Bright Era

Chapter 1810: Hall of Valor, cover up (1)

On a small island on the edge of Black Pearl Harbor, in a deep cave, the young snake man and the lion man who once watched the battle between Lin Qi and Wang Zong on the hillside carefully studied through a thin fog mirror. The battle between Lin Qi and Wang Zong.

When the Skeleton Sea appeared, the two orc royal families frowned at the same time, obviously they also knew how tired the hordes of undead were. When Black Pearl Harbor wiped out the first batch of skeleton monsters with storm-like fire magic, the two sighed at the same time. Humans have such a powerful army of magicians, which is not a good thing for the alien races of the Odin continent.

When Lin Qi had summoned the Great Elemental Titan, the Snake Man Youth had already taken out a small book made of beast skin and recorded in detail what he saw. A three-hundred-man elemental giant is equivalent to three hundred ordinary magician groups. On the battlefield, their burst of lethality will make people desperate.

With the evolution of the battle situation, when Wang Zong dispatched the floating castle and the centaur army, their faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

The floating castle is actually such a legend, a devastating war tool forged by the power of various races by the ancient goblins. There are no treasures in the Odin Temple. Although in history, the Odin Temple has found several floating castles from the ruins, but it does not produce orcs who only know about destruction, destroying those precious archaic relics. Clean and clean.

However, in the previous religious wars, the Odin Temple finally tasted the consequences of devastating destruction. The church dispatched several floating castles to cooperate with the church’s flying warcraft army, giving the Odin Temple a devastating blow. There are even many demigod-level elders who have fallen.

And the Centaur Legion, the Elf Continent, the Goblin Continent, and even the Odin Icefield have a large number of Centaur tribes.

But these dark-haired centaur, they are clearly the centaur from the abyss. Among the centaur tribe, the black centaur is the most brutal, the most combative, and the most unruly force. And such a bloodthirsty violent race, they were actually trained into an elite army with strict military discipline, how could this be?

The combat power of the centaur can also be ranked in the top ten among other races such as the orcs, and the centaur population reproduces extremely fast. The strong races in the orcs, such as the lion, the tiger, the bear, etc., their reproduction power and Compared with the Centaur, that is not an order of magnitude at all.

Therefore, although the centaur is not the opponent of the Lion, the Tiger, and the Bear in a single fight, their number is huge, so the overall strength of their ethnic group is not below the three royal families of the orcs. And the profound black centaur population is so strong that the orc royal family dare not ignore their existence.

Look at these 100,000 black centaurs, wearing uniform rune armor, holding rune spears and axes, and carrying enchanted bows and arrows. The two young men from strong orcs only feel the scalp for a while. Numb. With such an elite 100,000 black centaur and their excellent armor, they can almost crush the orcs, barbarians, dwarves and other foreign legions on the battlefield!

It is important to know that other races can only be used as heavy infantry in heavy armor. Only the centaur, a cheating group, can be regarded as heavy infantry. They can also serve as heavy cavalry, or even heavy cavalry archers. Moreover, from time to time, there are several hybrids with unicorn blood in the centaur family. Their magic talents are amazingly strong, and they can also form their own magician army.

Such an excellent talent, even the three royal families of the orcs are not so outrageous. The three royal tribes of the orcs have the greatest number of heroes who wield knives, shoot, kill and set fire. Basically, there is no concept of magician among their tribesmen. The three royal clans were able to maintain their rule only by relying on their own powerful personal strength and the power of the mages of the vassal groups.

"A centaur armed with an army, or an abyssal black centaur!" The young snake man shook his head bitterly: "Their equipment is better than the guards of the three royal clans? At least in my snake race, it can There are definitely no more than three thousand soldiers with such a full set of rune weapons and armor. But here, there are one hundred thousand!"

The lion man's eyes were red with jealousy. He gasped for breath, and said in a low voice: "The centaur of the ground world and their close relatives in the abyss always have some unclean connections. I also heard about the centaur In seeking the dominance of the royal family, they want to turn the three major royal families into four major royal families."

The eyes of the young snake man suddenly shrank into a shuttle-like shape, and he hissed: "How is this possible? The four royal families? How much resources do they score? How much benefit? Don't think that their ethnic groups are widely distributed, don't think that their people are. More, they can do whatever they want!"

