Bright Era

Chapter 2154: Agreements and opportunities (1)

Eastern Continent, the top of Tianmiao Mountain. The golden temples and pavilions are like snow, hanging from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. The overlapping temples have strong doors, the clanging of ancient bells and drums, and dragons and snakes roaring from the valley. On every courtyard gate, every heavy mountain pass, and every mountain peak, there are three to five tyrants of the temple with golden light, all of them are watching the surroundings with great vigilance.

The wars of the major Protoss against the Azer clan were suspended. Because of the problem of Thor's Hammer, this messy war was finally suspended. However, the inexplicable attack on the Tianmiao by the Myra Sect continued. The secretive Myra Sect's killers destroy the temple from time to time and haunt the surrounding area, each time taking away three or five **** souls.

It is very far away from the Western Continent, and the attack range of Thor's Hammer is not so large, so the Milo Sect continues their attack unscrupulously. Tianmiao knows the reason why the Mirra religion is so crazy-the most important inheritance artifact of the multi-armed secret demon clan, the secret demon tower was taken away, and some identity signs and tokens of the temple were left on the scene.

This is really a disaster. All the masters of the Tianmiao, the Lord, the Venerable and so on can swear with their bare heads that no one of them has made such a decision and sent such a powerful man to sneak in. The core area of ​​the Myra Sect, steal that terrible secret magic tower! However, Tianmiao explained it many times to the Myra Sect, but the crazy believers of the Myra Sect did not believe this explanation. Once the war broke out, it would never stop, and it was fought all the way.

Suddenly a scream sounded, and several Tianmiao goddess officials, wearing moon-white half-arms and beautiful faces, were walking swaying beside a clear stream in the mountains, holding a few half-human vases ready to take them. When the stream was taken back to make tea, a beam of water swept out of the clear stream. Several goddess officials who were less than fifteen or six years old were suddenly cut off, and blood and internal organs flowed all over the place.

Hundreds of Tianmiao warriors with large bronze horses and cows rushed over in stride, holding the bronze rods with a thick bowl mouth, and hitting the nearby rocks and trees to shatter, but not even an enemy was found. . The leader of the team seemed to be over a hundred years old, with a skinny face and a shriveled figure like dried hazelnuts, and roared up to the sky a few times. He could only shook his head helplessly, and brought these temple warriors to clean up the bodies of the goddess officials. , Awkwardly withdrew to a bronze pavilion not far away.

Such things continue to appear in the sacred mountain that stretches for tens of thousands of miles. The killers who destroy the shrine appear in groups or alone everywhere, and each time they appear, they will always take away a few lives. Although the results of their battles were not great each time, the sum of the believers in the Temple who were killed by the killers who destroyed the temple every day was a shocking number.

There are an average of about 10,000 casualties every day, of which more than 30% are dead. Such casualties have lasted for more than two months, which makes the principals of Tianmiao a headache. The huge Tianmiao didn't care about such casualties, but so many disciples were killed every day, and it was too shameful to spread it out.

On the highest peak of Tianmiao Mountain, the main peak called Shenguangding, this majestic mountain with a height of nearly a hundred li is on the southwest side of a steep cliff. The cliff that goes straight up and down has no grass, and is as smooth as a mirror. same. Numerous magic circles are carved on this huge cliff, and the huge gravity barrier covers the mountains with a radius of thousands of miles. Even if the lower **** arrives here, he can't fly and can only walk forward step by step. Anyone below the middle **** who dared to fly was crushed to pieces by the violent gravity.

A floating pavilion with the same color as the cliff hangs on the huge cliff. The delicate pavilion is connected with several other small temples through the plank road. The gust of wind swept the clouds over these pavilions, and under the blow of heavy snow, all traces of these small buildings were concealed for a while.

A deep gorge with hundreds of miles at its widest point and less than ten miles at its narrowest separates the Eastern Continent and the Eastern Subcontinent. This grand canyon is the most tragic battlefield between the Tianmiao and the Miluo Sect. For countless years around this grand canyon, the Miluo Sect has not known how many **** religious wars have been launched. The alliance between the Tianmiao and the Blood Qin Empire , I don’t know how many people have piled up here.

Beside a gray-white Jingguan with at least a million skulls piled up, an army of hundreds of thousands of followers of the Myra religion is frantically attacking a guarded army of the temple. The fifty thousand full body exudes silver luster, and the eyes are shining with silver divine light. Holding a silver rod and wearing silver robes, the Tianmiao fanatics chant mantras praising the gods. There are silver divine writings like centipedes flowing all over the body. The defensive power has been raised to the limit under the blessing of divine power.

