Bright Era

Chapter 1483: Dragon Blood Bath and Strengthening of Strength (4)

They seemed to have returned to their mother's arms. They seemed so safe, so comfortable, so carefree. They were sleeping there like pure babies, with only a trace of huge power constantly pouring out of their bodies.

Lin Qi looked at it from cabin to cabin, and Lin Qi stopped in front of Mr. Mo's cabin.

Mr. Mo's body trembles faster than everyone else, and viscous black juice constantly seeps from under his skin. The voice of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree sounded in Lin Qi’s spirit sea: “He used his body to experiment and transformed himself into a weird and unspeakable failure product. Although he had obtained a fairly powerful power, it was no longer possible for him. Go one step further."

"So we are restoring his body, according to the most perfect proportions, matching his body according to the blood of the apocalypse knight and the dragon, and strive to make him have stronger strength while continuing to practice and advance!"

"At the same time, his mental strength is very strong, and his mental will is very firm. Perhaps because of the little girl named Etrex, his mental will has even reached the level of'pseudo-eternal grade'."

"It's a pity that our energy is not enough, the materials are not enough, and the materials have not been fully restored, and our own functions are still greatly incomplete! Otherwise, with his pseudo-eternal willpower, we can even consider directly taking him Transform into an existence like the Mother of Deep Blue!"

Lin Qi's eyes widened in horror: "Mother of Deep Blue? Hey, hello, what does the pseudo-eternal spiritual will mean? How strong is my spiritual will?"

After a long silence, the osmanthus tree asked quietly: "Do you want to hear the truth?"

Lin Qi roared angrily: "I order you to tell the truth!"

"Very well, your mental will differs by seven grades from Mr. Bimer! In other words, although your soul power is ten million times stronger than him, after all, you have absorbed a complete soul! But in terms of the degree of determination, You are just much stronger than ordinary people, but you can never compare with Mr. Mo!"

"A human being, an ordinary human being, with the help of a piecemeal book of Creation God, with the remains of four broken low-level apocalyptic knights, through continuous experiments over hundreds of years, he transformed his body into The apocalypse knight who is almost complete, and the apocalypse knight who transformed his daughter into a complete body. This kind of willpower is seven orders of magnitude stronger than you!"

"In our time, the willpower of the pseudo-eternal level will be qualified to be the supreme commander of the war zone!"

"What about me?" Lin Qi muttered a little inferiorly.

"You, if you are purely speaking of your willpower, your highest position is... a small leader of a defensive stronghold? The kind of middle and lower-level officer similar to a squadron leader?" The sweet-scented osmanthus tree gave Lin Qi nothing. Feelings: "But your luck, the inheritance you got, made you our chief, so I have to express a very humane feeling-no matter how strong I am, the luck of **** is always stronger than my strength!"

Lin Qi almost vomited blood, he muttered a few angrily, then walked a few steps to the side, and came to the day and dark cabins.

"They have some flaws in their bodies. That fellow Loki, hehe, it's a pity that you should use the Family Prayer to communicate with him at that time. If you do, then we should have one more partner now. But it doesn't matter. You didn't kill him completely. The ancient ruins should be just a part of Loki's remaining body. He should now be hiding in an unknown ruin base."

The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse laughed loudly: "But in terms of making the body of the gods, he is not a professional existence after all, we are the most professional. So there are many flaws in the body of the day and the dark, but we These flaws have been restored."

"Their bodies will become stronger, and their souls and bodies will fit together perfectly. Of course, because their souls are not strong enough, and we have not repaired the power of the souls yet, they cannot use too strong. Elemental power."

"But after they have been completely debugged, they can fully exert their physical power. In other words, you have got two very good shields and close-handed thugs! But we don’t want you to use their power frequently, because the gods’ Power, even if it is just the perfect power of the physical body of the gods, will attract the attention of certain beings!"

Lin Qi nodded, he looked at the day and the dark for a while, and then moved to another cabin aside.

The donkey and the two rabbits did not receive the treatment of occupying a cabin separately, and the three of them were thrown into the same cabin. The others were quietly asleep in the scarlet liquid, but looked at Lin Qi with wide-open eyes.

Seeing Lin Qi approaching, the donkey leaned on the transparent protective wall of the cabin. He grinned and sent a strong soul wave to Lin Qi: "Dear Xiao Lin Qi, the great donkey does not need this useless dragon. Blood enhancement!"

Lin Qi ignored him, Osmanthus and the others clearly told Lin Qi that what they did in Dragon City was the strengthening of the dragon's blood and the activation of the blood, as well as the fine-tuning of the body and various adjustments. The donkey and the two rabbits repaired their bodies to a certain extent, and at the same time supplemented the energy they consumed.

