Bright Era

Chapter 2219: All come to blend in (2)

The scarlet dragon scales shone in the sun, and the bodies of these giant dragons seemed to be entangled in a ball of flame. They pranced lightly, and their huge bodies swooped down from the dragon tower. Their bodies twisted and changed rapidly. When they fell heavily on the ground, these giant dragons had turned into handsome and flawless faces like gods, tall and fit men with no flaws!

What makes people's teeth cold and jaw-dropping is that these giant dragons did not wear any clothes when they transformed into human form! They deliberately exposed their strong statue-like muscle bumps in front of many noble ladies and wealthy ladies. They shook their indecent mass of superhuman objects, raised their heads and roared loudly, as if the **** of war had come. To those poor priests.

They did not use weapons. Their fists were the best weapons. Every blow they made shattered the bodies of the clergy. The sprayed blood and scattered bodies set off their strong and perfect bodies like gods, in **** cruelty. , Actually reveals an indescribable beauty of power!

Many wealthy ladies and young ladies stared at the handsome men transformed by these giant dragons. Especially some noble ladies who have always had a certain reputation for romanticism, they even stared at the indecent things that these dragons are far beyond ordinary people in front of their husbands! I have to admit that human beings are incomparably excellent, but in some respects, human beings are still inferior to some non-human beings.

There were amazing Dragon Mountain Guards from all directions. These Longshan Guards wearing golden armors looked at the rioting clergy indifferently, like a copper wall and iron wall firmly blocking the horrified nobles. Each of these Longshan Guards had the weakest demigod's high-level strength, and the defense line they formed was indestructible - at least not that these clergy could shake.

So this was a wonderful surprise, it turned into a joke. The abrupt attacks of the clergy only allowed Blackbeard and them to get over the addiction of killing a little bit, and the giant dragons showed off their strength, showing off their majestic muscles and strength. . . Well, anyway, Blackbeard is very addicted, and the dragons have achieved certain goals of being unable to see people. They have attracted enough attention and attention. The tragedy is just these clergymen who don’t know what went crazy and suddenly messed up. That's it.

"Is it soul control?" Lin Qi looked at Lin Kaixuan with an ugly face curiously: "Otherwise, I can't imagine how these idiots would attack my guests in my palace! Although these clergy are all idiots , But they will never be stupid enough to do such a thing! What method did you use to control them?"

Lin Kaixuan took a deep breath, and then he showed a smug smile. Xuanlan and Mr. Mo were fighting with the subordinates he had summoned. Lin Kaixuan only had Lin Qi in his eyes. He looked at Lin Qi tightly, and said word by word: "It's not difficult to control these greedy and stupid clergy. A little potion, with the help of a few Li family veterans, is it difficult to control them? "

Suddenly looking up to the sky and laughed, Lin Kaixuan tilted his head to look at Lin Qi, and smiled gleefully: "It's you, how do you explain to the church? The newly enthroned Pope, the three thousand high-ranking priests, are you The palace was chopped up by your people, and your people insulted their bodies! This is a blasphemous crime? Lin Qi, how do you deal with this matter?"

Lin Qi looked at Lin Kaixuan with pity, he wanted to tell Lin Kaixuan that he also had the identity of the **** of the Axul protoss, and that he was still a higher god. Not to mention three thousand clergy, even thirty thousand or three hundred thousand, what if Lin Qi chopped off all of them?

Blasphemy? This charge is ridiculous! Besides, not to mention that Lin Qi himself also has the status of the upper **** of the Azhul Protoss, and there are two great gods in his Longshan Imperial Capital! One is Amo, the daughter of The Destiny God of Destiny. Because of her existence, who dares to move Lin Qi, The Destiny will definitely kill him with the Destiny Temple! The other is the **** of Nebula Asi!

If Aimo's identity is not important enough, then Assi is a big killer! He is Lu Si Jia's younger brother, and Lu Si Jia is very fond of him. And Lu Sijia, the former goddess of the night, and now the goddess of the moon, controls the defense system of the entire God's Domain-the backup master core of the God's Domain, Chi Titan, is mastered by Lu Si Jia. She is now a goddess of the Atoll **** One of the four main gods of the rule system! With such a background, who would dare to provoke Asi?

As for the kid Asi, he has completely fallen under Alda's corrosion!

Today's New Year's palace banquet was also attended by Assi, but under Arda's instigation, he was acting as an ordinary and invited troubadour. He didn't know where he was hiding in the palace! Asi is playing a role-playing game called "The Lost Bard Conquered Three Hundred Noble Misses at One Time". The raids by these clergy have undoubtedly destroyed Asi's Yaxing!

