Bright Era

Chapter 1785: Faction (1)

In the depths of the Black Spirit Continent, in a black swamp that stretches for tens of thousands of miles, there are dotted with sparsely constructed spire houses. A large number of tall, dark-skinned black spirits live in this swamp, catching fish and waterbirds in a large number of clear lakes in the swamp.

In the core of the swamp, a simple shrine made of black boulders stands proudly. In the front of the temple, two rows of ten-meter-high rock pillars ignited pale magical flames, and the endless flames illuminated the huge spider statue at the entrance of the temple.

Several thin, skinny old black spirits sat lazily under the spider statue, quietly looking at a cone-shaped mountain dozens of miles away. The mountainside is covered by a thick blood-colored long grass, and above the mountainside is a large number of dense blood-colored pine forests, while the top of the mountain is covered with ice and snow.

A crater with a diameter of several hundred meters was opened on the top of this strange mountain, and thick smoke was continuously ejected from the crater.

Suddenly, the mountain trembled, and a cloud of dense smoke wrapped in a cloud of dazzling glow. This group of rays of light flew nearly 10,000 meters high with a dull sound of breaking through the air, and then scattered into dozens of tiny light spots, splashing in all directions in a mess.

Some of the rays of light happened to fall in front of this simple temple, stirring up a tall muddy water column in the swamp near the temple. A black spirit old man with a deerskin hat on his head ran over, happily splashing a green magic gemstone the size of a human head from the mud. Using the animal skin skirt around his waist to clean the mud on the rough stone, the old man black spirit exclaimed excitedly: "Hey, good stuff!"

Several other old black spirits also sprang up, and they slid into the swamp happily, picking up the other points of falling light. Magic crystals, magic gems, and mithril blocks that are still exuding hot heat, these things that will make people break their heads to **** in the Western Continent are common here.

At the bottom of the mountain, in an extremely deep cave that ordinary people would never reach, a huge white spider with a body length of more than 10,000 meters was dozing lazily on a sea of ​​magical elements. She was as white as jade, and at the same time, her body was covered with fine silver hairs, and her body was full of wounds. Many of the wounds penetrated her body and exposed her internal organs.

This is a hole with a diameter of more than one hundred thousand meters. A wonderful force has absorbed an infinite amount of magic elements, and a piece of unfathomable seawater is condensed in this hole. This big spider was lying on the water comfortably, making a low purr from time to time.

Suddenly, her body squirmed, and the dense compound eyes on her head suddenly lit up, and then she let out a cry of consternation: "One of my children has been expelled? How could human beings have this power? Could it be that there are others? Did someone intervene?"

Lazily swaying his huge arms and legs, the big white spider sighed faintly: "Well, if you are expelled, you will be expelled. A trivial offspring is not my true descendant at all. It’s not a loss to be roasted and eaten."

A pretty figure wearing a fire-red cloak quietly appeared in front of the big spider. She smiled softly: "Spiel, mother of spiders, your temper is getting better and better. If you could maintain such a temper, you wouldn't be besieged by them and become what you are now, right?"

The huge mother of spiders shook her head, and dozens of compound eyes gleaming with green fluorescence suddenly gleamed: "Spider Fairy Sheris, you actually abandoned your original form? Is it fun to dress up as a human? Well, I think you look a bit awkward like this!"

The Spider Demon Ji laughed'chichi', she took off the cloak on her body, revealing a hot and alluring almost naked body. She was tall and tall, even punching a punch higher than Lin Qi. Her body proportions became perfect, and no flaws could be found from her. What's terrible is that the pair of majestic peaks on her chest are almost perfect. With the size of a child's head, it is constantly releasing its deadly temptation.

What makes people helpless is that with such a hot body, the Spider Demon Ji is only wearing a pair of small trousers, and her chest is only wrapped with two small pieces of pink cloth. A magnificent long red hair fell down, and the long wavy hair hung down to her ankles. It contrasted with her pale black and slightly pink complexion. She was like a fire, a violent desire. flame.

"Aren't you awkward? I think it's pretty good!" The Spider Demon Ji lowered her head and glanced at her exquisite body, and then she stood up proudly: "I have used this image everywhere on this continent in the past few years. After leaving, a few Black Spirit tribe wars were provoked by the way. Isn't this interesting?"

