Bright Era

Chapter 1757: Come to an end (3)

"I must remind you!" Heavenly Mountain yelled a little hastily: "Once this level of power erupts, all the sea water you compress will be completely annihilated, and they will transform the actual matter into destructive energy. This The power of a drop of water will destroy everything within tens of thousands of miles! The Western Continent will be shattered by this blow!"

Lin Qi stayed in a daze, then subconsciously absorbed the drop of water into his body, allowing the small origin in his body to swallow it. A large gray mist sprayed out in the same place, and at the same time thousands of extremely fine source forces sprayed out.

A ray of source force appeared on Lin Qi's fingertips, and then about a pound of seawater was absorbed by Lin Qi in the source force, and it was quickly compressed into a tiny particle hundreds of times smaller than the tip of the needle. He looked at the messenger from the Temple of Fallen Temple, and ejected this little particle casually.

The Yin Master stared at Lin Qi's every move. When he saw Lin Qi forcibly compressing the seawater in a radius of hundreds of miles to the size of a fist, the Yin Master's face was twitched: "This is totally unreasonable. Even if he is the spokesperson of Heavenly Mountain, he can control the extreme power of light at most! He can master the power of the law of light at most! But this guy seems to have achieved complete control over the power of the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind, heaven. It is impossible for the mountain to do this!"

There is no doubt that behind Lin Qi, there are other shadows of the Metaverse. But who would it be?

Speaking of the degree of control over the power of the major element laws, Penglai is second to none among the many components of the Metaverse! The five sacred mountains represent the supreme meaning of the five elements derived from the four original elements, and the five elements can derive all the mixed elements and the laws of other mutation elements in the world.

If Lin Qi stood behind Penglai, it would be no surprise that he had the power he has today, but Lin Qi is clearly Heavenly Mountain behind him!

"How could this happen? It's totally unreasonable!" The Yin Master looked at Lin Qi angrily, his figure shook, dozens of flying swords shot forward with thin smoke, and hit a sea beast. Flew far away. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the sea beast being knocked into flight, Master Yin wanted to break through the chaos, but several ten-winged winged men suddenly stopped by his side.

Feeling helplessly the heavy damage to his body, the Yin Master angrily stopped. He looked at Lin Qi bitterly, then the corners of his mouth squirmed slightly, and he chanted a weird mantra gently-if Lin Qi was by the Yin Master, he would definitely be able to hear the mantras read by the Yin Master and those in the Tianmiao The high-level prayers are almost exactly the same.

With the sound of the Yin Master’s recitation, a faint golden red light rolled under the Yin Master’s skin. An uncomfortable, like a silent lava lake, contained an aura of terror and destruction under the calm of the surface. The will quietly, without alarming anyone, descended on the Yin Master.

The drop of sea water that Lin Qi shot was flying forward. The human eye could not see the existence of the drop. However, the huge power contained in the drop made it tear open the air during flight. On the surface of the sea, a white corridor with a thickness of several tens of meters was brought up.

The people in the Temple of Fallen Temple suddenly felt the arrival of the disaster of extinction, and a terrifying force capable of destroying all of them was rapidly shooting at them. They glanced at Lin Qi subconsciously, and then uttered an unbelievable exclamation: "This is the power of a god! You actually have the power of a god? You are a god! Then why can you control the angel army?"

At the beginning, he was calm and calm, and when facing Thames, he was still calm and peaceful, as if everything was under control, and the messenger of the Temple of the Fallen, who was under his control, flew backwards with a pale face in embarrassment.

All his confidence, all his courage, and the greatest support he dared to calculate for a **** lies in—Tems walks the world in the flesh, his body has been severely damaged, and his strength has been weakened to the extreme, so he has the courage So presumptuous and arrogant in front of Thames.

But when an existence with complete divine power appeared in front of him, the messenger of the Temple of Fallen Temple immediately showed his true colors. He screamed in horror, and flew backwards with a stinking body. He flew backwards desperately at the fastest speed, and at the same time, the rotten leech eyes on his hand continuously sprayed large green smoke, which turned into a twisted magical enchantment behind him.

The sea beast mother slowly flew up, her huge body blocked in front of the tiny sea water particles.

The sea water particles ejected by Lin Qi hit the body of the sea beast mother, and there was a loud noise, and then the sky and the earth became white. A black-red beam of light soaring into the sky rushed rapidly, and a rolling mushroom cloud completely enveloped the sky and the sea in a radius of tens of miles. The sea beast mother uttered a hoarse cry, devastating energy rolled over her body, her carapace was lifted layer by layer, and the countless twisted black and red muscles and pipes inside were twisted and burnt by the high temperature flames. , Emitting an unpleasant stench.

