Bright Era

Chapter 238: Terrible hunger

At dusk, a corner of the island.

In a small ravine between the two hills, Black Horse House frowned and waved a long wooden pole. This seven-eight-meter-high slender wooden rod head was tied with some colorful cloth strips. With his swing, a palm-sized iron-winged flying pigeon quickly flew down and stopped at the black horse. On his shoulder.

The pigeon flapped its wings lightly on Black Horse House's shoulder, and a delicate dove whistle was tied to its toe. It was only when Black Horse House heard the sound of the dove whistle that Black Horse House started shaking this signal pole. Waiting for the dove to land on his shoulder, Black Horse House roughly threw away the signal pole, grabbed the small dove, and untied a small metal tube from its toe.

"Strange, is there something to use emergency communications? Doesn't it mean that the military's senior level will not intervene in the process of actual combat exercises?"

He threw the pigeon away, and the Black Horse House took out the extremely thin parchment that was tightly rolled up in the metal cylinder. Arthur and several other core members of the Knights of the Round Table got together and looked at the parchment curiously.

"The gods are on!" When they read the warning written in the simplest words and sentences above, the group gasped.

A total of 267 students of the Iron Cavalry and the Red Rose Knights were beheaded by the orc mercenaries? Didn't even one escape? This downright bad news is like a bucket of ice water poured on the hearts of Dark Horse House and others, and they all got goose bumps all over.

"The whole army is wiped out! Are those orcs so strong?" Dark Horse House frowned.

Then the sentence behind the parchment made his mood even worse: a certain participating team had already severely damaged the orc mercenary group, and only about one hundred and sixty orcs escaped. But the injured orcs are the most terrifying orcs. All participating teams should be careful not to let the orcs succeed again.

He crumpled the parchment to pieces, and Dark Horse House sneered.

"Who else can defeat those orcs besides us?" Shaking his head, Dark Horse House looked at Arthur with confidence: "It must be the Iron Knights and the Red Rose Knights fighting the orcs, and then being hurt by someone The lucky team picked up the bargain. But it doesn’t matter, as long as we capture the camp in the middle of the battlefield, we will definitely be able to win."

He slapped Arthur on the shoulder hard, and the Dark Horse House said in a loud voice: "As long as I can get the first place, the Pavel family and Your Excellency Bea will not forget your credit. His Royal Highness has promised, As long as you can help me get the first place, you will be rewarded, and he will personally come forward to find you a good position in the local guards in the province of Assen."

Arthur smiled humbly, and he clapped his hands gently, echoing the words of Dark Horse House just now. He also thinks that the defeat of the five hundred orcs is just a fluke, at least in the team of these students on the island, except for the Knights of the Round Table of Black Horse House, no team has such strength.

Arthur was also very relaxed. The people he brought were all good hands left by his father, and they were all the veteran pirate leaders who broke through in a **** storm. Especially Uncle Seahorse, who is a real celestial master, is it not easy to deal with these Army Academy rookies?

As for Lin Qi. . .

Arthur sneered. The people around Lin Qi were all elites from the Black Tiger family, and he knew those people. Especially Barr and Aunt Lily, how could Arthur not know them? One is the chief director of all the cooks and maids of the Black Tiger family, and the other is the chief boss of all the rogues in the Docklands of Dunelker, but Arthur only knows them.

Barr and Aunt Lily are at best the strength of the pinnacle of status, which is the result of the detection of the dead ghost Elham through some magical magic. Arthur had never seen Barr and Aunt Lily take action, so he trusted Elham's judgment. Two pinnacles of status can't be better than one, Arthur firmly believes this.

Even the pirate boss Uncle Seahorse by Arthur's side, he only knew about the hammer and butcher knife, the thug leader beside Blackbeard. Both the hammer and the butcher knife were first-class evil spirits, and Seahorse was definitely not their opponent. But Baal, this Baal who sits in the Dunelker Wharf all the year round, Haima has no impression of him, and he is definitely not Haima's opponent.

"House, there is nothing to worry about, you can definitely win!" He slapped Dark Horse House on the shoulder, and Arthur's face became gloomy: "The only thing worth worrying about now is that our logistics supplies are not sufficient. We have to win in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, our monsters will not be full, which is a big trouble!"

Yes, the problem of replenishment.

The Black Horse House used the power of the family to intimidate Fanlin to act as the captain of the transportation battalion. In addition to the members of the Knights of the Round Table who are really greedy for enjoyment and want to relieve their logistical pressure as much as possible, the more important reason is that they carry twenty monsters. Join the war.

