Bright Era

Chapter 1465: Confusion empire? (Four)

"If you need other enjoyment, such as bacon, roast goose and other artistic food, then the price can only be negotiated!"

"Cracking" said a long list of words that made Yale Yellowstone and the two demigods unable to recover for a long time. Didi smiled and waved: "Of course, we also provide free food. Everyone is half a glass of water a day, about one or two. A piece of heavy brown bread ensures that everyone will not starve to death. Of course, it will not feel good to be hungry!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Didi said calmly: "Okay, everyone can enter the city, but remember some of the precepts you have to abide by, Chaos City can only enter but not exit, and it is strictly forbidden to attack the soldiers of the Dragon Horn Legion, otherwise it will be killed!"

Didi's voice echoed in the night sky, and Yale Huangshi and others looked at Didi in astonishment.

After a long time, Yale Huangshi roared angrily: "I want to see Wolf, you killed my son! The soldiers of the Caesar Empire, killed the prince of the Yellowstone Kingdom! According to the mainland aristocratic protection law... "

"There is no Caesar Empire, nor mainland aristocrats." Didi stroked the girl's buttocks impatiently: "The Caesar Empire is dead, and it is replaced by a Great Yan Dynasty, so the Dragon Horn Legion decided to abandon the Caesar Empire. We are ready to establish ourselves in the Eastern Great Plains!"

Weird smiled strangely, Didi looked at the dumbfounded Yale Huangshi and others and said: "You can go to Chaos City Noble House for identity verification. If you are sure that you are the high-ranking nobles of the Yellowstone Kingdom, if you are willing to sign the soul agreement and support the great Yes, uh, the great Majesty Arthur ascended the throne to become the emperor of the chaotic empire, then you can enjoy all the wine and food without spending money to buy!

"Of course, this kind of preferential treatment is limited to nobles. If your entourage does not have the status of nobles, they will either spend gold coins to buy food and water, or... or just be hungry, thirsty, or be like the girl in my arms. , Use the body to please us, then her immediate family members can get enough food!"

Yale Huangshi looked at Didi blankly, and after a long time he roared angrily: "How dare you do this?"

All the dragon generals and half-dragon warriors looked at Yale Yellowstone with foolish eyes. After a while, Didi slowly said, "Why do we dare to do this? Of course, that’s because, We can do it, we want to do it, and then we dare to do it, we have the strength to do it, so we did it!"

Shaking his head, Didi spit on Yale Huangshi's body disdainfully: "You are still a nobleman at your level? Ah, you have to ask for such a simple thing. It's just... huh? "

When Didi was speaking, the old man holding the long sword had already jumped up, his azure long sword let out a dragon roar, and sprayed out a tens of meters long sword qi and slashed towards Didi fiercely. The old man shouted sharply: "No one can insult the dignity of the Yellowstone Kingdom!"

Didi laughed wildly. With a flick of his finger, a black-red fireball shot out, but the thumb-sized fireball brought a fire that was tens of meters long. One blow interrupted the old man’s sword and penetrated it. His forehead.

With a loud bang, the old man’s body exploded to shreds, and his body fragments burned quickly, and soon burned into a plume of blue smoke.

"No one can insult the dignity of the Yellowstone Kingdom?" Didi smiled mockingly. He touched his big bald head and said slowly: "Of course, I didn't mean to insult the dignity of the Yellowstone Kingdom, I'm just explaining a fact! When you enter Chaos City, you have to listen to our arrangements. Obediently, you will be able to drink spicy food, not obedient, hey!"

Before the demigod old man holding the staff could speak, the two magic dragon generals had already rushed to his side, grabbed his thigh, and slammed them to both sides. Countless noble women of the Yellowstone Kingdom screamed and fainted and fell to the ground. The demigod old man howled, his body was torn into two pieces abruptly.

Didi's fingers swayed gently in the air, a black ripple in the sky slowly spread, and two demigod souls were drawn in. After a while, a pure dragon force was injected into Didi's body far away, and Didi's strength increased a little, which was roughly equivalent to the strength he had gained through centuries of hard work.

"Now, please come into the city!" Didi looked at Yale Yellowstone, who was inhumane, and smiled slowly.

"Remember what I said, or just enjoy free drinking water and brown bread every day. Our great Majesty Arthur is a kind man. He will not let you starve to death. Of course, our Majesty Arthur is very poor recently. I’m too poor to sell pants, so the free food must be a bit pitiful."

"Or, you just buy enough food to enjoy at our price. You are all noble lords. What is a little gold coin? By the way, if you don’t have enough gold coins, your various land deeds and property contracts are us. We will also be converted into gold coins at 30% of the market price, and see how generous and generous we are!"

"As for if you don’t want to spend money, but also want to continue to eat and drink, and if you want sufficient protection for your personal safety, you have to be obedient. Go to the aristocratic court, and there will be a dedicated person to receive it. You, sign the soul agreement, on behalf of the Yellowstone Kingdom to support His Majesty Arthur to become the new Majesty of the Chaos Empire in the future, let the Yellowstone Kingdom merge into the Chaos Empire and become a province of the Empire, and you can enjoy it!"

