Bright Era

Chapter 396: Race against time

When the solar eclipse just appeared, in the grotto near the crater on the top of the Black Abyss God Prison, the body of the saint in the middle shook slightly. There was a faint golden light from his eyebrows, and the golden light wrapped around him, full of mystery and solemnity.

The eighteen saints opened their eyes at the same time, and they all frowned slightly unhappily.

"Hasson, he should have taken people to various divine formations." The old man in the middle said calmly: "As long as there is no abnormality in the divine formation, nothing will happen."

Another old man nodded slowly: "What can happen? The power of the gods is irresistible to those heretics. The ancient evils in the abyss cannot be penetrated, let alone these heretics."

The old man in the middle nodded slowly, his hand shook, and the huge golden bronze mirror appeared again.

"Although I am very reluctant to interrupt meditation, it is our responsibility. So we still have to keep an eye on it! Hasen..."

A map of the entire Black Abyss God Prison appeared on the bronze mirror, and countless faint golden light spots flickered on the bronze mirror. Obviously, in the battle fort on the bottom floor of the Black Abyss God Prison, the three thumb-sized golden light spots were so bright and dazzling. But there were no golden light spots in the bottom layer of the Heiyuan Divine Prison, none at all.

Eighteen saints stayed in a daze at the same time, and an old man stood up in horror: "Hasson didn't take anyone around? Does he dare to disobey our orders?"

Another old man jumped up with a slight panic-he is one of the elders stationed here by the family behind Hasen. From a pedigree, Hasen is the great-grandson of his cousin and the most accomplished generation of the family. one person. He clenched his fists and hissed: "No, it's not that he didn't take people to inspect, but that Hasen disappeared!"

The eighteen saints stood up at the same time, they raised their right hands at the same time, pinched a handprint and patted the golden round mirror.

The dazzling light spurted out of the round mirror, and all the golden light spots in the battle fort at the lowest level of the Black Abyss God Prison flashed dazzling light at the same time. The old man in the middle shouted sternly: "Hasson is dead, and the breath of 480 people has dissipated. The total number of mad believers stationed in the entire battle fort is 45,390, and now 481 people have disappeared. Up!"

The right hand jogs rapidly on the mirror surface, and the only passage between the Black Abyss Divine Prison and the Warburg appears on the round mirror, and a blue gloom flashes on the mirror surface, emitting a faint chill. The old man in the middle screamed sharply: "There is a powerful ice attribute magic power that has frozen this passage. What do they want to do? Who has such a powerful ice attribute magic power? Only the frost giant can offset the dark flames of the Black Abyss God Prison Only the frost giant in his own body is invading!"

The thirty-six arms of the eighteen saints waved around, and the sharp and piercing horns suddenly resounded through the entire volcano.

Countless fanatics rushed out from the countless tunnels inside and outside the mountain. They put on armors and carried heavy weapons. They rushed into the volcano in neat steps, and followed the only passage to the bottom of the Heiyuan Hell A layer of charge.

"Open all the gates, open all the gates!" The voices of the eighteen saints resounded through the entire Black Abyss: "The soldiers of the Black Abyss Fortress rush out and attack with all their strength. Quick, quick, quick!"

The eighteen saints are a little numb. This is the day of the solar eclipse. If some heretics do something to suppress the gods, they can't imagine the terrible consequences. What makes them even more alarmed is that from the volcano to the Black Abyss God Prison, there are dozens of heavy portals to be opened in sequence along the way-it was designed like this, all the portals must be opened after one door is opened before the other can be opened. Open all portals at the same time.

This is a precautionary measure to prevent the heretics from escaping, but at this terrible moment, the measures to prevent the heretics from escaping have also become the biggest obstacle for the saints to enter the Black Abyss God Prison. The church has done a test. It takes a quarter of an hour for each of those heavy doors to open. When Lin Qi was thrown into the Black Abyss, it took him several hours just to open and close the door.

For hours!

The saints whose bodies had been energized with most of their divine power opened their mouths in panic, and there was a faint trace of water on their foreheads. As far as the existence of their cultivation base is concerned, as far as their bodies have become inhuman, they will actually get nervous and sweat, which is simply incredible.

"It's too late to open the portals. We can only forcefully break through all the portals and rush in!" The old man in the middle roared sharply: "Don't keep any strength, we forcefully broke through all the portals and rushed in! Those **** heretics, they What do you want to do?"

The faces of the eighteen saints were hard to see the extreme. In order to prevent the heretics from escaping, the portals of the Heiyuan Divine Prison were all made of the strongest materials and used countless divine blessings. Even if they want to break open a door, it will take at least ten minutes.

It takes a quarter of an hour to open a door, but it only takes ten minutes to break a door, and each door can save five minutes! Perhaps the five minutes saved will destroy the plans of the heretics. Even if each of these doors consumes the church's astronomical human and financial resources, they can't care about so much.

