Bright Era

Chapter 2071: Hell and trapped gods (4)

I don’t know how long the Temple of Hades has been flying, and finally the Temple of Hades took Lin Qi to the core part of hell-Hell Mountain, which is opposite to Heaven Mountain! Once the Hades Temple stood on the Hell Mountain, the most powerful Hades-level existence created by Hell formed the terrifying Hell Council. They gathered in the Hades Temple and were in charge of everything in Hell.

Hell Emperors, they are powerful warriors made by hells that are close to ‘primitive creatures’. The strongest among them have even reached the level of imperial emperors. In the countless conquests and attacks of Zhou Jie, Hell Emperor is the sharpest sword in human hands. They are brutal, tyrannical, and concentrated all evil in one, and ruthlessly destroyed all human enemies.

If Heaven Mountain is a symbol of the Metaverse•Divine Realm and represents the light and positive power in the universe, then Hell Mountain is synonymous with all evil. Even some imperial-level supreme powerhouses in human history have joked - even if it is just a breath of **** mountain air, even the imperial emperor will be seriously ill for three days!

But today's Hell Mountain is more damaged than the Heavenly Mountain of the day. The Hell Mountain, which is tens of thousands of miles high and stretches for hundreds of millions of miles, was almost shoveled by the roots. A part of the mountain from the mountainside to the top of the mountain was broken by heavy blows and scattered in various directions. The billowing evil spirit and dead air turned into black clouds visible to the naked eye, continuously spewing out from the break of the mountain, far away from the Hell Mountain, Lin Qi smelled an inexplicable cold and cold air, as if concentrated. All the bad smells in the world.

Countless kinds of odors are mixed together, and they have evolved into a strange smell that people can't distinguish, only know that it is extremely uncomfortable. With Lin Qi's current physical strength, he was rushed by this stinking odor, and his soul was turbulent, and a mouthful of blood spurted out with a sound of ‘Wow’.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree quickly released a ray of blue light to protect Lin Qi, and the Temple of Underworld hurriedly shot a black gas to wrap Lin Qi.

Heavenly Mountain groaned helplessly: "It is worthy of the place that the royal emperor said, even if the emperor takes a breath of the air here, you will be seriously ill for three days! Master Lin Qi, you better stay away from Hell Mountain, your body now, It is impossible to withstand the invasion of evil forces here."

The Temple of Underworld snorted coldly, and he shouted in a low voice: "Don't believe this sissy words! As long as I reactivate the **** and let Master Lin Qi have all the power of hell, Master Lin Qi will be able to mobilize the power of **** at will, he Naturally, he will no longer be hurt by the power of hell. Well, it seems that the injury is too serious!"

Accompanied by a low roar, a huge spiritual fluctuation whizzed and spread out from the Hell Mountain. A voice shouted loudly on the spiritual level: "The Temple of Underworld? Is it your treacherous and shameless fellow who came back? We thought you had been completely shattered a long time ago. For this matter, we also held a happy meeting. Celebration, it's a pity that you are still alive?"

The Temple of the Underworld roared angrily: "Even if you are all dismantled into raw materials, I will not fall! Don’t forget, I’m part of the immortal existence of eternal particles! Even if I’m smashed to pieces, one day I will You will still come back! Damn, since you still maintain a clear mind, what have you been doing all these years? Why is **** so messed up?"

Cursing along the way, the Underworld Temple quickly flew Lin Qi in the direction of the spirit wave.

On the mountainside of Hell Mountain, at the break of the mountain, dozens of huge strange creatures and a dozen strangely shaped halls and nests full of evil atmosphere are suspended in the air, forming an airtight encirclement. The suppression of a group of dim, but occasionally flashes a glare of piercing light.

In that dim halo, three women and two men were faintly seen sitting back to back, with a few strange artifacts floating above their heads, radiating their debut rays covering them. The faces of the three women and two men were extremely pale, and their bodies were densely covered with traces of very thin black lines. There is no doubt that their bodies were invaded by the power of hell.

Around this small seal formation, tens of billions of strangely shaped bodies were densely piled up. The vast majority of these corpses are all kinds of **** demons, and the rest are the bodies of the gods of the major protoss. Of all the fallen gods here, none of the corpses can be kept intact. Lin Qi glanced over. The most complete body of the fairy goddess was also gnawed off by two thighs by an unknown **** demon, leaving only mutilated. Ragged upper body.

The Temple of Underworld carefully flew over, and a rumbling voice rang out: "Damn, five gods! You have been entangled with five gods for so many years? I find it strange, although your brains are very small, your IQs are all on average. Below the horizontal line, but at least you should have the most basic authority and instinct to keep **** running! Can't you make **** so lifeless, they are the culprits?"