With a faint smile, Didi bowed to the nobles like Yale Huangshi, who was covered in cold sweat with a noble demeanor, and then disappeared without a trace with a large group of dragon generals. For Didi, this is just an episode of tonight. The most important thing for him now is to enjoy the cute little beauties in his arms, and then take turns to spoil the little beauties he has collected these days and let them as soon as possible Gave birth to a child for himself!

In Diogo's words, this is called the world of cloth!

If you can't conquer the ground world with force, then use the blood of the dragon to completely mix the blood of humans. As long as 30% of the people in the terrestrial world have the blood of the dragon mixed with the blood of the dragon, then with the dragon's harsh hierarchy system, these humans will all become slaves to the dragon!

Therefore, for the great cause of the Dragon Clan, Didi and the others have to work hard. At least they have to dote on dozens of young girls who have collected them every night. This is actually very hard!

The nobles of the Yellowstone Kingdom walked into Chaos City in despair. Beside the only dirt road in Chaos City that can be regarded as a street, countless numb and sluggish people stood on the side of the road like walking dead, looking at the Yellowstone Kingdom with all kinds of complicated eyes. people.

A few old people wearing noble robes whose robes have become dirty slowly squeezed out of the crowd. They gracefully bowed to Yale Huangshi and said, "Your Majesty Huangshi, are you here too? Welcome to Shenyuan Hell! Of course, if you succumb to their conditions, congratulations on coming to the kingdom of bliss!"

Yale Huangshi looked at these old men with messy hair and beards, and he was shocked to discover that there were two kings and four princes!

He looked at these six lofty old nobles with incomprehension: "Why, two sires and four dukes, you will become like this?"

A king smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty Huangshi, your family has not been killed by them? If not, then you should succumb to their terms as soon as possible! As for us, you think that with our pride, we will Do you give in to a group of mobs who have madly tore their family apart, raped their daughters and wives, and shoot their people as arrows?"

Yale Huangshi's body shook. He looked in horror at the densely packed tents around him, and moaned in despair: "God, where is this place? The God of War believed in the Caesar Empire, why not punish these violators? Sinner of your doctrine!"

On an avenue thirty miles away from Chaos City, Mu Wei was sitting in a carriage and sneezing violently.

"Damn it, there must be a believer in a **** **** who mentioned my name! Damn, I have always had this problem. If you are not a believer, don't call my name, or I will always sneeze!"

"Hey, how far is it from that so-called chaotic city? Can I tell you something in my heart? I want to use the curse to blow that **** city to pieces! Why did I come here at this time? Here? Why is this time?"

"The **** of **** was killed, and a **** fell! Anyway, no matter how **** the **** of **** is, but a **** was completely fallen, and even the gods did not escape back. This is a very serious matter! It took almost two months for such a serious matter to be investigated by me as a representative?"

"What about the people in the Temple of Joy? What about the people who punish the Temple? What about the people in the Temple of Dawn? Even the **** of the Temple of Judgment? Why me? Why me? What does this have to do with the Temple of War? Tell me, this What does it have to do with our Temple of War?"

An old **** shepherd who was dressed in a coarse cloth and dressed like an ordinary herder smiled helplessly: "Master Mu Wei, you know that the internal situation of the church is extremely complicated. After all, it is related to the death of the **** of eroticism, which is very serious. The matter is precisely because this matter is too serious, so... can't let people from the Temple of Joy, the Temple of Punishment, or the Temple of Dawn investigate this matter!"

"Our Temple of War is the best candidate!"

"And you, I have to say, they don't know your distinguished identity, they think you are just an ordinary young ignorant goddess girl, so they chose you to investigate this matter! In other words, in the church Some people want to cover up certain things! Including the killing of the **** of lust, maybe some people want to cover it up!"

Mu Wei's face became extremely ugly: "Am I an ignorant girl?"

She clenched her fist and hit the old Shenmu's eye with a fierce punch, making one of his eyes black and charcoal.

"Well, I will let them know what the price of underestimating me is!"

"This matter must be thoroughly investigated! I don't care how many secret deals those stupid believers make, hehehehe, dare to use the death of a **** as a bargaining chip to make a deal, then they must...someone must be punished!"

Mu Wei's eyes sprayed with golden light, and her face was sullen, and she suddenly felt uncomfortable in her heart, and the other eye of the old God Mu was completely black with a clean punch.

The old Shenmu closed his mouth, and the carriage had staggered to the gate of the chaotic city.

A half-dragon warrior picked up a torch and looked down. The half-dragon's keen sight helped him a lot!

"Hey, brothers, beauties, big beauties! It's my favorite kind of little girl who is so tender that she can get out of water with a pinch!"

"Nen, too tender!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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