As time goes by, the competition between teams becomes more and more intense......

As the number of people in the cafeteria increases, the four people still live their lives as usual. The only difference is that from time to time, they look for opponents they have already imagined.......

"When will King Ling come?......"

"Today." Yuan Yemu calculated the time, and then said with a smile,"If nothing unexpected happens, he will be here soon."

""Eh?" Nagi opened her eyes wide when she heard that, and then began to stare at the door.

Not only Nagi Seishirou, but others also began to pay attention to the situation at the door. Anyu Jubei looked at the three people who seemed to be looking forward to it, and he began to be curious about what the charm of this"Ling Wang" was.

"Ling Wang? It's a fashionable name. Is that the person you want?" Yi Sheng asked.

"Not only Nagi-kun, Maki-kun and I also want him." Erzi wiped his mouth and said.

Ant Sheng suddenly became interested and asked,"Who is he? Why do you all want him?"

Toono Maki looked at Ant Sheng and replied,"He is an all-around player, Ant Sheng."

Once Ling Wang is with this team, the playing style of this team will be more flexible - that's why I want him so much

"Oh?" Yisheng raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then played with the ends of his hair and looked towards the door,"Very fashionable, I want him too.


Yi Sheng thought about what would happen after Ling Wang joined the team, and the more he thought about it, the happier he felt.............

"Hey, Ling Wang, that shot was really amazing! Hey, everyone, don’t you agree?"

"Awesome Ling Wang!!"

"As expected of Ling Wang!! Na Ne, I believe that with Ling Wang here, we will always win!!"

Yu Ying Ling Wang looked at the boring people around him with a cold expression and said nothing.

What is this? So annoying, so boring......

Even though he had such a cold expression, he still received a lot of compliments from people around him.

"As long as you are strong enough, there are plenty of people who will polish your shoes for you."Looking at the scene not far away, Tono Maki said in a bored tone,"What boring people." Ling Wang listened to the people around him praising him one by one, and then recalled his attempt in the previous level - copying the opponent's ball skills. He was still a little short of strength, and his movements were a little inconsistent.....

""Ling Wang!"

A familiar yet strange voice sounded, successfully interrupting his thoughts. Ling Wang looked up and saw a familiar face with white fluffy hair standing in front of him, saying,"Ling Wang, I missed you."

Nagi Makoto looked at the different Mikage Ling Wang in front of him, and inexplicably felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart - Ling Wang, has changed.......Will he still play football with me?......

Like a puppy wagging its tail to beg for mercy, ha, Nagi Seijirou is not such a harmless animal!

Ling Wang was amused by his own thoughts, and then looked at the"white wolf" angrily and said,"Ah, long time no see, Nagi Seijirou. It seems that you are doing well after getting rid of me."

He didn't know what he was feeling. He only knew that the moment he saw Nagi Seijirou's face, he remembered the hateful back that regarded him as a burden!! The wolf that can't be tamed!!!

"Ling Wang....Oh, sorry....."Nagi Makoto lowered his head and said,"Please forgive my selfishness, okay?....."

Although what is said,...

——Hey, what's the next sentence? Oops, I forgot. Let's go to the last sentence directly. OxO...

The three people who looked at Nagi Makoto and Shirou lowered their heads were speechless....

"He must have forgotten. Erzi closed his eyes and said painfully

"It's so unfashionable! You ruined my perfect script!"Anyu Jubei said angrily.

Such a tacky acting is simply a stain on my fashion sense!

"So, you were the ones who arranged this botched reunion?"


"No way!!"

Listening to this hoarse shout, Tono Maki seemed to be thinking about something, with a strange expression

[[Tono Maki: So you guys like this] [

Erzi: It’s really not what you think!! He didn’t say the other person was Mikage Reio at that time!!! [

Antsei: My fame for life!!! Damn Nagi Makoto Shirou!!!]...

Nagi Makoto waited anxiously for Ling Wang's answer, thinking about what to do next.

[Nagi Makoto: Is what Ant Sheng and Erzi taught really useful? OxO]

Mikage Rei looked at the familiar yet strange figure in front of him, and inadvertently thought of the first time he met him.

Maybe he is right, Rei thought. He has moved forward, but I am still standing still. It is no wonder that he....

Ling Wang looked at Nagi Makoto who was looking down, with mixed feelings in his heart, and finally said,"No...Nagi, you did nothing wrong....", and then walked away.

Nagi Makoto Shirou was left standing there, feeling uneasy - Ling Wang, have you forgiven me?....

Slowly walking towards his team, Nagi Makoto kept replaying Ling Wang's expression in his mind - would Ling Wang have such an expression?......

On the other side, Ling Wang sat quietly on the chair and ate his meal, constantly recalling his own shame in his mind - that unreasonable behavior, that ugly posture.

Rather than hating Nagi Makoto's betrayal, it was more like hating his own weakness.

Thinking of this, Ling Wang's eyes gradually became complicated - maybe I can't live without Nagi, not what I thought, Nagi can't live without me......

【Ling Wang, you were born to surpass me, and everything in the world belongs to you. 】

Everything is too easy for me, as long as I want it, I can get it easily......

What I want is a unique treasure that belongs to me alone.......

【Do you want to play football with me? If you work hard, you may become a professional player.

I always thought that I was strong.....

But, I am not as strong as I thought, nor do I have such outstanding talent.

I lost a game and lost my self-confidence. I began to blame others, gave up on myself, and hated all the injustices I encountered. Then I let the flame of revenge continue to burn, supporting me to move forward.....

But when I saw them again, and when I saw Nagi Makoto and Shirou again, I felt relieved. I can't blame them, I should blame myself for being too weak......

"Ha, it's still unclear who will win or lose....."Ling Wang looked at Tono Maki who was raising his glass to him not far away, and grinned,"I will get Nagi Makoto back. Wait, Marky.""

"Good luck, Reo." Tono Maki drank the drink in the cup and turned away....

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