"War?" The mother of spiders sighed: "Xie Lisi, you shouldn't do this, those poor black spirits can't stand our toss. They are too fragile, they are too weak, compared with their ancestors, They are so weak now that I feel a little sad."

Twisting her long waist, the Spider Demon Fairy smiled triumphantly: "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm not a group of **** and violent bastards, I'm very determined, just hurt After a few people, no one died! I told them I didn’t like men when they were about to go to full-scale war! So they all cried!"

The crisp laughter shook the sea water condensed by magic elements to set off huge waves, and the cone-shaped volcano above was shaken. Masses of underground magma wrapped in countless precious magic materials from underground veins, and they were continuously ejected out.

The spider mother sighed helplessly: "Be careful, Xie Lisi, when you are walking outside, your human form is too fragile. You will be hurt, and you know that whether it is them or them, we are cherished. Hostility. We want neutrality, but they don’t recognize our neutrality. With their personalities, they do everything."

The Spider Demon Fairy was silent for a while, and then she nodded: "The messengers with long ears are here, what do you mean?"

The mother of spider uttered a few "chirps": "Why do you ask?"

The Spider Demon Ji flew up and sat cross-legged on the head of the Spider Mother, and then gently patted one of her huge compound eyes: "It's not just my problem, everyone wants to know what you mean. Especially. It's the big snake, his tail was cut off by the hunting goddess, so he values ​​your opinion very seriously."

The spider mother became silent. She tilted her head and pondered for a while, before shaking her arms and legs heavily.

"Those long ears mean to unite our strength, cooperate with the group of element monsters and spirit monsters on the ice field, plus the multi-armed secret demons and spirit gods, mobilize the secular power we can command, unite and make a thorough Get rid of the troublesome brothers and their subordinates and **** God's Domain back."

"The realm of God belongs to all of us. The Azer family and their allies are not qualified to monopolize the realm of God. Especially, we have all sensed that the number of soul crystals that can be condensed in the realm of God this time is very large, which is great for us. the benefits of."

The mother of spiders slowly expressed her opinion, and the spider demon girl frowned and shook her head and pondered for a while, then exhaled heavily: "Is this your opinion? Well, anyway, I am I absolutely support your opinion. But from other people, we have to explain. We can't be pushed out as a substitute for the dead like we did in the past."

After a long silence, the mother of spiders sighed slowly: "We were divided internally back then, and our ethnicity determined that we were indeed inferior to them in conspiracy and trickery, so we suffered a big loss, and many brothers and sisters became victims. , They even became the raw material for refining artifacts."

"This time I told those long ears that the first prerequisite for us to cooperate with them is that they return all the artifacts made from the bodies of our brothers and sisters. Secondly, I want them to promise that we will never be the first. A shot. These conditions, they have already made a promise." The spider mother's eyes flickered, and she slowly expressed her opinion to the Spider Demon Fairy.

"Our brains are not enough, so we always suffer, but this time we have to learn to be smarter, no matter what, our people, including these black spirits, will not be the first to step onto the battlefield!" The mother patted her arms and feet hard, and suddenly a dazzling white flame appeared on her body: "Our goal this time is just the crystallization of the soul."

A black wind was rolled up out of thin air, and a large scorpion with a staggering volume and a little bit of gold and blue appeared slowly in the black wind: "Well, give them a condition, I want to kill the **** of war, If possible, those long ears must help me kill the **** of war. All the brothers and sisters who were hatched from the same nest as me were killed by him. Only I survived, and I must kill him!"

The spider mother yelled: "Sovereign Scorpion, it is too difficult to kill the **** of war."

The King Scorpion shook his tail hook that was twice as long as his body and was extremely sharp: "I don't care so much, anyway those long ears must agree with me! Otherwise, I will find those crazy people to join hands. , In short, I only need to kill the God of War, and I won't bother to care about so many others!"

The spider demon girl knocked the head of the spider mother with his forehead heavily. The spider mother lamented that she stuffed her head into the sea water condensed by magic elements, and kept spitting out huge blisters. After a long time, the mother of spider raised her head: "You brainless guy, I can only say, we try our best to kill the **** of war!" (to be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to the starting point ( to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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