Bright Era

Chapter 621: puppet

No one thought that the barrel would have this action!

But this happens to be the best action for this giant purple widow!

The wine barrel activated the bloodline of the Primordial Giant in the pool of God's Origin. His body could reach up to 50 meters when he became a giant. He was already a lot taller than the Purple Widow! Moreover, the power of the ancient giants is unmatched, and even the dragons are not their opponents, so the brute force of the barrel is already outrageous!

Even the current Lin Qi, in terms of strength alone, would not be an opponent of Wine Barrel!

He sat on the smallest waist of the Purple Widow, which is also the place where spider insects are the most difficult to exert force. The wine barrel hugged Purple Widow's head with a strange laugh, and firmly restrained its mouthparts at the ground, unable to spray venom against Lin Qi and others. Moreover, the legs of the wine barrel were firmly on the ground, and the Purple Widow was not as strong as him, and even her body could not move.

Lin Qi laughed and turned to the back of Purple Widow's buttocks. The big axe was aimed at the seam of the carapace on Purple Widow's abdomen and chopped down heavily. The carapace of this giant purple widow is extremely thick and has magic immunity effects, but the seams of its carapace are the most vulnerable part for flexibility.

The big axe easily smashed into the body of this big bug, Lin Qi snorted softly, and countless dazzling white lights shot out from the axe's blade, instantly crushing the purple widow's fragile internal organs. The giant Purple Widow, who hadn't sprayed a bit of venom, was stunned. Its body twitched violently, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Sha Xinyue leaped towards this side with a smile, and with bright eyes split the Purple Widow's body with a scarlet long sword, and pulled out a huge poison sac about five meters in diameter. This pitch-black poison sac was full of toots, and no drop of venom was wasted. In the pitch-black venom, a group of strong purple light constantly flickered. This is the poison crystal condensed by this giant purple widow, and its effectiveness is naturally more than a hundred times stronger than the poison crystals in the other purple widows.

"Well, even if there are no other gains this time, just these poison crystals can be crossed!"

Sha Xinyue smiled so that her eyes narrowed into a line: "Good luck, really good luck, with this poisonous crystal of the Purple Widow in the Mutant Holy Realm, the ancestor's natal little earthworm should be able to evolve to the first order, hehe Hey, this credit... See which brothers and sisters who don’t open their eyes dare to challenge my grandma!"

Lin Qi stood beside the dead Purple Widow with a big axe slowly, and said slowly: "Then, shall we continue?"

It must be confessed that this archaic relic is very weird, and the little Purple Widow can mutate to such a huge size, Lin Qi feels the creeps in his heart. They could find such weird things as soon as they entered the ruins. In case there was something vicious behind, Lin Qi thought it was better to leave here as soon as possible.

Sha Xinyue groaned for a while, she looked back at Tucker and the others who were lifting up in high spirits, and then slowly shook her head.

"I just came in and left, but I have something to do with you. But you have found nothing... Although this archaic relic is a forbidden place for the two temples, if we only investigate on the outer level, there should not be too much risk! "

Lin Qi gasped like a toothache, he looked at Sha Xinyue helplessly, and then nodded heavily.

A group of people quickly washed the huge purple widow, all the carapace was handed over to Sha Xinyue's hands, and then several wizards released dozens of illuminated light balls, and everyone carefully drew on this huge giant with bright light. Explore the space.

It should be the reason why this group of purple widows wreaked havoc here. There were messy monster bones everywhere on the metal floor, and the air was very dirty. There are strange guide rails and lines on the metal walls here, but no one can figure out what these things are for. The surrounding walls are clean, only facing the direction of the corridor when they came, separated by 100 meters, there are three other corridor entrances.

The three corridors were all black and painted, and the metal door at the entrance of the corridor was also broken to pieces. Some strange slime hung on the metal components at the entrance, looking very crippled. After searching this huge space, the group finally came to the three corridors.

After careful inspection by the silver and copper brothers, there seemed to be no magic traps in the three corridors. The group discussed for a while at the entrance of the corridor, and simply chose the leftmost corridor and walked in.

I don't know why, there is no dust at all inside this corridor, and the metal walls are also unusually clean. What is even more shocking is that after everyone entered the tunnel, a faint brilliance appeared from the metal wall. The whole tunnel seemed to be alive. The light in the tunnel gradually became stronger and stronger. It has reached a level comparable to the outside daylight.

Walking in such a tunnel, there is no shadow under everyone's feet. The faces of Alda and Bilibili became very ugly. As demons, they naturally like dark surroundings. This kind of brightly lit corridor makes them very uneasy, because they have lost the race that they are most used to escape into the dark. Ability.

