Bright Era

Chapter 308: "Simple and honest" dark blue

A huge basket floats on the pool. The bottom is a plank with a thickness of one foot long and several meters wide, and the edge is woven into a basket with black vines. The heat from the pool evaporated, and a strange smell came out from the basket, like the smell of moldy flour.

When Lin Qi was a child, he used to smell this kind of smell in his warehouse. Blackbeard often hoarded a lot of wheat and flour. Sometimes when the weather was wet and the flour could not be sold, Blackbeard would curse and take Lin Qi to the warehouse. These moldy flours were brought out and added with a lot of salt to make salty bread and smuggled to Wudalian Island.

That kind of salty bread tastes like this, moldy, and then smells like stinky salted fish. Lin Qi once tasted this kind of bread, and it tasted like a nightmare. It was salty and bitter, and because it was not fermented well, it seemed to bite on wood residue.

This kind of bread is very popular among foreign nationalities on Wudalian Island where crop production is not high. A piece of inferior salty bread can sell for three to five times the price of fine buttery white bread on the western continent. But the church’s God Prison also provided this kind of bread. Lin Qi couldn’t help but wonder whether someone in the church was doing smuggling and hoarding.

Lin Qi was staring at the basket blankly, Xuan Lan had already stood up lazily, stepped into the pool, picked up the things in the basket, and gently placed it by the pool. His body is tall, one step is tens of meters, and his strength is infinite. If someone else comes to carry the contents of the basket, it will take a quarter of an hour, but Xuanlan is just a step and a hand.

After pulling out the contents of the basket, Xuanlan shook the cable tied to the basket vigorously, and yelled: "The things are packed! You can carry the basket up, rest assured, no one is hiding in the basket. Go on!"

The basket was slowly pulled up, the ascent rate was extremely slow, and there was a constant golden light from above, sweeping over the hanging basket. It could be seen that the guards above were extremely nervous about this matter. In just a few breaths, at least 30 detection magic techniques were spilled.

Xuanlan raised his head and watched the hanging basket slowly rise. He cocked his fingers to calculate for a while, and then yelled: "It's almost ten days. Remember to hang ten cows down for me tomorrow, otherwise I won't help. You are guarding this exit, if you have trouble, you can toss it yourself!"

After a while, there was a Ruoyouruowu cry from above: "I see, I will give you ten cows tomorrow. Or the old rules, are all bulls?"

Xuanlan patted his chest with satisfaction, then he walked out of the pool, sat down on the spot, smiled and waved to the shadows: "The food is here, you can distribute it. This little guy is Newcomer, just leave him a copy!"

The dark shadows looked at Lin Qi at the same time. There was a gloomy aura in these people's eyes that made Lin Qi uneasy. Although they all looked like old people who were dying in the wind and the wind blows down, Lin Qi insisted. Forced by their gazes, he stepped backwards embarrassingly for several steps, until his back was pressed against Xuanlan's toes, and he barely stood firm.

A low, hoarse voice came from the crowd: "Such a little guy, is the hair full? Hey, what crime did you get dropped for? Why can you keep a portion for food?"

Those dark shadows have ferocious gazes like wolves. Lin Qi followed Blackbeard to hunt in the mountains when he was young. Those hungry wolves who were starving to death due to lack of food in the winter were like this. Lin Qi was silent for a while, and he said lightly: "I am not guilty, I am innocent!"

The dark shadows were stunned, and then everyone laughed at the same time, especially the old ladies, who grinned with a grin and exposed the gums with only a few big yellow teeth left. They laughed at the same time: "Of course, we are all innocent! Hahaha, there is no sinner in Heiyuan God Prison, we are all innocent!"

A skinny old man walked steadily to the pile of food. He nodded to Lin Qi, narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Looking at the face of Xuanlan, you can get a meal today. . But from tomorrow on, you don’t want to come here anymore. A young and strong guy like you should go find food and drink by yourself. We are all elderly people here!"

Glancing hard at Lin Qi, the old man slowly picked up a piece of salted bread about the size of a baby's head, and then picked up a bottle made of wood that was at most the size of an adult's fist. Lin Qi smelled a faint smell of wine. The stoppers of these wooden bottles were not properly sealed. They should contain wine. According to Lin Qi’s years of drinking experience, it was the worst quality rum. In the tavern, three or five coppers can be exchanged for a big cup.