Lin Qi only killed these three thousand clergymen. If A Si, who is now raging into the sky, takes the action, it is estimated that the families behind these clergymen will be completely washed out! Nebula God As, Lu Sijia's younger brother, he absolutely has such power!

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi smiled disapprovingly: "Three thousand minions, kill them if you kill them! Well, you have done a lot of preparations this time?"

Lights and shadows flickered in the light curtain, and events happening in and outside the city flashed one by one in the rapidly expanding light curtain. Lin Kaixuan's face gradually became ugly, and the many mercenary chess pieces ambushed in the city were actually eliminated by Lin Qi's subordinates one by one. He used Lin Feiqian's power to rule the guild, secretly mobilizing those elite heavenly positions and saint-level subordinates, actually most of them were captured alive?

The offensive of the Ranger and the Wild Tree Spirit once made Lin Kaixuan excited. He believed that this powerful force could successfully invade the Longshan Imperial Capital. He could make Lin Qi show a big ugly, and then as long as he could capture Lin Qi alive, With the help of this powerful weapon, all the nobles of the Longshan Empire can be threatened to send themselves to the throne!

However, the offensive of the rangers was frustrated, a large group of rangers were killed, and the wild tree spirit also suffered heavy losses under the attack of powerful magic and bed crossbows. Lin Kaixuan regarded as a fatal blow, the more than 40,000 loyal warriors of the Caesar Empire, and thousands of military aristocrats of the Caesar Empire. Their efforts only allowed the four city gates to lead to the palace on the mile-long street. , Covered with corpses.

The Ranger and the Wild Tree Spirit were not reconciled to such a failure, and they were still trying their best to launch an attack on the Longshan Emperor. However, the Longshan Imperial Guards had stabilized their position and began to launch a counterattack against the enemies outside the city. The high-altitude flying dragon knights and flying dragon mages launched deadly attacks on the rangers and wild tree spirits outside the city, and a large number of magician army hovered in the sky on the magic frisbee, and the magic that fell like a rainstorm completely cut off the rangers. The last point of invading the city is possible.

The magic circle outside the city is still sending rangers and wild tree spirits, but facing the crazy attack of the powerful Longshan Empire regular army, the rangers and wild tree spirits are in chaos, and finally this raid army completely collapses and continues. The rangers and wild tree spirits who came out of the magic circle were surrounded by superior forces as soon as they appeared, and reluctantly became prisoners of the Longshan Empire.

With a sneer, Lin Qi pointed his hand toward the light curtain, and the image in the light curtain suddenly changed, turning into a view overlooking the entire Longshan Imperial Capital from a high altitude. Through the light curtain, you can see that a large number of regular soldiers suddenly appeared on the plains around the Longshan Imperial Capital. These soldiers lined up in a neat array of thousands of people. The huge army array stretched for hundreds of miles, and it was impossible to tell. How many powerful fighters are there.

Compared with the abrupt appearance of the Dragon Mountain Empire army, the raid team composed of rangers and wild tree spirits is simply a joke.

In the sky, there are at least 30,000 magic frisbees spinning around, and you can see these gleaming Primordial Magic creations flying in the sky for hundreds of miles. Tens of thousands of flying dragons are surrounded by nearly a thousand giant dragons, which are extremely arrogantly suspended in the air. The sky-shaking dragon roar makes the ground tremble, and the terrifying dragon has condensed into a halo visible to the naked eye. It is covering the entire Longshan Imperial Capital.

In the extremely distant horizon, a golden light pierced people's eyes with severe pain. It was a pale golden dragon blood griffon! This powerful dragon creature has the bloodline of a giant dragon. They are born like ordinary griffons, but their size is more than twice as large as ordinary griffons, regardless of their combat power, flying ability, and weight. It is more than ten times stronger than the ordinary Griffon.

There are at least one hundred thousand dragon blood griffins hovering in the air, and each griffin carries a heavily armed warrior on its back. Not to mention the personal strength of these warriors, nor how powerful the magic armor on them, just the magic dragon spear that is twelve meters long in their hands and is entangled by countless runes and halos. The cost of each one is It's an astronomical number!

Accompanied by the terrifying impact of the dragon blood griffon, these twelve-meter-long special dragon spears are undoubtedly capable of erupting amazing lethality on the battlefield! Such 100,000 Griffin Riders definitely have the qualifications and strength to dominate a large-scale battle!

And near the group of dragon-blooded griffins, in a rolling hills, a piece of armor reflecting light can blind people's eyes. The dwarf warriors of at least five legions were dressed like tin cans, standing neatly in the hills. The dwarf army that stretched for hundreds of miles cooperated with the hundreds of dragon magicians suspended above them. The unbelievable arrogance and the terrifying aura that could move mountains and seas made Lin Kaixuan in front of the light curtain look suddenly. A change!

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