Bright Era

Chapter 615: The first I want, please give it to you!

After persisting for so many days and being overturned at this time, what is the point of persistence?

We have worked hard for more than 20 days and were picked up by others in the last three days. Will everyone agree?

Dutou did what he promised this month, so Dutou wants to be the first, and I ask everyone to give it to Dutou.

The first time you asked for the first place, you gave it. Dutou has nothing to do with it. Only today's six shows Dutou's thanks. However, Zhutou wants to be the first to the end, and also wants to have the honor of the monthly ticket in the honor of Guangming Era.

In September, the **** battle to the end, Dutou walked with everyone.

Glory is my life, Qianqijuan Hiraoka!

The monthly ticket for September is the first. I want the pig head. Do you want it?

If yes, please vote for the Guangming Era. The doubling has already begun. Why do you still have enough energy?

Please vote a lot and use our unwavering attitude to tell others that first, no one wants to take it away.

Monthly ticket, you must vote more, first, you must stick to it!

Six changes, for everyone's endless monthly pass!

The book of Guangming Era, according to Zhutou's idea, is the tip of the iceberg. Many things have not been revealed yet. Zhutou will work hard to give you a wonderful story and write a wonderful book.

Zhutou wants to work hard with everyone to usher in the splendid glory of the bright era with the monthly pass! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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