Bright Era

Chapter 1446: Ask for directions by throwing stones (2)

Lin Qi took away a large number of guards from the Longshan family. Now there are only more than a thousand dwarves and half-orc warriors beside Arda. In addition, the two holy masters, Esco and Farlan, and dozens of disciples also stayed in Arda. Around.

Hearing Arda’s call, the Saint Mage Este first shot. His staff shook, and an ice storm roared into the house, instantly sending hundreds of happy knights and the children of nobles and wealthy merchants. The guard was trembling with cold, lying on the ground unable to move.

Farran led the disciples slowly toward the courtyard. With a flick of his finger, a small fireball that solidified like a stone shot out, and the thumb-sized fireball shot accurately with a harsh howling. On the guards' weapons, they turned them into molten iron, forcing them to scream and throw their weapons on the ground.

There was a neat running sound from all directions, and a large group of regular soldiers of the Great Yan Dynasty were approaching here.

A soft voice with a somewhat obscene and obscene atmosphere came from the house: "This is the internal affairs of the Temple of Joy. Anyone who dares to intervene in the affairs of the Temple is an enemy of my church!"

The regular army of the Great Yan Dynasty, who was about to rush to the vicinity, suddenly stopped advancing, and then a large number of court guards from the God of War Palace rushed over, holding the transfer token, and drove these troops back to the barracks. At the same time, tens of thousands of soldiers from the Great Yan Dynasty blocked the nearby streets and put the area under martial law.

The attitude of the God of War is very clear. If you want to make trouble in the temple of joy, then give you a place to make trouble.

Then Yan Chimei personally led the team to rush out of Yancheng. She had no intention of interfering with the people from the Temple of Joy. At the same time, she was anxious to see her people, especially her younger brother, so although she knew she shouldn’t be at this time Acting recklessly, she still rushed out of Yancheng with the excuse made by Fraternity·Joy and greeted Lin Qi's motorcade.

In the house, Boai, wearing a white parrot feather coat, happily dropped the wine glass, and walked out of the small building with a girl in her arms around her clothes almost completely clean. Several beautiful and charming goddesses who seem to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, but whose eyes have accumulated thousands of years of vicissitudes, are clustered by Boai Huanyu, and their every move is accompanied by a large pink petal phantom fluttering.

"What is this for?" Standing on the steps in front of the small building, Boai Huanyu looked at Arda, Enzo and others who rushed into the house coldly: "Caesar...Aha, sorry, it's the Great Yan Dynasty! Um, when did the Great Yan Dynasty allow a group of foreigners to infringe upon the homes of the people of the country at will? Du Dun, this is your home, you will handle this matter!"

A fat white man with a height of two meters and a waist circumference of about 2.5 meters walked out of the crowd panting.

Du Dun, who controlled more than half of the empire’s ordnance trade and maintained good cooperative relations with the major military aristocratic families, looked down on Enzo and Arda, and raised his fat chin proudly: "Give you the last chance. Apologize, leave me the cost of repairing the gate, and get out!"

Arda smiled, he was about to speak, Enzo was already like a sharp-edged sword, and strode out. He exuded a breath of suffocation, slowly walked to the bottom of the steps, raised his head and looked at Du Dun who was standing on the steps.

"Give you the last chance to hand over Duke Green Forest and all his entourages, apologize, and compensate 100 million gold coins for the medical expenses of Duke Green Forest and his entourage, otherwise your family does not need to exist!" Enzo The words are extremely tough.

Du Dun looked at Enzo curiously. He knew who Enzo was, ‘Ente Marte’, who had risen rapidly in the Gaul Empire recently and has been a high-ranking empire star in just over a year. At a young age, just because of the incredible combat exploits of annihilating an orc army, he was canonized as a marquis of the empire by the Holy Light I, and his rank was also promoted to an empire general!

According to Enzo's development momentum, he has a great tendency to replace Marshal Beian and become the new Minister of Military Affairs of the Gaul Empire.

Marshal Beian is already a lot older, but Enzo is so young, even if he is only a master of heaven, he can influence the military of the Gaul Empire for at least a hundred years in the future! A hundred years of operation, even if he is a pig, he will also become the number one tycoon of the mainland's First Empire military.

Such a person, to be honest, Du Dun didn't want to offend!

His family is based in the Great Yan Dynasty. He controls half of the empire's ordnance trade, but everyone is motivated. Du Dun also wants to develop his own business into the Gaul Empire. You know, even if it is the annual replacement and maintenance of ordnance of a legion, this is a big business worth millions of gold coins, and there are dozens of permanent legions in the Gaul Empire.

"Marquis Ente Marte, this matter seems to have nothing to do with you, right?" Du Dun smiled brightly. He rubbed his fat hands and walked down the steps with his smiling face, smiling to reach Enzo. In front of him: "As long as you don't care about tonight's affairs, I will send a great gift to your administrative office later. I, Du Dun, sincerely want to be your friend!"

