Bright Era

Chapter 1937: Active provocation (3)

Facing a life and death crisis, Diogo quickly agreed to all the conditions of that strong will. He turned over and swallowed the dragon soul, raising his soul level to the level of the middle peak god. Then he gave up all resistance and allowed a soul imprint hidden in that dragon soul to fall on his own divine soul. From then on, he became the puppet of that powerful will.

That is to say, in accordance with the instructions of the strong will, Diogo went to the two temples without hesitation, and the senior officials of the two temples included him without any objection, and they did not even ask about the dragon soul. , As if Diogo was almost taken over by his body, it never happened.

Then, with the support of the two temples, Diogo and the coalition led by Longcheng fought and killed on the Eastern Great Plain for a while, and then in the first few months, he received a special responsibility from the two temples. On the day Lin Qi rushed to the Eastern Great Plain, he took the initiative to attack the nomadic army.

Then Diogo took a huge army of dragons to join the Blood Qin Empire, just like the treatment he received in the two temples, the Blood Qin Empire did not question his identity as the Abyssal Dragon King, and turned a blind eye to the large number of Abyssal Monsters he led. . Under the suggestion of the Lieutenant of the Blood Qin Empire, Diogo was canonized as the Dragon Guardian of the Blood Qin Empire, and his Dragon Legion even became a member of the Yingzheng Imperial Guard!

Lin Qi let out a sigh of relief. There is no doubt that this is the master plan of the meeting.

In this way, the Blood Qin Empire possessed all the power of the two great temples and the Continental Bridge in one fell swoop, and also mastered the Devil Dragon Legion. The Blood Qin Empire, which was originally suffocatingly strong, became a powerful force. A desperate behemoth.

If the church wants to deal with the Blood Qin Empire, it is obviously impossible for the church to rely solely on the strength of the Western mainland without mobilizing its true foundation. But as long as the church mobilizes the huge power that it really hides, then regardless of whether the church loses or wins, the people in charge of the church will be very happy, right? And the small actions that dominate the club are more than just a little bit?

"Let go of your soul and let me see the imprints in your soul!" Lin Qi slapped Diogo, whose eyes were rolling, and said coldly: "Don't think about tricking ghosts, although your soul has reached the middle position. God’s peak level, but the time for you to acquire the soul is too short, and you simply don’t have enough background for you to acquire the power of the gods. You are at best a peak demigod! In front of me, you have no chance of luck!"

Diogo looked at Lin Qi's face carefully: "Great existence, you, how powerful are you?"

Lin Qi glanced at Diogo with a cold eye, and laughed lowly: "Are you still unwilling to give up? Then, I am a high-level, high-level peak god, can this satisfy your curiosity? And my strength is not That's it, if I tell you that even if it is another peak-level high-ranking god, I have the confidence to easily pinch him to death, do you have other ideas?"

Diogo's face became as white as flour. He gave Lin Qi a lifeless look, then knocked his forehead heavily on the ground, letting go of his soul in despair, exposing all the mysteries in his soul. In front of Lin Qi.

The huge soul power swarmed in, and Diogo felt Lin Qi's soul power ten million times stronger than him, and his body trembled violently. All his memories, including those things he did when he controlled Arthur, were checked by Lin Qi over and over again, and Diogo’s dirty memory made Lin Qi’s face more and more ugly. .

"Hey, hey, what a Diogo!" Lin Qi looked at the tired lazy guy who was kneeling on the ground coldly. If it hadn't been for him to have a little remaining usefulness, Lin Qi would have divided him into five horses. With a cold snort, Lin Qi finally locked on the obscure soul mark in Diogo's Soul.

What a familiar technique, what a familiar breath, this is clearly the soul restraint that the Shahu clan is best at. The person who released this ban was at least a hundred times stronger than Diogo. In other words, he must have the strength equivalent to the upper and lower gods!

With his tongue out, Lin Qi couldn't help being shocked by the Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger of the Twelve Ancient Clan. As Lin Qi's strength continues to increase, and as Lin Qi has more and more contacts with the Domination Association, Lin Qi increasingly feels that the Domination Association is so unfathomable. No wonder the masters have such huge ambitions, no wonder they want to control the entire world!

Any mortal who has acquired the strength of a god-level spirit through their own assiduous practice, they can't wait to have such ambitions, right? Given the powerful desires of human beings, how many people can be willing to be plain after possessing such power?

