Bright Era

Chapter 1514: Noble Assembly (4)

"So when discussing whether to invite people's representatives to attend the aristocratic meeting, Earl Longshan and I agreed that you are indispensable. Because without you, without you, the most ordinary people, nobles... can still become Noble?"

The nobles pursed their lips. Lin Qi said very straightforwardly. Without ordinary people, can nobles still be nobles? Can you count on the noble lords to kill pigs and sheep by themselves, dig out the dung pit, grow vegetables and raise fish by themselves, and go to the wharf to carry goods hard by themselves?

Without the people, what kind of aristocrats are nobles?

Tens of thousands of people's representatives laughed at the same time, and they felt that Lin Qi's words simply touched their hearts, and they sounded comfortable.

"Therefore, there are nobles and commoners in this noble meeting, because we are together to form this country!"

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi said solemnly: "At this moment when determining the future of the country, only nobles can't do it. We must have the support of the people before we can determine the ultimate direction of this country!"

Heroine and the others flushed with excitement, and their bodies trembled slightly. It was the words that came, and the things that came.

Lin Qi glanced around, and then he said in a deep voice: "Everyone knows that the foreign race launched another offensive against the western mainland; and this time it is not only the foreign races of Oding Ice Field and Wudalian Island who launched the attack. And the nomadic empire from the Eastern Continent Bridge!"

"Those nomads who are full of milky smell have defeated hundreds of large and small countries in the Eastern Great Plains. Their army forwards have pointed directly at the Great Yan Dynasty, the eastern border of the former Caesar Empire. I can understand. Let’s tell everyone that all the nomads are soldiers, and how many people they have, they have as many troops!"

"While our western continent is still talking about a huge battle of 100,000 people, when the duel of hundreds of noble knights can become a hot topic, those nomadic empires have armed tens of millions. The army, riding horses, holding long bows, and carrying countless tamed beasts and poisonous insects, attacked our peaceful homeland!"

"In front of these powerful aliens, the western mainland army... Forgive me for what I said, because in my opinion, even the Gaul Empire, which is known as the largest power on the mainland, their army is not enough to resist aliens. Join forces with the nomadic empire!"

"As long as the aliens don’t make mistakes, as long as they have a few outstanding generals, as long as they understand the principles of steady and steady fights, the Western Continent is destined to be destroyed! Because in terms of overall strength, the Western Continent’s military is much worse than them. !"

Both the nobles and the people screamed, and some young people stood up, they shouted something, nothing more than that the Norman Fort will be a **** of alien races, and heroic humans will treat those alien races. Kill them all.

Lin Qi spread his hands and said calmly, "I have fought with foreign races, and the Longshan family's army has fought with them, so I know the truth!"

Lin Qi's words made all doubts disappear without a trace. Who can be more authoritative than Lin Qi in terms of the fighting power of aliens and nomads?

"War, a monster that devours money and life!" Lin Qi sneered a few times: "In order to resist the invasion of foreign races, the Western continent actually relies mainly on the three powerful empires of the Gaul Empire, the Great Yan Dynasty, and the Haran Empire! Others! The armies of those empires and kingdoms are of no use to them except to fight for consumption!"

"But it must be admitted that the three empires alone cannot be the opponents of the united aliens and nomads!"

Lin Qi's words left the venue dead silent, no one from nobles or civilians said anything.

Arda sat on the large chair with Erlang's legs upright, tightly holding the glowing Mrs. Lufen in his arms, chewing on a green olive. Seeing the silence all over the room, Arda yelled: "Old Wanen, don't scare them, just tell them serious things!"

Lin Qi smiled and nodded. He looked around deeply. He released the huge soul power through his eyes. For a while, everyone felt that Lin Qi's sharp gaze was deeply on his face. Take a note, so that their souls hurt.

"I must admire the Marquis of Zeppelin!" Lin Qi said solemnly: "He proposed a great idea, a great plan!"

"Of course, I am very sad, the great Marquis Zeppelin, our great Archon Marquis Zeppelin, he died suddenly because of a serious illness, but his ideas are immortal, and they are bound to shine brightly!"

Lin Qi did not hesitate to add a gorgeous high hat to Zeppelin. Anyway, everyone is dead, and Lin Qi is willing to waste a little saliva if he is praised and cost-free. As for Lin Qi sending people to hunt down the remnants of the Wallland family, this matter is not inconsistent with putting high marks on Zeppelin, giving him praise is one aspect, and this does not prevent him from hunting down his people!

Lin Qi continued with a bright smile: "The Marquis Zeppelin proposed a great plan. We Vias Commercial Federation, known as one of the four most powerful empires in the mainland, we should be in the affairs of the mainland. People have a greater right to speak and make greater contributions!"