The lion man stood up, and shook his head with a serious expression on his face: "What happened here must be reported to the elders immediately. A hundred thousand black centaur armed to the teeth, these **** bastards. Well, maybe, I think about it. A great idea!"

A hideous cold light flashed in the young snake man's eyes, and he smiled triumphantly: "I also thought of a good idea. These black spirits' coalition commanders seem to have a lot of background? These centaur should be his reinforcements. If it is said that this kid named Wang Zong was suddenly killed by someone, then will the forces behind him fight to the death with the people of the Western mainland?"

Looking at the young snake man, the lion man lowered his voice, "Isn't that our goal?"

The young snake man smiled coldly: "So I think we can try, but our strength is not enough. We need stronger power, Laihan, we all need stronger power."

A quarter of an hour later, a simple messenger magic circle was built by the snake man youth. If Lin Qi saw this magic circle for communication, he would definitely sneer at it-this magic circle is too crude, and the materials used are simply inferior to the extreme, nothing more than the ability to complete the most basic messaging function, except for that Besides, there is no other role.

A faint smoke spread, and a vague old fox man who barely saw his face appeared in the smoke. He coughed a few times, and slowly pulled a few sparse beards on his chin: "Prince Rahan, and His Royal Highness, have you found anything in the Black Spirit Continent? Do you remember your mission? Huh?"

Lion Man Rahan nodded to the old fox tribe: "Remember, but there is a problem!"

The young snake man Sna shook a crystal ball in his hand. The image of the floating castle and the black centaur army that he and Lehan had just seen had been sent back to the old man’s Odin’s Temple through the transmission magic circle. . Then Sna used the most cautious language to describe certain analysis and speculations of himself and Lehan to the old fox man.

At the core of the remote Oding Icefield, in the middle of a rugged ice sheet, a group of stone buildings stands in a piece of ice and snow. Rough black boulders form the main body of this majestic building. The raging ice storm coated the surface of the boulder with a thick layer of frost, even on the giant lampposts in front of several halls, outside the burning brazier Yuan was also wrapped in frost.

In the middle of a huge rectangular hall, nearly a hundred old people of different races formed a circle, and in the middle of them was a group of burning white flames. A faint dim light illuminates this huge hall, and amidst the beating white flames, a reindeer-born body, but the strange creature whose upper body is the image of a handsome old man is showing a mocking smile.

Waves of powerful mental fluctuations rolled in the hall, no one spoke, everyone was using mental fluctuations to connect with each other.

The old fox clan who was talking to Lehan and Sina played the video. The floating castle suspended in the air formed a neat army of black centaur marching forward. All of this caused the elderly present. Strong visual impact.

A powerful and mysterious spirit wave slowly spread from the flame, and a voice rang in the hearts of all the old people.

"Initiate a war between the Black Spirit Continent and the Western Continent! Destroy the Longshan family and kill Wanen Longshan! Anyone who dares to hurt my child must be punished the most terrible! Wann Longshan and those behind him The evil forces must be completely destroyed."

"After controlling the territory of the Longshan Empire, gather troops to directly attack the church's territory and attack the holy mountain. You don't need to consider whether you can overcome the problem. If you can dye the holy mountain red with human blood, this is your greatest contribution. "

"In order to achieve this goal, I authorize you to use the power of the Hall of Valor! Those two little guys, choose a powerful heroic spirit for them. I hope that these powerful existences from the ancient legends can help them complete this task. "

"But, be careful, my believers, be careful! The power of the Hall of Valor is very powerful, but his power is also very dangerous. If you use too much power that does not belong to you, then the consequences are beyond my imagination. So, Two heroes, two at most. With the power of those powerful beings, they should be able to complete their plan easily."

These old men from the orcs, dwarves, barbarians and other foreign races nodded and saluted the flame. Strong waves of magical power emanated from their bodies, and the pure power of faith was continuously injected into the flames. The old man in the flame showed a satisfied smile, he sighed deeply, and then disappeared silently.

"It still takes a little bit of time! The sacrifice of the Norman Fortress needs to be quickened! More dead, send more people to siege the city every day!"

"It only takes a little time! We can come back and come back here! More dead, more people die every day!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( Voting for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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