Bright Era

Chapter 1529: Counterattack of the Fallen Temple (1)

No one thought that a demigod-level vindictive wave suddenly burst out of such a petite and weak girl.

The black vindictiveness spurted out like sticky glue, sprayed forward along the dagger that was no more than six inches long, and turned into a black sword light that was as long as a mile and pierced Lin Qi's heart. This sword was abrupt to the extreme, and even Lin Qi didn't notice the strange appearance of the maid in front of him.

All the maids in the Golden Dragon City are all girls of school age who have been selected from the local Viass after several months of training. But how can the girl from the local family of Viasport have the strength of a demigod?

The sword light pierced Lin Qi's heart, and Lin Qi's robe burst into pieces, exposing a soft inner armor made of dragon skin. The girl let out a long, piercing, piercing sound. Her slender and white arms suddenly swelled, and in the blink of an eye they became thicker than the thighs of a barbarian warrior. A huge force pushed the short sword towards Lin Qi's. Pierced in the body.

Dozens of extremely thin black light are ejected from the dagger. Each light is composed of dozens of weird magic runes, representing negative attributes such as penetration, tearing, blood loss, and poisonousness. The dragon skin armor on Lin Qi sprayed out a little spark, and the short sword desperately pierced inward, and gradually tore a small crack in the dragon skin.

Lin Qi looked at the young girl whose two arms in front of him had become extremely thick and incompatible with her slender and weak body, and shouted sharply, "What a courage!"

Without looking at the dagger, Lin Qi clenched his fists in both hands and patted the girl's ears. A low whistling sound erupted from Lin Qi's fist, and a cloud of yellow light wrapped around his fist.

With a loud'bang', the girl's head was almost turned into meatloaf by Lin Qi's heavy fist. She let out a hysterical scream, and then her body exploded suddenly, exploding into countless black viscous plasma spraying at Lin Qi Come here. At the same time, a large amount of plasma sprayed over the noble guests who were caught off guard.

A deep hum came from Lin Qi's body, and a large area of ​​earth-yellow earth elements suddenly spewed out around them. The heavy earth elements condensed into a circular shield, and all the black plasma was wrapped in the shield. No drop has leaked.

Suddenly there was a miserable howl in the corner of the hall on the side, and a nobleman who attended the banquet was chopped off by a sword. The person swinging the sword was another maid dressed in white. Her figure was also strangely twisted and swelled, and she quickly swelled to a height of two meters. With all her muscles and knots, she looked just like a gorilla who had shed hair, and she could no longer see her original appearance.

This strangely transformed maid shook the dagger in her hand. This tiny dagger made a loud noise, and countless thin white lights shot out from the dagger. In the blink of an eye, this dagger was short. The sword became a horse-cutting epee about two meters long.

With a loud roar of ‘heha’, the maid swept across the stunned nobles with a simple blow. Powerful fighting energy sprayed out from the blade. If the sword energy of more than 20 meters long hit the target, hundreds of nobles around her would be cut off by her.

With a loud bang, Longcheng drew out his long sword, brought a piece of shadow to the maid's side, and raised his sword to block the cross-cut epee. Longcheng's long sword trembled violently, and traces of visible cracks quickly extended on his sword. In the blink of an eye, there was a crackling sound, and Longcheng's long sword had exploded into countless fragments.

The long sword in the maid's hand was also hit by a fist-sized gap, and she only heard a loud shout, spraying a large amount of hot black air around her body, swinging the incomplete epee towards Dragon City.

With a long roar from Longcheng, the Blood Spirit Azure Dragon Halberd brought a cyan light to form in front of him. The cyan halberd turned into a looming cyan dragon shadow, and it quickly tapped the epee more than a dozen times. The heavy sword smashed, and the Longcheng halberd stabbed forward, accurately piercing the maid's heart.

The green light shook, and a little bit of blood leaked from the maid's skin. The maid's body, who had changed greatly, was shaken and suddenly turned into a pile of minced meat and fell to the ground.

Sharp screams sounded from all over the hall, and more than 30 maids changed their bodies at the same time. They took out their weapons and cut them down to the surrounding nobles. The nobles screamed hoarsely, and many people wanted to escape, but they were so scared that their legs were weak and unable to escape.

Grisgau Dawn slammed the scepter in his hand heavily, and he sang loudly.

