Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

556. After all, I still can't escape the fate of being sold

"Hahaha, it's so embarrassing! Come on, strip off this bald man! (^x)"

Looking at the tattered Da Yemu with blue and purple face on his face, Raikage's mood at this moment is quite high. The only thing that makes him feel that there is a fly in the ointment is that Da Yemu still has a clump of hair on his head. He came out and talked about it. He had to do it, and if he said he wanted to strip off his hair, he wouldn't leave any of it.

Raikage gave his son a look and then continued to bully him. Although he is not good at speed, he did not turn on Lightning Style Chakra Mode. His speed is not very fast, but this is relative to his sons, Namikaze Minato, Hatake Sakumo For this type of agile hero, after receiving electromagnetic therapy for a long time, his thigh and calf muscles also exploded, and the speed of the explosion was also unseen by the naked eye.

In just a split second, he rushed in front of Onogi. This time, he didn't grab a fist. Instead, he opened his palm and grabbed it on Onogi's forehead. With his strength, as long as this tuft of hair was caught by him, Onogi would basically be completely bald.

"Bastard! Rock Fist Technique....!??¤??"



However, although Onomu is a flying archmage, he rarely fights with people, but this body technique is not bad, otherwise he would have been stunned by others, and he is short and heavy. The speed is also not slow, the key is that he is more flexible when floating in the air, knowing that this bastard who hides his head and shows his tail and dare not show his real body is the hair that he cares about most, the whole person is even more angry, dodging left and right in the air. Flash was doing all sorts of difficult moves desperately to protect his few remaining hair.

In the process of dodging again, taking advantage of Raikage's empty door and taking advantage of his own shortness, a giant rock fist slammed into Raikage's chest. Kick him away one step ahead of him.

"Hahaha! Labor and management are here again! (^?^-)?"

Seeing Oh Yemu being kicked away by his son, Raikage is about to eliminate the dog. As the old saying goes, you only need three points to shoot, and seven points are reserved for defense, but now that the father and son are working together tacitly, Raikage is even more active. With the appearance of staying power, he continued to pursue Oh Yemu, his eyes were firmly against the hair on Oh Yemu's head, showing a firm-ray of light.



The future Fourth Raikage, who kicked Onogi again, has a good foot feel, but he feels helpless when he sees his father doing this. He used to be meticulous and serious, and his father seems to be a different person. He deeply doubts whether it is Infected by the Golden Lion, my father was not like this before, even if I wanted to K Oh Yemu, but there would not be such a messy play...

For some reason, he looked at Oh Yemu with a trace of sympathy. You said that it wasn't enough to mess with Konoha, but also to mess with my father and Golden Lion. Isn't this blaming yourself?

Although their plan this time was just Haibian Dayoki, he could think of how the dignified generation Tsuchikage was stripped of his hair, and how he would meet people in the future......

"Hi....! This is... Five Tails?'99

In a cave far away from Iwagakure in the Land of Earth, Shinto took Five Tails all the way and arrived here in two days. I have to say that Five Tails deserves to have half the blood of horses. It's really fast, it originally took five days to travel, but now it's two days, and it's the first time for Shinto to experience the feeling of fast speed in this world.

But when I was waiting in the cave, I walked out of the cave and looked up, I couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.


Too bad!

It's so horrific!

If it weren't for the size of the tailed beast, which is far larger than other creatures, he really couldn't see that the mount that his good brother was riding on the head full of big bags and small bags was Five Tails, which is really different from the Five Tails illustrations in this document. too much!

Don't look at the ugly tailed beasts, but people's body size is definitely the most golden ratio in each species template. In this regard, the old Six Paths still has merit.

But look at this Five Tails now, the head is really big, not to mention that it was hammered by his poor brother, but the whole head is not bloated, it is bigger than the body , There is still a little bit of golden ratio here and there, if it weren't for the outstanding dolphin face, he really wouldn't recognize this big monster as a special Five Tails.

I don't know if it's broken or not. If it's broken, he doesn't know how to negotiate with Rock Shinobi. Looking at the big monster sitting down with his good brother sympathetically, Kakuzu sighed in his heart, and he didn't even know what these things were. What kind of sins did you do before you got slapped? Did you do your best brother's last life, and now the retribution is coming... . . .

・・・・Seeking flowers・・


Feeling the color of sympathy in Kakuzu's green eyes, Five Tails' two big copper bells have tears in their eyes. Although it is embarrassing to be sympathized by others, it really wants to cry now, and can't wait to use its hooves to slap it hard. Give yourself a dolphin face a few times, and pretend it's okay!

Well now, I've been beaten so much that I don't even know anyone...  

"Ah, the beating was so hilarious, I stopped my hand and hammered it a few more times, but it's okay, this thing is durable and recovers quickly, so it shouldn't affect the price? I can exchange the share of it into supplies and send it to the village for me."

Shinto patted Five Tails' big head "gently" after proving that the thing recovered quickly.


Lying on the ground, Five Tails didn't say anything, but it already knew what was waiting for it when it heard here.

Although he was beaten very painfully, he ran and breathed free air all the way, thinking that he had met a good person who could return his freedom, but he did not expect that he would not be able to escape the betrayal in the end.

This kid is as jerk as Senju Hashirama!

"It won't affect the price... Forget it, let's seal it first.

Looking at Five Tails with tears in his eyes, Kakuzu may feel that the tailed beast also has dignity. It seems that it is not very good to discuss the price of what others can sell in front of others.

He simply took out a pot-shaped sealing tool, found an open ground and placed it on it, and looked at Shinto.

After two minutes.

...... not to be sealed?

Being stared at by a pair of luscious green eyes was quite uncomfortable, and Shinto had a question mark on his face when he saw Kakuzu said he was going to seal it and didn't move.

"Wait for you, I won't do that.

Kakuzu shook his head as a matter of course, the sealing technique is too high-end, there are almost no other ninja villages except the five major ninja villages, Senju Hashirama hadn't died before he defected from the village, and the Uzumaki clan are still alive, where can he learn that? thing........

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