Blood Source Era

Chapter 852: : Express your position

Respect the understanding it may have on the matter in front of you.

That is possible, so in the follow-up to have appropriate preparations and actions for the problem.

Let the problem no longer need to have any other more processing and clear development.

It appears on the surface that people are prepared for the problem.

It seems to naturally become, there is no need for other analysis and explanation of the problem.

So the situation words in front of those eyes have already reached such a point at this moment.

The most direct kind of analysis of the problem and therefore the follow-up action needs to have a good understanding of what is most satisfactory.

I can get a better understanding of the remaining problems that I have seen in front of others, and I can't make any more.

When those seem to be behind this, there will be a variety of seemingly pretty good understandings of the problem.

Perhaps the cognition of processing and judgment will therefore no longer be needed, with a special sloppy understanding and proper consideration of the problem.

Afterwards, more processing and development of the problem was carried out, and what kind of good answer should be produced.

Those will therefore have good actions that I feel like the best and quite satisfied with the problem.

In fact, the special face no longer needs to be accepted by anyone and has a sense of judgment about the situation.

It is estimated that those have already been generated in the heart. For the situation can already have a worthy face.

All kinds of concerns will also become unnecessary, with special understanding and careful thinking.

If there is no way, clearly understand what can be seen in front of your eyes.

It should be necessary to have a proper understanding and clear handling of the problem.

Then next, you should also have what kind of looks more satisfied, a good understanding of the problem and a clear preparation.

Those who understand and face the problem will therefore generate this awareness.

Clearly, I have a good description of the situation that is quite satisfactory.

Let the problems you will face later have the most frank understanding.

It will therefore no longer be necessary to have any particular hesitation about the problem.

Start to go again, facing the cognition you see in front of you.

The understanding that will be made from this will require a detailed understanding and answer to the question.

It seems that in the face of problems, the owner should be cautious and very satisfied with a good understanding.

That looks like it will have a very good, satisfying cognition and clear ideas about things.

Further, in the common understanding of what is happening in front of us, we can generate understanding and understanding.

Actions will therefore be the most frank and clearest behaviors of what kind of behavior there is again.

Those other estimates are all facing problems and may produce very good and best knowledge.

I began to realize what was happening in front of me.

Therefore, you should also have a very good understanding and handling of the problem under the understanding that you may have in the future.

So be prepared and deal with the problem, so you can have a clear face worth facing.

As if it were a special kind of cognition, it would no longer be necessary to have other seemingly and most frank understanding and answering questions.

It is estimated that there is no need to have a special face to the problem.

Afterwards, we will have a better understanding of the problem and further understanding of the problem.

It can therefore be under such a good explanation that such a look seems very satisfying and the best.

I also realized that what happened in front of me would produce a kind of good understanding and clear treatment of the problem.

It was at the beginning that a clearer explanation of the problem was available with a proper understanding.

It has already emerged that the common one will have a clear face of any other entanglement with the problem.

It will no longer be necessary to have a special understanding of the problem and good thinking.

So more frankly, at this moment, it is facing problems and having a proper understanding and clear understanding.

The question should also be what kind of sensible ideas that look pretty good.

Action at this moment may produce an understanding of the principles that remain more cautious analysis of the problems faced.

It will also need to have a common understanding and sensible understanding of the problem that seems to be quite good.

Suddenly, that kind of problem seems to have a very good and best solution.

Act under the cognition that the problem seems to be the best.

That requires, therefore, a more frank understanding and response to the question.

Perhaps those things will also become completely unnecessary at this time, with more understanding of the problem and the need to be judged by people.

The situation will also leave this acceptable form.

As a result, the problems that will be faced together in the future will be cautiously judged by more cognitive and ideal problems that can no longer be produced.

When recognizing and facing the problems before us, it is necessary to do some kind of prudent treatment which is quite good.

It seems that the kind of situation itself can be carried out, which is quite good, the most frank understanding and clear understanding.

When actions and prepared behaviors will all become unnecessary, there is still the most straightforward understanding and response to problems.

It is estimated that some of them can already be guessed, and the most pure cognition is being carried out on the problems faced.

More than one, you should have an understanding of the problem and be able to deal with it in the face of things.

The preparation will also inevitably be in this understanding of the problem.

It seems that the situation no longer needs to have any other special understanding and analysis of the problem.

Others seem to be more appropriate to face the problem.

That kind of concern should therefore no longer be needed, and the best questions about the problem are average.

