Bright Era

Chapter 2010: The end of the dead? (1)

In the sea off the Undead Continent, in the sea area with the name of the Nightmare Sea, a metal city hundreds of miles long and wide is quietly suspended on the sea. Despite the waves breaking and the ocean currents, the black metal castle remained motionless. Occasionally, a few bold and fierce sea beasts rushed over to tentatively attack this metal city. Before they got close to the city wall, they were shattered by lightning falling out of thin air.

The gods from the Western Continent, the gods from the Eastern Continent, the gods from the Odin Ice Sheet, the Elf Continent, the Goblin Continent, the Eastern Subcontinent and even the Eastern Ocean Sea Clan, all gods gathered in this place refined magic guide In the castle. Everyone had their auras reduced, and under the leadership of the gods, standing on the top of the city wall and looking at the Undead Continent thousands of miles away.

A huge continent is covered by a gray enchantment. On the huge enchantment, there are constantly distorted grimaces passing by. I can hear the screams of screams from such a distance. It is the scream of the soul's terrible abuse. . The biting cold air hit from a distance, and the sea near the Undead Continent was covered with a thick layer of gray ice, and there was not even a fish or shrimp nearby.

Standing at the head of the city, Lin Qi murmured lazily to the goddess of victory standing beside him: "What a cruel place!"

With a beautiful face, the goddess of victory, wearing a full set of armor, nodded slowly. She glanced at Lin Qi and spoke lukewarmly: "Heir of Scarlet Fury, Your Majesty Lin Qi, those undead have all kinds of evil methods. When fighting against them, pay attention to protect yourself, only to keep Only by own life can we better kill them."

After a pause, the Goddess of Victory frowned: "I am the only friend of Scarlet Fury. I don't want you to insult her **** name. So, when you encounter an enemy you can't handle, approach me and I will Give you shelter."

Taking a surprised look at the goddess of victory, Lin Qi smiled and nodded to the goddess of victory. It seems that these gods are kind of human, at least they are willing to show kindness to their friends. But Lin Qi is not willing to owe the favor of the Goddess of Victory. After all, they are in a hostile relationship. If they owe a favor, they will always have to pay it back. How could Lin Qi keep them?

Putting his hands on his chest, Lin Qi recalled the fact that Lin Bule and Lin Lele, a pair of cousins, came to visit!

Just three days ago, the two sisters approached Lin Qi and said that they had mastered a secret of the gods, but a lot of blood sacrifices were needed to unlock the gods. Lin Qi knocked on the side for a long time, but the voices of the two women were extremely tight. Lin Qi only roughly figured out that the gods were in the middle and late stages of the Primordial Gods War. The leaders of the gods left behind in order to prevent the gods from defeating. A **** hiding a huge amount of supplies.

As for what's in this sacred place, how the two women got the news, and whether the news is known to others, the two women’s tone is too tight, Lin Qi has nothing substantive. Ask it out.

Lin Qi, anxious, could only postpone the time for a few days, and when he had finished the things on hand for this period of time, he would unite the two women to open the gods. If it weren't for these two girls to be cousins ​​of their own relatives, Lin Qi had really captured them, and then directly searched for their souls and tortured confessions. I have never seen such a sell-off, it is really not leaking!

Lin Qi has a feeling, how can these two girls defend themselves like thieves? Is his reputation really so bad?

After a few cold snorts, Lin Qi pointed to the Undead Continent in the distance: "Two or three days of work should be able to wipe them all out? After all, they are just some remaining undead gods. I don't think they have left many people. , How much strength."

Not far away, Mu Wei slowly raised her slaughter spear, and she shouted in a cold voice: "No matter how many people they retain, how much power they retain, they must die! Not only for the fool of Mudel, but also It’s because the undead gods shouldn’t continue to exist! They believe in the power of death and death, so let them perish forever!"

The gods raised their weapons at the same time and agreed in unison. In this war to destroy the undead, Mu Wei is undoubtedly the highest commander, and the other gods are just her assistants. As Mu Wei said, even if there was no such thing as Mudel, the **** of war, being assassinated, these undead should have been wiped out long ago.

These undead who stand on a stand that is completely opposite to the gods, the law of power they master is incompatible with the gods, and they are natural enemies with the gods. Although the two sides once came together because of a common terrible enemy, now it is time to part ways. That terrible enemy has been defeated, and the former comrades-in-arms no longer need to exist.

The gods of several gods all showed bright smiles. What a good excuse! Mudel, the **** of war, was assassinated and used this excuse to attack the undead gods. This excuse couldn't be more perfect! Even if the powerful people behind these undead are investigated in the future, there are enough excuses to deal with their cross-examination.

