Bright Era

Chapter 2151: Trouble caused by the Celestial Clan (3)

With a cold snort, Lin Qi's eyes flashed with a gloomy light. He injected dozens of gray source power into the surrounding earth wall shields, and this shield suddenly became extremely hard. The soil wall, which originally had the characteristics of soil and rock, suddenly became like the crystal controlled by Lan Ling, and became almost transparent. The soil yellow soil wall suddenly turned into a yellow crystal material!

Lan Mei was holding his long sword and was hurriedly approaching Lin Qi's shield. He had never dreamed that after Lin Qi poured dozens of source power into the shield, his earth element shield had changed from a clay material to a crystal shield like a crystal shield controlled by the Celestial Clan. Unprepared, Lan Mei didn't have time to make other strains. He still straightened his long sword and stabbed Lin Qi's shield with a fierce sword.

The long sword made of blue crystal made a harsh whistle, and a black crack with a length of a foot could be seen near the tip of the sword. The nearby space was torn apart by this blow. This black space crack looks ten million times smaller than a strand of hair, but even if he touches the hardest material that naturally exists in the world, it will be easily cut into two pieces.

With a crisp sound of'ding', Lan Mei’s long sword pierced Lin Qi’s protective wall, the blade oscillated violently, and the tip of the sword struck a green bean-sized white mark on the shield. All the results he achieved with this blow. The terrifying counter-shock force caused Lan Mei's hand bones and arm bones to groan overwhelmedly at the same time, Lan Mei grunted in pain, then dropped the trembling long sword and quickly retreated.

"It turns out that it's like this!" Lin Qi squinted, his eyes flashed with countless strange patterns of laws, and the four element source crystal nuclei in his body were spinning rapidly, gradually gaining more source power and faster Breed. He laughed and slapped his palm on the parapet. The khaki transparent parapet made a dull roar, and four gleaming spears shot out from the parapet.

The three crystal giant swords controlled by Lan Ling whizzed down from a high altitude. She found that Lan Mei was in an extremely embarrassed situation with a single blow without success, so she quickly controlled the three giant swords to intercept and cover behind. But Lin Qi drew three spears just right, and each spear struck a fallen giant sword as fast as lightning, and shattered the pale blue giant sword with a loud bang. .

The remaining spear whistled and shot at Lan Mei's heart. Lan Mei, who was retreating rapidly, looked at the spear that was being pierced, and his face turned into lavender in fright. He opened his mouth and let out an unbelievable exclamation, and intercepted the spear with both hands embarrassed.

Lan Ling let out a long and rapid howl, her little hand waved quickly, and the crystal staff in her hand shot out a blinding glare. With a muffled sound, Lan Mei’s chest appeared on a huge crystal shield with a thickness of up to Mich. The blue crystal shield trembled rapidly, shaking with a super-high frequency of hundreds of millions of times with every finger. The earth-yellow crystal spear slammed into the crystal shield immediately.

There was a sound of terrifying shattering, and the spear smashed into the crystal shield inch by inch, and the violently bouncing crystal shield also collapsed, shattered, and turned into blue spots of light scattered everywhere. The scared-faced Lan Mei quickly fled back to the shelter of the Celestial Crystal Formation. He looked at Lin Qi as he walked out of the protective wall in horror, and his body trembled violently.

With a loud noise, the yellow crystal spear and the blue crystal shield were all reduced to pieces. Lan Ling watched Lin Qi approaching step by step nervously, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from the gap between his teeth. Come: "You are much stronger than your subordinates! Unexpectedly, you actually have this kind of power that is close to the crystal-controlling power of our Celestial Crystal family! Do you also have the blood of our Celestial Crystal family?"

Lin Qi shook his head slightly, and he laughed mockingly: "Could it be that only your Celestial Crystal clan can have this kind of power? If this is the case, your narrow eyes can only make me laugh!"

When the palm of his hand was turned, a group of black and red magic flames sprayed out of Lin Qi's palm, and then his other hand shook, a group of golden-red dragon flames sprayed out, blasting the viscous crystal juice tumbling rapidly above his head. There was a huge hole. A group of blue water waves spewed out from under Lin Qi's feet, and the howling water waves rapidly rotated under Lin Qi's feet, turning into a huge vortex.

Then a black storm blasted out from every pore of Lin Qi. The black storm drove the surrounding air. The black thunder cloud was born out of thin air. The black lacquered cloud covered the surroundings. There were countless huge electric dragons. Rolling in the dark clouds, the terrifying thunder shook the ears of Lan Ling and Lan Mei. Then in the thunder and lightning, a red flame soared into the sky. As soon as the flame rushed into the air, a thick land with a radius of tens of miles fell immediately. The more the earth-yellow land fell, the more transparent it became.

