Bright Era

Chapter 2019: Altar of God Store (1)

"Death is the beginning of life, and death is the throbbing of gestation!"

The evil fetus of all spirits coldly and ruthlessly pumped Bagger's body into a corpse, crushing his soul fire into pieces. He slowly lowered his head, and the huge black vortex on the front door firmly locked the **** of dawn and other gods.

"He doesn't understand. It's not just the death of those undead creatures, but the death of him and the mother of evil spirits can make me truly pregnant. And your death can bring me true maturity! I can foresee After you die, cheer from the void and infuse the power of death into my body! That is the power of the real law, that is the reward the universe has given me because of your death!"

The God of Dawn and the God of Retribution glanced at each other, and they turned away calmly, leading a large number of subordinates to flee back at the fastest speed. Bagger was killed by this evil fetus in one blow, how strong can this weird guy be? Anyway, the task of annihilating the entire undead **** system has been completed, and only this evil fetus is left. They are not interested in fighting this guy.

As soon as the two ran backwards, dozens of black tentacles pierced their bodies. Just as the evil fetus of all spirits was speaking, he had already launched an attack on the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment. But the speed of the two escaping was too fast, even if the speed of Wanling Evil Tire's shot was so fast, it did not hurt the two of them at all.

Mu Wei, the goddess of war, escaped faster than the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment. She had received Lin Qi's prompt in advance. When she saw the evil fetus suddenly attacked his nominal father Bagel, she had already sent a silent signal and fled back with many subordinates. When the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment fled back, Mu Wei had already escaped dozens of miles away with the many gods of the War God system.

No one escaped faster than these three. Many gods are still in a state of ignorance. Even some of the beast gods from the Temple of Odin, who are rude in character and love to kill, also raised various artifacts, bravely rushing to the evil fetus. Past. They uttered high-pitched battle horns, and they sang ancient war hymns. They used their plasma to smear the warriors of warriors on their faces and chests, and then rushed forward fearlessly.

Then, then they were all killed! Thousands of black tentacles pierced like ghosts with a faint afterimage, piercing their eyebrows, and smashing their souls to pieces. The bodies of these beast gods trembled violently, their spirits and blood were constantly being swallowed by the evil fetus of all spirits, and in the blink of an eye they were drawn into corpses.

The camp of the gods in the Odin Temple was in chaos, and the Odin Temple was also an alliance camp composed of several protoss. The beast gods suffered heavy losses, and the gods of several other protoss turned around and left. They were transformed into violent winds, blizzards, thunder, aurora, and flames. They even had a large group of gods transformed into rock shakes rolled up by earthquakes, and they fleeed away in the distance with a huge whistling sound.

"Can't run away! You are all my food, I need you!" Wanling evil fetus screamed angrily: "Food, all come back to me, food! Ah, really irresponsible parents, you nurtured me, but Did not prepare enough food for me!"

Tens of thousands of black tentacles made a sharp piercing sound in the air, and countless black shadows covered most of the undead continent. The gods fell with a little bit of blood, facing the strangely shaped evil fetus, there was no god. Willing to muster the courage to fight him, all the gods chose to retreat. Perhaps, in the hearts of these gods, they wish that other gods would suffer more losses, right?

The slowest and most unlucky one was the group of gods from the Goblin Continent. This group of gods are just like their believer goblins, they have weak bodies, huge heads, and their motor nerves are very underdeveloped. Their divine arts and divine powers are lacklustre, and what they are best at is the extremely powerful divine formation and various powerful divine power products.

Facing the attack of the evil fetus of all spirits, these spirit spirits wanted to escape but couldn't escape quickly. They could only control their huge metal castle to slowly accelerate to the sky. Countless black shadows frantically beat the divine power shield outside the metal castle, and the thick enchantment continued to splash large patches of sparks, and a large number of metal components were constantly shattered and shattered.

Accompanied by the miserable howl, at least 10,000 middle-level and low-level earth spirits were swept away by tentacles, turning them into corpses. The goblin gods screamed angrily. The highest-ranking goblin gods issued a vicious curse at the evil fetus. The metal castle was shining with dazzling light, and waves of huge divine power fluctuations were converging.

These goblins and gods are angry, they are ready to use this metal castle's ultimate destruction method. When they rush to the sky and escape the damage range of this terrible weapon, they will use this so-called'continental shock bomb' The ancient **** pattern magical device blasted the entire undead continent and the surrounding sea area to smash.