"Think about it, our annual tax revenue is twice as high as that of the Gaul Empire. Our total population is more than the combined population of the Gaul Empire and the Great Yan Dynasty. We Vias The navy of...Aha, I really hope everyone will remember one thing. In addition to countless merchant ships, we actually have a powerful navy, the only navy on the entire continent that can compete with the navy of the Harran Empire! "

The nobles and people present all laughed. Vias has a huge navy, but in the past few decades, this navy was only used to frighten the pirates. The bellies of those sailors were swollen like beer barrels. Now, can you expect them to kill the enemy? What a joke!

"War, as I said before, war is a monster that eats money and lives!" Lin Qi vigorously slapped the chest-high stone platform in front of him: "We Vias have countless gold coins and a large population. Yas, in fact, should be the most powerful war monster in the Western Continent!"

"It is a very genius idea to form a strong standing army and give Vias a strong force!" Lin Qi once again put on Zeppelin's high hats, giving all the credit to it. A dead man.

The nobles looked at each other silently. Vias had never had a standing army, they had never had this concept.

Vias Commercial Federation, this is a huge interest group composed of large and small aristocratic territories, and the private armies of the aristocrats constitute the backbone of the country's army. If there is a huge standing army in Vias, this seems to be inconsistent with Vias's policy of nation-building.

So most of the nobles were silent, only Heroine and other nobles stood up, and they applauded enthusiastically.

Lin Qi smiled and nodded to Heroine and the others, and then he yelled: "But I suddenly found out that just a standing army can satisfy Vyas' requirements? Just a standing army. Can it change the reality of Vias’ external weakness?"

Without waiting for those nobles to come back to their senses, Lin Qi sternly shouted: "Not enough, not enough! I want to protect ourselves under the threat of aliens, want Vias to become a real power in the Western Continent, want us to have the confidence to confront. For all enemies, we need more than just a standing army, we need an empire, a powerful, unified, one-willed empire that rules everything in Vias!"

With a ‘boom’, the nobles and people present were shocked at the same time.

Zeppelin only dared to say that he would build a standing army, and the nobles would probably agree to his plan in the event of a foreign invasion.

But create a unified empire to replace the current Vias Commercial Federation? This, this, this completely touched the fundamental interests of all the nobles present. On the contrary, those people don't have much idea. Whether it is the Federation or the Empire, don't they earn gold coins the same?

"We are resolutely opposed!" A gray-haired old marquis jumped out: "Establishing an empire? Impossible, no one can deprive our family of rights, the empire? It is ridiculous, when our ancestors founded the country in Vias. When the name was signed on the declaration, it was never said that the entire family would be handed over to an empire!"

Headed by this old marquis, a large group of nobles jumped out, and they roared against Lin Qi's opinions.

Lin Qi looked at these nobles indifferently. He said calmly: "Aristocrats who do not support the Longshan family to establish an empire will permanently lose all business cooperation with the East. Whether it is the Eastern Continent or the Eastern Subcontinent, you don’t want to get another one from there. A spice, a tea leaf, a porcelain cup!"

With a flick of his hand, Lin Qi took out a big killer he had prepared in the past three days!

From the Blood Qin Empire, led by Lin Qi's father, he won a trade agreement signed by a group of the **** Qin Empire's border officials. In the future, only merchant ships flying the Longshan Empire flag can safely leave the blood Qin Empire.

The other few trade agreements are the contracts that the silver lion gods just handed to Lin Qi before the conference, and the contracts that were just passed on from the Eastern Subcontinent with the Magic Teleportation Array—these contracts are composed of the two most powerful parties in the Eastern Subcontinent. Signed by more than a dozen tribal chiefs, they refused to trade with all merchant ships not from the Longshan Empire.

All the contracts had special seals, and Lin Qi threw them away, leaving them to be examined by the nobles of Vias.

"Either support the establishment of the Longshan Empire, or you will lose the right to trade with the East forever."

"Support the Longshan Empire and the Longshan Family, you will get more profit than ever."

"If you firmly oppose the rule of the Longshan family, then I can only tell you helplessly that the Longshan family's army occasionally visits bandits and bandits and loots three or two noble castles. I personally have no psychological pressure. "

Alda laughed strangely on the side: "Hurry up, old Wanen, the old guys who were jumping the happiest just now, they ransacked their castle. I want to see how their granddaughter looks like. Ah, dear Mrs. Lufen, you won't be jealous, are you?"

Looking at the contracts that Lin Qi had dropped that monopolized Eastern trade, the nobles closed their mouths.

Lost the eastern trade routes, what kind of nobles are these nobles?

Lin Qi smiled and nodded to the dumbfounded civilians: "Whether it is a port porter, an ordinary sailor, or a waterman, or a dung-digger, I swear, under the rule of the Longshan Empire, your salary will be all Will double!"

The Longshan family immediately received the full support of all representatives of the people present!

The nobles glanced at each other, and then they knelt to Al at the same time, lowering their proud heads.

Arda stood up triumphantly and laughed wildly with excitement. His clothes were shaking with a smile, and his big golden robe was shining in the sun, like a huge gold coin. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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