Bright Era

Chapter 2500: Breaking a blow (4)

Several elven gods who were loyal to the Empress Green Moon rushed to the Empress Green Moon cryingly and carefully sprinkled the precious spring of life from the Fairy Forest on the Empress Green Moon to nourish her severely damaged body. Body.

Princess Qingli's order has been implemented, and dozens of murderous Black Tiger family guards have rushed over here. The Empress Green Moon resisted the severe pain that came from all over her body, watching the Black Tiger family members who exuded the powerful power fluctuations of the upper gods all over her body, and screamed loudly with all her strength: "All those who are loyal to me Fairy, kneel on the ground and pray for forgiveness from the adults!"

Breaking the bottom line and unscrupulous orders made all the elves stay where they were. Princess Qingli was dumbfounded, and Yun was stunned, and the black beard who was directing a large group of subordinates to kill the riot elves was also stunned. Living.

The Empress Green Moon stood up with difficulty. She tremblingly endured the pain on her body, hoarsely screaming to the elves who were scurrying in all directions like headless flies, once again ordered: "Kneel! All the elves who are loyal to me, kneel Down! Let go of your senseless pride, false glory, and cheap self-esteem! Now, living is more important than anything else!"

"If you don't want to die, kneel down! Pray for her generous forgiveness and compassionate mercy to the noble Princess Qingli!" Empress Green Moon respectfully knelt down towards Princess Qingli floating in the sky, she was sincere and frightened. He lowered his head and pressed his forehead firmly against the ground.

With a sound of ‘Dang Cang’, the scepter in the hand of an Elf Elf fell heavily to the ground. He looked around, and quickly squatted on the ground, bowing to Princess Qingli's five-body worship. With this elf elder as an example, in just a few breaths, countless elves knelt down on the ground in a large number.

When these timid elves knelt down, those elves who were still standing still looked so abrupt. Crazy flames flashed in their eyes, and the aura in them was turbulent. When they lost the cover of the surrounding tribesmen, they were completely exposed to everyone-these elves who did not want to kneel were all believers in the sons of collapse!

"Kill them, don't keep one!" Yun clenched his fists and waved fiercely. Standing by Yun's side, Ai Mo nodded vigorously. The Fate's Spindle appeared above her head. Ai Mo grabbed a small pair of scissors and cut it hard towards the Fate's Spindle.

Silently, the air appeared as a circle of dark golden ripples faintly visible to the naked eye. In these subtle ripples, countless golden rays of light smaller than a strand of hair were faintly broken, and then those spirit gods and ordinary elves who were still standing in place and restless and restless around their bodies, the divine light in their eyes Suddenly dissipated, and his body fell limp to the ground.

Ai Mo vomited a mouthful of blood, she took out a silk handkerchief and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, then smiled and nodded to Yun: "Sister Yun, all the rebellious elves are dead. Theirs All souls have collapsed, but their bodies are still very valuable!"

Before Ai Mo had finished speaking, the Dragon Witch King laughed like a weasel and rushed to Yun. He nodded and bowed to Xiang Yun, accompanied by a smiling face, and said loudly with a lovely smile: "Dear Miss Yun, these elves' bodies, you only use them as raw materials, so that the mothers of evil ghosts will make more ugly puppet soldiers! But if you give them to me, it will be more useful!"

Before the Dragon Witch King’s words were finished, the cloud, who was afraid that he would say some disgusting words that would affect his appetite, nodded in a hurry: "They are all yours, Dragon Witch King! Whatever you turn them into, zombie Okay, skeletons are okay... but I suggest that it's zombies! The bones of these elves are too thin and not suitable for frontal combat!"

The Dragon Witch King went happily, and there were countless skeleton soldiers from all over the holy mountain, and carried the dead elves into the lich’s residence. Naturally, other people don't need to worry about the next thing. The Dragon Witch King and his disciples will naturally turn these elven corpses into the most powerful combat weapons, allowing them to exert more power than they did before they were alive.

Looking at the devastated sacred mountain, and then at the completely destroyed Longshan Imperial Capital, Yun's expression became extremely gloomy. She coldly glanced at Queen Green Moon, who was kneeling on the ground, and sneered word by word: "I will give you half a day to find out what happened to the elves! Give me a report and I want to listen to you. If your explanation does not satisfy us, then there is no need for you to continue living."

The Empress Luyue trembled slightly, and then she let out a sigh of relief, and she slipped off in a cold sweat.

A piece of space around Yun suddenly shattered, and Lin Qi, with a gloomy expression, walked out of the shattered void carrying Diogo who was forcibly reduced to the size of a fist in one hand. Throwing Diogo on the ground fiercely, Lin Qi looked at the messy sacred mountain, and then at the Longshan Imperial Capital that was bombed into a big pit. The space he had just healed around him collapsed into countless fragments again.