As for the various natural disasters caused by doing so, the goblin gods don't bother to care about what it will bring. Anyway, it was not the first time that they did this during the Primordial God War. This world can withstand the toss. They have tossed wildly before, so they are not afraid to completely collapse this world.

But just as the goblin gods watched as they were about to drive the smoke-bearing metal castle into the sky, a huge bird's shadow flashed across the sky, accompanied by a sharp bird song, and only a bowstring flicked. After the sound of the movement, a dazzling green arrow blasted down, hitting the high-altitude metal castle straight down and falling thousands of meters.

Thousands of black tentacles quickly rolled over, and thousands of earth spirits were forcibly rolled out of the divine power barrier, and they were drawn into corpses by the evil fetus of all spirits. The goblin gods uttered a vicious curse, and at this moment, they hated all the elves with long ears to their bones.

It wasn't just the elves who fell into the pit, but the elves who were fleeing were also severely pitted. Those elves who flee back riding on various mounts have just escaped a few miles away. A golden sun suddenly appeared in the sky. Accompanied by the low singing sound, the blazing sun released endless light and heat. In front of the elves formed a light wall that was thousands of miles wide and hundreds of miles thick.

Nearly a thousand low-strength elven **** servants slammed into the wall of light. They didn't even hum, and were directly burned into a plume of blue smoke by the flames in the wall of light. The elven gods yelled for the mount to stop, but before they could find a way to break through the light wall, tens of thousands of black tentacles had already whizzed and beaten over, and nearly 10,000 middle-level and low-level elven gods were screaming and being beaten. Those tentacles pierced the head.

"Lord of Dawn, despicable bastard! Sun God, you running dog of the Lord of Dawn, you all deserve to die!" A elven lord raised his longbow and roared hoarsely.

And the **** of dawn, who was cursed by her, was also in great trouble. He and the **** of punishment were fleeing forward with their subordinates in embarrassment, and they greeted the mothers of the elves and gods —— 13 Hundred miles in height, the sacred oak treants with a gleaming golden light stood in front of the church gods in awe-inspiring manner. They waved huge tree branches and slapped a swarm of Azer gods from the air like flies. drop.

The strength of these thirteen sacred oak tree people has reached the peak level of the upper and lower gods, and their bodies are extremely powerful. They slapped them down, even if the upper gods were shot by them, they would be dizzy and unable to open their eyes. These fallen gods rarely have a chance to escape. They just recovered from the dizziness brought by the Holy Oak Treant, and a black tentacle has accurately pierced his head.

If the gods can work together to attack the evil fetus of all souls, this embryo that has just been forcibly hatched, and even its complete form is not even obtained, will not have such a brilliant result. But facing such a strange existence, the gods completely lost the courage and desire to fight. They only managed to escape by themselves, and then created various obstacles for others to let them die. This made the evil fetus seem invincible. impression.

The gods became a chaos, they flee desperately, and at the same time desperately to add chaos to others, cursing each other to give themselves black hands, and at the same time, they kept black hands on the enemy. All kinds of weird things happened constantly, and the evil fetus of all spirits was happily killed. He frantically waved tens of thousands of tentacles, harvesting his food to his heart's content.

As more and more gods were sucked up by him, the body of the evil fetus became larger and larger, and his tentacles increased. In just a quarter of an hour, the tentacles on his body had reached hundreds of thousands, and so many tentacles had caused terrible damage to the gods.

Mu Wei, who had escaped the fastest, had brought the Gods of War to the teleportation formation arranged by Lin Qi. After all the Gods of War stood in the formation with weird smiles, Lin Qi was about to open the formation, Mu Wei But shook his head vigorously, and then flew straight into the air. A cloud of colorful glowing thunder clouds wrapped Mu Wei's body, and she took out the war weapon • Sky Fury Thunder that had been used to beat Mudel.

Lin Qi's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinpoint, and they once again let out an angry roar. Who on earth made this royal-level war weapon? This war weapon is not on the list of their ordnance on Heaven Mountain, which proves that it is an ‘illegal armament’ for mankind. But for the illegal armament of the Royal King, the fruits after this are too serious!

It was indeed too serious. Lin Qi watched as Mu Wei poured all of his divine power into the sky of fury at the same time, and then casually raised his hand in the direction of the gods of the distant temple. A colorful thunderball that was not the size of a human head silently flew out, like a plume of smoke brought up by a ghost, lightly falling on the core of the huge army formation of the gods of the temple.

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