Bright Era

Chapter 301: Escaped and left

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Shenghui Cathedral became quiet, and there was no more movement.

A **** black beard and family soldiers swaggered out from Shenghui Cathedral. A huge bulletin board was erected in front of Shenghui Cathedral, and it was written in big **** letters. Sternly worded announcement: From today on, Shenghui Cathedral will be temporarily closed, and those who dare to intrude will be killed!

Bloody big characters-this is indeed written in human blood. The **** big characters that can be seen far away are extremely deterrent. After the black beard and his party left, no one dared to approach here indiscriminately, even the most pious in the week. Believers, every time they pass by, they avoid Shenghui Cathedral far away.

The clergy in the cathedral were completely killed. The clergy outside the cathedral did not know what happened here. After waiting for the black beard to take people away for a long time, no one found that Shenghui Cathedral was bloodbathed. Again. Until the night, Archbishop Alpha had finished his scheming with the emperor, and returned here with the clergy who was on duty outside, only to find that Cardinal Hattu had been completely killed below.

This is certainly another murder that shocked the mainland, but it has nothing to do with Blackbeard.

"Lin Qi was sent away by them using the teleportation array, and Lin Qi's hope of surviving is very small."

This was Blackbeard's first reaction after hearing his subordinates report.

"Since my son is dead, why don't you die? Lin Qi needs a lot of people to die!"

It was because Blackbeard felt that Lin Qi was dead, so he put on such a heavy hand. His bloodbath of Shenghui Cathedral at all costs was the most direct response to someone framed Lin Qi. He already regarded Lin Qi as a dead person in his heart. In order to avenge his son, what can Blackbeard do?

The family fighters dispersed separately. After changing their clothes in various strongholds, they quickly left the imperial capital following various channels.

Only Blackbeard brought a group of absolute family core elites, put on the clothes of ordinary people, and strode towards a mansion in the southeast corner of the imperial capital. This is a residential area where the middle-level bureaucrats and ordinary businessmen of the imperial capital are mixed. Unlike Shengli Palace, where the top wealthy and aristocrats of the imperial capital live, nor is there the richest merchants of the imperial capital like Shenghui Avenue. The people here are well-off, but Did not reach the top level of the empire.

So the streets here are wide and clean, but the streets are not as scary as those near Shengli Palace and Shenghui Avenue. The streets here can only accommodate two carriages running side by side, and there are refreshing sidewalks under the shade of the trees on both sides. A large number of ornamental plants such as acacia, magnolia, small cedar, and red maple are planted along the sidewalk. Behind these neatly organized ornamental plants is an elegant and comfortable courtyard.

This residential area is very simple and comfortable. There are no mansions that occupy hundreds of acres of land at every turn. However, the houses are clean and the people living around are different from those in the commercial area and dock area. They are low-key and medium-sized. It smelled of reservedness.

Therefore, it is known as the most peaceful residential area in the imperial capital, and it is also a good place for many big figures Jinwu Cangjiao.

Because it is quiet and elegant, because it is comfortable, and because of the large number of residences in this area, if you have a small building here and live in a simple place and don’t communicate with others, it is difficult for outsiders to find a specific goal hiding here. .

However, the Tiger Wind Hall of the Black Tiger family is an extremely professional scout team, and it is also a good hand at investigating various market news and digging up intelligence. They were sent to the imperial capital as soon as Blackbeard knew about Lin Qi's accident. They traveled throughout the imperial capital in just a few days, locking down the small building where Arthur was hiding with extremely high efficiency.

Riding on the poor little donkey, he hurried forward along the boulevard with a gloomy face like a rich man's black beard.

He was constantly convincing himself that Lin Qi was taken away by the church people using the teleportation array, which was unexpected by Blackbeard. The imperial capital has already opened up the air-disturbing enchantment. According to common sense, the ordinary teleportation array is useless. However, the appearance of Alpha disrupted all Blackbeard's plans. According to Blackbeard's original plan, as long as the church uses human hands to **** Lin Qi out of the imperial capital, he can logically follow him out of the city under the pretext of escorting them out of the city, and then give them in the suburbs. The fatal blow rescued Lin Qi.

But Alpha actually has the ability to send Lin Qi and others directly out of the imperial capital under the interference of the disturbing enchantment, then this son no longer exists, he is determined to die. No one can escape from the church's torture frame. Even if Blackbeard has faith in Lin Qi, he does not think that Lin Qi can escape the clutches of the church.

Lin Qi was dead. If he was sent directly to the holy mountain, even if Blackbeard used the power of the entire family, he would not be able to rescue him. It is possible that Lin Qi was sent to the Sacred Mountain immediately, and Lin Qi was dead! Blackbeard also lost his only son!