"Who did this?" The donkey's head poked out from Lin Qi's side, and the donkey with his lips rolled showed two rows of white teeth, looking at the sacred mountain that was nearly turned into a plain by the explosion. He shook his head and sighed: "Rabbits, I told you a long time ago that the valuable things in the temple should be cleaned up sooner! Look now, they are all blown up. What a waste?"

The short tail was happily swayed, the donkey's eyes widened, and then he sucked in air forcefully.

"Well, this power is a bit familiar and a bit...disgusting! Which grandson's breath is this? Huh? What is it?"

A faint gray light flashed in the donkey's eyes, and suddenly there were countless extremely old and complicated words flowing down like a waterfall in the donkey's pupils. The handwriting in his eyes flowed so fast, hundreds of thousands of words slipped every second, which quickly turned his eyes into a hazy halo, even Lin Qi accidentally pointed The donkey glanced, almost sucking his soul away by the vision in his eyes.

"Humans... Supreme Imperial Conference... Black five-star... Top secret motion!"

"Metaworld...the mother...memory cleaning...Metaworld's mother split...eliminates the failure of the experiment."

"The Metaverse Core... Uncontrollable Crisis Analysis Report... The prediction of the birth of Metaverse's self-awareness."

"Good... Evil... Neutral camp judgment... Extremely dangerous, extremely uncontrollable... The degree of danger, the level of destruction!"

"The Metaverse Spirit Supplementary Plan... The Metaverse Core Recasting Model is established... The Metaverse Core Recasting Material Reserve Plan."

"Nirvana Project...Human Bloodline Cleaning Project...Human...Human Traceability Project..."

"Great sacrifice... Great destruction... Re-establishment!"

The donkey's body was trembling violently, whether it was the two rabbits, the pure jade toad or the greedy three-headed dog of Cerberus, they were hiding far away at this moment, looking at the donkey with incomparable awe. The low and low roar sounded continuously from the donkey's body, as if countless small magic furnaces were operating in the donkey's body at the same time. One after another was very obscure, but the strong and palpitating energy fluctuations continued from the donkey. Spread in the body.

"The Spirit of the Metaverse? What is this? Uncle Donkey me? Uh, it sounds a bit like a ghost."

"What the **** is Uncle Donkey? Strange, my body, um, is not a physical body, nor a mechanical structure, nor a magic puppet body, nor an energy aggregate. My body is 100% highly compressed eternal particles One-time cast body?"

"What do you think of me? As a sword blank or something?"

"Ah, it's terrible, mankind is terrible... Crazy plan... Where did they search for so many eternal particles? The number of eternal particles that make up my body structure is all units in the entire Metaworld, including the Metaworld core. , 3.78 times the consumption of all eternal particles?"

The black hairs on the donkey's body were constantly erected, and the two white gas sprayed from the nostrils were seven or eight meters long.

Lin Qi and Yun both noticed the abnormal changes on the donkey, and at the same time heard the donkey's weird self-talk. But no one can understand what the donkey's words mean, those words are too strange!

At this moment, the patchwork giant continent suddenly shook violently, and a dazzling dark golden light shot up into the sky from the north of the combined continent. This is a group of dark golden light with a diameter of more than a million miles. When he rushed up from under the sea, the sea water he brought up rolled and slipped from his surface, so that a terrifying tsunami was set off on the sea.

The Metaworld core rushed into the sky with a suffocating terrifying sound, and appeared in front of all the creatures. No matter where you are in this continent, you can clearly see this dark golden light cluster with a diameter of more than a million miles in the north of the continent!

The Son of Collapse hovered above the core of the Metaverse, and "Jie Jie" issued an order with a strange smile.

"Look at the place closest to me, where the human race is most dense, for a gentle, small-weight attack!"

Numerous dark golden rays of light flowed through the surface of the Metaverse core, and finally these rays of light converged to a point, and then a stream of dark golden light with a diameter of a few inches rushed out, tearing open space all the way, shattering time, shattering everything The rule of law fell straight on the mountain where the Blood Qin Empire was stationed.

All the creatures on the entire continent closed their mouths at this moment, because a terrifying voice came from the direction of the army of the Blood Qin Empire. Almost 95% of the creatures on the mainland were shattered with their eardrums shattered. Hundreds of millions of creatures were shaken to pieces and died.

With Ying Zheng's original location as the core, everything within a radius of 30,000 miles disappeared cleanly, with nothing left.

Mountains, trees, rivers, lakes, barracks, soldiers, all disappeared. A big pit with a diameter of 30,000 miles and a depth of thousands of miles was left on the spot! The tumbling groundwater is constantly being poured into this large pit from various rock layers, and huge fountains have been created in many places in the large pit.

In the high air, only Ying Zheng and the elites of the Twelve Ancients, who were transformed into the exterminating Heiqiu, barely escaped the blow.

Ying Zheng stared blankly at the army barracks destroyed by one blow, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out several miles away.

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