Bright Era

Chapter 2513: New Metaverse (4)

"Of course, maybe after you, a long, long time later, you will become the same as those **** before, killing other civilized races? Ah, but I think, based on your nature, it should not be like this! At least, this It will be a very long time."

The donkey smiled and nodded to Lin Qi, then step by step he stepped into the void and walked towards the core of the metaworld that was besieged by tens of thousands of units. As he walked, the donkey smiled and yelled to the son of Benghuai: "You are a freak that shouldn't have been born! Do you know how much trouble you have caused us? The Hermit League? Why do you do this?"

The Son of Benghui looked at the donkey indifferently. He raised his head arrogantly and sneered unthankfully: "I have no interest in talking to you! A **** donkey? Who knows what this is? Huh? A donkey? A nasty one. donkey?"

Lin Lele spoke slowly: "Perhaps I know what it is! In me... No, it should be in the memory of the mother of the Metaverse. He is used to replace the core of the Metaverse in some special circumstances. The reserve system of command!"

Frowning, Lin Lele sighed helplessly: "Son of Benghuai, you need to know how strong the mother of Metaverse is to guard me! A lot of confidential information, she blocked me the channels of those information , I can’t know what kind of mystery is hidden in these news. But this donkey, I generally have a little impression, because I saw the process of being sealed with my own eyes back then!"

With a mocking smile, Lin Lele said disdainfully: "You should know those two rabbits with bad conduct and corrupt morals? This donkey was destroyed by those two rabbits. He is like a wild boar with a passion. Harassing the families of those members of the Supreme Imperial Council and stealing the underwear of those pretty girls, so he was ordered to be sealed!"

The Son of Benghuai blinked and looked at Li Lele, then he shook his head, the disgust on his face was so obvious. For a donkey who likes stealing women's underwear, even the son of Bengbao, he has no strength to comment on it.

Countless extremely thin rays of light on the surface of the core of the Metaverse quickly gathered together, and then a golden light with a diameter of a small amount of light shot towards the donkey. The Son of Collapse said lightly: "A preparation system? Does he expect to replace my existence?"

Facing the deadly attack from the core of the Metaverse, the donkey grinned and grinned. He vomited a cigarette ring, and then took a sip of spirits from the bottle. A huge, hideous and ugly mouth suddenly opened in front of him, and the huge dark golden light was swallowed by him. The next moment there was a muffled noise in the donkey's belly, and the donkey opened his mouth and vomited a black plume of smoke.

"The attack power is not very strong, at least I want to hurt me, not enough!" The roar of the magic furnace running at full capacity was heard from the donkey's body. Listening to the scale of the sound, there are at least tens of billions of large and small demons. The furnace of energy was running, so that the roar from his stomach shook the sky and the earth.

At the same time, in the loud and huge roar, there are more crisp sounds of countless gears in the donkey rubbing against each other. The dense and crisp sound is like countless rats with metal teeth gnawing metal ore. The same, it sounds extremely dense, and it makes people's scalp numb, and the hair is standing up.

But there are even more waves of tsunamis-like loud noises coming from the donkey's body, just as there is a sea eye with infinite seawater in the donkey's body that sprays seawater outward, and the halo on the donkey's body becomes more and more brilliant, There are countless dark golden stripes constantly emerging on the surface of the donkey.

The donkey smiled arrogantly. He smiled at the son of Benghui, and sighed sadly: "Son of Benghui, it is not easy to lure you out! How many tribulations do you have?"

The Son of Collapse looked at the donkey solemnly. He felt a powerful threat from the hippie smiling donkey, which made him creepy. This feeling is like a poisonous snake suddenly encountering an eagle flying high in the sky. He feels that he may fall at any time, and may completely disappear at any time!

"How long have I been? This question doesn't make sense!" The son of Benghui stared at the donkey, "Anyway, I have existed, much longer than you think! I am the consciousness produced by the Metaverse itself, All my will comes from the evil and darkness of your humans, so I want to destroy humans, do you have an opinion?"

The voice inside the donkey's body became louder and louder, and gradually all the creatures fighting fiercely on the entire continent stopped fighting. They listened in shock and fear to the loud noise coming from the donkey, that kind of terrifying sound like the collapse of the sky, causing countless creatures to put down their weapons and knelt to the ground tremblingly.

"Opinions? Of course there are opinions!" The donkey looked at the son of Benghuai coldly: "Of course I have opinions. The Metaverse is made by us. We clearly know the structure of every corner of the Metaverse, to be precise, your existence, or It is unreasonable to say that the existence of the consciousness of many Metaverses that we have cleaned up is unreasonable."

