Bright Era

Chapter 607: The Pool of Gods

Without waiting for Lin Qi to give any consideration to Sha Xinyue's words, the donkey had already taken care of everything.

In the words of the donkey, the **** source pool of the desert temple, this kind of treasure that belongs to the divine weapon, was sent to the front. If it is not good to take advantage of it, it is a matter of sorry ancestors and children and grandchildren. Even if Sha Xinyue was going to fatten Lin Qi and sell it, he would have to get the cheapest deal first.

So Lin Qi didn't have time to say a word, Sha Xinyue smiled and pulled out a wand made of fiery red spar, and chanting the mantra inspired a thin flame from the wand.

The straight fire light shot on the eyebrows of the **** statue suspended in flames in the secret hall. With the sound of Sha Xinyue's curse, the **** statue exudes strange spatial fluctuations, and waves of red ripples visible to the naked eye will be present. Everyone was wrapped up. The air around him became thick and dignified. Lin Qi tried to move his body, only to find that with his current strength, it was like a fly frozen in amber, even a finger could not move.

"Shhh, don't move!"

The donkey lowered his voice and mumbled: "The old foxes sent this little fox to the desert temple. I think they are interested in something good about the desert temple! Hey, the pool of the source of the desert temple, even if you get a little bit from it. The power of God’s source is huge and cheap, just go and ruin it!"

Lin Qi glanced at Sha Xinyue who was chanting the mantra excitedly, and also lowered her voice and cursed: "But you don't know what she asked me to do, so you just sold me out? I told you You, she is not a big breast, even if she was, she would not like a donkey!"

The donkey looked at Lin Qi pitifully, his two big eyes rumbling around, and a layer of moisture slowly seeped out from his eye sockets: "It's so **** hurting my heart, I'm so unscrupulous. People? How could a girl with **** let me betray you? Why do you want ten big breasts?"

Cursing his mouth, the donkey licked his tongue greedily, and smiled evilly: "I can probably guess what this girl wants you to do! Isn't it because you value your identity as a descendant of the Tiger clan? There is nothing wrong with the descendants of the tiger clan. The other strength is that it is hard to be killed because of thick skin and thick flesh, so when exploring various ruins..."

Lin Qi's face suddenly went dark, he stared at the donkey, already aware of what the donkey was going to say.

Sure enough, the donkey said lightly: "So, the average tiger tribe likes to explore various ancient relics in groups, like me was dug out from a single ancient relic by your first generations of ancestors! If other families If people want to explore a specific ruin, they will generally find a few tiger companions!"

Lin Qi pointed to his nose fiercely: "You mean, meat shield, cannon fodder, pathfinder's substitute for the dead ghost?"

Sha Xinyue had finished chanting the long spell, and when she heard Lin Qi's angry scolding, she turned her head and smiled: "Little brother Lin Qi, what you said is too bad! You are my sister and my most reliable bodyguard. A reliable partner!"

With a long sigh, Sha Xinyue smiled so that her eyes narrowed into a line, like a lazy fox.

"I came out to practice, so the old guys in the family won't give me much help. They just handed over the people they had operated in the desert temple for many years to me. But explore the ruins, Those witch sacrifices can't be counted on, but I'm lucky. Fortunately, a little brother, you suddenly appeared, hehe, I am more sure of success!

She stretched her waist vigorously, and Sha Xinyue said cheerfully: "If I don't complete the last step, I will have to continue in the desert temple! But I was so young and wasted a lot of time in this broken temple, Isn’t it too pitiful? Fortunately, there is a little brother you are here, I was 90% sure, but now I have 10%!"

The corner of Lin Qi's mouth twitched, looking at Sha Xinyue's happy smile, he really had nothing to say. The donkey has sold him to Sha Xinyue, what else can he say? And Blackbeard also said that he can unconditionally trust the Sha family represented by the handprint, so let him try!

The red ripples around them became denser and denser, and gradually everyone's bodies slowly rotated with these continuously spreading ripples. The red flames covered their bodies, and the blazing flames formed a complex magic circle around them, and they heard a loud'buzz', everyone's bodies suddenly sank, their eyes became dark, and their bodies suddenly compressed. It became a tiny spot of light and disappeared without a trace.

The next time, everyone will appear in a large circular hall.

Lin Qi looked at this huge circular hall in surprise, and was too shocked to speak for a long while.

Not only Lin Qi, but Alda and others also looked at the incredible hall in front of them in awe and awe. They didn't know how great power was to create such a huge hall. And where is this palace, where is such a huge palace?

