41. The Birth of the New Resistance!!


Wide shifts the awkward atmosphere.

“Elg is being held captive by the Saintess! We need to see the Saintess to help Elg! And Gildia has business with the Saintess to help the Great Sage, right?”

“Ah, that’s how it is.”

Gildia nods.

“Then let’s get to the point! Let’s cooperate! If the Great Sage has lost his sanity, then it’s highly likely that the Saintess has as well! Therefore, just like this time, it is necessary to bring down the Saintess!”

Despite Guildia’s reluctance, Rainel agrees.

“Of course! I was planning on that from the start! Just leave it to me if it’s to help Lord Elg!”

Guildia watches him with a sidelong glance.

“You’ve really changed, haven’t you…?”

At that moment, a man raises his hand.

“I would also like to make a request. I believe it is necessary for me to meet the Saintess to understand the current situation, so I would like to offer my cooperation as well!”

The Great Sage earnestly makes his plea.

“Ugh, if the Great Sage says so, then I’m not opposed… Fine! Just this once! You all owe me a debt! This is to repay that! Understood?!”

Reluctantly, Guildia agrees.

Seeing this, the Great Sage smiles warmly.

“Hehe, it’s almost like watching Elcia…”

Everyone tilts their heads at the unfamiliar name.

“Oh! My apologies! I was just reminded of my party members… The girl named Elcia is someone who struggles to express her feelings directly, always taking the long way around and unknowingly losing out because of it.”

Then, looking at Guildia,

“I felt a resemblance to her in you.”

Guildia, slightly embarrassed, is taken aback.

“Wha—! I have never hidden my true feelings and intend to express them clearly!!”

“Hehe, is that so?”

It felt like watching a gentle interaction between a father and daughter, and everyone began to feel a sense of closeness to the two who had previously kept their distance.

Seeing this, Wide cleared his throat.

“Ahem! Now, let’s return to the main topic, regarding our cooperation with the Resistance in detail.”

“If we are to cooperate, I have something to say…”

The Great Sage raises his hand.

“What is it?”

“Um, you see, when everyone calls me the Great Sage, it feels a bit distant, so if you don’t mind, please just call me Kelt.”

At the unexpected request, a few people froze, and Rainel even let out a laugh.

“Haha! That’s right, Kelt! It might be a bit out of place to be so formal when everyone is cooperating! So feel free to call me Rainel too!”

In that flow, Guildia seemed to feel a sense of exclusion.

“W-Well then, I don’t mind being called Guildia.”

Seeing this, the entire resistance group responded similarly.

“Then call me Gora.”

“I’m Aira.”

“I am called Wido.”

“Alright! It’s starting to feel like a team! Let’s raise a toast to the formation of our new resistance!”

Gora initiated this.

“Hey, old man!? What are you saying!?”

Aira was bewildered.

“Why am I being made a member of the resistance!?”

Gildia was confused.

“Sounds good! I also enjoy a good ale!”

“I like that vibe too!”

Kelt and Rainer chimed in.

“Ugh, just when we thought the members were already intense, it’s getting even more so…”

Wido buried his head in his hands.

Setting aside their entanglements and grudges, the two groups, with their deep divides, had now united for a common purpose.

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