Bright Era

Chapter 536: First Step into the Holy Land

After the thunder of three water tanks fell, the thundercloud finally dispersed.

Just now, the ground on which Arda was standing was split into a deep pit with a diameter of more than 20 meters. The soil in the pit was melted into glass by the powerful electric current.

Lin Qi rushed forward, and he was surprised to find that his running speed was more than twice as fast as before. When he was running, he could not feel the resistance of the air at all. A layer of invisible sharp energy wrapped his body. Lin Qi felt like a sharp knife split the air easily, reducing the air's obstacle to him. limit.

With a crisp sound of ‘chill’, Lin Qi brought a few afterimages to Alda’s side and grabbed Alda.

With a ‘click’, Lin Qi tried too hard, and the white light came out of his five fingers, sinking into Arda’s shoulder like a knife cutting tofu. Lin Qi's shoulder blades were smashed by Lin Qi, and his whole body was scorched. Alda screamed hoarsely with bones exposed in many places. His eyes widened sharply, and a thick black burst smoke.

"Dear Master, can you let go?" Arda looked at Lin Qi pitifully: "Fortunately, what you grabbed just now was my shoulder. If you grabbed the position between my legs, I miss me I will never be able to make friends with those lovely girls in my life."

Lin Qi rolled his eyes, this **** is still in the mood to tease himself, he must not die?

But look at his tattered look! Unlucky Alda, his four wings were all split apart, leaving only the horrible flesh-wing skeleton barely hanging behind him. His two corners broke all at once, and one of the two right angles that had just spawned broke. The skin and flesh on his body basically turned into black charcoal, and when Arda moved his body, large pieces of black ash fell down.

The mental power swept through Arda's body, and Lin Qi was shocked to find that his internal organs were burned to five mature! That is to say, the body of the devil is much stronger than that of the human, otherwise this guy can already cut it and serve it up.

Shaking his head, Lin Qi took out a huge bathtub, poured a few buckets of the rock lizard's blood brought out from the Black Abyss God Prison, and took Alda into the plasma. Alda sighed comfortably. Numerous bubbles emerged from the surface of his skin. His body quickly absorbed the vitality and nutrients contained in the plasma, and his injuries were quickly repairing.

Lin Qi also took out a few bottles of medicine and poured them into Alda's mouth. This guy's injury was too serious. Although he successfully entered the Holy Realm, he now has half his life left. If he is not treated in time, the injury will be enough for him to recuperate for two or three years. The internal organs are half cooked by thunder and lightning, which means that the devil can withstand such terrible injuries.

Seeing Alda groaning comfortably in the bathtub, Lin Qi rolled his eyes and strode to the side of a huge boulder.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi clenched his fist and slammed his fist at the boulder.

As soon as he punched out, the white tiger's fighting spirit in his body was entangled into a silver-white drill, which rushed out of the fist along the meridian on Lin Qi's arm. His muscle fibers were beating violently, making a muffled sound, pushing his fist forward like an arrow.

The speed of punching is at least three times as fast as before stepping into the holy realm, and there is a crisp sound from the front of the fist without any wind resistance. After sloshing out, Lin Qi had already penetrated the air and exploded.

What surprised Lin Qi even more was that when he punched, each of his pores was freely breathing the surrounding air, continuously extracting elemental power similar to his vindictive energy into his body. A trace of golden qi continued to melt into the body, the fighting qi consumed by his punch was already made up after the punch, and it was thicker than before.

The fist plunged into the boulder silently, and the white tiger's fighting spirit condensed the drilled hair with the sound of ‘chi ch' cracking, bringing a white cold light out. The boulder was thick with Michel, but when Lin Qi punched it out, the boulder broke a fist-sized transparent hole on the spot. The inner wall of this one-meter-long transparent hole is as smooth as a mirror, and it can even reflect a figure.

This is the biggest difference between the warrior of the holy realm and the heaven.

The fighting spirit of the lower-tier saint soldiers is not too fundamentally different from the peak of heaven, but the lower-tier saint soldiers can absorb the surrounding natural power to supplement the consumption every time they attack. Therefore, the lower-tier saint fighters have endless sources of fighting energy, even if they use war of attrition, they can live and die for several Celestial pinnacle fighters who are not much different from themselves.

Of course, this is a comparison between an ordinary saint and a heavenly warrior. Putting it on Lin Qi, his saint's next level is a bit outrageous. The attack power and lethality of the White Tiger's fighting spirit far surpassed that of the Xuanhu Jin. Lin Qi is now a humanoid weapon.

Moreover, the white tiger's fighting spirit brings the metalness of Geng! In the Western Continent, only a handful of special inheritance techniques will bring elemental attributes to the beginning of fighting Qi. For example, the various divine powers of the church are in fact vindictive and magical with the attributes of gods.