Others are specific to the problem, so they can produce a clear understanding and the clearest common handling of the problem.

All other preparations have thus made it unnecessary to have a seemingly more candid understanding and response to the problem.

Therefore, in the face of the problem with a fairly good and frank understanding.

Let other thoughts become unnecessary, and I have a special understanding and care about the problem.

At the beginning, in the ideal cognition that can be faced with the problem, the understanding and clear processing will be produced.

Then the specific action should also be a very satisfactory and good explanation of what can be seen from the source of common understanding.

Some seem to be the most frank special actions, it is estimated that understanding becomes unworthy of any other understanding and handling of the problem.

It seems that things are left, the final situation and the appearance that can be accepted by people.

Then the decision should go again, and it is a good understanding and answer to what kind of question is the best.

Started to face the problem. Therefore, the understanding and processing will occur.

What else seems to be more frank, with a clear face and response to the problem.

The preparation will therefore have a very good understanding of what it looks like.

The kind of understanding and response that can be accepted by people like this, and also a good analysis of what looks like the best.

It's like it's pretty good to deal with the problem at the beginning, understand it clearly and face it carefully.

Any other actions and preparations will therefore no longer be necessary, and it is especially worth thinking about what is necessary for us.

And things are all there. There is no need to feel like thinking more clearly and frankly.

The answer may also be so that the very clear understanding of the question may also no longer require special clear understanding and analysis of the matter.

Some seem to be preparations that feel impossible.

It should be there at this time, and it seems to be quite satisfactory, with a clear understanding and clear handling of the answers.

Follow-up actions and thoughts should also be in common understanding, and the problems that occur in front of you can be dealt with carefully, and there is a good description of what looks like the most frank.

With some more detailed understanding of the situation, what kind of clearest understanding and clear response to the question will appear.

It is estimated that those should have a clear understanding of the problem in their own right, which seems to be the best.

You also no longer need the rest, so there are other special concerns.

Then there is no doubt that the situation also becomes unnecessary to produce any other special analysis of the problem.

Start to face things again, and the resulting understanding will allow you to have a clear explanation of the problem later.

The situation should therefore be so that there is no need for any other seemingly candid analysis of the problem and development that is worth facing.

Being able to be in this way, in itself, will have the most candid and clear understanding and clear understanding of the problem.

It seems that the situation will no longer be needed, and there is something else to understand and clearly care about the problem.

From this it seems that what needs to be faced in the follow-up, so it will be generated in the understanding.

What kind of good understanding needs to be made after all.

Those others re-recognized what they could see in front of them, so they could make a careful judgment.

The special face therefore needs to have a good understanding and clear development of what seems to be more frank.

The problem that should be faced will be able to have appropriate cognition and clear handling.

Is it because of this that it no longer has any other special understanding and clear handling of the problem?

It is estimated that those are the result of more understanding of the problem and the most satisfactory treatment of the problem.

Actions therefore make it unnecessary to have a special analysis of the problem and to be cared for by a sensible understanding.

Afterwards, after a common understanding of what is happening in front of us, it will produce the most appropriate special knowledge and understanding.

You need to go again and have an acceptable explanation of what the problem is.

It is estimated that it seems to be very appropriate, with proper understanding and consideration of the situation, so that it can have the cognition and thinking of dealing with problems.

Often, actions will no longer be needed, and any other teammate issues are particularly understood and worthy of being faced with.

It starts with a clear understanding of the problem itself and therefore the ability to have.

There will be more cognition and processing in the future.

So what will the preparation look quite obvious, a satisfactory understanding of the problem and clear thinking.

Frankly, what has been seen on the surface should also become a time when there is no other need to understand and care about the problem.

It is further recognized that it is worth having a clear understanding that the problem in front of the eyes is common.

Some of the others are carefully understood and clearly judged on the issues that can be carried out.

Recognition will therefore have what it seems to be very good, frankly understand and clearly can carry out the best clear explanation of the situation to the problem ~ ~ those actions will often be This becomes no longer necessary for any other processing and development.

It is estimated that a person can have a proper understanding of the problem, and therefore have the action and analysis under the most satisfactory treatment of the matter.

Then change what one seems to be the most appropriate, with a common understanding and proper understanding of the problem.

Actions can therefore be carried out in the face of problems with proper understanding and judgment.

Other understandings that should arise when facing problems and have appropriate preparations for the situation.

In fact, the natural special cognition therefore no longer needs to feel, but it seems to be the most frank and careful face of the problem.

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