With the huge amount of Mithril provided by Mithril Mountain, after Longya converts these Mithril into energy, the donkey and the two rabbits don’t need to devour external items to obtain energy. Longya will directly Replenish energy into their bodies.

At the same time, this time Lin Qi mobilized huge magic materials from several abyssal worlds. After these materials were refined by the Mithril Mountain, the three people of Osmanthus Tree would work together on certain damaged parts of the donkey and two rabbits. restore.

"I have a backup of the details of Dayu and Xiaoyu here. But this weird donkey, sorry, we still can't think of any information about him. It seems that his level of confidentiality is extremely high, even if we can't get any of his information. information!"

"His body composition is also weird. We can only try our best to repair the parts we can."

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree sighed softly, "Unfortunately, there is only one model. If there are two donkeys, I would strongly recommend that you let us disassemble one and analyze and imitate him as a whole. Maybe we can make a similar donkey. ."

Lin Qi ignored the stubble of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. He was staring at the donkey, because at this time a gray light suddenly appeared in the donkey's eyes. It was a kind of palpitations that made Lin Qi feel palpitation. They all felt the gloom of a deadly threat.

"The Endless Devouring Furnace is activated!" The donkey's voice became strange: "Ah, there is this thing in the body of the great donkey? Very interesting power, but it seems to be broken in several small places, aha, that's right , Here, here, fill up this little hole for me!"

"Very good, very good, very comfortable! Uncle Donkey seems to have finally eaten, a little bit of strength!"

"It's not a little bit of strength, but a lot of strength! Oh yeah, I finally feel it, my body seems to have come alive for a little bit!"

The donkey's body gradually grew up. The donkey, which was a little bigger than the dog, now finally has the size of an ordinary donkey. His fur became more shiny and shiny, and his two rows of big teeth became more white and dazzling.

He grinned at Lin Qi with a grin, twisting his hips and wagging his tail happily.

"Endless devouring furnace!" The two rabbits screamed hoarsely: "Oh my God, beautiful lady, what have you done? You old bastards, you released the devil! Oh, terrible! Fortunately, guys, you only repaired the Endless Devouring Furnace. You didn’t give this guy the scariest things..."

The donkey turned to look at the two rabbits: "The most terrible thing? What is it? I seem to have an impression!"

The two rabbits smiled sensually and looked at the donkey: "Dear Lord Donkey, don't you think, now you can let these great old guys make you a dragon girl with big breasts? How **** do you want, Just make you a big breast!"

The donkey's eyes turned pink immediately, and his attention was instantly shifted.

"The big breasted dragon girl? What a good proposal!"

With a click of his mouth, a gleam of light flashed in the donkey’s eyes again: "But, but why? Well, I hate all unnatural creations! I like pure natural ones! This kind of creation makes me I think of rubber dolls... Ah, strange, what is rubber? What is rubber doll?"

Two rabbits huddled in the corner of the cabin, looking at the donkey sneakily.

Lin Qi looked at the two rabbits coldly and snorted coldly.

He walked into the cave next door. Here, Yun, Elysium, Princess Qingli and Este are also receiving reinforcements. Regarding Yun, Elysium, and Princess Qingli, Lin Qi did not act on their bloodlines, just as the donkey said, Lin Qi likes natural creations, he doesn't want to turn his woman into a freak.

But for Esther, Lin Qi did not hesitate to let the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse activate her dark blue bloodline, and to purify and strengthen the dark blue bloodline again and again, and finally raised her bloodline power to almost the dark blue one. Motherhood!

Then inject strong power into Este, and inject it to the limit she can bear. A strong, cold, violent, and violent girl who releases the curse at every turn is so fresh!

And in the last cabin, Etreis was quietly suspended in the dragon's blood, her icy eyes staring around boredly.

For this poor girl, the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse is working hard to regulate her body. In order to save her, Mr. Mo transformed her into a humanoid knight of the apocalypse, and the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse is trying to make her at least emotionally become more like a real person!

Lin Qi didn't want this girl to become like a puppet, to become like Cologne 18 and they only knew to obey orders!

Lin Qi hopes that standing beside him will always be a group of people with flesh and blood and soul, instead of a group of inhuman beings with powerful but ruthlessness!

After all, in the bottom of my heart, Lin Qi longs for family, friendship and love!

Lin Qi's emotions were fed back into the emotion modules of the Osmanthus Tree, Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, Dragon Cliff, and Miyin Mountain.

Several 10,000-year-old old guys were trembling with excitement at the same time. They quietly felt the enthusiasm at the core of Lin Qi's soul, and the silent communication whirled rapidly between them.


"Even if it is infected with the blood of sin, as long as they exist, we will never admit defeat!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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