"Where the light of dawn is shrouded, all the weapons will be deprived, because you have not got the permission of the Lord of dawn, you have no right to use weapons to harm others!" The white light enveloped the entire hall, and those who had greatly changed their bodies The weapon in the hand of the maid was simultaneously burnt to ashes by a white flame. Ropes made of white light sprang out from the air in all directions and quickly tied them to these maids.

"All heretics will be purified by the anger of punishment!" The Seal Pope snorted coldly. He had just had a very happy conversation with the young daughter of an earl of the Longshan Empire. He had a great affection for this young girl. , He even wanted to bring this girl back to the holy mountain. After his individual counseling, this girl has a good chance to become a senior priest in the temple of punishment!

This was originally a pleasing and elegant thing, but these abrupt assassins made blood in the hall, which completely spoiled the interest of the Pope. So the Seal Pope snorted coldly, and with a scepter in his hand, a crimson pillar of fire suddenly rose under the feet of the maids.

The pillar of fire let out a low howling sound, behind these maids appeared the phantom of a cross-shaped torture frame condensed by fire, and the maids bound by the ropes of the divine power of the dawn at the same time made a sharp and miserable howling. The flames burned their bodies, ignited their souls, and burned them clean with just a flick of their fingers, turning them into a plume of smoke and disappearing without a trace!

The Pope with a scepter smiled and held up a glass of wine: "Some ants who don’t know the majesty and inviolability of the gods. Fortunately, if there are two shots, I can save a little effort. After all, my magic is more suitable for the battlefield. Not suitable for use in this kind of place!"

Before he finished his words, a very thin black cold light lased, and it instantly reached the brow of Pope Scepter.

A deep cold air rushed toward his face, and the pupil of the Pope Scepter suddenly shrank to the size of a needle. He stared at the very thin black cold light, only to feel a rush of cold air from the soles of his feet directly to the top of his head. The great **** of war is here, and the pope with the scepter dare to swear that he has no time to react. He didn't even see where this raid came from.

Fortunately, for the huge benefits of the Longshan Empire this time, Pope Scepter secretly carried a sub-divine artifact of the War God with him in order to increase his confidence and the cost of negotiation. The Vice-God of the God of War, the divine tool known as the God of Barriers in the Unbreakable City, although it is only a low-grade divine tool, there are not many magical changes, but the "armor of barriers" with exceptional defensive power.

Although it was only a low-grade artifact and suffered a lot of wounds, after so many years of worship, the Armor of Barriers, which has absorbed countless powers of faith and obtained a large amount of magic materials, has also restored most of its power.

The difference between the artifact and other magic weapons is that the artifact is simply a living being, and he knows when to do what it should do without too much control.

Just as the ray of cold light was about to pierce Pope Scepter’s eyebrows, the whole body exudes a rich earth-yellow light, and its shape is extraordinarily heavy and simple, covering the Pope Scepter's whole body, without a trace of flesh and blood exposed. Even the armor inlaid with khaki spar suddenly appeared in the eyes.

This armor firmly wrapped the scepter Pope inside, and the black cold light pierced the center of the helmet's brows with a'dingdong', and was easily blocked by the thick armor. The black cold light suddenly stagnated, and everyone saw that it was a long black needle that was more than a foot long and several times thinner than a strand of hair.

"Black blood fallen **** thorn!" The three popes roared in unison: "Evil heresy, how dare you harm the servants of the gods?"

The pope took a step back subconsciously. The scepter in his hand slammed into the ground, and suddenly a mile-long light blade spurted out from the top of the scepter. His scepter had become a strange shape. Long knife. The blood-colored light blade sprayed out a large number of fine and ant-like **** patterns, and a powerful suffocating spirit that made people rush to slash and slash instantly enveloped the entire hall.

Grisgau Dawn and the Seal Pope shouted at the same time the name of the gods. A pure and transparent white crown of light condensed like water waves appeared on Grisgow Dawn’s head, with white divine lights. Hanging down, protecting him and a large group of people around him in divine light.

A crimson cross appeared behind the Pope Seal, which was burning with blazing flames. The cross with countless square black and red divine inscriptions on it was ten meters high. He also released a large red light. , She sheltered half of the hall.

The other clergy present took action. They walked to their pope, chanted the name of the deity they served, and activated their sacred artifacts, blending with the divine light released by the three artifacts. Covered the entire hall for a solid divine light barrier.

The thin black blood fallen **** thorn suddenly disappeared, and a crazy voice suddenly rang: "Originally, we were only seeking revenge from the Longshan family! But there are still three Pope His Majesty present. What a good prey are you? Let’s die together!” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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