Bright Era

Chapter 1914: Uncontrollable Necromancer (4)

Looking at the Dragon Witch King sluggishly for a while, Ashmir shrugged helplessly: "Really poor students, then, including that idiot Asir, it is clear that they are controlled by the Cursed Ling Guling! This is the most adept method of Cursing Ling Guling. It uses dreams to seduce intelligent creatures, give him rich benefits, lure them to fall step by step, and ultimately destroy themselves and everything."

Frowning, Ashimi said to herself in a puzzled way: "But why should he shoot those poor little guys? Could it be that he was unhappy in the fight with me, ready to find a way to break through? My interception, run to the outside world?"

Lin Qi and the Dragon Witch King were speechless. After a long time, Lin Qi gritted his teeth and shouted: "Don't waste time, let's go! Cursing the ancient tomb, it seems that we must hold him in our hands as soon as possible. I don't want any accidents to happen."

Think of the Heaven Mountain, which was once out of control. In order to suppress the Heaven Mountain, the Tigers paid a heavy price. If the cursed spirit ancient tomb successfully rushed out of the blockade of Aximier and broke through this dimensional space to the outside world, without a force like the tiger clan to suppress it, with the strength of the cursed ancient tomb, God knows he will How much damage was caused.

Thousands of skeletons wearing various armors came out, and they were surrounded by a huge gorgeous car. Above this gorgeously-dressed team, there are tens of thousands of skeleton mages wearing various robes. And that car-driving monster was a huge bone dragon with thirty-six heads.

"It's a pity, no petals, no perfume!" Aximier looked at her huge guard of honor and sighed dissatisfiedly: "Every time I go out, petals are floating in the sky. The perfume sprays a layer on the ground. But here, okay, okay, I know, now it’s not as good as before, just keep it simple because of the shame!”

Lin Qi and the Dragon Witch King were silent for a long while, and the guard of honor of more than 20,000 people used 36 huge bone dragons to pull carts. Do you still call it simple because of shame? But the two soon learned that for Ashmir, the ‘Vanity Queen’, this guard of honor is really primitive!

The guard of honor with more than 20,000 people served Ashimi's food and drinks along the way, and the guard of this exaggerated guard of honor went to the curse spirit ancient tomb is the mighty and powerful army of twenty skeletons. What makes Lin Qi's scalp numb is that the fighters of these skeleton army have the lowest combat effectiveness of Saints, and all of them are cavalry—their mounts are all skeleton beasts with their own strength.

In addition to the twenty ground-based skeletal cavalry regiments, thousands of giant bone dragons with heads and bodies ten miles away were flying in the sky.

Such a huge corps is accompanied by a guard, this is still a guard of honor that simply reluctantly travels out of shame!

And Ashimier was sitting in the car and complained to Lin Qi very bitterly: "Master Lin Qi, I have to apply to you for the energy share and material share that Metaverse Core has owed over the past so many years! My God, You have to know that every year the core of the Metaverse must provide us with a certain amount of energy and materials. Although we all have an eternal energy furnace, no one dislikes too much energy?",

Holding her finger, Axi Mi'er babbled and said: "In addition to the energy and materials that are in arrears, there are also materials that I have personally distributed. After so many years, I must be replenished and the interest must be calculated! I surrendered back then. At that time, the handsome imperial master personally promised that I would get one hundred thousand bottles of top-quality red wine, one million bottles of superb perfume, and various other fresh styles of jewelry every year. I have to calculate, this How many ten thousand years have passed? It is inhumane to owe employees' salaries."

Lin Qi's face turned black for a while, and he suddenly had the urge to turn around and run away, never coming again.

Fortunately, this kind of torture did not last much. Ashmir had only been wordy for less than three hours. At the speed of the army of skeletons, they had come to a dark swamp thousands of miles away. A pyramid with a height of nearly 10,000 meters and a base of about 20,000 meters standing right in front of everyone.

At the top of this pyramid, is a statue of an evil spirit with a twisted face. Behind the tall statue of an evil spirit is dozens of hideous snake heads. These hideous snake heads represent all the negative emotions in the human soul. Fear, despair, anger, cruelty, etc. etc., and the evil spirits use these powers to madly attack the enemy's soul.

At the four entrances at the bottom of the pyramid, there are dozens of strangely shaped statues of ghosts. These statues were irritated by the wild fire, full of forcing evil spirits. At this moment, countless souls were staring with bright red eyes, rushing out of the four entrances yelling, and flying in the sky endlessly.

Occasionally, there will be a few weird ghost howls from the inside of the pyramid. The ghosts flying in the sky seem to be slapped with a whip. They are quickly formed into a neat square, and then swiftly towards the buried ground. Flew in the direction.

