Bright Era

Chapter 559: Prince of the North Sea

Less than a hundred miles away from the location where Lin Qi and others were attacked, on the bank of the Blue Moon Lake in the arc moon collar of the Principality of Lecco.

On the mountainside, a delicate castle was condescendingly overlooking the deep and demure Blue Moon Lake under the night like a sapphire, and several small fishing boats were rowing silently across the lake. Blue Moon Lake produces a kind of ‘Blue Light Krill’. This kind of prawn is scarce in production and has an extremely delicious taste. Only the real rich and nobles can enjoy a meal or two.

Blue krill are only dispatched at night, so fishing boats can only catch them at night.

Accompanied by the brisk footsteps, two fishermen in coarse cloths panted and delivered a basket of freshly salvaged blue krill to the front of the castle. The fish basket about two feet in diameter is filled with palm-sized prawns emitting a faint blue light. Each shrimp looks like a blue spar carved with a translucent body.

The guard in front of the castle threw a money bag to the two fishermen, and then ran into the castle with a fish basket. He ran to the kitchen as fast as he could. The chef who had prepared them for a long time immediately washed and grilled the fresh blue krill and cooked them with a secret sauce.

Half a quarter of an hour later, fifty slap-sized krills appeared in the banquet hall in the castle on the big silver disc.

The banquet hall was brightly lit, and the owner of the Arc Moon Collar, the Earl of Arc Moon in the Duchy of Lecco, was hospitable to the distinguished guests. The silver candles with thin arms on the sterling silver candlesticks emit a bright light, illuminating the huge dining table, and the pure gold and sterling silver tableware are shining on the snow-white tablecloth. The various delicacies have been slightly messy, and the air is full of richness. Alcohol, obviously the feast is nearing its end.

The arrival of fifty blue krills set off the climax of the banquet, and the guests and hosts sitting at the table applauded gently. Only in Arc Moon collar, only in the Blue Moon Lake, can you taste the freshest blue krill. Unlike the inferior goods that have been transported in water tanks for thousands of miles, only the freshly fished blue krill is truly supremely delicious!

Arthur gently wiped the small beards on his lips, and a bright smile of joy appeared on the handsome face.

At this time of the year, he would come to the Duchy of Lecco for this freshly fished blue krill. This is a luxury, this is a kind of enjoyment, this is a status symbol! Only he, Arthur, the governor of the three northern provinces of the Gaul Empire, and Arthur, who has the nickname of the'Prince of the North Sea', is qualified to allow the Earl of Arc Moon to treat him so graciously and salvage the freshest blue krill for him. Enjoy.

There is only this small piece of Blue Moon Lake in the entire continent that produces blue-ray krill. The annual output is only three to five thousand catties, but Arthur and his entourage eat 30% of it every year! One person enjoys 30% of the quota for the entire continent. This unique and superior feeling made Arthur very enjoyable.

He enjoys this feeling very much, he likes this noble and extravagant feeling.

Wearing a gorgeous gown made of purple velvet, Arthur's long fiery red hair is tied behind his head with a magic ring made of abyssal magic gold. His purple eyes are shining, and occasionally his eyes flicker. Seeing the golden holy cross badge in the depths of his eyes.

Tall, handsome, and brilliant like a god.

The serious injury that Blackbeard caused to Arthur in the past has long been healed under the treatment of the Temple of Punishment at any cost. Although this caused the Temple of Punishment to pay an extremely heavy price, and even the Temple of Punishment owed the temple of life the great favor, but Arthur His injuries have indeed healed.

Not only was he cured, but his strength also improved a lot. Now Arthur feels extremely powerful, and he enjoys his current life very much. Powerful, handsome, powerful, superior, and at the same time receiving the support of the Gaul Empire and the church, he can enjoy the wine and beauty every day, as long as he wants it, he can get it!

Just like this blue krill, how many people in the entire western continent can let Earl Arcmoon personally host a feast dominated by blue krill?

The two most plump blue krill were placed on the silver plate in front of Arthur.

Arthur smiled and nodded to the gray-haired Earl Arcyue, and then cut off a small piece of blue krill with a silver knife. Full and juicy, abnormally fat and tender, the shrimp meat almost exploded in the mouth, instantly releasing an indescribable delicious taste. A delicious and unusual body fluid slowly slipped into the abdomen along the mouth, and an indescribable fragrance made Arthur intoxicated.

A bottle of 50-year-old table white wine was opened, and Earl Arc Moon poured a glass of wine for Arthur himself.

