Bright Era

Chapter 1928: Bet with God (3)

The inheritance of Yun and his party has reached the final stage. Lin Qi just waited less than a quarter of an hour in the temple of inheritance, and the last Yun who completed the inheritance has opened his eyes. There was a dazzling light in her eyes, and then her gaze quickly converged, and soon became plain.

Without waiting for Lin Qi and Yun to say hello, Blackbeard had already rushed over, and thumped Lin Qi's chest with excitement: "Lin Qi, my son, your father is in an extremely good state now! Hahaha, strength!"

Lin Qi was blasted back by this punch and flew straight out. He rolled his eyes and flew out several kilometers, and then hit the wall of the Temple of Inheritance heavily. With his limbs spread out and hung on the wall like a mural for a full breath, Lin Qi's body slowly slid down the wall.

After coughing a few times, Lin Qi helplessly put up a finger: "Remember one thing! Your power has suddenly increased, and your random blow may destroy the entire Western Continent! So, in Before getting acquainted with your current strength, don't make any gestures that are friendly, affectionate, and excited!"

Staring fiercely at the dumbfounded black beard, Lin Qi roared loudly: "You don't want to hug Mrs. Rose, just rub her into a ball of blue smoke? Also, my brothers and sisters, you don't want to hug her. When they kissed them, their bodies suddenly exploded?"

Blackbeard Ji Lingling shivered, and he nodded desperately, even his breathing slowed down a lot.

After being punched by Blackbeard, Lin Qi stroked his aching chest in an angry manner. The inheritance of the priesthood of the upper-ranking god, which gave Blackbeard the strength of the upper-ranking god. Lin Qi was in pain with this punch. Fortunately, this is God's Domain. If it were on the ground world, this punch would really destroy the entire Western Continent!

Cautiously warned everyone present, Lin Qi took the too big Xuanlan and others into the Hall of Doomsday Apocalypse, and then put his arms around the waist of Princess Yun and Qingli, with a mighty team. Out of the temple of inheritance.

There was sorrow everywhere outside the temple, and the nightmare **** Aziz was lying on the ground bleeding, his limbs were twisted at weird angles, his chest collapsed, and blood was flowing continuously from his lower body. Many of his goddesses also lay on the ground with broken limbs. Several goddess officials with beautiful faces and pious and firm beliefs were running around crying loudly, while Assi was chasing them happily.

Occasionally a goddess officer left the fleeing team and wanted to run to the other side. One of Asi's guards would flick his fingers calmly and a light curtain appeared out of nowhere in front of the goddess officer. The goddess officer, who was flat against the light curtain, bounced back a few steps in the dark, and then Asi rushed up and tore off a large piece of her robe.

So the goddess officer continued to join the team where his companions escaped, and ran around in circles crying all the way, while Asi waved the cloth on his hand and chased behind with his eyes beaming.

Seeing Lin Qi walking out with someone, Asi was very excited and cried out: "Lin Qi, come on, I'll give you one for you. Choose, I think this blond-haired one is very good, she She has a good body and her skin is so smooth!"

Princess Yun and Qingli's small hands simultaneously pinched the soft flesh on Lin Qi's waist and ribs, and Lin Qi's face suddenly became pitch black. In the past, Lin Qi let Yun and the others use vise to twist their skin and flesh, it would not feel anything. But now, the two women have reached the power of the upper and lower gods. Although the two women are not melee gods, their power is not small.

Lin Qi would be very uncomfortable with this one!

Quickly squeezing out a bright smile, Lin Qi clasped the two women tightly, letting their slender bodies cling to him tightly. Grinning in excitement, Lin Qi shook his head again and again and said: "I have a good intention, but I already have a queen! This is my queen cloud, this is my other queen, Qing Li!"

"Two queens?" Asi looked at Lin Qi enviously, and then gave up chasing the goddess officials. He looked at Princess Yun and Qingli's extraordinary face seriously, and then sighed softly: "You are really lucky, unlike me, I was not an adult when I came here, so the family didn't let it go. I am looking for a woman. When I become an adult, before I can find the woman I love, I fall asleep."

Raising his hands angrily, Assi Yangtian exclaimed: "Lu Sijia, you are really a nasty woman, you don't have a man to want, why don't you allow me to talk to lovely girls? You have delayed my most precious youth years !"