Sha Xinyue looked at the tangled faces of Arda and Bilibili, and she said softly, "This corridor should be the'Bright Path' recorded in ancient books, and it is specially designed to deal with various dark creatures. A defensive device for invasion. Even the Shadow Fiend, who is best at hiding, can't hide in such a passage, and can only obediently expose his whereabouts."

Arda and Bilibili looked at each other in horror, and they exhaled at the same time. Fortunately, this kind of bright path has been completely lost now, otherwise this thing would really be a nightmare for the demons.

After walking forward in the corridor, a rotunda appeared. Dozens of small passages were densely packed on the walls of the hall. These passages pierced into large or small rooms, and some passages led to them. Go to the next floor or the hall on the upper floor, where there are also large and small passages leading to more rooms.

These rooms have different shapes, and although the walls of some of the rooms are made of metal, they are very strange pure and transparent metal. Based on the insights of Sha Xinyue and Lin Qi, neither of them knew how this completely transparent metal wall like crystal was made, but there is no doubt that this transparent metal wall has terrible defensive power. Lin Qi and the others tried, including the barrels exhausted their greatest strength, but they couldn't leave any traces on such walls.

But this is where the defense is strong. There are big and small marks on the walls and floors. These marks may be deep or shallow, but the shallowest marks are more than a foot deep. Seeing the appearance of the marks, they should have been punched out!

And the deepest and largest mark is in the center of the hall. A transparent hole a few meters in radius appeared in the center of the rotunda. This is a clear slap mark-this palm penetrates the bottom plate in the center of the hall and follows the slap. Yin looked over, and there were more than a dozen floors of metal floor with Michel in the hall above the hall, which was slapped through with a palm, and under the hall, there were more than fifty floors of such walls!

Lin Qi and the others were unable to leave any trace of the metal wall with their best efforts. Someone could actually pierce such a metal wall through dozens of layers with one palm!

Everyone is horrified. A person who can make such a terrible blow should belong to the category of inhumans, right?

According to the legend, this ancient relic was destroyed by the combination of the **** of desert and the **** of grassland. Is the legend true?

After exhaling heavily, Sha Xinyue murmured: "All the rooms are empty, and at most only some broken copper and iron are left. It seems that this place has been looted."

Lin Qi frowned: "Look at the other two corridors... But let's go to the right one this time."

Perhaps it was instinct. Lin Qi didn’t want to be close to the corridor in the middle. According to common sense, the most important items should be stored in the middle. If this archaic relic is still dangerous, it can only appear in the middle. In that corridor.

Sha Xinyue's eyes flashed, and she nodded knowingly.

The group of people exited the corridor, and then walked into the corridor on the right. But to everyone's disappointment, the corridor on the right should look like the warehouse area of ​​this archaic relic. Square metal rooms of standard sizes are densely distributed on both sides of the corridor like honeycombs. But like the room at the end of the corridor on the left, these warehouses were also destroyed by strong external forces, and the room could starve cockroaches to death.

Standing in the last metal room at the end of the tunnel, Lin Qi couldn't help sighing heavily as he looked at the vast empty space that was more than two hundred meters long and 100 meters high. Does it mean that if you want to benefit from this ruin, you must go to the middle corridor?

Just as Lin Qi sighed, the donkey was stunned, and then he flicked his tail and spit out a huge sarcophagus.

The lid of the sarcophagus opened, the gray knight Cologne eighteen slowly straightened up his upper body, and grumbled out of breath: "Yes... Energy response... Waking up... It can supplement the energy I consume. The source...was awakened and is approaching...kill them and seize energy, I need their energy!"

A cruel red light flashed in the gray eyes of Cologne Eighteen, and he slowly drew out his huge long sword.

"The opponent is approaching, faster and faster, watch out!"

Cologne XVIII suddenly roared, and the two heavy armored knights behind the palace were shocked. They simultaneously waved their war swords, and a large round cut slashed behind them. There was a loud bang, and the two of them trembled violently, then staggered back several steps.

At the door of this huge metal warehouse, twelve metal puppets with a height of more than three meters rushed in.

The shape of these metal puppets is exactly the same as that of human beings, and their appearance is smooth without the slightest trace of seams. They are almost as smooth as a mirror. They were full of silver, holding sharp long swords, and striding forward with heavy steps to Lin Qi and the others.

The two heavy armored fighters who had made a head-to-head blow with these metal puppets shouted, "Be careful, their power is very strong!"

Before he finished his words, Lin Qi had already grabbed the big axe to greet him, and the big axe hit the long sword of a metal puppet heavily. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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