Bright Era

Chapter 1519: The shock caused by the Longshan Empire (4)

The silver lion **** took out a contract made of beast skin and handed it to Lin Qi.

Lin Qi took the contract and passed it to Arda, who was sitting on the sofa and shaking his thighs desperately.

Alda lazily pulled the contract book away and glanced at it, then selected the more important ones and read them out.

"Guarantee the uniqueness of Longshan Empire's ocean-going trade in the Eastern Subcontinent! This is very good, very good, I like this one very much, very sincere, and very valuable!" Arda was full of praise for this article, and he smiled. The two gods nodded: "I saw countless gold coins falling."

The two great gods smiled with satisfaction. They were confident that it was impossible for the Longshan Empire to refuse such a big temptation.

"Well, can you send a powerful expert to help the Longshan Empire? This one is a bit vague!" Arda looked at the two gods seriously: "Will they always stay in the palace of the Longshan Empire?"

The two great gods smiled, and the yellow elephant **** said indifferently: "This, of course, we must ensure the safety of our allies, what do you think?"

The gods of the yellow elephant and the gods of the silver lion both smiled brightly. If they don't put people around the emperor of the Longshan Empire, how can they rest assured to cooperate with the Longshan Empire? They also know that this clause is a bit too much, but they are prepared. If the Longshan family disagrees with this clause, they will use violence to force them to agree!

"I can agree to this clause, and I can let you station no more than 30,000 people in Longshan Palace!" Alda clicked his lips: "But I only have one additional condition. These 30,000 masters must all be beautiful women. It must be a beauty, and it must be a beauty without any conditions! And it must be a beauty who has not been touched by a man!"

Lin Qi interrupted: "Two, I'm very sorry, this is a little quirk of our majesty. You know, our majesty even has the idea of ​​using Eastern castrations. We are going to the East to buy a batch of castrations. In the future, we In Your Majesty’s palace, no man is allowed to appear!"

This was actually not Arda's opinion, he didn't care if there were any men in the palace at all. But this is the unanimous opinion of Princess Qingli and Yun. Their family heritage determines that they still appreciate the Oriental style palace and use the palace of eunuchs and court ladies.

The two gods looked at Arda dumbfounded. Well, they originally thought that there would be a big difference on this one, and eventually it might even trigger a conflict between the Mirage Sect and the Longshan family. Finally, they had to use violence to make Longshan. The family succumbed!

But unexpectedly, Alda only proposed such a condition which is not a condition at all!

Very good, do you like beautiful women? There are beautiful women who have refined all kinds of weird and joyful methods. Not to mention 30,000, 300,000 gods who dare to make a promise! Surrounded by 30,000 beautiful women cultivated by the Myra Sect with the secret method day and night, even if you are a King Kong, you will have to turn into a pool of sweet water for at most three to five months. By then, the Longshan Empire will not be able to get the Mira Sect. Do you call it?

Without any hesitation, the two gods made a promise, promising that they would carefully select 30,000 beautiful women to give to Arda, not only as his close guard, but also as his close bed partner.

Arda smiled brilliantly, and Lin Qi laughed from ear to ear—very good, the maids in the palace in the future don’t need to worry about them by themselves. The maids selected by the Myra Sect must be carefully selected. His looks and skills are first-class elites. As long as these female believers of the Mirra religion are sent to take a dragon blood bath, they can truly become their own.

"This one, well, not only does the Milo Sect does not need the Longshan Empire to worship, it can also give the Longshan Empire a certain amount of financial assistance every year? Help the Longshan Empire to arm and train the army?" Arda pointed to the following clause and shook his head repeatedly: " Can you send generals to help the Longshan Empire rule the army? This one, no, absolutely no!"

The two great gods glanced at each other. This plan to control the Longshan Empire's army was just forcibly added by Empress Baolian, in order to add blockage to the Longshan Empire. They didn't treat this as a thing, after all, no emperor of any country would let his army be controlled by outsiders, right?

But Arda’s next words made the two gods so excited from ear to ear: "Unless they are beautiful generals, and I must have personally'learned' their skills in marching and fighting, otherwise I will not let them Enter the empire’s army. And the local army can’t intervene. I can’t keep them away from me. The empire will form ten legions of the Imperial Guard in the future. Let them enter the Imperial Guard!"

Praise the great gods, the two great gods are just a little fluttering-how can there be such a weird emperor in the world? Take the initiative to send generals dispatched by outsiders into their most elite guards? The Imperial Guard of a country is clearly the most well-equipped and most combative army in the entire country. Our Emperor Longshan, he is so generous!

Lin Qi coughed softly: "Two, our majesty is a very good talker. However, we must pay attention to one thing. Your people enter the Imperial Guard. This is a good thing and a bad thing for the empire. Speaking of the front, in case you are plotting against the empire... ah, hahaha!"

