Bright Era

Chapter 1799: Bribery (3)

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi said very seriously: "I am here on behalf of the Longshan Empire of the Western Continent. The fleet of the empire is at the rear, and they have brought all the Black Spirit slaves in the territory of the Longshan Empire."

Speyer lay lazily on King Scorpion’s head: "Oh? Longshan Empire? I don't seem to have heard of this name."

"It takes only two or three years for the Dragon Mountain Empire to replace the Vias Commercial Federation!" Lin Qi gently explained: "We take this opportunity to reinforce the Black Spirit Empire to return the Black Spirits enslaved by the Vias Commercial Federation. People want to establish friendship with the Black Spirit Continent."

Xie Lisi jumped up several feet to the side. She pointed to Lin Qi and yelled: "Axiu's friendship with the believers of the Protoss? Little guy, are you kidding? We are going to kill Axiu with those long ears this time. You’re the gods, at least they have to..."

Speyer slapped Xie Lisi to the ground, and then a spider silk spouted out of thin air, sealing her mouth firmly. Xie Lisi expressed her protest with dancing, but Speyer didn't even look at her. The huge compound eyes exuded a faint divine light, carefully looking at Lin Qi's facial expression, Speyer nodded slowly.

"I can feel the sincerity in your words. It seems that you are a relatively special human being. You don't have the kind of disgusting and disgusting breath in you, that is, you are not a believer of the so-called gods. Since this is the case , Then we can talk. For example, you want the friendship of the Black Spirit Continent, what do you want to do?"

Lin Qi looked at Speyer, carefully organizing the words.

"What I want has nothing to do with the gods. I just want to get the mineral resources and military resources of the Black Spirit Continent. The Black Spirits are born excellent fighters. After professional training and training, they will form a daunting composition. The army. And the resources of the Black Spirit Continent, the Longshan Empire needs a huge amount of resources."

Speyer shrugged her fat back, and said lightly: "But these little black charcoal heads in the Black Spirit Continent, they don't need your things! There are not many friendships with you, and they do not have your friendship. Continue to live like this, what can you give them?"

"They can walk freely on the territory of the Longshan Empire. In the future, I will let them appear upright in the Western Continent, instead of appearing as slaves and indentured fighters." Lin Qi looked at Speyer: "Maybe you Can’t understand, but..."

Speyer waved his arms and legs and interrupted Lin Qi's words: "I can understand these things, but these words may be useful to those little guys, and to me, they are not attractive. Those long ears, oh, just The gods of the Elf Continent you mentioned, they promised that if we cooperate with them and the coalition forces attack the Western Continent, I can get the spirit crystals I need."

Several arms and legs moved lightly, and Speyer stood up, Lin Qi's figure reflected in the huge compound eyes.

"So, funny little guy, you can't convince me. You can't give me enough benefits. The crystallization of the soul, if I have that thing, I will quickly recover from the damage, and I may go further. For me For a creature that has lived for too many years, what is more important than its own strength?"

Heaven Mountain spoke in a low voice, and he made a suggestion to Lin Qi.

Lin Qi was silent for a while. He looked at Speyer and suddenly laughed: "Then, if you say, I hope you don’t disrupt my communication with the Black Spirit Tribe, and don’t use your divine power to intervene in my normal trade and negotiations. , What is the price?"

Speyer was stunned, and Xie Lisi on the side finally removed the spider silk sticking to her lips. She jumped up and yelled strangely, "Are you dreaming? A believer of the Azerite clan, you What can these idiots come up with to keep us from making trouble for you?"

Spelling his plump and majestic chest fiercely, Speyer triumphantly glanced at Esther provocatively: "The Black Spirit Continent is our territory, starting last year, and continuing to the next 100 years, yes Speyer's rotation time. So, in this hundred years, all the black guys have to listen to Speyer's oracle!"

"You have stepped on our territory, and I will never make you comfortable! For the sake of Deep Blue Heart, I dare not do it with you anymore! But the big guys around Speyer are more than me and Jin Lord Scorpion, I will find other guys who are not afraid of the cold to deal with you!"

The outspoken Xie Lisi laughed loudly, and her chest throbbed violently again. This spectacular scene caused the donkey's saliva to droop, all dripping on the wall.

"Expelling all the **** from the Western Continent, or killing them, or arresting you for mining as slaves! Don't you want to stand here, because we don't welcome you! The believers of the Axul Protoss shouldn't have come here! Not to mention, you dare to establish an empire on our territory?"

Xie Lisi hurriedly expressed her opinions and yelled at Lin Qi endlessly.

