Bright Era

Chapter 1505: Farce and conditions (4)

All these orders were given by Lin Qi in the presence of Herod and others.

Herod and the others looked at each other silently, and they felt a deep awe of Lin Qi's enormous force.

But what frightened them even more was yet to come.

In front of them, Lin Qi gave instructions to the people behind Ozy Nightmare and others to let all the soldiers of the Longshan family's first to tenth legions enter the territory of Vias at the fastest speed and capture all important stages in the territory of Vias.

Lin Qi then ordered all soldiers from the 11th to 20th Legions of the Longshan Family to immediately rush to Vias through the Magic Teleportation Array, completely encircling the entire Viasport City.

These nobles immediately thought of the two large army groups formed by the Longshan family and the Lvsen family within the territory of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Count Heroine shouted in shock: "Could it be that the Dragon Mountain Legion can already participate in the war? Your Excellency Wann Longshan, you seem to have just completed the recruiting of recruits? Have they become qualified fighters and can participate in the war? Huh?"

Lin Qi spread his hands and smiled inexplicably at Count Heroine. Is he going to tell Heroine that these soldiers have all been bathed in dragon blood, except for the magic equipment, they have not been allotted completely, are they actually a strong army in the entire continent?

Arda smiled triumphantly. He dangled a thigh triumphantly and said triumphantly: "Dear ladies and gentlemen, let's not care about these trivial things. Let us continue the banquet just now. Come on! Zeppelin, they can't be the opponent of our Longshan family at all, they are doomed to perish!"

"Old Wanen, these little things are left to you!" Alda nodded to Lin Qi proudly: "I don't want to hear the name Zeppelin Wallan, or even the surname'Wallan' again. , It’s best to be completely wiped out from the mainland!"

Lin Qi smiled and owed Arda, then Arda hummed triumphantly, and led many nobles into the banquet hall to continue their banquet. And those servants have quickly cleaned up the corpses and blood stains in the castle, as if nothing had happened.

When the nobles all walked into the banquet hall, Lin Qi sighed softly: "You have been waiting for a long time?"

Two old men wearing pale silver robes and triple lotus crowns showed their bodies from the air with a smile. They nodded to Lin Qi, and one of the old men with a yellow beard said gently: "It seems that Empress Baolian made a mistake, and Qi Aran is not worthy to be our protector of the gods! I wasted such an auspicious day. Powerful pieces!"

Another old man with a silver beard sighed quietly: "Jixiangtian is a disciple trained by Minglian after all. How could Baolian really plan for her? It's a pity that Qi Aran really disappointed us. ."

The yellow-bearded old man looked at Lin Qi with a smile, and said slowly: "We are the deity of the patron saint of the Milo Sect. I am the Yellow Elephant deity, one of the nine deities, and that is my old friend the Silver Lion God. Respect. Wanen Longshan, according to your strength, you should know the existence of the Myra."

Silver Lion God Sovereign squinted at Lin Qi, and he asked word by word: "Are you interested in becoming the master of the patron saint in the Western Continent? Given the importance of the Western Continent, you will be in the sect in the future. His status must be equal to ours."

Seeing the two gods who were tingling with a hint of palpitations from their bodies, Lin Qi sighed softly: "It seems very tempting, but can I ask, as the patron saint? Master, what do I need to do?"

Huang Xiang Shenzun smiled and put his hands on his back: "It’s a smart choice! To teach the Master, as the name suggests, is to spread the doctrine of the patron saint’s palace on the western continent, let him replace the doctrine of the gods, let our Believers spread all over the continent and form a powerful secular force. This is your responsibility."

"So, what can I get?" Lin Qi smiled brightly, and he said slowly with his hands behind his back: "I now have wealth that is not only spent, and there are millions of warriors who let me give orders. In the Temple of Dawn, I also received attention. My power spans religion and secularity. I can’t figure out what else you can give me.”

The two great gods glanced at each other, they frowned for a while, and the Huang Xiang gods considered it for a long time before nodding: "A chance for you to continue living."

Lin Qi sneered, "Just kidding, you are confident that you can kill me?"

The silver lion **** said indifferently: "We are not joking. Maybe you natives of the Western Continent still don’t know that the huge empire in the East, the tens of thousands of years of **** Qin Dynasty, he has already begun a general mobilization. Almost all of the entire Eastern Continent. The country and the tribe have dispatched their troops and joined the expeditionary army of the Blood Qin Empire. For the Western Continent, this is a disaster!

"The Myra Sect is the only force that can contend with that huge empire and the temple behind him!" Huang Xiangsheng said in a deep tone: "Only we can contend with them. So when we know their plans , We rushed here at the fastest speed! We will never let the hands of the Temple of Heaven reach the west, and we will not let them expand their territory and influence wantonly."