The four source forces of earth, water, fire and wind were displayed at the same time. Lin Qi was surprised to find that although he did not deliberately control it, between every two elements, a trace of the original element began to merge with each other, deriving infinity. Endless changes. And all of this happened after Lin Qi input a trace of the earth element into him, which caused him to undergo earth-shaking changes.

"What are crystals?" Lin Qi sneered at the dumbfounded Lan Ling and Lan Mei: "Crystals are nothing more than minerals. They originate from the earth. Just like metals, they are also derived from earth elements. A crystal! So as long as I truly understand the power of the earth’s origin, what metal, what crystal, and other similar powers, can’t it be easily mastered?"

Walking slowly to a place less than 100 meters away from Lan Ling, Lin Qi looked up and down at Lan Ling's slender and petite body for a while, looked at her delicate and beautiful face, and then gently shook his head: "Um, surrender! My servant Arda is a bit interesting to you, if you are willing to let him control your soul and treat him as your master, you can live!"

Alda was trembling with excitement. He knelt down religiously and bowed to Lin Qi: "Great and generous master! Don't worry, as long as she becomes my woman, I will definitely know everything she knows. Dug it out! Ah, trust my approach to women, as long as she becomes my woman, I will dug out the privacy that she used to pee in the bed several times as a child!"

The corners of Lin Qi's mouth twitched, Lan Ling was so angry that his face turned purple. Lan Ling, who was full of purple light, gave Arda a stern look, and then she quickly said a few words to Lan Mei. She used the language of the Tianjing family, so Lin Qi only felt that Lan Ling's voice was very clear and sweet, and very beautiful, but Lin Qi could not understand what she said.

Bilibili screamed: "Great and wise master, the woman said she was here to block us and let that little white face control the core of the five islands of Penglai! They also have a soul-suppressing plate in their hands, damn, they hold them. There is that ghost thing on it!"

Lin Qi's expression changed, and he quickly blasted Lan Ling's celestial crystal barrier with a punch. Almost at the same time when Lin Qi took the shot, Lan Mei had already pulled out a regular pentagonal, light golden transparent chip. He didn't even look at Lin Qi, but turned into a dazzling blue glow deep into the seabed. The Shifeng at the place rushed over.

With a loud bang, Lin Qi’s heavy fist and Lan Ling’s celestial crystal barrier slammed into each other. The sea water with a radius of thousands of miles and the crystals formed by the sea water transformed by Lan Ling were simultaneously caught by Lin Qi. The aftermath of a punch evaporates, and a hemispherical cavity appears in the sea water as deep as thousands of miles. And because of Lin Qi’s remaining punch, the surrounding sea has no tendency to replenish this side. The hole is maintained strangely and mysteriously.

Lan Ling's body shook lightly, and a clear fist mark reaching a foot deep appeared on her sky crystal barrier. However, this deep fist mark is recovering rapidly. Lan Ling took a deep breath, then raised his head proudly, and shook his head to Lin Qi disdainfully: "You can't break my defense, although I I don't really have the strength of a one-star imperial commander, but my celestial crystal barrier can only be broken through with a four-star imperial commander! Defense, this is originally the strongest strength of our celestial crystal clan!"

The crystal staff exuded a faint light and hovered in front of Lan Ling's chest. Lan Ling opened his hands and made a posture of blocking Lin Qi. She looked at Lin Qi with a smile, and shook her head gently: "You can't break through my defenses, you can't break through my obstructions. The celestial enchantment of our celestial crystal family has been countless in the past. China is also called the "Eternal Enchantment", which is indestructible..."

Just when Lan Ling was boasting, Lin Qi took a deep breath. There was a roar like thunder in his body, and a large amount of source power gushed from the four element source crystal core. The stardust that had been vaguely formed in his body was rapidly rotating, and countless stardust shining with faint light circled each other Moving around, with the four-element origin star core as its core, a small nebula is taking shape.

The source power that reached the 2-star imperial general's peak realm was fully unlocked, and the five-star imperial general's physical power was unreservedly released. The viscous blood, every drop heavier than a mountain, and more violent than the energy contained in a volcano, ran wildly in his body. Lin Qi's body sprayed a terrible high temperature, and his long hair was faint. He fluttered, his clothes gradually burnt, and then burned.

Before his underwear was burned to ashes by the heat emitted by his body, Lin Qi put on the **** tiger soul armor. The visor opened, exposing the frosty face, Lin Qi clenched his fist tightly, four half-foot-long thorns protruded from the palm of the **** tiger soul armor, Lin Qi's fist suddenly became A murderous weapon.

"Lan Ling! You guessed something wrong!" Lin Qi looked at the dumbfounded Lan Ling mockingly, and blasted Lan Ling's celestial barrier with a heavy punch: "My strength may have surpassed you. Imagination! Only four-star imperial generals can break through your defenses? Then, come on!"

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