This is a cylindrical hall with a diameter of more than two hundred miles and a height of 1,500 miles. The huge hall is made of gold-red metal. This is a special translucent metal between crystal and metal, which has the characteristics of both.

If you read it correctly, this is not a natural metal that can be found in nature, but a special material made by smelting an extremely rare material with a special magical power. In this huge golden red palace, both the floor and the surrounding walls are carved with extremely complex magic patterns. These magic lines are extremely old, and they are inlaid with a large number of ancient divine texts. Even if Lin Qi has obtained extremely profound inheritance from Qing Lao, it is extremely difficult for him to recognize the functions of these magic lines.

There is a dark red light shining down from the top of the cylindrical hall. This is a magnificent divine light full of divine majesty. Bathed in such red light, everyone feels that their bodies are filled with red light. It feels like every smallest cell of the body is wandering in the red ocean.

The air is filled with the purest flame breath, and the rich fire element energy is quietly falling from the sky. Every breath of air that Lin Qi and others breathe contains a rich and scary fire element.

Lin Qi originally merged the two divine natures of fire attributes, and he even absorbed the dragon power essence of the ancient black dragon, and his body had a strong fit for the energy of fire attributes. Soaking in this red light, Lin Qi felt extremely warm and safe. He breathed comfortably, his strength faintly improved with every breath.

Both Arda and Bilibili both carry demon blood, and they have a natural affection for flames. They laughed and swallowed the fire elemental power around them, and their strength was rapidly increasing.

As for the wine barrel, he is a dwarf king who is born with magma and earth attributes. This magical palace also gave him great benefits. He simply restored the ten-meter-high dwarf king's true body, greedily extracting the endless fire element energy around him.

Only Xiong Wanjin looked around blankly. This guy's cultivation level was not enough and his attributes did not match. He couldn't feel any benefits here, instead he felt a kind of uncomfortable feeling that he could not breathe.

Lin Qi took a deep breath, and finally recovered from the shock of this giant hall.

He raised his head and glanced at the indescribable wall of the palace, then looked back at Sha Xinyue with a beautiful face: "This palace..."

Sha Xinyue squinted her eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a fox-like smile: "This palace should be a part of an artifact. But in the ancient wars, that artifact was destroyed. Part of it has been transformed into this palace that hosts the pool of the gods!"

With a hello, Sha Xinyue led everyone to the center of the hall.

After walking for a full hour, they finally came to the depression in the middle of the hall. Here is a round pit with a diameter of less than five meters, with red juice about several feet deep inside. The juice was clear and pure, the crimson juice was like a hot crystal solution, revealing a mysterious beauty.

Just as Lin Qi was looking at the pool of the gods, a low voice suddenly came from the sky. A drop of thumb-sized red juice slowly fell from a very high place, and slowly merged into the pool of red juice. in.

Sha Xinyue squinted and said with a smile: "This is the pool of the source of the gods. Five years ago, I used the power of the source of gods to step into the peak of the saints from the lower ranks of the heavens and was regarded as the **** of the desert. Since then, the benefactor has been fully cultivated and enormous power by the desert temple."

Lin Qi, Arda and others were horrified and moved from the lower rank of the heaven to the peak of the saint.

Shrugging his shoulders relaxedly, Sha Xinyue said indifferently: "It's just that the old antiques in the desert temple have misunderstood! I don't have any faith in the **** of desert, I just used this **** source pool to improve my strength. Even, I know better than those old antiques what the source of the gods is!"

Lin Qi stared at Sha Xinyue tightly, and Sha Xinyue squinted at Lin Qi, smiling very proudly.

"The body of the pool of the source of the gods is the **** who has fallen into the eternal sleep of the desert...heart!"

"The red juice in this pool is the essence of the **** of the desert. The believers of the **** of the desert provide the power of faith. After the broken soul of the **** of the desert is transformed into the gods, some of the essence of the gods will be transferred here to nourish This heart that I don’t know why is separated from the **** of the desert!"

"So, absorb the power of these gods to your heart's content. Everyone has only one chance in his life. Don't waste it."

"If anyone can **** away the heart of the God of the Desert, it is his luck!"

Sha Xinyue smiled evilly: "Anyway, I want to leave this ghost place that has delayed my seven years of youth. I can't take this stuff away, or it's ruined, I'm thinking about saving it all day long!"

With a playful smile, Sha Xinyue turned around.

"Little brother Lin Qi, you are the first to go down. You don't have any clothes. As for the others, take turns! I don't appreciate your body anymore." (To be continued. If you like this work, You are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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