A body length of nearly three thousand miles, the appearance looks like a large silkworm covered with a thick black transparent carapace, with at least a thousand pairs of transparent and colorful membrane wings growing behind it, and a monster with a rainbow of neon light radiating from the whole body. He roared: "Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and find a way to help us get rid of them! How many years have passed, and my last stored energy is almost exhausted! Didn't you see me becoming like this? I hate this look , I hate this ugly form!"

"The Hell Butterfly Emperor Aglelander, the commander of the Hell Flyer family, the Pluto-level pinnacle powerhouse made by the Hell Worm." Heavenly Mountain introduced the huge, bloated and fat monster: "Don't Looking at her now ugly figure, in fact her figure is very beautiful, and she is known as the first beauty in hell. In order to gain her favor, there was a Hell War with 79 underworld emperors participating in the battle!"

After a pause, Heavenly Mountain lowered its voice: "In that **** war, I made a big bet and won a fortune, but there is no doubt that this group of **** **** ruffians, Rascals, they are ruining the bill!"

Angrily snorted coldly, Heaven Mountain said calmly: "The catastrophe of the universe's destruction at the end of the last tribulation was too powerful. The Metaverse and all its subordinate units were hit hard, and Agellander was resisting the destruction. During the impact, her body was also severely injured. She fell from the peak of the Hades, which is equivalent to the strength of the peak of the Emperor, to the strength of the one-star Hades."

Lin Qi's entire body was erected, and although Agellander's strength fell to the strength of a one-star Mingjun, he was after all a powerhouse at the Imperial King level. In other words, in the Primordial Gods War, among the gods, there are also the horror existences of the king-level participating in the war? And seeing that Agral and so many **** monsters and **** units have banned these five gods at once, do they still need to ask about their strength?

At this time, after countless years of consumption and confrontation, Lin Qi even saw several wounds on Agellander's body that were still dripping with blood plasma. The serious injuries had not healed, plus so many years of wear and tear. The breath of Ter has fallen to the level of the pinnacle of the upper god. Together with her to seal the many **** monsters and **** units of the five gods, their auras are also very weak.

"Who are they!" The Temple of Underworld slowly moved forward.

"The **** of the grassland and the desert, and the three female masters of destiny!" Agerlander cursed angrily: "Although I am a lady, I shouldn't say foul language, but I must say-these five **** -Son raised bastards, they hurt me! Did you know that it is a kind of mental abuse to have such a beautiful lady survive tens of thousands of years under the body of a bug!"

Lin Qi's scalp numb for a while, he shouted sharply: "The **** of the grassland and the **** of the desert? How could they be so strong?"

Lin Qi clearly remembered that the two brothers, the God of the Steppe and the God of the Desert, Lin Qi once absorbed the heart of the God of the Desert and plundered his artifact. And although the gods of the steppe and the gods of the desert are powerful, they are at best the powerhouses of the main **** level. But now that the pair of gods seen in front of them, they have been able to stand in a stalemate with Agellander and them for so many years, it can be seen that he is at least a terrifying existence at the royal king level.

What the Lord God is in front of them is probably a slap in the face.

Agerlander roared angrily: "Conspiracy! This pair of insidious guys, their strength in the Primordial War of Gods is very low, and even us who are best at conspiracy and trickery were deceived by them. That's it! What they used in the war was just a pair of clones! A pair of clones made from their own essence and blood!"

With a heavy sigh of heat, Agellander cursed: "The two of them join hands, and their divine powers combined together are a power of death and destruction! A power similar to the power that we have in hell! They After attacking hell, they suddenly burst into full strength. They actually want to plunder the core of hell, merge the core of hell, and push them to the royal level!"

The other monster who was born just like a praying mantis, and whose body is thousands of miles long, smiled triumphantly: "It's a pity that they will succeed, but they are coveting the beauty of the three heroines of Fate and are plundering the core of hell. At the same time, they want to occupy these three women! So they are trapped here by the wise us!"

Lin Qi was shocked by the words. He never dreamed that the **** of steppe and the **** of desert, whose temples were destroyed in the ground world, were actually a pair of conspirators who hid so deeply. No wonder their avatars were seriously injured, and the two temples they built were still stalemate with the church for so many years, and they were even able to survive the religious war with the temple!

It turns out that the brothers of the God of Desert and the God of Steppe, they are such powerful existence!

And the three heroines of Destiny! Lin Qi shook his head slightly. Now the church only has a couple of the Goddess of Destiny and the God of Destiny. The three heroines of Destiny have long been submerged in a long river of time.

"The temple of the underworld, activate hell, mobilize all the power that can be mobilized, can these five gods catch alive?"

Lin Qi tilted his head and looked at the five gods whose complexion changed in the light curtain, and smiled maliciously: "Well, these three destiny heroines, to be honest, look good. No wonder these two powerful prairie gods Gods and the gods of the desert, they will fall to this point because of them!"

The Temple of Underworld laughed loudly, he quickly flew up to the sky, and then emitted a thousand black lights.

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