Arthur took a deep breath, he slowly raised the glass, sniffed the elegant fruity aroma of the wine, and nodded in satisfaction. Fifty years of cellaring, this bottle of wine no longer has the slightest scent of fireworks. Once the bottle is opened, it is as if the 28th girl has left her boudoir, it looks so dazzling, so beautiful.

The elegant fruity aroma and the aroma of shrimp meat perfectly merged into one. When Arthur tasted the jade jelly in the crystal cup, he was intoxicated by this indescribable wonderful feeling.

"Count, are you ready?" Arthur put down the wine glass, opened his eyes, and smiled at Count Arcyue.

Count Arcyue's eyes condensed, he clapped his hands gently, everyone in the hall walked out one after another, leaving only a group of **** confidants of Arthur and Count Arcyue. The gray-haired old earl slowly bowed his waist and bowed to Arthur, squinted his eyes and laughed in a low voice: "As you wish, Your Majesty Prince, I am ready here. Ten thousand are well trained and fully equipped. The cavalry can set off at any time."

Arthur sighed deeply and swallowed a whole shrimp in contentment.

This is life, this is enjoyment, this is what Arthur should have!

The best wine, the best food, and the right to belong to a principality is determined by a single sentence. What a wonderful thing! The Principality of Lecco is not a very important country in the Western Continent, and it is the bottom of the fourth-rate countries. But who made all the birds and fishes that Arthur indulged here? For his own good, Arthur didn't mind helping Earl Arcyue.

After enjoying the deliciousness of the shrimp, Arthur put down the knife and leaned comfortably on the back of the chair.

"No, no, no, count, I am not a prince!" Arthur smiled humbly. Although he has the nickname of the Prince of Beihai, he is not a prince canonized by the Gaul Empire. Although he enjoys the vanity that this title brings to him, Arthur thinks he should be humble, so that he fits his identity!

Of course, if someone is really ignorant to call him the Governor, then he will definitely remember that person.

Count Arcyue smiled brilliantly: "In my heart, you are His Royal Highness. Your Royal Highness, look, what can we do?"

Count Arc Moon looked at Arthur very much. In recent years, since Arthur gained a high position in the Gaul Empire, Arthur has taken good care of Arc Moon due to the blue krill. With the support of Arthur, Arc Moon Leader formed a 10,000-thousand cavalry-this army was enough to sweep the entire Lecco Principality, even the Grand Duke's Guards were definitely not its opponent.

Once successful, I will become the new owner of the Duchy of Lecco. What a wonderful thing!

Arthur smiled and nodded. He squinted his eyes pretending to be contemplative, and then said slowly: "Follow the guidance of the gods and start in three days!"

Count Arcyue bowed deeply. His heart is trembling, so in three days, he will become the master of the Duchy of Lecco. With Arthur's support, Count Arcyue even began to look forward to the wonderful scene where the Principality of Lecco will become stronger under his leadership. Maybe he can annex several small principalities nearby and smoothly change his title from XX Grand Duke to XX King?

Everything is possible, as long as I can satisfy Arthur, everything is possible!

Holding the military and political power of the three northern provinces of the Gaul Empire, Arthur directly controlled 300,000 troops. Although I heard that some small waves broke out in the Cedar Legion near Dunelker, but Arthur can sit in his own banquet hall and enjoy the food. Obviously, the changes in the Cedar Legion are nothing!

Count Arcyue smiled so that his eyes narrowed into a line, and he saw an extremely bright prospect.

At this moment, a young man in a black robe walked quickly into the banquet hall. He approached Arthur and said a few words in a low voice.

Arthur raised his head in amazement: "Master Li is patrolling the neighborhood? And he left alone? It's really funny, he must have found something interesting..."

After pondering for a while, Arthur stood up, smiled and walked towards the door of the banquet hall: "Count, you can start according to the original plan. I will leave a group of elite staff to help you. I have more important things now. Do it. What did Li find? It really makes me curious. With his staid character, he shouldn't have left his entourage and left alone. What exactly does he want to do?"

A quarter of an hour later, nearly a hundred large two-footed dragons soared into the air from behind the castle of Earl Arcmoon. Arthur, who had replaced his armor, and hundreds of accompanying guards flew up on the two-footed dragons, and quickly attacked Lu. Lin Qi flew in the direction of his party. Arthur was riding on the back of the largest wyvern with two feet. Behind him, a five-meter tall, bronze-colored skin, violent muscles like a cast of iron, hugged his hands on his chest, and stood firmly. Flying dragon's back.

The group flew forward quickly, and Arthur sat on the back of the dragon, smiling triumphantly.

"Liu, you **** guy...hehehe, if you have any good, then I must share it!"

"If you have no good, just leave your lackey, then... I really look forward to it!" (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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