Enzo held the hilt with his backhand, he looked at Du Dun coldly, and the long sword suddenly made a high-pitched cry in the sheath: "Be my friend? Are you worthy?"

Enzo's knee suddenly lifted, and his hard knee pressed hard against Du Dun's abdomen. As a giant businessman, Du Dun’s combat effectiveness is really not very strong. Perhaps with the help of certain drugs, Du Dun can attack the city on the specific battlefield of the Temple of Joy without any disadvantage, but it is really necessary to talk with people. Du Dun has never seen blood before in his life.

Du Dun's eyes widened in horror. He only felt that a red-burning metal stake had smashed into his belly. His internal organs were all convulsed, rubbing his whole body fat with severe pain. His convulsive body exudes a high temperature, and his fat suddenly turned into a greasy hot sweat and sprayed out of his pores.

Opening his mouth, he spouted a stinky smell of strong wine and meat, Du Dun staggered back a few steps, and a trace of blood ran down the corner of his mouth: "So, now, we are the enemy!"

Enzo drew his sword without hesitation, the sword light flashed, and the sword tip flashed from the back of Du Dun's head. A thin stream of blood sprayed out from Du Dun's neck and the back of his head. Du Dun's huge body trembled, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Until his death, Du Dun didn't figure out why Enzo was unwilling to accept his great gift and become his friend.

He even couldn't understand why, as a Gaul, Enzo dared to kill on the land of the Great Yan Dynasty!

Enzo exuded a strong murderous aura, and that kind of murderous aura that seemed to be real made Boai Joy, who was standing on the steps, trembles involuntarily, and stepped backwards embarrassedly. At this moment, Boai Huanyu seemed to have seen those powerful existences that had scared him a long time ago!

Although Enzo’s power is really insignificant compared to Fraternity·Joyfulness, Fraternity·Joyfulness has no courage to fight against Enzo—you can count on a **** who turns around and escapes every time in a lifetime. , Did he take the initiative to attack a predator who had never escaped in his life and stepped out of countless **** winds?

On Enzo's long sword, a puff of blood slowly shed, tickly falling to the ground.

Looking at Fraternity·Joy with cold eyes, Enzo slowly stepped up the steps: "Hand over Duke Green Forest and all his entourage! If you hurt them, then someone will settle accounts with you naturally! If they are dead, Then fraternity•happy, or you have other identities, you have to bury them!"

Hard and unyielding, mighty and domineering, and the whole body is aggressive, this is the only feeling that Enzo, who has been growing up in the fight for more than ten years, gives people.

Several old priests stopped in front of Enzo, and their faces were also shocked, but after all, they were one of the true powerhouses who had few joyful temples. Although Enzo's murderous aura was amazing, they still Can barely bear.

A goddess officer with long light green hair smiled and put a hand on Enzo's chest: "Very majestic young man, don't you be so angry! What can't you talk about? Hehe, the weather outside is so cold. , Why don't we go in and talk about it?"

Bo Ai Huanyu suddenly woke up from his gaffe, he coughed into anger, and murmured, "This kid and the Longshan family wear a pair of pants. They are in the same group. Take him down and force the Longshan family to come out. And our Queen, I heard that she has acquiesced to the marriage with Duke Green Forest? Hey, Duke Green Forest is in my hands, how can they marry?"

Enzo looked at Boai Huanyu with cold eyes. It is no wonder that Huanyu Temple will find trouble with Dragon City. The feeling is because he and Yan Chimei have concluded a marriage contract?

It seems that the Huanyu Temple really values ​​Yan Chimei's identity. This is the second time that Yan Chimei has acted for Yan Chimei. And it’s different from the first time that only Fraternity•Huanyu was a wasteful appearance. This time they sent a few masters who didn’t look weak, but it was strange that the masters of the Temple of Joy were all women. ?

The long sword suddenly brought a dazzling cold light!

When he was the number one thug in the Iron Fist Brotherhood, Enzo's swordsmanship was fast, straight forward, never retreating, never flinching, stabs forward and stabs as fast as he can!

In the Black Raven Gorge defense line, although Enzo only showed the strength of the heavenly position, in fact, in the battle of Etres’s bloodbath, Enzo and several old brothers absorbed the dragon king’s blood. 'S strength has reached the realm of a half god!

With a demigod fighting spirit, and a body that became stronger after absorbing the blood of the Dragon King, Enzo was transporting his sword at this moment, and the sword power was like a billion meteors flying down the ground, and thousands of swords shot out in the blink of an eye. His sword is so fast that he can't see his movements clearly. Everyone just feels that Enzo's hand shakes, and a bright light bursts out of his hand. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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