"I have worked so hard for more than ten years, the son who was trained so easily!"

Blackbeard clenched his fists tightly, and even if the three popes of the church appeared in front of him at this time, he would definitely go all out to attack them. The only son, the only bone and blood left by his beloved wife for him!

It was as if a large piece of the heart had been hollowed out, and the black beard was clenching his teeth, his gums were bleeding. His blood was boiling and burning. Even if he lost all his direct relatives because of the Hundred Years Land-Island War, Blackbeard didn't suffer like this.

To die in war is the most glorious way for a man to die. But Lin Qi, what is this? Because of the frame of an adopted son, his only biological son was forcibly accused of heresy. What is this?

"Hey, old fox!" The black beard riding on the donkey suddenly turned his head and grunted at the middle-aged man: "I'm very upset. So, except for my little lover, take the other eleven black-clothed deacons from the Night League Cut it all for me, so the income will increase a lot, what do you think?"

The middle-aged man looked at his eyes turning into a scarlet black beard, and nodded solemnly: "Well, although this will mess up the northern coastline for a while, but if you kill it, you will kill it. A few new bosses have come out."

Shrugging his shoulders, the middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "I am a red fox, don't call me old fox, okay?"

Blackbeard snorted coldly, tilted his head and ignored him.

The few men in their early fifties who followed the middle-aged man shook their heads, and they all understood Blackbeard's mood. So they will help Blackbeard fulfill their wish, and the black deacons of the Night League will kill them if they kill them.

At the end of a secluded boulevard, in a three-story building, Yinzheng was sitting behind a desk with Gerdas in his arms.

Arthur stood humbly on the side and watched Gerdas read a book of continental history. This continental history records some historical events that have shocked the entire continent from the latter part of the dark calendar to the first two hundred years of the recovery calendar. Including the event that the ancient empire, whose territory was twice larger than the Gaul Empire and the Caesar Empire combined, collapsed overnight.

"Holy Dragon Court Empire!" Gerdas sneered and shook his head: "If I had been reborn at that time, I could destroy the empire by myself. Wherever it takes such a lot of energy to send all the monastic groups Why is it so troublesome to assassinate their royal and noble members?"

Arthur smiled and was about to flatter Gerdas, when Gerdas' purple eyes suddenly let out a light of incredible shock.

"What's the matter? Actually, there is such a strong sense of crisis? Actually, there is a presence that can threaten me? Impossible! Who is it? Who is coming to me? Arthur, didn't I just get news, It is said that Lin Qi has been judged to be heresy, has he been sent out of the Gaul Empire?"

"Who would it be that shocked the golden thread of my destiny? This is a power that threatens my existence! Who is it?"

The purple eyes became as bright as two amethysts, and two spindle-shaped **** patterns were looming in the intense purple light. Gerdas quickly looked around, and he cried out in horror: "No, one, two, three... There are five existences that pose a fatal threat to me now, they are approaching, they. .. They have come!"

With a wave of his hand, a golden scroll appeared out of nowhere. Gerdas opened his mouth and expelled a divine flame to light the scroll. A strong golden light gushed out of the flat ground, and a teleportation pattern appeared out of nowhere at Yin's feet, combining Yin and Ge Eldas was shrouded in it.

"Gegwus, come here! Arthur, come in if you don't want to die! Those people are enough to destroy my blessing to you!"

Arthur was so frightened that he stiffened. Has he ever seen Gerdas so scared? Who the **** is coming here?

Heavy footsteps sounded, half of his body was enveloped in heavy armor. Gegeus, holding a divine totem pole in both hands, smashed the door and rushed in, gritting his teeth and rushing towards the golden teleportation array.

Arthur subconsciously wanted to jump into the teleportation formation, but the middle-aged man called the old fox by Blackbeard and the four old people behind him had flashed in like ghosts.

Gerdas yelled in horror. He slapped his hands and the teleportation array was launched quickly, and his harmony quickly disappeared in the golden light.

Gegeus and Arthur were left behind, and Arthur yelled and hid behind Gegeus holding his head.

Gegeus glanced at the five enemies standing beside him, he snorted, raised the totem pole of the gods, and hit the middle-aged man.

"The will of the **** of punishment will destroy all evil barriers in the world!"

Gegeus roared loudly, the totem pole shining with a strong divine light that made people unable to face it.

Then there was an angry shout: "I **** your uncle, is the **** of punishment a big breasted woman? I don't care about race!"

A huge mouth opened suddenly in front of Gegeus. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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