A terrifying soul throbbed from a distance, and suddenly there was a purple-golden mist spreading around. A will full of anger descended from a high altitude, and then the purple-golden mist suddenly converged inward, and the soul **** Thord appeared in the thick fog.

With a blue face, Thord walked over with nearly a hundred subordinate gods who exuded powerful aura. He looked at Az, the nightmare **** who was lying on the ground, immobile, and screamed angrily: "Who beat Wounded Az? Who is it? Yes... Asi? Asi, the **** of the nebula, why are you here? Do you still have a priesthood to inherit?"

The words of the God of Soul were full of irony. Obviously he knew that Asi did not fight in the Primordial God War, and he did not believe that there was an extra priesthood under Asi. When Asi heard such words that despised him, his face suddenly changed: "Solder, the **** of souls, you rat in the gutter, old villain rejected by all the gods, what are you doing here? "

He slapped his forehead vigorously, and Asi suddenly pointed to Aziz who was lying on the ground like a puddle of mud: "I understand, I really understand! This is your person? Isn't it? Dear God of Soul, Is this your person? I abolished him, what do you think? I abolished him!"

Thorder's face twitched violently. He walked to Az's side, pressed his palm on Az's chest, and carefully checked Az's physical condition. After taking a deep breath, Thord nodded slowly. The injury was serious, but it did not harm Az's origin. Asi's subordinates are still very measured. They didn't use their divine power to cause the kind of damage that took a long time to recover.

Although Aziz was vomiting blood and broken a lot of bones, as long as there is faith crystallization and the soul nourishment of human believers, Aziz will be able to fully recover in just half a year.

If Asi's guards didn't have a serious attack, and they used divine power to hurt Aziz's body, and projected the physical damage directly onto his soul, hurting his origin, this kind of injury would be troublesome. Judging from Aziz's current tragedy, if it is really the kind of damage that has destroyed the origin, it is impossible to recover without tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

Slowly stood up, because Aziz's relationship was not serious, Thord's face became better. He took a deep look at Asi, and then cast his gaze on Lin Qi: "His Majesty Lin Qi from the Longshan Empire, as a member of the Axul Protoss, how dare you use violence to hurt your people? You are just a lowly chosen one who inherited the noble blood of Azer..."

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree snorted softly: "The blood of the noble Azhul? The humble race, why do you have the face to say this?"

I heard Thord continue to say: "But you have the blood of Azhul after all, so you are also a member of Azhul's clan. You are also a member of Azhul's clan, why do you want to hurt Azul? Are you Are you a traitor to Azer? Do you have ambitions? Do you want to harm the interests of the Azer clan?"

Lin Qi was stunned, but Asi jumped up angrily: "Solder, I hurt your dog!"

Thord smiled gloomily. He shook his head at Assi, and then sighed: "His Royal Highness, you are the prince of the holy emperor, and your status is extremely noble. You are the Asher. Hope that you have the most noble blood of Azur. How could you harm the innocent Azi? In your capacity, you cannot do such a thing!"

Assi opened his mouth and wanted to say something. Thord had already blocked all Assi’s next words with a single sentence: "I think, my lord Lu Sijia, the noble moon god, she doesn’t want to know what you did today. What happened? You severely wounded a high-level god, a high-level **** who had our bloodline of Azer! Guess, how would she punish you?"

Asi closed his mouth, he was so angry that he was falling into the sky, and clusters of dense starlight spread out from his body, forming a gorgeous cloud of dark golden nebula that continuously rotated around his body. As Asi's face became more and more ugly, the heavy, ancient, and sharp nebula power in the air became more and more powerful.

Lin Qi sighed softly, Soul God, the old treacherous fellow, seemed to be aiming at him.

Sure enough, with Lu Sijia suppressing Asi, Thord set his target on Lin Qi: "His Majesty Lin Qi, as the deputy of the goddess of war Mu Wei, you should pay attention to your own Do what you say and do! You beat up the poor nightmare **** Aziz for no reason. You must be punished for such atrocity!"

More and more subordinates came out behind Lin Qi. Tens of thousands of subordinates who had inherited the priesthood lined up behind Lin Qi. The earth-shaking power made Thord's eyes narrowed. Looking at Lin Qi with a weird expression, Thord said in a deep voice: "However, since you are still a young man, I can open the Internet. I don't have to go to the God of Dawn to complain about your sins. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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