Bright Era

Chapter 1965: Ancient ferocious (4)

On this day, after conquering the capital of the Snowtop Province in the central part of the Haran Empire, the elven army ransacked the city as usual, while Lin Qi was in a dense forest outside the city, frowning and watching. The messenger in front of me.

"The Temple of Nightmare asks us for help?" Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders: "They finally put aside their pride and face, and asked for help from the Longshan Empire?"

The messenger sent by Yun bowed his head respectfully: "Your Great Majesty, as you said, the Soul Temple and Nightmare Temple have sent urgent letters of help to the Empire through the church. They asked the Empire to organize a letter within three days at most. The legion entered the territory of the Nightmare Temple and assisted the Nightmare Temple in resisting the invasion of the elves."

Lin Qi sneered at the letter that faintly fluctuated in divine power.

Just assisting the Nightmare Temple to resist the invasion of the elven army, the Nightmare Temple, which was beaten to death, seems to have not completely let go of their glory aura! And the wording in this letter is clearly that the Nightmare Temple is now asking for help from the Longshan Empire, but the tone is all about what Lin Qi should do, and what the Longshan Empire should do!

With a cold snort, he crushed the letter to pieces. Lin Qi said indifferently: "In three days, arm all the serious prisoners in the imperial prison, arm them'well,' and then call them here. Follow the command of the Nightmare Temple."

After a pause, Lin Qi said calmly: "By the way, from the Imperial Capital to reply to a letter to the church, in addition to using the Imperial Seal, but also the seal of the Temple of War and several other **** seals. Tell the group of people in the church, The Longshan Empire is also a place shrouded in the glory of the gods, not a place where they can intervene at will. This time we are only'friendship rescue' nightmare temple, next time, we will collect money."

After squinting his eyes, Lin Qi laughed "haha".

There is no shortage of criminals who have committed various crimes in the prisons of the Longshan Empire. Those guys are the real scum and scum that the **** of seasons did not look down on when he formed the church army. These guys stayed in the prison, it was just a waste of food, sending them to the battlefield to perfuse the nightmare temple request, it can be regarded as waste utilization.

Lin Qi didn't like the practice of the Nightmare Temple. When the nightmare **** Azi first took advantage and grabbed the territory, he vowed not to allow any soldiers of the Longshan Empire to enter. But now the combined forces of the elves and the black spirits have defeated his subordinates. In just a few days, the Kung Fu Nightmare Temple has lost half of its territory on the ground world. He thinks that the Dragon Mountain Empire is unlucky together?

"I'm not that stupid!" Lin Qi sneered a few times.

Although Lin Qi made the plan to destroy the Teleportation Array of the Nightmare Temple, Lin Qi also knew that if Aziz really had the mind to fight to the end with the Elf Alliance, he could mobilize reinforcements from the Nightmare Knights in the Holy Mountain. But now he actually asked the Longshan Empire to send troops. Isn't this calculating what the Longshan Empire is doing?

After sending the messenger back, Lin Qi left the matter behind his head. Now he belongs to the kind of incomparably noble existence in the church, especially the Nebula **** Asi is being corrupted everywhere by Yu Lian, Lin Qi is not afraid that someone will wear small shoes for him.

Holding his head high, Lin Qi returned to his camp. With a small barrier, Lin Qi lay down on the bed and slept comfortably. A monstrous fire ignited in the capital of Xueding Province, and the elves were arrogantly doing evil, but Lin Qi couldn't control these things for the time being, so he didn't bother to worry about it.

Early in the morning of the next day, a few elven elders with ugly expressions hurriedly found Lin Qi, and the Queen of Green Moon invited them.

The chariot of the Empress Green Moon, this is also a magical thing of the magical level. It looks like a car wheel with little space, but inside is a huge and magnificent palace, and there is even a small river winding by, surrounded by a jungle with a radius of nearly a hundred miles. In this luxurious palace to the extreme, Lin Qi and his group saw the Empress Green Moon with a stiff face like a statue.

Without waiting for Lin Qi and others to ask what happened, a magical sandbox produced by an elf, exquisitely gorgeous, emerged from the floor. The topography of the entire Western Continent appeared on the sand table, and the Queen of Green Moon pointed to the sacred mountain that was shining red on the sand table and spoke in a cold tone.

"In half a month, attack the holy mountain. No matter what method is used, in half a month, attack the holy mountain!"

Lin Qi exchanged glances with Enzo and Mr. Mo quickly and broke into the holy mountain within half a month. What was the excitement of the Empress Green Moon? With the stinky temper of the elves marching, even if there is no obstruction from the Nightmare Knights all the way, it takes at least a month for a normal march to the holy mountain. You said you would attack the holy mountain within half a month, and the Black Spirit Army might be able to do it, but it's really hard to say whether it's an elf.

With a light cough, Enzo's fingers lightly tapped the border of the magic sand table.

"In the current battle situation, the coalition forces have taken an absolute advantage. The Knights of Nightmare already..."