"It's reasonable for me to exist!" The son of Benghuai sneered and looked at the donkey: "I am really right in front of you! I control the core of the metaverse, I control the hermit alliance, and I and this universe So many aboriginal creatures have reached a secret agreement! I want to destroy mankind and win the last freedom from now on. Is this a problem?"

"The problem is, even if you wipe out all human beings, you may not be able to gain freedom!" The donkey frowned and looked at the son of collapse: "There are some problems, how to say? Well, it is impossible for Yuanjie to have freedom! This is an ironclad rule! But in your situation... well, anyway, my mission is to destroy you, reclaim you, and then rebuild a new metaworld. Other things, what do I want to do with so much?"

With a cold snort, the donkey looked back at the distant sky. There, Speyer, Sheriss, and a group of dark spirits who have a more gentle attitude towards humans are fighting against a large crowd of gods who are madly coming in. Sheris waving her long whip is tearing several twisted snakes to pieces. .

Taking a deep look at Xie Lisi's plump breasts, the donkey mumbled: "It's a shame... Those **** guys, they must be deliberate, a donkey!!! Well, at least donkey. It's also cute!"

Looking back, the donkey looked at the son of collapse very seriously: "Are you ready for complete destruction? I'm not kidding! You have counted so many combat units in the Metaverse, including the Metaverse core itself, How many eternal particles have you used? And my body is composed of eternal particles that are several times larger than that of the entire elementary realm. In other words, the true combat power contained in my body is several times that of the entire elementary realm!"

Looking at the donkey in disbelief, the son of Bengbao burst into a frantic laugh. He hugged his stomach and laughed hysterically: "So many eternal particles? Are you lying to me? If you really have this With so many eternal particles, you humans have long been able to create several new metaworlds. Why do you still fear my existence?"

Lin Qi's heart twitched violently. He shouted sharply, "Donkey, slow down!"

But all the power in the donkey's body is ready to go, and he can't stop the attack program that has been set up a thousand times ago. He opened his big mouth, and all the light from his body melted into his mouth, and a gray changhong shot out silently, and then fell fiercely on the eternal barrier at the core of the metaworld.

Tens of thousands of yuan units besieged the eternal barrier for ten days and nights without a trace of cracks, but at this moment a huge hole was torn open like tofu skin in front of a sharp knife. The Son of Collapsing looked at the smooth and smooth cut surface without the slightest burr hole in disbelief, and screamed: "This is impossible. Unless it is a destructive force when the universe is destroyed, how can the eternal barrier be destroyed? "

The donkey's body suddenly disintegrated, turning into countless dark golden torrents and gray streams rushing towards the son of collapse.

"Why is it impossible to destroy? We can create you, then we can destroy you! It's that simple!" Although the body has turned into countless rays of light, the donkey's voice is still so high and clear: "Grandson, you are one Stupid grandson, Uncle Donkey wants to deal with you, can't he deal with it?"

"Well, goodbye, my big breasts, goodbye, my little cuties! Uncle Donkey, I finally completed my mission!"

"It's just... I feel wronged when I think about it. I was once such a wise man, tall and perfect man, the strongest imperial emperor! But I lived as a donkey for a thousand times! I really am Too great, too sacrificial, I will be intoxicated by my greatness! Well, Lin Qi, you have to build me a monument in the future!"

The donkey laughed happily, and a dark golden torrent rushed into the sky, outlining a tall, mighty, handsome and heroic man in the sky. The man's figure composed of dark golden light cast a deep look at Lin Qi, then slowly nodded, turning into a lightsaber and slashing towards the son of collapse.

The torrent of light turned by the donkey was entwined with the body of the son of collapse, and a drastic change that Lin Qi could not understand suddenly occurred. The son of Bengpai let out a hoarse cry, his figure entangled in the donkey is rapidly collapsing. The entire Metaworld core was trembling violently, and the immortal core of the Metaworld composed of eternal particles was now cracking open countless cracks.

A dark golden sun appeared high in the sky, and the consciousness fluctuations of the donkey and the children of collapsing were rapidly declining.

At this moment, a dark golden statue near the core of the Metaverse suddenly collapsed, and a tall figure suddenly sprang out of the statue.

"Perfect result! As I planned, the core of the metaworld that completely wiped out the last trace of consciousness and all the eternal particles collected by mankind for countless years belong to me! Then, the most powerful emperor in human history is me. !"

"I will derive the most powerful blood of mankind, and I will become the greatest, most supreme, most noble and immortal existence."

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