But, speaking of it-if all the undead gods in this world are really wiped out, then just give the gods enough time, the powerful people behind the undead, including the elders behind the gods, those strong , Don’t worry about it, right? After dominating the faith resources here, the evolution speed of any **** will rapidly soar a hundred, thousand, and ten thousand times!

As long as they have real power, what are those powerful old guys?

"Start the offensive, follow Hu Xinzhu's combat plan, encircle all quarters, and march forward to the core of the Undead Continent together. Wherever it goes, destroy all the undead, even the weakest skeleton monsters, they must all be killed, not one left! "Behind Mu Wei's golden armor gave birth to a pair of brilliant metal wings. She soared into the air, bringing a brilliant golden light toward the Undead Continent.

The other gods flew up one after another, and they quickly followed the battle plan made by Hu Xinzhu in these two days, and divided them into a thousand army troops from all directions to attack the Undead Continent. This is a feast to cleanse heretics, this is a carnival of killing, this is the true prelude to the battle of gods, and this is also the best opportunity for the major gods to show off their muscles.

There is no doubt that in this slaughter feast, the army led by the gods fell last. He not only lost his face, but also lost the face of the gods he belonged to. One can imagine how terrible punishment such an unlucky person will be!

Therefore, the gods did not dare to neglect one by one, just like a group of hyenas eating corpses and eyeballs red, screaming and rushing towards the Undead Continent. And Lin Qi also brought a group of his subordinates, unleashing powerful divine coercion, brought a large stream of light to smash the undead enchantment that wrapped the entire Undead Continent, and officially set foot on the Undead Continent.

Because of Lin Qi's initiative, and because he used God's Domain to inherit tens of thousands of priesthoods and possessed a large number of deputy gods and gods, Lin Qi was allowed to lead an army alone to attack at will. After smashing the undead enchantment and invading the Undead Continent, Lin Qi immediately ordered his subordinates to set up hundreds of ultra-long-distance teleportation magic circles. Then the brigade, ready to go out of the magic circle, invaded this place in a large scale. This is the continent of the undead.

According to Mu Wei's pre-battle requirements, this time the War God Temple must play the prestige belonging to the War God family, so Lin Qi brought absolute elite this time. Twenty warcraft knight regiments wearing high-level magic armor and riding ground dragons; ten devil cavalry regiments using flying dragons as mounts; half of the dragon regiments using flame dragons as mounts; nearly a hundred brave and warriors and ordnances Sophisticated Titans and the Legion of Dwarves.

Coupled with the use of heavy recruitment, almost hollowed out the Western Continent’s Wizards’ Guild and Alchemist’s Guilds, a huge corps of magicians composed of nearly a million magicians of various levels, Lin Qi brought this huge Dragon Mountain Empire army from the Undead Continent Just walking out of the magic circle, it attracted the attention of dozens of nearby gods.

With the strength of the Longshan Empire as a single country, such a tyrannical legion was actually assembled, even several times stronger than some weaker upper gods’ temple knights. Lin Qi’s financial and manpower quickly attracted the attention of the gods. . Some people are envious of Mu Wei-no matter which **** possesses such a god, others will feel jealous; while some gods simply hold a grudge against Lin Qi. The Dragon Mountain Empire has such a powerful army, and it will make them jealous. The Knights of the Temple are so shadowless!

Lin Qike didn't mean to have friendship with these gods. After the huge army walked out of the magic circle, it immediately reorganized into ten huge army groups, and they were commanded by Mr. Mo to crush them forward. Lin Qi immediately hit the sky in this direction, and a scroll of Forbidden Curse fell like raindrops, and the sky was burned red by a large flame.

The wealth of the Longshan Empire and its unbridled fighting style are fully revealed at this moment. The Forbidden Curse scrolls worth tens of millions of gold coins are thrown out as if they don’t need money. The peaks guarded by the undead are smashed into the ground. The city, protected by the strong undead enchantment, was blown into a big pit. The place Lin Qi's army flew was truly invisible. Many of the undead's strongholds were dug 300 meters to ensure that even the weakest skeleton soldier would not remain.

The dull loud noise shook the earth faintly. The place where the Longshan Empire's army passed by sank an average of 100 meters. Many undead lords mustered up the courage to rush out of their own city with their troops, preparing to be fair to the Longshan army. A big battle. But what greeted these undead lords were all kinds of forbidden curses that fell like raindrops. They didn't even see the appearance of the Longshan army, and they vanished in the blazing fire.

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