"Join us and become one of us! When the Blood Qin Empire and the Temple of Heaven attack the Western Continent, only by joining us can you survive!"

The silver lion **** said to Lin Qi very rudely: "Perhaps you can't understand the power of the Blood Qin Empire, but I have to describe the Temple of Heaven to you. It is a religious force far stronger than the church! If not! If it were not for the restraint of the Miluo religion, if it were not for the ties of the Eastern Sea Clan, if it were not for the church and the Odin Temple or even the Desert Temple and the Grassland Temple, the Tianmiao would have unified Western beliefs."

Lin Qi looked at the two gods deeply, and he squinted into thought.

The two gods did not urge Lin Qi, they just hovered a few meters above the wall and looked at Lin Qi quietly. They thought that Lin Qi was trying to figure out what he said. In their opinion, this was a good thing.

Compared with Qi Aran and his son, the two gods favor the Longshan family more. After all, in the farce just now, Zeppelin’s appearance was humiliated to the extreme, and Qi Aran was actually disgraced by Lin Qi and fled back. It can be seen that Zeppelin and his son are not the Longshan family at all. Opponent.

If this is the case, why bother to foster the overwhelming Varran family?

The two gods secretly slandered in their hearts. Empress Baolian took a stinky move this time. This super jealous woman, in order to deal with the saints left behind by Empress Minglian, randomly assigned Qi Aran to Jixiang day. It's a pity that precious kind of god, but it's a pity that Jixiangtian has spent countless efforts to cultivate the saint.

But with their identities, they would not value the Varland family much because of Qi Aran and Jixiangtian.

The nine gods guarding the palace, their strength is unpredictable, and their status is transcendent, even the presiding divine master of the palace cannot grasp their decision. In the eyes of the yellow elephant and the silver lion, the interests of the patron temple are obviously more important, and they value the Longshan family, which is more powerful than the Wallan family!

They were hiding in the air just now, listening to Lin Qi's orders.

If the Longshan family does not act, then the strength of the Longshan family is enough to help them control the entire Vias. What do they want the Varran family to do? Zeppelin is still "ambitiously" advocating his plan to form a standing army to Empress Baolian, but the Longshan family already has a powerful army in their hands!

After a long silence, Lin Qi sighed leisurely: "If you want my Longshan family to cooperate with you, it's not impossible."

The **** of the yellow elephant smiled brightly: "Tell me your conditions! What do you want? We can give you stronger strength, give you countless wealth, and give you countless beauties... You must know our gods. It rules the entire eastern subcontinent, which is a continent several times larger than the entire western continent. The resources we have at our disposal are beyond your imagination!"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes at the Yellow Elephant God: "Don't talk about resources or the like. If I really want to talk about strength and wealth, I will go directly to the Blood Qin Empire. Wouldn't it be more cost-effective than relying on you?"

The two great gods almost vomited blood because of Lin Qi's words, they looked at each other, their faces drooping at the same time.

But they really can’t refute Lin Qi’s words, and even they themselves feel that Lin Qi’s words are very reasonable. In this case, instead of relying on the Miluo Sect, it’s really better to rely on the Blood Qin Empire or the Temple of Heaven. I believe they will too. I would be happy to receive this local snake from the Longshan family.

"I want the opportunity for three people to enter the Vientiane Sacred Pool!" Lin Qiang raised his head: "Don't tell me, the Vientiane Sacred Pool is just a legend!"

The gods of the yellow elephant and the gods of the silver lion looked at Lin Qi dumbfounded, they were caught off guard by Lin Qi's condition.

Whether it's gold, silver, jewellery or wealthy beauty, they can easily satisfy anyone's requirements. But what about the Vientiane Sacred Pool? They never dreamed that a native savage from the Western Continent actually knew the legend of the Vientiane Sacred Pool, and even ceremoniously made this request that they could not resist.

Of course, if there are only three opportunities for bathing in the Vientiane God Pool, although the price is a bit high, it seems acceptable for various layouts in the Western Continent. There are three major shrines of the Mirage Sect. Each shrine has a place to enter the Vientiane Sacred Pool every ten years. The guardian shrine has now accumulated as many as nine places, and three of them are allocated to the Longshan family, which is really not counted. what.

"When you think about it, you also know how much benefit it will be to enter the Vientiane Sacred Pool once." Huangxiang God Venerable frowned: "Three places, we can promise you, but..."

Lin Qi simply stretched out his right hand: "Kill the Zeppelin family to me. The Longshan family will establish the Longshan Empire as quickly as possible, and then we can conclude a magic contract and turn the guardian palace into the town **** of the Longshan Empire. teach!"

Lin Qi smiled brightly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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