Arthur’s 10-member foreign aid team has ten monsters with huge appetites, especially Arthur’s Earth King Kong. This huge guy is extremely powerful and has extremely powerful appetite. There are no hundreds of catties of meat every day, which is simply not enough. Its body consumes. Correspondingly, the Fire Lion of Dark Horse House is also a big rice bucket. It not only eats a lot of fresh meat every day, but also drinks a lot of spirits.

Most of the large quantities of supplies sent by Fanlin were prepared for these monsters. On this desert island, if these beasts do not have enough food, once they are beastly, is it possible to feed them with the meat of Dark Horse House and Arthur? Even if they were willing to take this body of skin and flesh, their small bodies were not enough for a beast.

"Yes, logistics!" Dark Horse House frowned solemnly, stroking the beard scum that had just grown on his upper lip. "The instructor said that the most important thing in a war is logistics. We have a powerful group of monsters, but they also cause great logistics pressure on us. So we must fight quickly! Arthur, we must take the initiative to attack as quickly as possible. Solve the battle!"

Arthur took the initiative to ask: "Those fang wolves are the best scouts, and they are also the best night raids. We can find a few targets to completely destroy their camps, force them to surrender, or... ."

Dark Horse House laughed, in order to be able to improve his rank after joining the army, killing a group of competitors is also very pleasing. He took Arthur's hand, and the two came to the kitchen in the camp hand in hand. Naturally, someone brought up the delicious roasted meat and a bottle of wine.

Eating barbecue and drinking wine, both Dark Horse House and Arthur felt extremely happy. The raid tonight will be successful because they have meat to eat and wine to drink. Think about the students who are gnawing cold rice dumplings. It is not bad for them to maintain their basic physical strength.

"The issue of logistics will definitely be the top priority after I join the regular army." Dark Horse House swallowed the dinner, and said vaguely: "Fortunately, Fanlin and the others will help carry the luggage this time, otherwise we will now Where is there enough rations?"

Arthur's face was very ugly: "It's just that the **** group of Fanlin is too incompetent. They were robbed of most of the supplies!"

Dark Horse House's face also turned sullen, he said grimly: "Since he has not fulfilled my request, then I will not fulfill my promise. Hmph, when he joins the army, I will let His Royal Highness Maris Send him to the death squad and let him fight the most brutal orc raiding squad, this incompetent trash!"

Two people cursed in a low voice at Fanlin and the Blood Swords regiment led by him. At the same time, the members of the Knights of the Round Table, except the sentries and scouts scattered around, all returned to the barracks. Everyone was given a piece of fragrant barbecue and a small bottle of wine, which made everyone cheer and eat and drink.

Twenty beasts lay lazily under the shade of the tree and ate a lot of fresh meat. The nine-headed fang wolf raised its head vigilantly from time to time, and its long ears were shaking violently, listening to the surrounding movement from time to time. These monsters maintained their utmost vigilance even when they were eating. This was the main reason why Dark Horse House and Arthur were full of confidence in victory.

A fire lion can destroy a thousand-man team, which team can withstand the ravages of this group of monsters?

Their target was not the students of the Army Academy at all, but the elite of the three hundred imperial guards. These three hundred soldiers are well equipped, and they are all veterans drawn from the Norman Castle. Each of them has extremely powerful personal strength. It is not easy to defeat them.

Dark Horse House smiled happily, he smiled and looked at the monsters that were eating.

The elite of the Three Hundred Guards are indeed difficult to deal with, but with these monsters, what other enemies can't deal with?

After eating up a portion of the barbecue, Black Horse House rubbed his belly, seemingly hungry. He shook his head and smiled at Arthur: "It seems that I am very excited when I am on the battlefield. This barbecue is good, let's have another one! The war is really energetic, and even the appetite has become a lot! "

Arthur also rubbed his stomach, and he laughed, and also reached out for another barbecue.

Hungry, Arthur felt hungry too, as if the piece of barbecue just didn't fill his stomach. How can you be so hungry? Is it because you are on the battlefield, so you are nervous, causing your body to consume too much, so your appetite has become much larger?

Gradually, the members of the Knights of the Round Table all around came together. They ate a piece of barbecue, but they were still hungry, so they got together and wanted an extra barbecue.

The Knights of the Round Table had sufficient logistical reserves, so Dark Horse House was disapproving, and let the Fire Head Army continue to grill a lot of barbecue.

An hour later, all the rations of the Knights of the Round Table were eaten cleanly, and the monsters' eyes widened, and they came over here with green light in their eyes. Hunger, hungry, extreme hunger spread over the camp.

They are so hungry that they want to eat people! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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