Such a large glass of bad wine can at least be filled with four to five wooden bottles like this! It can be seen that the church is very stingy with these prisoners!

One after another old people stepped forward, slowly taking away their share of food. There are not many wooden bottles, about a hundred bottles. Only the old people in the front got a bottle of wine, and the old people in the back have only a piece of salty bread. Lin Qi can also see that the old people who take food here are divided into front and back, high and low according to a special rule. The people who take food in the front have the highest status, and the old people who take food in the back have naturally lower status.

At the end, when all the old people took away their share of rations, only a half of the food delivered from the hanging basket was left.

The skinny old man nodded to Lin Qi, and pointed his finger at the salty bread: "Little guy, you can take away a piece of bread. Today, I won't give it to you tomorrow! These leftover breads, We have to send to those old guys who are dying of illness, and we have to keep the rest as storage, but you don’t have your share."

Lin Qi glanced at the old man, bowed slightly to him, and walked over to take the smallest piece of salty bread.

Just when these old people took the bread, Lin Qi carefully distinguished the taste of the salty bread. It was no different from the salty bread smuggled by the Black Tiger family, and it seemed that the quality was not as good as the bread produced by the Black Tiger family. After all, although the black tiger family uses moldy flour, it is at least pure flour, and there should be a lot of wheat bran mixed in these salty breads. You can imagine the taste of this kind of bread.

But in this sacred prison, this is all the hope for an old man to live.

Lin Qi's heart was a little heavy. He didn't know why these old people were imprisoned here, but as he said just now, Lin Qi thought he was innocent. Then, these old people must be unwilling to tell their own affairs, maybe in their hearts, they are all innocent, everyone is innocent.

Lin Qi stepped back after weighing the heavy salted bread which was about a pound in his hand.

A group of elderly people came up and wrapped the remaining salty noodles with a wrapping cloth woven from what kind of fiber they did not know. Then they carried the pile of brown bread and slowly walked to the distance. Of several stone pillars. After a while, they turned the stone pillar and disappeared into the darkness.

Lin Qi weighed the brown bread in his hands and smiled bitterly. He looked up at Xuanlan, and asked him in surprise, "Why don't you take a copy?"

Xuanlan leaned lazily on the stone wall. He glanced at Lin Qi and shook his head: "I can eat that little thing in one bite. If I eat, they will have to starve to death. Tomorrow those people will give away ten cows. After I eat them, I can survive ten days."

A deep bowel sounds came from Xuanlan’s belly. He licked his lips and muttered in a low voice: "When my father and mother were still alive, they always told me to be outside, in this **** hell. Outside, we can eat as much as we want! My father used to eat fifty strong men and fifty bulls for a meal, but now it takes me ten days to get a full meal."

Lin Qi looked at this big guy and couldn't help being speechless for a while.

Listening to Xuanlan's meaning, he was born in Black Abyss God Prison? In other words, he has never been to the outside world.

Rubbing his belly vigorously, Xuanlan chuckles and laughs: "But it's okay. I will guard this path for the people above. One will not let the newcomer be scalded by the boiling water, and the other will not let the old man sneak up. Ten cows can eat in one day."

He pointed to the direction where the old men disappeared, and said with joy: "Also, I will help them carry things to frighten those demons and prevent those **** from harassing these old guys. After they die, their bodies will be It's me!"

Searching with a grin, Xuanlan sighed bitterly: "But they died too slowly. I count, the old guy I ate that died of illness last time was two years ago. The last one, but it was ten years ago! Why do you say they all die so slowly?"

Xuan Lan tilted his head and looked at Lin Qi. His huge eyes looked unusually simple and honest, but what he said made Lin Qi's scalp numb. Lin Qi shook his head, stood on tiptoe and patted Xuanlan's ankle, then turned and walked in the direction where the old people had left.

This is the way to survive in Heiyuan Divine Prison, this is how Xuanlan survives! Lin Qi can't blame anything, because starting from today, he will live here too! Live well, and then find a way to get out of here! Lin Qi is confident that this will not trap him for a lifetime, no one can trap him for a lifetime!

"Xuanlan, your name is Xuanlan! I remember, I will chat with you when I have time!"

Lin Qi looked back at Xuanlan, who was sitting motionless, and yelled fiercely.

Xuanlan nodded slightly, and then there was no other movement. He is hungry, and he has no energy to do anything else.

Lin Qi watched him sitting there quietly, sighed heavily, and then strode into the darkness. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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