Eighteen golden streamers whizzed down, and instantly rushed to the first floor of the Black Abyss God Prison, rushing straight to the corridor connecting the first and second floors. Here, the saints encountered the first huge portal. Accompanied by a low roar, this door is slowly opening, but the saints who can’t wait raise their hands at the same time, and the terrible golden light is released from their fingertips, converging into a golden torrent of destruction and hitting heavily. On the portal.

The surrounding caves trembled violently, and the terrifying divine power made all the prisoners on the first floor of the Black Abyss Divine Prison shrink in horror and dare not move.

Countless fanatics rushed in, their armors and weapons slammed into each other, making a deafening sound of ‘clang’. They didn't know what was going on, but they knew that a terrible change must have taken place in the bottom layer of the Black Abyss God Prison. So they rushed in frantically, following the eighteen elders.

No matter what those heretics did, as long as they were allowed to rush to the lowest level of the Black Abyss God Prison, they were also dead.

In the Black Abyss Battle Fort, kneeling naked in front of the **** of punishment, lashing his body frantically with a barbed iron whip, using cruel training to enhance strength and temper the will of the three division leaders Suddenly, the whole body trembled, and a terrifying wave of divine power blasted from the **** pattern in front of them, forcibly blasting them out of the state of penance and meditation.

The heads of the three divisions vomited blood at the same time, and they stared fiercely at the golden rays of the gods, and they felt the will of the eighteen saints and elders who were sitting in the Black Abyss God Prison. They were dumbfounded for a while, then jumped up at the same time, ignoring clothes, and rushed out of the penance room naked.

Forty-five thousand soldiers sitting in the battle fort swarmed out from the barracks. Following the roar of the three division commanders, thirty thousand soldiers followed them and jumped off the wall. They couldn't wait for the gate to open, but climbed up the wall and jumped directly.

Thirty thousand fully-armed fanatics rushed to the entrance of the lowest level of Heiyuan Divine Prison, and the three division commanders shouted loudly at the same time: "Heiyuan has changed, with the elder's order to attack with all strength! You stupid pigs , Blast away that layer of ice!"

The fanatics who were standing in the hanging basket hurriedly taking the bulls hanging from above were stunned.

They seemed to hear the voices of other division leaders? What are they talking about? Blast this **** ice away?

Dozens of bulls and these cult believers were tightly packed together. After all, the passage was only 30 meters in diameter. One hundred and twenty people plus forty bulls were already crowded. The hapless squad leader was still lying on the ice, talking hoarsely with Xuanlan, a huge bull **** was against his face.

A dark blue voice came from under the ice: "A hundred bulls, don’t even want to come in if you don’t have one! Anyway, Hasson is here, I tell you, if you don’t give me a hundred bulls, I’m right. Hasen started! Hey, hey, can Hasen stand a punch from me?"

The church is successful-they have turned mad believers into the best fighters in the world.

The church is a failure—they have turned mad believers into the stupidest fighters in the world.

Faced with Xuanlan's procrastination, these fanatics couldn't think of any way to solve the immediate trouble. The squad leader had been rendered speechless by Xuanlan, but he just forgot to let Hasen yell at him a few times-he only negotiated terms with Xuanlan, and forgot to ask the life and death questions of his immediate boss!

Until the three division commanders angrily slid down the rope of the hanging basket from above, they screamed at the same time, and the violent divine fighting energy spread to the surroundings. All the bulls were lifted by the fighting energy at the same time and hit the rock wall. It became a flat meatloaf.

Blood was spilled all over the ground, and the three division commanders roared in unison: "Blast the ice, bastard, blow the ice!"

Three golden lights lit up, and the three division leaders jumped up at the same time. They were like three golden arrows flying more than a hundred meters in the air, and then fell heavily, hitting the ice with their best punches. .

There was a loud bang, and the aftermath of vindictive spirit dissipated. One hundred and twenty stunned believers who did not know what was happening were lifted off by vindictive spirit, and they hit the rock wall and battered their heads. The three-to-four-hundred-meter-thick blue ice block was smashed into a large section of more than one hundred meters deep by the three division leaders. The golden vindictiveness blasted straight down, and the ice block below was also shaken out countless. crack.

"Blast the ice together, fast, fast, fast!" The three division commanders took a deep breath and returned their breath, then shouted at the same time.

By the pool, Lin Qi also yelled, "Get the water up and continue to freeze this place for me, fast, fast, fast!"

The people above want to blast through the ice to prove that the matter here has been discovered. Lin Qi only wants to delay for a minute and a second, or a minute and a second, at least before the big formation destroys the suppression of the gods. The fanatics entered the black abyss.

Xuanlan was chewing on the fresh beast meat Lin Qi gave him. He was covered with countless blue runes lit up, and the huge pool of water flooded, whizzing towards the cave with his magical control. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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