The individual combat effectiveness of the two sides is similar. The strength of each of the believers of the Mirage Sect is not the strongest, and the fighters of these temples are also at such a level. It is nothing but the proportion of the heavenly fighters is slightly higher. But under the blessing of divine power, the bodies of these heavenly temple warriors have become tougher than steel, and their strength has increased by about a hundred times than usual.

The swords of the believers of the Milo Sect slashed at the enemy, and they could only bring up sparks, and could not harm their enemies at all. And the crutches of those all-silver temple fanatics would smash their bodies and their armor into shatters with a fierce blow. Both sides are the most devout believers, the bravest warriors, and the least afraid of death lunatics. When the followers of the Meira religion are killed, they will not even groan.

The entire battlefield could not hear any painful groans from the wounded. One after another, the soldiers were killed by the enemy, and then they fell to the ground with a cheerful smile and exhaled one last breath. Even the hapless group whose most of their bodies were beaten to pieces, they all crawled towards the enemy with a smile on their faces, opened their mouths and bit on the enemy's leg, and then waited quietly for the enemy. The next blow smashed his head.

On the battlefield, only the sound of the sword splitting the flesh and blood, and the heavy metal rod crushing the bones, was no other sound. Even the constant gusts of wind in the Grand Canyon disappeared without a trace. These bitterly cold, constantly emitting gusts like ghosts, are like the minions of the **** of death, quietly curling up on the edge of the battlefield. Appreciate this pleasing and cruel killing.

In the small pavilion on the cliff, a beautiful woman wearing a light golden dress with long hair in a gorgeous palace dress and bun, holding a handle of jade, is leaning lazily against one another. On the soft couch. She squinted her eyes and quietly looked at a handsome man ten meters away from the other side, and suddenly laughed softly: "The Lord of Dawn is too insincere, how can this kind of thing let the'God of Commercial Fraud' come? Be a special envoy? Isn't that kidding?"

The handsome man smiled gently. He put down the tea cup in his hand and said faintly: "I am the best candidate! Do you want the Lord of Dawn to send the God of Soul over? That guy is not reliable, who Know what he will do?"

The beautiful woman's red lips curled slightly, she sighed lazily, and then shook her head: "The nightmare stinging child, with you, did not cause you trouble? The little guy is still very innocent, he doesn't Knowing things about the world, you just act according to instinct. What you might do occasionally seems a bit too much for you, but what can we parents say?"

One of the vice-gods of the business goddess of the Azhul Protoss, the **** of business fraud, known as the most cunning among the gods, shook his head with a smile: "His Majesty Nightmare is on our side, very well-behaved. The three meals are very rich, and there are maids waiting close by, although the maids are all captured Odin Saint Guards...but don't worry about his safety."

The beautiful woman's face changed slightly. She straightened her body suddenly, and Huarong screamed palely: "Odin Saint Guard? What kind of people did you get to wait for the nightmare stinging? My child has been spoiled since childhood, even a little You can’t smell the peculiar smell, so what kind of guard did you get him? You, you, you are simply..."

Zitel drooped his eyelids and smiled innocently and harmlessly: "Well, a few of the bloodlines are pure, and they definitely don't contain any pigheads and bears of royal and royal blood. His Royal Highness Sting Li seems to treat them. His long hair is very sensitive, and every time the maids approach him, he will yell, but he has got used to it these days."

The beautiful woman stayed on the soft couch blankly but stiffly. Are there any pig heads and bears of royal and royal blood? The characteristic of the orcs is that the stronger the blood of the royal family and the royal family, the more similar they look to humans, like the core royal blood of the bear, lion, and tiger races. They look like humans, unless When the bloodline was activated during the battle, they were just normal human beings, and they were basically handsome men and beautiful women.

But an orc without any royal or royal blood? That is the descendants of the orc warriors and orc puppets made by the combat units of Metaverse. As cannon fodder in war, Metaverse never considers whether its own army is beautiful or not. They are all beasts that are completely human walking! And now there are a group of wild boars and bears that are walking upright serving the nightmare stinging!

The beautiful woman's body shook, she suddenly grabbed Yu Ruyi in her hand, and fell to the ground fiercely. With a sound of'Dang Cang', countless small debris was sprayed around, and the beautiful woman pointed out the window fiercely, her beautiful eyes swept across the army of Milo believers who were fighting wildly hundreds of miles away: "Go , Kill them all! Those useless waste, choose half and kill them at random!"

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