Bright Era

Chapter 1831: Plot the gods (4)

"Be kind!" Da Hei squirmed his three-part mouth with emotion: "I have been hated by a woman for countless years, what has this guy done? Hey, look at the posture that this woman can't wait to die with him. , Really miserable!"

Amidst the laughter of the great black gloating, Abili rushed in front of Amulele, the long black snake body quickly wrapped around Amulele's body, and then the six-handed long knife was like chopping dumplings. , Chopped down at Amulele messily.

After being hit hard by the donkey, Amulele was already in pain and was about to faint, and was hacked with a long knife by Abilee, and Amulele's arms were almost cut off by Abilee. Xie Lisi went down and launched a storm-like attack on Amulele and Abilee. Such a joint attack made Amulele feel the shadow of death approaching.

"I, how could the great dawn wrath fall here?" Amulele yelled up to the sky, his body suddenly swelled, and then a white beam of light connected between the sky and the earth, and then the white beam of light quickly Spreading to the surroundings, Amulele unexpectedly exploded his divine body outrageously, and at all costs exploded the divine body that he had recovered so easily to shatter.

Lin Qi, two rabbits and a toad showed horror at the same time. Lin Qi turned and left without saying a word. A dazzling yellow light was released around him. The overlapping earth barriers protected the group of people. Lin Qi rushed through the ground like lightning.

The devastating white beam of light produced by Amulele’s self-detonation quickly caught up with Lin Qi. Lin Qi only felt a tremor all over his body. The earth barrier covering his body collapsed almost instantaneously. Lin Qi opened his mouth and spouted blood. It seems to be burning. Venus flashed in front of him, and he was about to pass out.

"These idiots have only this advantage. Even if they are afraid of death, they dare to fight desperately when facing desperate situation." The osmanthus tree sneered, one of his rhizomes quickly shot into the sky, and then soon He dragged a group of white spirits with a diameter of more than 100 meters back quickly.

The palace of the doomsday apocalypse released four-color strange lights to form a powerful barrier to protect Lin Chuan’s body. The four-color barrier was constantly impacted by the white beam of light, and the four-color barrier kept bursting. Large and small gaps were exposed, and hundreds of stone pillars that had been repaired in front of the main hall cracked and collapsed silently.

"If you don't work hard, they will really be dead!" Longya ridiculedly released a few lightnings to form a golden network and trapped Amulele's soul in the center: "But he only dared to explode the body, not even From this point of view, his advantages are not too obvious."

Heavenly Mountain spoke indifferently: "According to Lin Qi's intention, it is enough to leave him with a trace of the soul and go back to report the letter. As for the other soul powers, Lin Qi gets 40%, I enjoy 20%, and you share the other 40%. , This is a fair division ratio."

Osmanthus Tree and the others nodded in agreement with the allocation ratio of Heaven Mountain, so when Lin Qi rolled his eyes and kept vomiting blood, Amulele's spirit was forcibly thrown into the Shengxianchi. A miserable howl sounded from the Ascending Immortal Pond, and Amulailai's soul has been thoroughly purified, and it has been purified by the Ascending Immortal Pond to become the purest soul source power.

The origin of this group of spirits was divided into ten, and the four groups of white light merged into Lin Qi's spirits. Lin Qi was like a golden statue. The spirits of the same size as his body grew rapidly. In Lin Qi's comfortable grunt, his spirit quickly expanded about ten times.

They shared the other sixty percent of the soul, leaving only a very thin, thinner than the hair. After being forced to change some of his memory pictures by Longya, the osmanthus tree threw him away. Got out.

A white light flashed in the void, with an endless aura of resentment, a trace of Amulele's remnant soul hurriedly flew towards the church's holy mountain. But his remnant soul just left the Black Spirit Continent and entered the open sea for less than 10,000 miles. A white whirlpool emerged out of thin air. A big white hand grabbed the remnant soul of Amulele. Caught in the whirlpool.

Lin Qi's soul is undergoing earth-shaking changes. His soul is growing rapidly, his spiritual power is getting stronger and stronger, and his soul is faster and faster in analyzing the time law of the **** of seasons. Lin Qi only felt that his brain was heavy, as if it was filled with countless messy things, but in the next instant, Lin Qi's brain seemed to become empty again, as if no amount of information could satisfy his desire.

In this state of chaos, Lin Qi rushed forward quickly, and soon left the Spider Swamp, dived into the depths of a large mountain outside, and began to concentrate on digesting the spirit from Amulelai.

Over the spider swamp, Xie Lisi looked gloomy at the big swamp that had been bombed beyond recognition. The spider swamp that was originally tens of thousands of miles in radius has now become a large pit with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles and a depth of nearly a thousand miles. Amulele gave up the divine body he had worked so hard to repair for countless years, and exploded the divine body just to be able to cover his soul and escape smoothly.

