Bright Era

Chapter 2134: Wonderful Flower (4)

Ai Mo nodded seriously, and then she took out a small pair of dark golden scissors and cut it towards the void. There were countless layers of fine ripples in the void, and no sound was heard. Everyone saw a trace of gold threads flashing through the void. These gold threads were cut off by scissors, and countless extremely thin golden lights flashed. After passing away, the bodies of the more than 20,000 lower servants stiffened and fell to the ground neatly and uniformly with a'puff.'

With a light cut, the golden thread of fate of more than 20,000 lower servants was forcibly cut off, their lives suddenly ended, their souls were shattered on the spot, and turned into a stream of golden light visible to the naked eye, continuously pouring into Ai Mo’s. body. Aimo's breath was strengthened slightly, and her body surface was gradually covered by a faint golden light, like the golden light of water waves gently rippling, setting off Aimo's more and more beautiful and sacred.

"Well done...beautiful!" Lin Qi looked at Ai Mo's incredible blow in horror. He just used a pair of scissors and came to the air seemingly at random, and more than 20,000 lower servants were actually caught in this way. Killing on the spot, such an attack method, such a power of law, is really terrible. Lin Qi could also blow these lower servants to pieces with a single punch, but there would never be such a breezy and untouched smell of firework like Ai Mo.

Ai Mo put away the small scissors, clutched Lin Qi's sleeve nervously, and muttered beside Lin Qi in a low voice: "Mom didn't let me hit someone, I..."

Lin Qi interrupted Ai Mo. He rubbed Ai Mo's long hair and smiled strangely to Ai Mo: "No, Ai Mo, now if you follow me, you will listen to me! Forget about your mother. Those words, those words can only be heard by children, but now you are not a child, are you? So you must understand what a big girl should do, that is, anyone who dares to offend you, click them with scissors! "

Ai Mo was stunned, she blinked her eyes carefully to ponder Lin Qi's words, and then nodded hesitantly.

Lin Qi smiled brightly, this is a good girl who can be trained! Lin Qi has made up his mind. When he goes back, he will let Este take a few witches and Ai Mo as company, and let Este take Ai Mo to cause trouble every day. In a few months, Ai Mo will become Lin Qi's. Good helper! After all, she is a strong man with almost the power of the lower main god, and this strength is enough to rank among the top three by Lin Qi.

Solder looked at the more than 20,000 lower servants who fell silently to the ground in horror. He suddenly felt dizzy in his head. These lower servants came from dozens of different temples, large and small, and they belonged to different gods. Although Thord controlled them with secret methods, Thord only wanted to use them as an excuse to provoke Lin Qi, and then threatened Lin Qi to bow his head and admit to let out a breath of evil.

Of course, if you can force Mu Wei behind Lin Qi, with Amlulu's support, Sold doesn't mind giving Mu Wei a lesson-Amlulu is quickly recovering strength, Thor De felt that he should obtain his due power and position within the Azer Protoss. Solder thought about it for a long time. Now, among the top gods of the Axul clan, isn't it Mu Wei who is the most provocative?

But provocation is provocation, and Thord never dreamed that Lin Qi would dare to let the little girl next to him kill so many lower servants! More than 20,000 people, although these people are low in strength, they are all the gods of the gods! This time, the incident is obviously a big deal!

Thorder's lips trembled lightly, he looked at Lin Qi in disbelief, and stammered: "You, you, Lin Qi, do you dare..."

Lin Qi took a deep breath, then he yelled up to the sky: "Master Mu Wei, Solder gathered a large number of running dogs to besiege me, and I was forced to fight back! Now Solder still wants to mess with me. Convicted, he also used people from the Primordial Holy Legion to attack me!"

Lin Qi’s voice shocked the entire God's Domain. Tens of thousands of golden lights rushed out from the Temple of War God that was the first to bear the brunt. The furious Mu Wei wore her own set of God armor and wielded a spear. Rushed over here. Later, the **** of dawn, the **** of punishment, and the goddess of the moon, who were discussing with Mu Wei on the battle plan for attacking the Milo Sect, came out with a large group of subordinates and rushed over here as well.

The gods of other major temples also projected their clones to watch the excitement, but when they saw the corpses of the **** servants lying around Lin Qi, dozens of gods roared in anger. , They came directly with their true body.

The lower servants of the gods who died tragically on the ground, they are all carefully selected by these gods, they are the soldiers of the **** servant army prepared for this battle. The so-called dog hitting depends on the owner, right at the gate of God's Domain, in front of so many gods, their **** servants were killed by someone, which is no less than a severe stomping on their face.

"Solder, it's you again! Do you think that our Temple of War really can't help you?" Mu Wei's eyes were filled with angry flames, and it was Solder, when the God of War was still alive. Thorder provokes the Temple of War several times. Now that the **** of war has completely fallen, Thord appears more and more unscrupulous! Mu Wei suffocated her anger, and she couldn't easily let Solder off today.