The skeleton army brought by Ashmir was huge, and the evil spirits just saw this army of skeletons as soon as they set off. So countless souls rushed down from the sky, and all kinds of weird soul spells and curse secrets were overwhelmed. There were large swaths of skeletons in the skeleton army. The soul fire in the eye sockets suddenly burst, and the body was silent. The rest fell to the ground.

"Offensive, kids!" Aximier pointed forward irresponsibly, letting the mighty skeleton army rush forward. She sat steadily in the car and looked at Lin Qi with a smile: "Master Lin Qi, do we need to enter the curse spirit ancient tomb? According to my estimation, the soldiers I brought can buy us a quarter of an hour! "

Heavenly Mountain and Hades Temple snorted at the same time. The skeleton army of twenty legions can only support a quarter of an hour!

"Vanity woman, this woman doesn't understand anything except new clothes and new shoes!" Heavenly Mountain roared unceremoniously.

"If a big chest and no brain are a truth, there is no doubt that Ashmir is a paradox! She has no chest, but she also has no brain. She has no ability to command combat at all. She simply insults big chest. The word brain!" The words of the Temple of Underworld are a little bit mean!

Lin Qi also stared at Ashimi'er in a daze. After a long time, he nodded, then jumped up, and a large white light exploded from his body. Accompanied by the melodious singing, twelve archangels and 3,600 ten-winged angels walked out of the white divine light at the same time.

Ashmir and Dragon Witch King shouted at the same time: "Damn, this kind of power is so disgusting!"

But soon, Lin Qi sprayed a large amount of gray mist, and Cologne XVIII took a thousand apocalyptic gray knights and strode out of the gray mist. As soon as he appeared, Cologne 18 roared in a low voice: "Great Master Lin Qi, who do you want to kill? I will be happy to bring them death and despair!"

Lin Qi pointed at the resentful spirit in front of him: "Angel Legion is here to cooperate with the skeleton army to destroy these undead. Cologne 18th, you lead people to protect us. Now, let's set out, destination, curse spirit ancient tomb!"

The twelve archangels immediately drew out the lightsabers that were condensed like substance. They shouted the battle cry of Heaven Mountain, shaking their hands as twelve huge white cross-shaped sword lights whizzing out. The kilometer-long white divine light smashed tens of thousands of wraith spirits in a single blow, and then these sword qi exploded at the same time, at least 300,000 weak wraith spirits were shattered by one blow.

Under Lin Qi's command, the Skeleton Legion formed a fortified city wall and stood firmly in front of the angels. And the angels are simply like mages, standing behind the skeleton legion and constantly throwing out a terrifying white light. The fiery light power burned the wraith spirits screaming, and faced with the terrifying divine light whose attributes were absolutely contradictory, the large swarms of wraith spirits were completely destroyed.

Cologne XVIII drew the long sword, he shouted, and the rounds turned into a gray whirlwind and swept forward. The gray knights of the apocalypse formed a huge circle without saying a word, and firmly surrounded Lin Qi and the others to stride towards the curse spirit ancient mausoleum.

No matter what kind of evil curse those resentful spirits cast on Koeln 18 and the others, the bodies of these apocalyptic knights did not shake. Some possessed evil spirits want to invade the bodies of the gray knights of the apocalypse, swallow their souls and control their bodies. However, the bodies of the apocalyptic knights were covered with thick armor. These armors were shrouded in a powerful divine light barrier, and the resentful spirits who dared to approach were all burned into a wisp of blue smoke in the heat and strong light.

The epee of Koeln 18 madly chopped the wraith spirits in front of him. His long sword gradually spewed tens of meters long sword light. With each sword, hundreds of wraith spirits would be cut to pieces. body. Cologne 18 mumbled strange prayers, and his prayers made him even more powerful.

In just a quarter of an hour, Lin Qi and his party had broken into the ancient tomb of Curse Spirit.

Obviously, according to Ashimi's irresponsible statement, if the brainless Skeleton Legion were completely indulged in their own resistance, it would be too late for Lin Qi and the others to do anything. But now, the mixed army of angels and skeletons is still attracting the firepower of the wraith spirits. Lin Qi and the others have broken into the cursed spirit ancient tomb and rushed hundreds of meters along a dimly lit corridor.

The front suddenly opened up, and a huge black pit appeared in front of Lin Qi.

At the core of the huge cursed tomb is a large circular pit with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters. The sky above this big pit was entwined with rich death and ghost aura, and under the vast fog, there was a huge black pit, not knowing how deep it was. Countless resentful spirits are flying from this big pit, flying away from the ancient tomb with a strange smile.

"Oh! There are guests?" A low, hoarse voice came from the people's heads.

Lin Qi raised his head. He saw a strangely shaped altar floating nearly a thousand meters above the big pit. On this altar was sitting a woman with a shriveled body, but her face remained intact.

Ashimi'er uttered a surprised cry: "You are not a curse spirit ancient tomb! You are... God Lord... Sitose!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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