The eyes of the two great gods flickered, and they slapped their chests hurriedly, swearing that the Mirra Church would never do such a perfidy behavior.

Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands: "The Imperial Navy needs a lot of warships. If the Myra Sect can provide 3,000 large and small ships within half a year, the Empire can even use the followers of the Myra Sect. Assemble a troop of terrestrial dragoons!"

After a slight pause, Lin Qi said solemnly: "Of course, I must remind the two and the two people behind us that we are at war with alien races. If a full-scale war breaks out, they will be put on the battlefield as soon as possible!"

The eyes of the two great gods were all red with excitement, the ground troop dragoon army? Just for this, it's worth it!

Isn't it three thousand ships? There are so many tribes in the Eastern Subcontinent, and many of them are famous for their shipbuilding industry even in the entire East! As long as the style and specifications of the warships are specified, three thousand warships are just a few months of work for the entire Eastern Subcontinent.

"Very well, we can agree! We can recruit enough fighters immediately. For example, we still have 200,000 elite fighters in the Longshan Empire. They can now be placed in the ranks of the Longshan Empire army!" The big teeth were showing up with a smile.

Lin Qi was about to speak, when Alda on the side spoke lazily: "By the way, let me add one more thing. If you contact you in the future, can you send some beautiful ladies over? Although this is a bit offensive, I I have to admit that I really can't get interested in discussing state affairs with you for two elderly people with big beards!"

With a faint shot, Alda shook his head gently: "My ideal way of discussing national affairs should be under the beautiful starlight. In the large flower fields, I hold your beautiful envoy while doing the best of mankind. The sacred movement of procreation, while discussing the details of the various cooperation between the two sides! How elegant and interesting is this?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Arda pointed at the two stunned gods: "But now, look at the two long beards, my gods, it really disappoints me!"

Throwing the contract book made of warcraft leather on the sofa, Arda stood up lazily, and walked out with a yawn: "Dear old Wanen, you are the most loyal old man in the family. Here you are, you won't let me down, won't you? Well, don't forget to add some reasonable conditions, for example, the Mirra Sect can provide soldiers for our Longshan Empire in the future."

"However, the **** ratio of the soldiers must be appropriate!" Alda had already walked to the door of the room, and then turned around and licked his lips, and laughed strangely: "I hope that every time Mila teaches us to send it to us Among the people, there are a certain amount of beautiful girls. Even if I can't use so many alone, I can still be the minister of the empire who distributes welfare to the empire!"

Distribute beautiful women as benefits to the ministers of the empire! Such words, it is estimated that among all the countries in the history of the western continent, only Alda can speak such scumbags on behalf of all faint monarchs. The two great gods were overwhelmed by Alda's words for a while. They felt a deep sense of fatigue and powerlessness towards Alda's rogue!

As the gods of the patron saint, the Yellow Elephant God and the Silver Lion God have seen countless second generation ancestors, countless prodigal sons, and countless dudes in their long lives. But no one can compare with Arda. This **** who always associates national affairs with beautiful women, how can he sit on the throne of an empire?

Lin Qi smiled and picked up the contract of the beast skin. He said gently: "Then, two respected adults, please sit down. We can continue to discuss the details of the cooperation between the two sides. Of course, our Majesty I hope the two of you will never forget those conditions."

"Satisfying any needs of our Majesty is the cornerstone of our cooperation!" Lin Qi said with a joking smile, "If you can't meet our Majesty's reasonable requirements, then I must say something." , Cooperation between the two parties is impossible."

The two great gods frowned, and the yellow elephant **** said solemnly: "Guardian Palace, has its own power to ensure the fulfillment of all agreements!"

Lin Qi heard the threat of the Yellow Elephant God, but he smiled as if it were not the same thing: "Perhaps, so it is. But I must remind both of you that we are not actually the Longshan Empire. Very important. In other words, even if the Longshan Empire is destroyed because of you, this is not a big deal for our family."

"You must let the two know some inside stories. The reason why our family established the Longshan Empire is only because our majesty wants to try to be an emperor. He has traveled across oceans and went to the ancient and magical East to experience some incredible things— —For example, the emperor’s palace with thousands of concubines and tens of thousands of court ladies!"

"So we established the Longshan Empire just to satisfy a dream our Majesty had when he was young!"

"So we are not picky about your conditions, and there is no embarrassment. Because we don't care about the rise and fall of the Longshan Empire at all, as long as we can satisfy your majesty's desires, it is enough!"

Lin Qi's words made the two great gods look at each other in silence. The establishment of an empire, such a big thing, is actually for such an absurd reason?

Do you coax the undead?

But looking closely at Lin Qi's expression, the two gods told themselves helplessly that what the old guy said was probably true! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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