Ordinary fighters, only after they enter the realm of saints, will they gradually incorporate the power of natural elements into their fighting spirit. Only when they enter the realm of the sage can they incorporate elemental power into their bodies! So although Lin Qi is in the realm of a saint now, his background and attributes are actually equivalent to the achievements that ordinary saints or even saints can achieve.

It is nothing more than that he does not have the power to split mountains and rivers like saints and saints now.

Looking at the transparent hole he had cut out on the boulder, Lin Qi suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, laughing happily. He felt the earth-shaking changes in his body, and he could feel the powerful benefits of his body.

In addition to the straight-line soaring of combat power, the benefits Lin Qi's body has gained are really great.

The mental power slowly swept across the body, and the muscles, bones and even the most fragile bone marrow were emitting a faint metallic luster, which really made Lin Qi extremely satisfied. Geng's metallic white tiger fighting spirit tempers his flesh. Lin Qi's current body is really no different from a metal lump. Although this has caused him to weigh far more than a fighter of his size, his strength and defense have also become incomparable. The tough.

Expanding his chest vigorously, Lin Qi tore off the fragments of clothes on his body, took out a set of robe and dressed it neatly.

The donkey came over with Xiong Wanjin and Bilibili. The donkey grinned with excitement: "Fuck you uncle, **** you eighteenth-generation pro-uncle! Lin Qi, it's great that you are not dead, praise everything. Goddess of breasts, you are not dead, this is really a good thing."

Spreading his two front hooves, the donkey gave Lin Qi a warm hug, then he raised his head, widened his eyes, and looked at Lin Qi extremely purely.

"Then, now I will convey another sentence from your father Blackbeard. Now, after you break through the Holy Realm, go to the East for a trip!"

Lin Qi looked at the donkey in surprise: "What? Let me go to the East now?"

Xiong Wanjin clapped his hands excitedly: "Brother Lin, if you go to my house, the girl with the red card on the Lanchun River will do whatever you like! Ouch, you are over, I have all the food, drink, and fun. Just castrate my two **** brothers!"

Xiong Wanjin's eyes narrowed into a line: "Oh, after all, they are brothers, I can't do things like Shen Jiang! They can be unkind, I can't be unrighteous! Castrate them so that they can't inherit. Patriarch will do! I can be regarded as kindhearted, right?"

Even Bilibili looked at Xiong Wanjin in amazement-can this be called a kind heart? You might as well kill them.

Lin Qi grabbed the donkey's ear. Although he knew that this guy was an outrageously strong existence, but looking at his petite body not much bigger than a dog, and looking at his undue **** face, what did Lin Qi do? Can't mention the awe of him. He squeezed the donkey's ears and gritted his teeth and asked, "Let me go to the east, what's the matter?"

The donkey tilted his head and screamed, "Of course there are good things waiting for you. This is also a trial, a trial! It's the information from that long-billed bird family. There is a precious heaven and earth spiritual thing in the East that is about to mature. , Whether you take someone or be alone, anyway, Blackbeard said, how come you have to **** the baby. That is something that can only be accumulated in 900 years, and you don’t have your share if you go late. Up!"

Lin Qi narrowed his eyes, what would it be that he had accumulated a portion of the heaven and earth spirits for 900 years?

But since Blackbeard told him to **** it, it wouldn't be a big deal to take a trip.

It's just that he still has some things to deal with right now, the Bluefin Salmon Chamber of Commerce, Viscount Qiuli, and the Yun family's affairs. You must arrange all these things before you can go to the east with confidence, right? The journey to the east is far away, and it takes about a year for the smoothest round trip to go back and forth. Lin Qi can never walk like this.

Moreover, Lin Qi also asked Enzo and others about the situation, his brother, he is back as the leader, he must take care of him or two, right?

It is hateful that this donkey forced himself to practice qigong as soon as he met, so he didn't have time to ask Enzo and the others.

After pondering for a while, Lin Qi slowly nodded and said: "Give me a little time, about a month or two, I can go to the East for a trip!"

Go east. . . Lin Qi suddenly thought of a very cheap and arrogant face!

While Lin Qi was meditating, in the bathtub beside him, Alda stretched out and stood up comfortably.

The long horns on his head have been repaired, and two pairs of huge meat wings are fluttering in the wind behind him. The meat wings, which were about five meters wide, flapped slowly, and Arda flew up more than three meters high comfortably.

"I feel that I am extremely powerful now, great master, am I more than before... handsome, perfect, wise, and powerful?"

Arda flexed his arms triumphantly to show off the muscles on his arms, and then the donkey pounced on it with a slammed ‘A-Bah’, stepped on his hooves, and knocked Alda to the ground alive.

"I forgot to say, I just swore that I will **** you, uncle!"

The donkey trampled Arda's head fiercely, and stepped his head into the ground abruptly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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