Bright Era

Chapter 241: Knight and rogue

"Boss!" Enzo looked at Lin Qi, his hand was already holding the hilt, his muscles were already tense, ready to charge at any time.

Lin Qi moaned feebly, and he smashed a small bush next to him with a heavy axe, and the violent Xuanhu Jin exploded the short bush and nearby grass to pieces. Well, Lin Qi knows that Enzo's chivalrous spirit is reappearing, this guy who sometimes lacks roots in his mind!

"What do you want to do?" Lin Qi asked helplessly. He looked forward to Enzo's awakening from the **** chivalry as soon as possible. Dark Horse House was their opponent, why did he work hard for this group of bastards?

"They are not good things, they are our adversaries, they are our enemies on the island, we should fight them by all means!" Enzo's tone revealed a strange seriousness: "But anyway, they Just like us, they are all soldiers of the empire. Seeing that the soldiers of the empire are in danger but do not treat them, we cannot do this kind of thing!"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes. He glanced at the Dark Horse House who was almost slapped to death by the Earth King Kong. He raised his axe and rushed towards the violent beast: "Then, hurry up, save the Dark Horse House and the others. , And then immediately summon the support of the imperial army! We can save them, but they are hungry like this, we don’t have enough food for them to ruin!"

With a tiger roar, Lin Qi opened his mouth and spouted a black vigor. Dark Horse House, Arthur and others were dancing and flying by Lin Qi's roar more than ten meters away. Then Lin Qi picked up the big axe and smashed it fiercely on the head of King Kong who was dizzy with hunger.

There was a loud noise, sparks splashed all over, Lin Qi's wrists were numb, and he almost threw the axe. The forehead of the Earth King Kong was shrouded with a layer of strong yellow light. The forehead of this large beast became ten times harder than steel. Lin Qi's axe only left a white mark on its forehead. It can hurt half of its hair.

"What a hard head!" Lin Qi roared. Instead of using his axe, he bent down and hugged the front feet of King Kong. With a loud shout, Lin Qi actually lifted the King Kong, which was six meters long, and slammed it to the ground.

The Earth King Kong, who was so hungry and feeble, was unable to struggle. It roared angrily, was grabbed heavily by Lin Qi, and smashed it frantically on the ground a dozen times. Lin Qi, who was bloated, and the Earth King Kong, who was several times larger, were in a ball. The shrubs and grass around him were razed, and many of the rocks were smashed by Lin Qi.

With a horrible cry of ‘Wow’, a fangled wolf rushed towards this side, but Lin Qi picked up the Earth King Kong and swept out fiercely. The unlucky fangled wolf was smashed into meatloaf without a snort. The members of the Knights of the Round Table who were chased by this fangs wolf fell to the ground in embarrassment, and then they suddenly vomited violently.

After all, humans are humans, not rabbits, let alone donkeys. They ate so much grass and leaves, although because of hunger potions, their stomachs digest these leaves and grass blades at an abnormal speed. But they have lost their appetite, they keep burping and spit out the unpleasant smell of plants. Just now they ran all the way for their lives again, and now they were finally relieved of the killing, they could no longer hold back the tumbling in their stomachs, and began to vomit.

All they vomit are foul-smelling plant sap, colorful and don't know what it is.

Enzo had already drawn out the stabbing sword, and he and the Blood-Clothed Seven Swordsmen bravely greeted the other fangs wolves. The stabbing sword tore the air, and a transparent hole was pierced in the face of a fangs wolf. Enzo screamed: "Everyone is close to me and blew up! Send a signal for reinforcements from the Forbidden Army, otherwise you will not be Killing monsters will starve to death!"

Long Gen waved his two-handed horse-cutting sword, swept out with a fierce sword, and knocked out the two fangs wolves that had been killed. Fortunately, these fangs wolves were already too hungry. Longgen swept away two hungry wolves, but took a small step back. If these fangs wolves maintain their peak strength, I am afraid that Longgen will suffer. A little hurt.

Dark Horse House staggered up and rushed behind Enzo in embarrassment. When he got here, he was temporarily safe.

But he soon discovered a loophole in Enzo's words. He exclaimed: "Enzo, how do you know we are very hungry?"

Enzo didn't say a word, and Barr flashed over like a ghost, knocking Dark Horse House out with a punch.

"I kindly saved you, so much bullshit!"

Barr cursed, and gave Enzo a weird look. This kid really had nothing to say, Enzo was very excited to cooperate when Lin Qi drugged the wine and meat. But when these hapless students of the Knights of the Round Table were hunted down by monsters, Enzo was the first to drew his sword to save people.

Too complicated, too contradictory! Barr couldn't understand Enzo's ‘chivalry’ a little bit.