After communicating with Longya, a blank dragon soul with the same strength as Diogo quietly appeared in Lin Qi's palm. Lin Qi inflicted the blank dragon soul into Diogo's body, and then directly transferred the little mark in Diogo's soul to the blank dragon soul. A trace of chaos from the Temple of Underworld continuously shot from Lin Qi's fingertips, coupled with the infection of Diogo's own aura, this blank dragon soul gradually exuded almost exactly the same soul fluctuations as Diogo.

Not waiting for Diogo to recover from the joy of getting out of the disaster, a terrible soul power blasted into his soul. The phantom of the cursed ancient tomb appeared on Lin Qi’s head, and a series of vicious soul curses condensed out of thin air. Tens of thousands of extremely evil soul curses were condensed into a sealed crystal ball, and then fell heavily on Diogo’s In the spirit, he was imprisoned to the death.

Diogo's face became extremely ugly, and he felt that there was something terrifying in his soul, which was ten thousand times more terrifying than the original soul imprint. But he couldn't grasp the existence of such a thing at all. He didn't know where it was or what kind of terrible power it was.

He just knew that as long as one out of 10,000 of this power leaked out, he would be dead.

He hugged Lin Qi's thigh in tears, and Diogo cried out in tears: "Great lord, you, you..."

He kicked Diogo out with a fierce kick, Lin Qi said calmly: "Anshin, squatting in the Blood Qin Empire, you will do what those people tell you to do, but no matter what, it is always in your heart. Think again, I will receive your thoughts! If I find you have any concealment, you and your dragon tribe are dead!"

After a slight pause, Lin Qi sneered and laughed: "As for who I am? This is very important? Remember, I am a person who can make you and your dragon army disappear completely at any time, that's enough! By the way, it is strictly forbidden to slaughter civilians and maimed civilian girls, otherwise, I don't mind using one of your utensils to make wine!"

With a ‘huh’, Diogo’s face turned pale. Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders and laughed relaxedly: "You should know that there are some habits in the East. Certain organs of certain male creatures are used to soak wine. It is a very popular health drink!"

Diogo slumped to the ground limply, and he moaned feebly: "No slaughter, no rape, my life is meaningless! You might as well, kill me!"

Looking at Diogo who was paralyzed on the ground, Lin Qi drew out the Tu Jun axe altogether, and slashed his head with the axe: "Okay, it's not easy to die?" The axe screamed, and arrived at Dior in the blink of an eye. On Ge's forehead, the cold air penetrated Diogo's forehead, and his little brain almost froze.

Diogo, who was so scared that he was flying away from the sky, cried and turned his head to the side, Tu Junaxe slashed against his face, and suddenly there was an unfathomable crack on the ground that was ten miles long. Lin Qi snorted coldly and flicked his finger. The crack healed suddenly. He looked at Diogo indifferently and said indifferently: "I don't need a dog like you, so if you want to die, I will let you dead."

Diogo was silent for a while, then slowly stood up, kneeling heavily in front of Lin Qi.

"The supreme master, I am your most humble servant Diogo. No matter what you order, I will use my life to complete it. I hope that my service can satisfy you. I firmly believe that I can become yours. Slave, this is my greatest glory!"

Lin Qi twitched the corners of his mouth, then shook his head. The dark creatures of the abyss, they are all this virtue. From Alto Bilibili to Diogo, there is no one who is not bullying and fearing hard work, no one is not greedy for life and fear of death, and no one is not greedy for money and lust. To deal with this kind of guy, just use violence to fight fear.

No longer looking at Diogo, Lin Qi turned around and walked towards the place where the two armies confronted each other. But not far after he walked out, Lin Qi suddenly thought of the few undead walking strangely, and for a while, Lin Qi looked towards the south of the Continental Bridge, and then strode in that direction.

Each step has taken hundreds of miles, and after just a dozen breaths, Lin Qi has already arrived on the southern coastline bordering the Western Continent and the Continental Bridge. The sky here has turned into an ominous gray-black color, and the billowing dark clouds are twisting and rolling rapidly in the sky under the overcast wind. The surface of the sea is as flat as a mirror, there is not even the slightest ripple, and the swarms of seagulls on weekdays have disappeared without a trace.

On the hundred-mile-long coastline, there was no more alive in more than a dozen large and small fishing villages, and all the fishermen died cleanly. No trace of flesh and blood was left on their bodies, and no blood stains were seen on the ground. It seems that some horrible existence instantly stripped their flesh and blood away from their bones, leaving behind a clean bone frame without the slightest color. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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