All in all, her main intention is that Lin Qi don't want to establish a foothold in the Black Spirit Continent, and the Black Spirit natives will not cooperate with him. No matter how many Black Spirit slaves were returned by the Longshan Empire, Xie Lisi didn't care. Anyway, the gods of the Black Spirit Building will join forces with the gods of the Elf Continent to send a coalition force to attack the Western Continent.

The elves and the Negro natives will form a huge expedition across the sea, sweeping the entire Western Continent. At that time, no matter how many Negro slaves there are, they will be rescued, so Lin Qi’s so-called return of all Negro slaves will not be released at all. On Xie Lisi.

Lin Qi sighed helplessly. It seemed that he could only follow the advice of Heaven Mountain.

How can the gods of the Black Spirit Continent be such a virtue? Although the churches of the Western Continent closely monitor the entire continent, the gods of the Western Continent rarely appear before humans! And this Black Spirit Continent does not seem to have any strict religious organization, and these gods are directly and grandiose all over the ground!

Perhaps this is because of the difference in race? The gods of the Western Continent still have a noble demeanor, and the gods of the Black Spirit Continent, their bodies are huge insects. According to Heaven Mountain, the gods of these insects have simple brains, and they admit death. It is basically impossible to communicate with them normally.

Speyer might still be unwilling to attack Lin Qi and the others because of his identity. Xie Lisi and King Scorpion, they can be regarded as riveting with Lin Qi and the others. As Xie Lisi said, she is afraid of the cold, so although she is a high-ranking god, but she will not rashly deal with Este who has a deep blue heart.

But if they call friends and call friends to get a large group of other gods and Lin Qi embarrassed, it will really make Lin Qi unimaginable.

Reluctantly, Lin Qi took out a huge water tank, which contained blood like jade liquid from a half-tank three-legged toad. At the same time, Lin Qi took out twelve pieces of white spar the size of a water tank, which was condensed from Heaven Mountain to create the energy core used by the twelve-winged archangel.

As the only archangel in the angel legion with the intellect, these energy cores contain huge spiritual power.

"Ah, oh!" Sheris who was talking about it suddenly closed her mouth. She stared at these things that Lin Qi took out, and a slobber hung from the corner of her mouth. Dragged to the ground.

Just about to open a passage, Speyer, who returned directly to her lair, also stayed there, and a series of bubbling bubbles, which could be regarded as her saliva, also continuously emerged from her mouthparts. As for the King Scorpion, he was even more unbearable. He tremblingly approached the city wall step by step, raised his head and leaned in front of Lin Qi, staring at what Lin Qi took out.

"The Longshan Empire has excavated several ruins in the abyss world and obtained these things!" Lin Qi looked at the Speyer trio with certainty: "These things contain extremely magical and huge powers, but we can't use them effectively. thing."

Xie Lisi smiled at Lin Qi: "Then, dear little guy, what are you going to do with these precious things?"

Lin Qi smiled and nodded to Speyer and Xie Lisi: "I know that the gods of the Black Spirit Continent are the gods who keep their promises, so I use these treasures in exchange for you not to interfere in any legitimate actions we take in the Black Spirit Continent. As long as we don’t slaughter the Black Spirit natives, don’t forcibly occupy their resources, and as long as we have a willing deal with them, you can’t intervene.”

"This, of course, I have absolutely no objection!" King Jin Xie shook his body and suddenly turned into a strong man in golden and blue armor. He shook his body and arrived in front of Lin Qi, then greedily hugged an energy core and licked it: "This smell is so charming, so tempting, ooh!"

Lin Qi smiled and looked at King Golden Scorpion: "Every year two giant dragons are used for food and this beautiful magic crystal is used as a bride price. Can you be my mount?"

The King Scorpion had long been fascinated by this huge energy core and didn't know where he flew. Hearing Lin Qi's bewitching words, he even nodded subconsciously. Xie Lisi's face changed, and she kicked the King Scorpion's head fiercely, stomping his head deeply into the city wall.

"This idiot has nothing to say, oh hoohoo!" Xie Lisi leaned forward and backward with a smile, and the two huge **** almost bounced out of the thin cloth the size of a palm. The donkey on the side straightened his eyes for a while, and suddenly two nosebleeds spurted out of his nostrils.

Xie Lisi didn't even look at the donkey. She grabbed King Golden Scorpion's head with a grin and threw him out of the city wall. Then she stroked the energy core that had been licked several times by King Scorpion, and sighed with satisfaction. He took a sigh of relief: "Spier, look, this thing is really fascinating! With these things, we don't need to join hands with those long ears." (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to the starting point ( to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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