"It was Lin Qi who killed these **** servants!" Cold light flickered in Thord's eyes. He carried his hands on his back and bit Lin Qi gloomily: "It was Lin Qi who provoke me. He slapped me, then Killed so many **** servants like crazy! Mu Wei, are the deputy gods you picked all crazy?"

Mu Wei was stunned, she turned to look at Lin Qi: "What the **** is going on?"

Mu Wei saw the clear slap mark on Thord's face, and it was clear that Thor was slapped. Lin Qi stretched out his hands helplessly, and he said indifferently: "Solder provoke me, he slapped himself, and then controlled these **** servants to attack me!"

The God of Dawn and the God of Retribution glanced at each other with twinkling eyes, while Thord laughed out of anger, "Mu Wei, did you hear what yours said? Am I a lunatic? I smoked. Slap yourself just to plant him? Mu Wei, what your people said is an insult to me. You, the Temple of War, must give me a statement! Is it that I, Solder, just let you blame it?"

Looking at the gods of other departments, Thord roared loudly in a victim's tone: "I know that the power of the Temple of War is powerful, and it never makes sense to run rampantly. But I, Solder, is the only remaining soul **** system. The main god, can even a deputy **** of the temple of war be so rude to me? Not to mention, he killed so many **** servants!"

The God of Retribution squinted at Thord, and then he looked curiously at Ai Mo, who was as delicate as a small flower beside Lin Qi. A greedy light flashed in his eyes, and the **** of punishment coughed softly: "Solder, who killed these **** servants? We will solve one problem slowly!"

Thorder smiled triumphantly, then pointed to Ai Mo: "It's her!"

The God of Retribution nodded majesticly, he hooked his finger at Aimo, and said calmly, "Little girl, come, come to me!"

Ai Mo firmly grasped Lin Qi's sleeve, her little face almost buried in Lin Qi's sleeve, she didn't dare to look up at the **** of punishment. The two of Therums once showed Amo a lot of portraits of the **** Azer, and asked her to write down a blacklist-the **** of punishment is at the top of the blacklist, so Amo must stay far away Avoid the number one bastard!

Lin Qi grabbed Ai Mo by the shoulder, he looked at the righteous God of Punishment with cold eyes, and said lightly: "If you have anything, just ask me! Ai Mo is timid, so I dare not accept your inquiry! "

The God of Punishment glanced at Lin Qi unhappily, his tone became extremely stiff: "Who is she? Why did she appear in God's Domain? Why does she have this strength and courage to kill so many **** servants?"

There was a light sigh, and the two of Therums walked out of the crowd with a large group of gods of the destiny system. After nodding to the **** of punishment, Therom said indifferently: "Amo is our daughter, who just turned sixteen this year! As for why Amo killed these people, we have recorded all the events. Suo. Erd took the initiative to provoke Lin Qi, he controlled these servants to attack Lin Qi, so Amo killed them, we think it is entirely reasonable!"

The gods of the Destiny God System, they basically never participated in any real battle during the Primordial God War. Many of them did not even have their fingers cut a bit, so compared with the countless gods around, Hundreds of destiny gods who appeared in the field, all of them were full of vigor and energetic, and both their strength and spirit remained at their peak!

What is even more speechless is that in the past countless years of sleep, the gods of other gods rely on countless powers of faith and believers' souls, but barely repaired their bodies and restored their heavy injuries. But these gods of the Destiny God System, they have greatly enhanced their own strength with the help of the power of faith and the souls of believers.

Originally in the Axul Protoss, the gods of the Destiny God System were only supporting the strength of the legion, but today, they are already the aura of the main battle legion. Each of these hundreds of destiny gods has the strength of the upper-level pinnacle. Such strength is terrible.

Suddenly seeing Therum and the goddess of fate, the **** of punishment and the **** of dawn, they were all dumbfounded, including Mu Wei for a long time.

After a long time, many master gods shouted in a uniform manner: "Your daughter? Sixteen years old? Really, I have seen the dead!"

Solder's face became extremely ugly. Compared with other main gods, Solder's bluish-black face was really called seeing the dead!

As the Fate Spindle rises, everything that happened between Lin Qi and Solder just now appears in the dark golden light. Sold couldn't say a word anymore, he knew it deeply, because he hadn't figured out the identity of Amo, his provocation was messed up.

What made Sold even more unbelievable was that the goddess of Destiny uttered words that shocked all the gods with two red lips.

"Do you still remember Amlulu? That crazy female lunatic who was sealed by the gods! Thord released her, and she had just entered the temple of inheritance and added a very powerful divine power!"

The faces of the gods changed horribly at the same time, and they simultaneously glared at the terrifying Thord.

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