Everyone on the victorious Z team was too excited to fall asleep at night. Of course, the excited people did not include Tono Maki.

As for why Tono Maki joined the night chat, Miss Anri will tell you.

It happened after the game.

"Tono-kun, someone asked me to.....This contract...For you."Anri Dijin said as she took out a document from her bag, and suddenly she thought of something and added,"She said her name is Mistina."

Tono Maki was a little confused at first, but suddenly realized it after Miss Anri said the last sentence, but then frowned again, muttering to herself,"Being capable is a good thing, but being too capable is not good either. Why are you so motivated all of a sudden? No, she knows my current situation, so she wants me to work even though she knows I don't have time. Tsk, want to squeeze the boss? Has she forgotten who pays her salary? Tsk, so annoying."

(Tono Maki at this moment belike: I'm so fed up with two-legged beasts [Cat and cat are playing badly.jpg])

Miss Anri didn't hear what he was saying clearly, she only saw Tono Maki saying something silently with an expressionless face.

She was a little confused, so she asked,"Sorry, Tono-kun, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing." Tono Maki said expressionlessly,"Please Miss Xing, prepare a cup of coffee for me, thank you."


Suddenly remembering something, Tono Maki called Miss Anri,"Miss Anri, use my goal point to exchange"

"Eh? Coffee?"

"Yes. To prevent that petty noodle man from gossiping about me"

"puff...cough cough...."Okay, no problem!" Hearing this, Dijin Anri almost couldn't help laughing on the spot.

But for the sake of adult dignity, she forced herself to smile and answered Tono Maki, then left quickly. She was afraid that if she laughed under the surveillance, she would be discovered by Huixin Shinpachi....

Anri Dijin went to prepare coffee.

Tono Maki sat in the empty restaurant and started reading the documents in his hand.

"Huh? More salary?!"After reading the document, Tono Maki had only one thought - that woman must be crazy because of poverty!!!

Then he stuffed the document back into the file bag without saying anything, and took out his mobile phone to send a message to Mistina - visa rejection, salary deduction of 1,000!

Mitina, who received the message, was not surprised at all, and replied calmly,"Okay, boss."

It was like a punch on cotton. Tono Maki felt inexplicably aggrieved. And he began to wonder why this stingy man was so calm this time.


After Anri returned to her office and laughed her ass off, she told Mistina the truth about Tono Maki's reaction as agreed with her. After

Mistina hung up the phone with Anri, she crossed her legs, drank red wine, admired her newly done manicure, and waited for news from Tono Maki.

"Anyway, my silly brother would only threaten me with deducting my money. Coincidentally, I made a lot of money this month, so I'll just deduct it."....

After the visa was rejected, it was clear that coffee was no longer needed. But the coffee had already been placed on the table, and it was his favorite.

Drink it or not.

With the idea of not sleeping tonight, Tono Maki watched the movie and enjoyed the cup of coffee.

He even began to think about what movie to watch or what book to read tonight.

But he never expected that no one would sleep tonight, and it was quite noisy..........

"Hey, have you watched the most popular anime series now?"

"Which one, which one?"

"That's the one....A man with blue hair and a man with white hair....hiss....Who is it?"

"Elf, a white-haired elf! Really!"

"Oh, yes, yes! That's it!"

The two newts held a meeting...

"Hey, Fengle, why did you know that I would play that position?"

"It was said by a monster. There is a monster in my heart"

"Monster? What is that?"

"He only appears when we play football, and only talks to me, grabs the ball, and dances more...."


"At that time, the monster told me that there was also a monster in Jie Shiyi's heart....."

Young couple talking about love...

"Um...My hair is a little split.....Hey, Guoshen, why did you start playing football?"

"Um...To become a hero, a hero who wins honor for his country. When I was a kid, I saw those world champions on TV wearing their country’s flags and being praised by people all over the world like heroes. I admired them very much......"

"Great, hero."

"What about you?"

Tsk, there are also ideals to talk about......

In the midst of the excitement, Toono Maki's eyes suddenly darkened - ah, humanity will be doomed sooner or later and destroyed.

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