Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

904. White Fang: They can't do it

"You bastard! (^∇X)"

Looking at this bastard's cheap face, Dayemu's nose turned purple, but he couldn't speak again. Their land country really can't get 50 billion, let alone his land country, even if The Kingdom of Fire couldn't have come up with so much money for a while. He really didn't think of any way for a while. He just came here to disrupt the situation. Don't put on a suit.

For the first time in so many years, Oh Yemu was pointed at the nose and sprayed, and he couldn't return his mouth. Thinking about it, his liver hurts. It's all because of this idiot's name!

"It doesn't matter if I'm a jerk or not, I'm a jerk and you get money too!

Shinto said slowly with his hands.


Onomu looked at his dead skinned face, and the more he looked, the more angry he became. The white light flashed on his hand. He really wanted to shoot this bastard with a map cannon, and the world would be quiet.

"Yo, you still want to do it, right? Come on, if someone persuades someone to walk out of this door on their knees, and still want to do it because they owe money, is there still a king's law? Is there a law?"

Shinto looked at the white light on Ohnogi's hand, and his anger also came. He jumped on the stool two heads taller than Ohnogi, rolled up his sleeves and gave him the contempt of Madara.

"Bastard, there is a kind of us one-on-one! (^▼ㄨ)"

Those familiar eyes completely ignited Dayemu, and his anger rushed to Tianling Gai in an instant. If there weren't too many boys here who were afraid of hurting innocent people, he really wanted to fight this bastard for life and death.

"Just fight, I'm so afraid that you're a dead dwarf with a red nose? Come on, try it out...  

Shinto grabbed the daimyo and talked to the nearest Rock Shinobi boy who ignored Ohnogi's death stare.

"You bastard..."

Oh Yemu was so angry that he didn't dare to do anything. The name of the idiot didn't matter. If he died, he died. The big deal was to change another one. Anyway, there were so many sons of the previous generation, but this bastard caught one of his younger brothers.

"Lord Tsuchikage, let's do it, we Rock Shinobi are not afraid of death! I just hope that Lord Tsuchikage will help me take care of my old parents after my death, and tell them that I am unfilial...

Unlike the big name who is about to pee his pants, this Rock Shinobi kid is much tougher, and looks like he is dying and feels that it is not enough to add an emotional scene to himself.

If you ask for five hundred yuan, it will add drama. Which director doesn't like it?

Anyway, Oh Yemu liked it to the death. Seeing such a tough little brother, he was even more reluctant to kill this little brother.


The daimyo of the surrounding countries watched the scene of Golden Lion and Onogi fighting each other, swallowed hard, the cold sweat kept running down, the psychological quality almost softened his feet, and the sweat of the daimyo of the country of fire made his face even worse. The situation was all melted, and he looked at the two of them with trembling fear. At this time, he didn't have the heart to think about the 50 billion he won, for fear that Oh Yemu would be stimulated to shoot a map gun here, and he would become a fire if he didn't. Is it the shortest name in the history of the country?

His grandfather has been in power for 30 years, and his last name, the old father, has been in power for more than 40 years. He has only been in power for ten years, and there are still several decades waiting for him to be handsome. .

In short, it is not a pleasant word for him, who is the most man in the time period... Now he doesn't want to come for 50 billion. He just wants to go home quickly, go back to his famous mansion, and go outside. It's so dangerous!

Those bodyguards didn't know what was going on, didn't they ask them to find White Fang? Why haven't they come yet......

And the famous name of the country of fire did not know that his twelve shinobi bodyguards were blocked by a pile of Rock Shinobi in front of the private room at this time, and they couldn't get in, and when they went to White Fang, White Fang replied indifferently. "They can't fight" and left with Little Brother Konoha.

It seems to outsiders that Golden Lion and Oh Yemu fight each other, which is rare for decades. For ordinary people and even more, the fight between gods and mortals suffers. But for people in this circle, it is already the norm, and the two have been fighting for decades and have not seen that real fight. This is still Oh Yemu's territory, and his people are all around him.

It's impossible for him to really fuck with Golden Lion in such a place, and the two of them would just be arguing...  

White Fang is not a master of talking guns, so he wouldn't join in the fun in such a scene.

"Cough cough, Lord Tsuchikage, Lord Golden Lion, please calm down, this is not the solution, we will naturally recognize our name if we lose, but there is no evidence to say it, I wonder if you can let me take a look at the note written in the name? "

Seeing that his boss and Golden Lion didn't mean to stop at all, and his boss, who had been wrong all the time, was still out of the way, Tu Mu knew that he was going to stand up and give the boss a step up, he could be the leader for decades by the boss's side It is not unreasonable, not only the IQ is enough, but also the vision is not lost, so he stood up and said slowly.

|| We are all acquaintances, I will give you a face for civil engineering, that is, because you are in Iwagakure, you have not been dragged down by this dead dwarf red nose. "

Shinto saw that Tu Mu came out, and everyone had been similar for decades, and he could give it as much as he could, anyway, he took out the note written by the name of the land of the earth and gave it to Tu Mu with him.

He doesn't worry that Tumu will ruin this bet. After all, he has been a Rock Shinobi giant for decades, and Tumu is still in the mood, and they can't afford to lose this face to Rock Shinobi.


Ohnogi snorted coldly and didn't say a word, this kind of low-level provocation doesn't work for him, anyway, it is the second generation after Senju Tobirama, he has always provoked each other, when will it be his turn? !

"Your Excellency the Golden Lion appreciates....hiss!"

After Tu Mu took the list, he took a look. Although he knew in advance that the idiot (Li Le's) bet 50 billion and put down the document, but now I can't help my toothache when I see it with my own eyes, and I slapped this to death. Stupid impulse.

Even if you write it down and sign your name, even if you are stupid enough to press your fingerprints, this is not a fool, there is no chance for him to find out what's wrong, 50 billion, their Rock Shinobi's total income for several years can only be These five billion.

This time, Rock Shinobi held this joint exam, although they made a fortune, but the time was too short, less than 8 billion, this stupid name bet 50 billion all at once, really fuck...

"Have you seen it? It's written in black and white, and there is a stamp on the back. Although there is no fingerprint test, the ten snails on your thumb should not be fake, right?"9

Seeing that Tu Mu was almost out of breath, Shinto raised his eyebrows proudly.


Five billion.

It will take a while to change to Luosha....... buy,

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