Bright Era

Chapter 1826: Violent suppression (4)

Nodded vigorously, Lin Qi gave an approving look at the arrogant centaur, who was still holding weapons tightly, with red eyes and roaring loudly even when surrounded by heavy siege: "You are all heroes, but unfortunately ,not mine!"

A fireball with a diameter of 100 meters abruptly condensed on top of Lin Qi's head, and then accompanied by a roar through the air, the fireball blasted into the center of the queue of more than three thousand centaurs, only a loud noise was heard, more than three thousand centaurs. Lin Qi was blown to pieces by one blow, and he didn't even leave a complete body.

"This is a tribute to heroes! If you are unwilling to surrender, then let you die in the hands of a strong man like me, this is the greatest tribute to you!" Lin Qi looked at these shattered corpses indifferently and relentlessly. Tiger Soul Armor slowly retracted into his body, Tu Junaxe also turned into a light and shadow and submerged into his body.

Unlike the previous situation where the **** tiger soul armor and the Tu Junaxe were safely present in the body, today, a vivid tiger head tattoo appeared on Lin Qi's front and back chest at the same time. The head of the tiger in front of him was blood red, while the one behind him was jet black.

Moreover, Lin Qi could feel a huge power hidden in the blood-red tiger head on his chest. As long as he moved his mind, this huge power could cause a devastating attack on the enemy in front of him-Tiger Roaring Moon Chong, the **** Tiger Soul Armor's big killer move can already be released directly through his body.

And the black tiger head behind him contained extremely sharp aura. Without the need to summon the body of the Tu Jun axe, Lin Qi was able to condense all the sharp vigor in his palm, sending out a fist that was far stronger than his own. An attack with a stronger palm and more lethality.

This feeling is very good.

Lin Qi smiled, then waved his hand, the twelve shining white rays of light slowly retracted under his feet, dozens of temples on Heaven Mountain were restrained, and the huge divine light barrier had disappeared without a trace. trace. A loud roar from Munch came from outside the Black Pearl Harbor. With the help of 10,000 flame dragons, he successfully captured the huge fleet of undead fleets.

Among the soldiers on the undead fleet, about 10,000 or so murloc soldiers were beheaded, and the other undead sailors and undead warriors were reduced to ashes in the breath of the dragon. More than a thousand giant keel battleships are being dragged into Black Pearl Harbor by those dragons, and the huge port area cannot store so many giant battleships. Many battleships can only line up outside the breakwater.

"Clean the battlefield and collect all the armor and weapons!" Lin Qi gave a low order with his hands behind his back: "Especially those equipment of the level above the sacred artifacts, all will be handed over to Mr. Mo to distribute them according to the military merits!"

The soldiers put away their weapons one after another, swiftly healed their injured companions, and packed the bodies of their dead colleagues. There are 20,000 soldiers patrolling around the battlefield, picking up equipment that is worth recycling. Lin Qi ordered the pieces of equipment to be picked up. For ordinary people, these fragments are useless, but for Lin Qi, who owns Shengxianchi, these fragments can still be recycled.

After busying for a while, the battlefield has been cleaned up and down, and the corpses of the soldiers who died were burned to ashes by the half-dragon wizard and buried together. Lin Qi came to Wang Zong who was unconscious, and lowered his head to figure out how to mop up the tail.

Originally, Lin Qi wanted to live peacefully with Wang Zong, so he even sent a good signal to Wang Zong through the siege.

However, the appearance of the king made all Lin Qi's wishful thinking come to nothing. Now that Lin Qi has completely killed the king and the members of the ruling guild, he must find a way to make things here have a perfect ending.

After pondering for a long time, Lin Qi shook his head gently. The matter here involves the Black Spirits, the Elves and the Domination Society, and these three forces are not very easy to provoke. It seems that the black spirit people seem to be the most vulnerable, but the black spirit people also have gods behind them, and the brains of those gods are more unreliable than the other, and these unreliable gods are more difficult to deal with.

It seems that the donkey should really sacrifice hue?

Looking at the donkey maliciously, Lin Qi showed a smug smile.

At this moment, there was a slight magic wave in Wang Zong's sleeve that oscillated. Lin Qi pondered for a while, stretched out his hand and took out a fist-sized crystal ball from Wang Zong's sleeve. Looking at the crystal ball that kept shimmering with faint light, Lin Qi grinned a few times, then motioned to the people around him to bring Wang Zong and Yin Wuxia into Black Pearl Harbor.

Half a quarter of an hour later, in a quiet room in Black Pearl Harbor, Lin Qi inspired the crystal ball that was constantly shaking.

A faint light spread, and an old man with silver beard appeared in the light. It seemed a little impatient to wait. Before the old man could see the person in front of him clearly, he started shouting: "Wang Zong, what are you doing? A waste of so much time? Deacon Wang told you what you are going to do... ."

The old man's words came to an abrupt end. He stared at Lin Qi stubbornly, and then quickly glanced at Chi Yan standing behind Lin Qi and other giant dragons transformed into humanoids - these guys are unscrupulous. Exuding the aura of a half-god strongman, this strong dragon tumbling endlessly in this quiet room did not leak out.

