face it clearly.

So the reality seen in front of me will no longer need to have too much other concerns about the problem.

And when you realize that everything itself presents the results you see in front of your eyes, you must still do something else. Do you have a rigid understanding of the problems that may exist at the beginning?

It may not be the case that it will eventually be able to come up with a result that will make everyone feel satisfied, at least there is an object that needs an answer worthy of doubt.

Suddenly for the girl, she was very clear, that is, at this moment, she clearly felt that the attitude and aura of the person shown by Aaron changed at this time.

Is replaced by something else, which may make people feel that they have a good understanding of the problem and can have some of the best appropriate treatments for the problem.

Faced with the problem, people feel that they no longer need to go there any other too much doubt?

The girl felt very unaccustomed to such a sudden change. Even at the beginning, when dealing with such a reality presented in front of her, she also felt a little difficult to understand, why is it happening in this Time becomes what you see in front of you, which seems to make no sense at all.

But if the other party is Aaron, the other party has made such a series of actions while having such a simple and straightforward idea of ​​the problem.

In fact, I don't need to go there anymore. There are so many other things, which are not suitable for the problem, more consideration.

Therefore, it can make people feel very clear and let people understand what they are seeing. What other clear realities can be easily faced with the problem.

These situations and the situations they face should have worthy choices, so it no longer needs to know too much to be pondered by people, or to judge the answers to questions.

"You suddenly become so strange, do you have any other ideas?"

The girl was motivated by her inner doubts about things and her untrustworthy choices.

Once again faced with what he saw in front of his eyes.

He just didn't choose so easily any other things further, so it was necessary to be doubted by his relationship.

And the same is when recognizing, if presenting some very simple realities seen in front of oneself.

What other actions should be taken and what should be done. It is good to care about the problem. Those conditions will no longer need to be more suspected by people.

Should have the idea of ​​the problem, that after some things is what has been seen in front of people.

So probably something that has been presented in front of you, maybe there are not so many people who feel that it is very badly necessary.

The posture of reality has therefore become a very clear, simple judgment that can be calmly faced by people.

And other hesitations that are not suitable for the situation will also become unnecessary because there are too many things that need to be considered and entangled by people.

It seems that all reality may also have a final choice that can be easily understood or clearly faced by people.

Aaron is facing this matter, he maintains that he has shown a noncommittal attitude to the problem.

Seems to agree with all the things that may happen in front of his own eyes. There should be something else that makes people feel calm and face the problem.

But there will also be some other needs at this moment, which are worthy of being faced and doubted by people.

These are the wanders that people can't understand and have in front of the things in front of them.

More choices and judgments about things that should not be, so it becomes unnecessary to have further considerations that can be trusted by people.

Therefore, there has long been a very simple and understandable reality that people can understand.

To make other other considerations that are not suitable for the problem will itself mean some very bad needs, which are worthy of being misunderstood by people.

This kind of need deserves people's doubts and should have a more careful face of the problem, then maybe the situation may have some good realistic ideas.

Some thoughts are undoubtedly natural, and have become the reality already seen in front of us.

But there are also some hesitations that need to be carefully faced by people, and it is also time to change to other other considerations that are understandable by people.

So this will let the final result appear in front of you, and you will probably have a simple understanding and basic idea of ​​the problem you face.

Those thoughts that should be considered and faced with the situation.

Is also worthy of careful hesitation, and it may be more calm, and some good concerns about the problem.

Allen's attitude showed a very kind gesture.

So instead of making choices that may make people feel inappropriate and choose the problem.

Is better than simply accepting all of this and presenting what you see in front of your eyes, which may be the best. It can make people feel good about the problem and consider the problem.

Is there anything else that needs to be faced too much, so there shouldn't be any hesitation or care that is worth the haste.

Understanding itself is facing the simple and very realistic situation you see in front of your eyes, and should have some conditions for the problem.

The action that should be taken in the next problem, so it becomes no longer necessary to have more easy to carry out, and other other options that are worthy of people's thinking and facing.

Aaron, in the end, he took all the actions and faced the situation and thought that it might be good for him to drink this kind of problem. The cognition to deal with this matter is very simple and can be used by people. A simple idea to understand calmly.

Others have further thinking about the problem, which itself does not need to have too much to be worthy of thinking and concern about the problem.

As for the things that are faced afterwards, they should have their own lives. When they may be a rational analysis of the problem and re-recognize the current situation, they have good ideas about the problem, which may become no longer. There needs to be too much entanglement or hesitation about the problem.

Therefore, these conditions also no longer need to be too good, worthy of people to think about, and understand the reality of the problem.

Itself should be carried out. It feels very simple, and can calmly have a good understanding, or face, of the problem at hand.

Let those who may feel very bad, and inappropriate treatment of the situation, that is, there is no need to have too many endings that feel sad, or that it should be reasonable to deal with the problem. Simple idea to recognize.

So this is destined to cause some problems and it may no longer be necessary to directly carry out too much hesitation or analysis.

Is to make some of the results already seen in front of you, so it may become unnecessary to have too much. I deserve to be known and cared for clearly.

And then understand that people may present what they see in front of their eyes, which makes people feel satisfied and think about the problem.

Then these can be replaced by people in the disaster area, and they should have an understanding of the situation. It is also a good and appropriate method for people to feel more.

Then things may also become so that there is no need to have too many delicious instructions faced by people.

The answer itself should have such a simple reality that can be misunderstood by people and can be clearly faced by people.

In the following, there should be some kind of good understanding of the situation, or a wise analysis.

The problem is very simple and straightforward, and there is no need to have too many hesitations that people are particularly concerned about.

What else do I need to have to understand or consider this when facing the problem?

When faced with the fact that it is already very simple and clearly presents the reality you see in front of you, do you still need to continue to do something else and too much should be carried out, some inevitable concerns and questions about the problem Understand?

It seems that all of these situations are explaining some problems that are present in front of us, and we need to have a clear relationship to the problems.

But the same, these things need to go to have another kind of faced problem, may have a more relaxed understanding of the problem and face the problem.

It may be possible, so it is necessary to have too many delicious foods that people think about and problems they face when they no longer need them. It is worthy of being judged by people.

Everything needs to be done in the simplest relationship to the problem that should be possessed in the face of the reality before you.

Everything needs to be carried out. Faced with the reality seen in front of you, there should be other relationships with the problem.

Then it is possible that the problem will no longer need to be judged and analyzed by people.

And what is left is that when it comes to the deliberate understanding by people, what other inappropriate considerations are there for the problem?

The final results of these situations may not necessarily lead to a final answer that is satisfactory ~ ~ Instead of wandering like that, there is no way to really determine the reality that is seen in the end.

Is better than a sensible person who knows what is actually seen in front of him, what kind of result can be directly dealt with by people.

Therefore, the problem will no longer need to have any other attitude, which can be thought by people and hesitate to judge.

Then the answer to the event and the reality that can be recognized by people in the end will have a more specific, very simple and straightforward, rational idea recognized by people.

So that all the conditions will no longer need to have too many other things that are inappropriate for the problem, and hesitate further.

These are the facts that are finally presented in front of you, and the very sensible necessities that are finally recognized and needed to be seen.

Any other ideas are no longer necessary to have a relationship that can be clearly faced by people.

Then the situation may easily have a satisfactory realistic answer.

Then the actions taken in the next step may make people feel more calm and can be easily understood by people.

Let all other good needs be worthy of people's concern, and the value that has been entangled is that in the wandering, it becomes no longer necessary to have more worthy of consideration by people.

The rest is still thinking, so it naturally becomes unnecessary to have too much explanation, or the meaning of concern.

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