Except for the messenger of the Temple of the Fallen God, all other Temples belonging to the Temple of the Fallen God were completely obliterated by Lin Qi's blow.

The sea beast mother is burning with a raging fire, her carapace has completely disappeared, and only the fragile inner flesh is being ravaged by the devastating flame. She howled with exhaustion, and chaotic and huge mental fluctuations continued to spread around: "Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? What kind of tribe are you? Who are you? Which tribe are you? People? Who are you?"

Lin Qi squinted at the Sea Beast Mother who was struggling in the fire, with a strange smile on her face.

Tu Jun's axe whizzed up into the sky, the shadow of a kilometer-long axe flickered in the sky, and then it smashed heavily. The Mother Sea Beast let out a stern and miserable howl, Tu Jun's axe split her into two pieces, and then swallowed all her essence and her soul.

The high-pitched tiger roar was endless, and Tu Junchu excitedly returned a lot of ignorant admiration to Lin Qi.

"Very good, very good!" Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction, it seems that Tu Junaxe is about to take shape. Having swallowed the origin of a true god, Tu Junaxe is likely to jump directly over the threshold of a semi-sacred tool and rank among the divine tools. Of course, in this process, Tu Junaxe still needs a lot of nutrition, such as countless rare magical raw materials, and these Lin Qi will never be stingy.

"Poor Temple of the Fallen God, you don't even know my true strength, so come to avenge me?" Lin Qi crooked his mouth helplessly.

What is the strength of the Fallen Temple's dispatch this time? If it is used to attack any empire's capital, it may be razed to the ground. After all, a sea beast mother, this lethal power is really too powerful! Even if it was a severely damaged sea beast mother with incomplete strength, it was still not an existence that ordinary creatures could resist.

But who let them run into Lin Qi this freak? He really has a three-star imperial master, which is comparable to the strength of a middle god!

"Will you run away? The rotten eyes are mine!" Lin Qi smiled and glanced at the messenger of the Temple of Fallen Temple who was fleeing embarrassedly.

A miserable howl came from all around, and the mother sea beast was killed, and all the sea beasts she produced began to disintegrate and melt at the same time. There is a wonderful connection between the sea scavenger mother and the sea scavengers she produces. When the sea scavenger mother exists, these sea scavengers will recover quickly, no matter how long they have been fighting. If the mother exists, they will all get a steady stream of power.

However, once the mother sea beast is killed, these sea beasts will immediately destroy themselves!

The envoy of the Temple of Fallen Temple who was fleeing quickly saw that all the sea beasts were ruined, his face turned blue with fright, and he screamed like a mournful concubine. His body trembled violently, burning the life source force desperately, and fleeing outward several times faster than before.

But two rabbits stopped by his side.

Two heavy metal rods fell on this hapless person almost at the same time. The terrible sound of fractures rose like fried beans, and the messenger of the Temple of Fallen Temple was beaten so that his body was twisted and his body was bloodied, and he screamed and plunged into the sea.

Da Hei happily jumped over and scraped away all the valuable things on the hapless Temple of the Fallen messenger. Then Da Hei threw this guy into the sky, and a big mouth suddenly appeared, swallowing the messenger of the fallen temple.

With a flattering smile, Da Hei jumped to Lin Qi's side and dedicated the rotten leech eyes to Lin Qi.

"Look, are you talking about this thing? We didn't touch him with this disgusting eyeball! This is what you want? So you got this stuff. The other things on him are ours. Right?" Da Hei showed his two huge front teeth flatteringly, and a short tail swaying hard behind his ass.

Lin Qi grabbed the rotten leech's eye and swallowed him inside.

The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse accepted the rotten leech eyes for the first time, and the four colors of strange light surged up at the same time, and layer by layer corrosion engulfed the body of the rotten leech eyes. This lifeless eye suddenly struggled violently, and then let out a stern moan. But the surrounding sweet-scented osmanthus trees, Longya, and Shengxianchi all swarmed up, fiercely beating the rotten leech eyes, and soon wiped out his last bit of resistance.

Lin Qi slowly flew to the Yin Master with his hands behind his back. He looked at the Yin Master coldly, and smiled gently: "Now, only you and me are left! By the way, I want to thank you for helping me deal with Tai. Mus! After all, the high-end power of the law of time has let me deal with it now. One is not sure, and the other is too exhausting."

Now the tiny origin in Lin Qi's body is only in the juvenile stage, Lin Qi has not yet grasped its mystery. In this process, if Lin Qi and Thames fought hard, it would probably damage the origin, which would not be a good thing for Lin Qi's future cultivation. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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