"It's still convenient for us to come. When we see someone we like, we will have a good drink and meat. Everyone is a friend. When we see someone we don't like, we will put a white knife in and a red knife out, and give him a break. Where can I twist it? Twitchy things? Chivalry? That's all bullshit! Just because they are Imperial soldiers, they risk saving them?"

Shaking his head, Baal drew out his scythe, and a stern blade of light tore through the air. Except for the Earth King Kong who was being madly beaten by Lin Qi, the other beasts were all beheaded by Baer. These hungry monsters, where is the opponent of a heavenly knight holding a magic weapon?

The survivors of the Knights of the Round Table shouted happily, and then they quickly rushed to the nearby bushes and gulped the drafting leaves.

Arthur and the iron confidants beside him also breathed a sigh of relief. He coldly looked at Lin Qi who was entangled with the Earth King Kong, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. It's a pity that he is too hungry. He must add a lot of food now, otherwise he would never mind giving Lin Qi a cruel gesture from behind while Lin Qi is entangled with this monster.

"What a pity, what a pity!" Arthur sighed.

Three blue fireballs ejected from an iron tube that Enzo pulled out, rushing straight into the sky hundreds of meters, and exploding into a sky full of blue light. This is the most urgent distress signal, which means that a certain participating team is on the verge of exhaustion and cannot continue to participate in actual combat drills, so it requests the support of the imperial army.

The members of the Knights of the Round Table looked up at the three bursting fireballs with complex expressions. Did they just lose?

Arthur swayed and brought people over here, and he shouted loudly, "What did you do to House? Hey, House!"

Suddenly, a bad wind sounded, and Lin Qi, who grabbed the Earth King Kong and smashed it on the ground, suddenly shouted, shaking his hands and smashed the crazy Earth King Kong towards Arthur and his party. Lin Qi exclaimed: "Ahhh, I missed my hand, I have no strength, this beast is so amazing!"

After throwing out the King Kong, Lin Qi turned around and left, and at the same time he yelled to Enzo: "Enzo, protect the students of the Army Academy. Those who are not soldiers of the Empire will die if they die!"

With a ‘bang’, the huge body of the Earth King Kong flew high again. The seahorse that had been guarding Arthur's side rose up for the last bit of strength, exploded into the lower ranks of the heavens, and blasted the Earth King Kong into flight. But Lin Qi used all his strength this time, and the limp seahorse groaned. He vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and sat on the ground weakly.

Arthur roared angrily: "Lin Qi! You villain!"

Lin Qi raised his left hand without saying a word. There was a crisp sound from his sleeve, and a crossbow arrow with chopsticks as thick and thin as a ruler shot out, accurately hitting the brow of the hippocampus who was sitting on the ground panting. With a ‘pouch’, the crossbow arrow pierced through the hippocampus' head, and the arrow shot from the back of his head.

Arthur let out a hoarse cry: "Uncle Seahorse!"

Seahorse, this is the strongest support left by Arthur's father, and he is also the only master of heaven under Arthur's command.

But Lin Qi didn't hesitate to kill Seahorse and completely cut off one of Arthur's arms.

The Earth King Kong never got up, and it let out a low growl, tilted its head and rushed toward Arthur.

Arthur screamed, he looked at Lin Qi with bitterness, and rushed to the distant grove with the few remaining subordinates. Arthur was convulsing in pain, not just physical pain, but his heart was almost shattered because of the death of the seahorse.

Lin Qi is too cruel, he is too cruel. Arthur cursed Lin Qi with the most vicious words, and then escaped with the fastest speed.

"Lin Qi, I will come back, you will die here, you will definitely die here!"

Lin Qi silently raised his axe, and followed Arthur.

Enzo rescued the cadets of the Army Academy, which is what the chivalrous and noble Enzo should do.

But to chase Arthur at the end, this is what Lin Qi, who was born in the city, should do. Killed Arthur while he was sick and killed him. Everything can be pushed to the head of the Earth King Kong, the monster mount riot killed its owner, even the black deacons of the Night League can't say anything. Why did Arthur have such bad luck and chose such a brutal monster mount?

Now is the best chance to kill Arthur. Lin Qi squinted his eyes and followed Arthur. The Earth King Kong was chasing after Arthur and his party. It was scared by Lin Qi, and he didn't dare to approach Lin Qi. Arthur was its best prey.

Barr, in the form of a black smoke, followed Lin Qi, and his heart was also bitter with killing.

Kill Arthur, so that the biggest hidden danger of the Black Tiger family will no longer exist. Barr laughed lowly. This inexplicable young master, the elders of the Black Tiger family, had long seen him displeased.

Kill Arthur, now is the best opportunity. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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