Playing against the U-20 Neon National Team was a dream for almost everyone present.

Who would have thought that a little-known person not long ago would now stand in front of the U-20 National Team and become their opponent?

As long as you win, you can join the national team and completely change your life!!!

How exciting!!

Even Ling Wang was deeply attracted by such conditions - my ideal is about to enter the next stage!!!

However, after the beautiful fantasy ended, you still need to face the reality in front of you.......

"Wait, wait a minute...Although this is an opportunity, how to arrange the 11 members of the Blue Prison selection team?!"

"Choose a striker, a midfielder, and a defender from among us, like this?"

"There is also a goalkeeper."Tono Maki raised his eyes and said,"Blue Prison selects 11 people, including the goalkeeper, to build an all-forward team to play against Itoshi Sae"

"But how to choose?"

"I will form a team with the next 6 players as the core." Huixin Shinpachi reappeared on the screen and said

"They are the top 6 candidates in the overall score."Huixin looked at the players on the field and continued,"To build a team in just 3 weeks, this is the most reasonable way to gamble."

"First up is Tono Maki, who ranks No.1 overall.——"

"NO.2Shishi Rin——"

"NO.3Shidao Ryusho——"

"NO.4. Black Traveler——"

"NO.5. Night Shadow Tai——"

"NO.6 Snow Palace Sword——"

After reading the last name, Yuan Yemu raised his left hand, looked up at Hui Xin, and said with a smile,"Do you really need me to play, Hui Xin?""

"Maybe." Huixin Shinpachi looked at him and said calmly after a while.

"Mr. Huixin, that...For future consideration, I want to ask a very direct question."Yukimiya hesitated, then raised his hand and asked,"Why am I ranked sixth? What is the gap between me and the first place?"

After hearing the question, Huixin said,"Tono Maki, Itoshi Rin, Shidao Ryusei. These three were able to score goals in the world qualifiers. Tono Maki scored two goals, Itoshi Rin and Shidao Ryusei scored one goal."

Looking at Yukimiya's surprised face, he continued,"The second is the total number of goals scored since the first round, and the evaluation of you by the five members of the world qualifiers. Finally, add my own judgment. Do you understand, four-eyed gentle model?"

""I understand, thank you!" Xue Gong replied with a smile, but his mind was full of thoughts....

Having solved the"difficult and complicated problems", Huixin Jinpachi began to talk about his arrangement for the team afterwards - the TOP6 will be divided into 3 groups according to ranking, from high to low, with two people in each level. There will be 3 teams in total.

Then, the remaining 29 people can freely choose which team to join. After deciding, submit the list.

Then, 3 people will be randomly assigned to join the selected team in turn, forming a 5-person team, and they will compete to select the most suitable teammates for the TOP6.

"Due to the number of people, I will allow one of you to participate in two games.——"Shinpachi Eishin said,"Nigi Seishiro! This role will be played by you."

Nagi lowered her head silently,"Ah...So complicated......."

"Nagi, keep up the good work." Ling Wang patted his shoulder and said.

The arrangement has been announced, and now it's time to think..........

"Lin, play a game with me"


So Tono Maki and Itoshi Rin went to the court together -

Tono Maki dribbled the ball, stood on the green field, and asked,"Rin. What kind of teammates do you want? Don't tell me, you still don't care."

Rin did warm-up exercises, smiled, and then replied,"I want to exceed my imagination."

Since losing once, Rin felt that the choice of teammates is also important - no matter how strong, I am only one person, and I can't take care of everything.

"It sounds like you already have a choice."

"Yeah." Rin said,"Kie Seiichi, Bee Lehui, and Kirara Ryosuke."

Hearing this, Tono Maki smiled and said,"There are three people....Not bad, Rin."

"I'm not a kid anymore, don't look down on me."

Yuan Yemu raised his eyebrows, and then said,"Then I want the remaining two places. I want Ling Wang and Er Zi Yihui."

Lin nodded, and then made a gesture, indicating that Yuan Yemu could launch the attack....

The superb skills were displayed in the pursuit and the changes of offense and defense. In such a tense and serious situation, the two were extremely relaxed and even had the mood to chat.——

"Rin, do you want to defeat Master Sae yourself?"

"I want to. I want to too much. I am eager for this day to come."

Hook the ball and stand up.

Tono Maki brushed the hair on his forehead back and said,"You only have one chance, Rin. Be well prepared."

As he said that, he threw the ball up with his feet, caught it with his hands, and turned and walked away.

""Rin, that's all for today. Go and prepare yourself."

The echo of his words echoed in the empty venue. Shishi Rin looked at him leaving and smiled.

You always know what I want.....Muge.....

Training photos of Itoshi Sae, newspapers with Itoshi Sae's pictures, and a football signed by Itoshi Sae....

"Thank you, Brother Mu." Lin whispered.......

Tono Maki came to the restaurant, sipped fine wine and enjoyed dinner. As the fine wine passed over his tongue, he thought of something inappropriately - would Rin be moved to tears? After all, Rin was a crying child when he was young.

Sometimes he would also lament the passage of time. Rin grew up from a child who clung to his brother to what he is now. And he also changed from a person whose eyes would be wet at the slightest scar to a person without tears.

People always miss the past at a certain time.

Nostalgia, such a useless existence, will only waste time.

Tono Maki watched as the people around him became fewer and fewer, thinking about the bouquets in his room and the books in the study; thinking about the warmth of his mother brushing over his head, thinking about the snow-capped mountains; thinking about the birds that briefly stayed on the window sill, thinking about the melodious music coming from the record player.

Nostalgia is only temporary, because people will eventually move forward.

Prepare to meet the enemy at the next stop, prepare to enjoy the scenery at the next stop - Be ready for it.

Rin, it's time to look forward.

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