The Empress Green Moon coldly interrupted Enzo's words: "I don't want to hear these things. I will attack the holy mountain within half a month. Who can achieve this goal? I don't mind rewarding him with a **** position. Become an immortal god. , Don’t you want to become a **** who keeps youth forever?"

She slapped the long case in front of her vigorously, and the Empress Green Moon said coldly: "We will attack the holy mountain within half a month and slaughter all the followers of the Azer **** tribe on the holy mountain. Who can do this, I will Let him become a god, I will reward him with countless beauties of elves, and I will give him infinite power. You, who can do it!"

When she said this, the Empress Luyue just stared at Lin Qi and the others. Obviously she also knew that those elves and generals would be good at discussing various arts, but The marching war is not the material; and the rangers of Yew Island, the small team fighting and fighting, they are also experts, but the big team fighting is really not their strong point.

Only these generals of the Black Spirit Empire are qualified to command a war. So the Empress Green Moon simply threw out her bait—the chance to become a god, countless elves and beauties, this is something that the world dreams of.

Lin Qi glanced at Mr. Mo. Mr. Mo stepped forward and asked indifferently: "Your Majesty, what happened?"

The Empress Luyue was silent for a while, her eyes flashed a fierce light from anger into anger, she gritted her teeth, and squeezed a sentence from the gap between her teeth: "This has nothing to do with you. In short, within half a month, attack Enter the holy mountain and kill all the clergy in it. Who of you can do it?"

At this moment, a very handsome elf staggered into the hall like a ghost. He fell to the ground in embarrassment, and then he did not care about tidying up the messy clothes on his body, rolled forward a few times, and then quickly. Rushed.

"Your Majesty, the army commanded by Princess Erushis has received a terrible attack. They... They are being defeated!"

Lin Qi’s pupils shrunk to the size of a pinpoint. Princess Erushis, a princess of the Japanese elves, is commanding the westernmost army of the Tenth Route Army of the Allied Forces, and it is also a pure elves. army. As one of the most likely princesses of the Japanese elves to inherit the throne, the army under the control of Eluxis is equipped with extremely strong power, and there are 10,000 elven dragon knights alone.

The Empress of Green Moon was about to scold the elves who ran in embarrassedly-this vulgar and rude fellow completely lost the grace and elegance of the elves. But after hearing this fairy's words, her face changed horribly again and she waved her hand hurriedly, and a huge light curtain fell from above the main hall, and a trace of faint divine power fluctuations emanated from the light curtain. It was obvious that a certain **** descended. Miracle.

The scene in the light curtain is extremely astonishing. It is a vast plain, with dozens of beautiful towns dotted in the plain with a radius of hundreds of miles. A large piece of white tents neatly surrounded a city with black plumes of smoke, and these exquisite marching tents, apparently from the hands of elves, were also plunged into a sea of ​​flames.

There are elves fleeing in embarrassment, messy flesh and blood everywhere, and various magics madly thrown down by magicians, and heads of elven dragons in the sky are spraying blood and falling continuously. The powerful siege equipment purchased by the elves from the goblin clan collapsed in the flames, and a large group of half-elf slave soldiers who were responsible for operating these equipment ran away with ghosts and wolves.

Hundreds of thousands of elves flee in the three directions of east, north, and south like ants exploding their nests, and the number of elves fleeing to the east is the largest.

Behind these fleeing elves, there are simply innumerable metal warriors. Large groups of metal warriors wielded heavy weapons and ran across the plain at a speed a few minutes faster than galloping horses. They hurriedly chased the elves who fled in embarrassment, and their weapons from time to time tore the elves into two pieces, or simply blasted them into the soil, smashing them into a fuzzy mass of flesh.

Groups of metal warriors holding large metal bows walked slowly among the charging companions. When the roar of the elven dragon came from the sky, they would draw their bows and release their arrows neatly and uniformly, a special-made destroyer that was larger than a spear. Armor arrows whizzed up to the sky, easily tearing open the scales of those elven dragons, and penetrated them together with the body of the knight on their back.

Elf magicians hovered in the air, bombarding these metal warriors in vain. Occasionally, their magic will blow up a few black iron, bronze or silver metal warriors, but more magic can only blow these warriors to one side at best. The magical defense power of these metals is already outrageous. Degree.

On the contrary, those elven magicians were constantly being shot and killed by bows and arrows, and large swaths of blood were spilled from the air. Sometimes a giant arrow can penetrate several unlucky elven magicians at once.

There were also some courageous elf warriors who rode mounts and launched a charge on these metal warriors. But their weapons only splashed a large number of sparks on these metal fighters, and very few people could cause harm to these terrifying fighters.

On the contrary, the random blow of these metal warriors will cause a wave of blood among the elven warriors.

Millions of metal warriors madly chased and killed the elven warriors, and a large-scale metal frenzy had already surrounded a luxurious chariot.

"That's Erushis' car!" The Empress Green Moon's face became extremely ugly.

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