Through the magic circle, the old man clearly perceives the strength of Chi Yan and the dozens of giant dragons behind him.

The gloomy old man stared at Lin Qi fiercely, and asked word by word: "Who are you?"

Lin Qi looked at the old man, he shook his head slowly: "This question is important? You should ask, what happened to Wang Zong, and what happened to the people around him. By the way, there is another one called Wang. Tyrant old guy, he wants to **** my things, he and his lackeys have been slaughtered by me, do you have any objections?"

The old man's face suddenly stiffened, and Wang Ba was killed by Lin Qi? Those running dogs of King Domination-those members of the dominating club, were all killed by Lin Qi?

The old man's eyes widened and looked at Lin Qi incredulously: "What did you say? What did you just say you did?"

Lin Qi held his finger and counted word by word: "A king tyrant, and a group of demigod-level accomplices. By the way, there are also a group of elves, well, a hundred thousand black centaur, thousands of necromancers, More than a thousand undead keel battleships, a floating castle!"

With a weird smile, Lin Qi sighed to the old man: "They were all killed by me. There are a lot of rare materials on the floating castle. I'm not welcome, so I accepted them all. I also have a group of Jingyan Taikoo under my command. Black goblins with magical technology, maybe they can repair that floating castle and rebuild a brand new floating city?"

The floating castle had been smashed to pieces by the black goblins. Lin Qi said that because he was teasing the old man.

The silver-haired old man's complexion became extremely ugly. He suddenly turned his head and roared to the side. Then a man had a majestic face with Chinese characters, his complexion like jade, lips like Wodan, and his two big earlobes were bigger than ordinary people. Several times, his black hair was draped over his shoulders, his whole body was furious, and the corners of his eyes and brows were filled with a man with a domineering aura that seemed to be righteous and righteous, just like this appeared out of thin air in the light and shadow.

With a light palm, the silver-haired old man vomited blood and flew back. With his hands on his back, this man looked at Lin Qi standing in front of the light and shadow, and suddenly a sneer smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "This seat is Yun Xiang, who are you?"

Lin Qi also held his hands on his back, and he straightened his chest and looked at Yun Xiang without fear. Lin Qi looked up and down at Yun Xiang with a look of rare creatures for a while, and Lin Qi laughed: "A good pair of skins, but it's probably a set of black water and black heart! Your uncle Lin Qi, Have you heard of my name?"

Yun Xiang was stunned, and then a weird smile appeared on his face: "Lin Qi? Of course, I have heard of your name!"

There was a big cigar on Lin Qi's mouth out of thin air, and a little red light appeared from the ‘chicks’ on the cigarette butt. After taking a sip of thick and mellow smoke, two strings of smoke rings slowly spurted out of his nostrils. Lin Qi took Yun Xiang's words: "In one word, you have caused great trouble!"

Yun Xiang looked at Lin Qi in surprise, and shook his head in a good and funny way: "Oh? You killed our people, how dare you say that we caused great trouble?"

Lin Qi sneered, and he raised his head proudly: "You provoke me, you can't imagine how terrible the forces behind me are! Of course, I can't tell you the buns, I just let you know, Hei Ling The mainland is my place!"

"Looking at the relationship between everyone belonging to the alliance, I don't care about you a lot, and you will not be allowed to step into the Black Spirit Continent in the future, otherwise I will kill or bury it!" Lin Qi looked at it with a hint of sneer. Holding Yunxiang, he said slowly, "Warning you, we dominate the club, it's not easy to mess with! King Ba, should it be a strong one sent by you? It was just a bottle of Fallen God's potion that was put down. With some strength, you dare to go against our master?"

"Wh... what?" Yun Xiang was suddenly messed up, he looked at Lin Qi at a loss, and roared, "What did you say?"

Lin Qi looked at Yun Xiang proudly, and snorted slowly: "I said, I am the one who is in charge of the meeting. In the future, if you dare to stretch out your dog's paws on my territory, I will make you unable to eat! "

With a sneer, Lin Qi smashed the crystal ball in front of him with a fist, then laughed triumphantly.

In an extremely remote place, on a small island close to the southernmost cape of the Elf Continent, Yun Xiang, standing in the main hall of a gorgeous palace, roared hysterically: "Send me to find out what is going on? The kid claims to be the one in charge of the meeting? Asshole, how does he know that he is in charge of the meeting? If he really is the one in charge of the meeting, how dare he speak out about the existence of the meeting?"

"Also, why did he have a conflict with Wang Ba? Didn't Wang Ba just send to the Black Spirit Continent to cooperate with the Wang Clan to attack the Black Spirit? He is just a preventive role, how could he be killed? Killed? Who killed him? Who could kill him? Check it out, check it out for me quickly!"

"That kid Lin Qi said that he killed a hundred thousand black centaur? Who authorized the Abyss Centaur to be dispatched? Who transferred the person? How did Lin Qi match up? Check it out for me, check it out, check it out. Chu!"

"Give me the rotating chairman of Unicom this year, I want to ask, what is the problem?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations. Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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