He blew Xie Lisi off guard and exploded Xie Lisi to her head. Now Xie Lisi has also suffered a lot of damage, and even her soul has been shaken. What was even more miserable was that she was shackling with Amulele, who was blown off when it exploded, leaving only the upper half of her beautiful body.

The snake body of her lower body had disappeared without a trace, and the upper body was densely covered with numerous large and small wounds, and the black and gold blood sprayed out of her body like a fountain. Four of the original six long arms were blown off, only two incomplete arms were barely hanging on her body. Her beautiful head was blown away by a big gap. Abilly, whose brain was severely injured, was sane at the moment. I'm a little confused, and I'm whizzing around vaguely, I don't even have the strength to speak.

"Damn, damn, damn!" Xie Lisi sprayed two blood from her nostrils, she covered her nose in embarrassment, and then shook her head severely. As she shook her head vigorously, a large amount of blood spurted from her seven orifices. Xie Lisi coughed a few times, and then large chunks of black blood spurted out along with the plasma.

The same bruised and bruised, black hair on his body was burned out by the terrifying white light, the donkey swayed to Xie Lisi's side, he looked up and down Xie Lisi, and then took a breath of relief: "Praise the great big breasted goddess, your **** have not been blown flat, this is the best news today!"

Xie Lisi was dumbfounded, and then angrily kicked the donkey's face: "Damn donkey, what are you talking about? What does my breast have to do with you!"

The donkey looked at Xie Lisi pitifully, and then sighed up to the sky: "Dear Xie Lisi, although you are a terrible female spider, I must admit that I was attracted by your big breasts! If that were not the case, you think Will I run out and fight against those two terrible gods? They are gods, and I am just a poor donkey!"

Xie Lisi took a deep breath, and her chest became more towering. She held her head triumphantly, smiled and bent down and touched the chin of a donkey: "I seem to understand what you mean! It's really interesting. This is the first time she dared to say this to me in so many years. The opposite sex! It’s just that we still have something to deal with!"

A fierce light flashed in her eyes. As a powerful female spider, a female spider who reached the level of gods, Xie Lisi's nature was undoubtedly extremely cruel. She smiled sullenly, staring at Abily who was floating in the air, and then cursed in a low voice, "It's these two **** bastards, they broke into my comfortable lair and destroyed The lair I have worked so hard to make for so many years!"

Severely grabbed the next one, the entire Black Spirit Continent trembled. The large pit with a diameter of more than 30,000 miles and a depth of nearly a thousand miles was suddenly filled up, and a huge swamp appeared again in the same place, but there was no more in the swamp. I couldn't hear the crawling and screaming sounds of poisonous spiders and other poisonous insects.

Xie Lisi raised her hands angrily: "They ruined my home. Although one escaped the soul, there is still one left here! I won't let this **** stinky woman go! Abeli, you have to pay cost!"

The long whip flew out, tying Abeli ​​firmly like a rice dumpling. Xie Lisi smiled triumphantly: "I'm going to ask Speyer to see what to do with this woman! He A Moulaylai is different. She is the **** of the spirit family, and it might be a bit of trouble to kill her! But no matter what, this woman has to pay the price! Oh, **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho ho, I will shave her pockets!"

Xie Lisi leaned forward and backward with a smile, vomiting blood, her chest shaking violently.

The donkey stared at Xie Lisi's chest with two eyeballs, and then two nosebleeds spurted from his nose for several meters.

In an unknown small dimension space, in the majestic and majestic realm of God, the **** of dawn is sitting on a radiant throne, holding the last remaining soul of Amulele in his hand. Scenes were continuously drawn from the remnant soul by the **** of dawn, and his face changed rapidly and became extremely exciting.

After a long time, the **** of dawn frowned.

"Some bad signs, dear friends!" The voice of the **** of dawn echoed throughout the entire gods: "We are a pious... pious saint, well, what is the name of that humble human? It seems to be called Wan En Longshan! He was killed."

"Of course, it was not someone else who killed him, but our dear Amulele! He was forced to explode his divine body by a strong enemy, and our morning saint Wann Longshan was blown away by Amulele. Nothing exists. It is a pity that the soul of a saint has been destroyed, otherwise I should be able to benefit from his soul."

"I feel uneasy, dear friends, very uneasy."

"From the memory of Amulele, I saw the orcs possessed by the spirits of the Hall of Valor, I saw the poisonous blade of the spirit gods family, Abili, and I saw the treacherous, vicious, and acting end of the Black Spirit Building. The impulsive, brainless female spider Xie Lisi!"

"A thorough investigation of this matter, what has happened in the Black Spirit Continent? Are they all united?"

"I hope to have an answer as soon as possible!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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