"Baal has fallen. From the last memory he passed on before his death, it was the dragons who killed him."

"Dragon? Which dragon? Didn't Vidis go to support Roy's nest?"

"Vidis also fell. As for Roy's nest, it has long lost contact. According to the memory images they sent back, the one who brought them misfortune was the same dragon that killed Baal."

"Why is it the dragon again? I hate dragons!"

"Doesn't this just show how powerful dragons are? We can try to analyze the mysteries contained in these dragon bloodlines and develop new combat arms."

"We may try to hunt that dragon. He is very powerful. If we can analyze his bloodline..."

"Don't talk nonsense. Before making such a suggestion, you can review the stories of those two unlucky guys. The memories of it, the strength of the dragon is about to break through the law of the world. If you complete, you should be executed by yourself. The feeling of the tyrants gathered in one place, and the vibration caused by their quarrels made countless Zergs on the ground, but it did not affect the collection of biomass -shadow bees and continuously put the source of resources raised into the queen's nest. "We must wait until the queen hatches before we can continue?"

"Of course, only the queen can lead us forward. No one else can, including you."

"You are so pedantic. Before the queen was born, we had already occupied 30 million square kilometers of vast land. Even if the queen is not born, we can continue to expand."

"Our actions have already caused fierce resistance from local creatures. The suppression of the world's will will come soon. If the queen is not born, it is only a matter of time before we are expelled from the world."


The quarrels of the tyrants suddenly fell into silence, and soon another voice sounded to ease the atmosphere.

"The queen is about to hatch, and we can go and see it now."

The news related to the queen quickly eased the conflict between the tyrants. The Zerg, whose power is rapidly expanding, really needs a queen who can coordinate and suppress everything.

As a tyrant of lord evolution, he will never bow to another tyrant easily, which requires a higher existence to coordinate and develop.

The giant insect nest stood, and the thick tentacles of hundreds or thousands of meters twisted unconsciously in the air. Even the many tyrants who came to wait for the queen to come looked at these tentacles twisting and wriggling unconsciously in the air, and they couldn't help but flash a little fear and awe in their eyes.

The insect nest in front of them was the highest-level queen's mother nest, and everything derived from it had a crushing dominance over the tyrants.

"It seems that it will take a while. But you don't need to wait too long."

"I wonder what our queen looks like?"

The Zerg is a race with strong adaptability. The middle and low-level Zerg can hatch infinitely with sufficient nutritious biomass supply. These Zerg are basically the same and there will be no difference.

But there will be differences in the intelligent Zerg. Some of them evolved from the middle and low-level Zerg, and some captured the elite individuals of the local intelligent creatures and brought them into the insect nest for genetic adjustment and alienation transformation.

The queen is a special individual born by gathering all the high-quality genes of the entire Zerg. Because of this, even if they are all Zerg queens, there are differences between them.

The Queen's form is also adjusted according to the local species, which is more in line with the laws of the local world. Therefore, the birth of the Queen can effectively ease the suppression of the world's will.

In the expectant eyes of many tyrants, in just three days, the Queen, who can enjoy the biomass resources contributed by billions of Zerg plunder without scruples, finally appeared from the Queen's Nest.

It was a slender and tall humanoid creature, but even if she simply walked, the ground covered with fungus carpets trembled slightly. Even many tyrants as big as mountains could only look up at her.

According to the classification of the Carlos world, this is a female giant monster, but she is different from all the giants in the world.

Because her limbs and torso are covered with a layer of exoskeleton carapace with flashing dark purple light patterns, there is a pair of sharp blade horns on the top of her head, and behind her is a pair of wide bone wings covered only by wing membranes.

She just walked and breathed, and the four elements of earth, wind, water and fire began to swarm and gather. Even the red mist in the sky could not cover up the strange phenomenon formed by the elemental tide.

"You are all trash!"

Although she is a female with humanoid facial features, she possesses majesty and indifference that is superior to all living things. The newly born Queen of the Zerg has all the memories of the development of the Zerg to this day. She looks down at the many tyrants who are waiting in front of her. He gave the most honest evaluation without hesitation.

"What did you say!"

Such a harsh and merciless evaluation immediately caused a reaction from a tyrant, who was a tyrant transformed from a hill giant.

As the sons of the earth, the hill giants were transformed by the Zerg. Although the elemental power has not been enhanced, the physical strength of their bodies has exceeded the limit that the hill giant race can achieve.

"What? Are you not convinced?"

The queen lowered her head and looked at the tyrant who dared to have a different opinion in the face of her evaluation. The giant tyrant, who was filled with anger, looked into the queen's eyes and couldn't help but tremble.

The queen's eyes have no pupils at all, only endless dark purple, which is like being connected to the sea of ​​source power, which contains inexhaustible and inexhaustible majestic power.

A pressure from the soul level rolled in, giving the giant tyrant a desire to kneel on the ground, prostrate to him, and offer his loyalty. However, it was not the giant gene derived from the Zerg. But he was still able to hold up his body and confront the queen.

The Queen's authority is not absolute. As the ruling class second only to the Queen, every tyrant has a certain degree of autonomy.

Because what the tyrant carries out is destruction related to war and plunder, while the queen is more responsible for coordinating the development and defense of the ethnic group.

The Queen does have a certain degree of suppression over tyrants, but this suppression can be broken through. In the history of the development and inheritance of the Zerg race, there have indeed been several extremely powerful tyrants. Under the rule of these tyrants, the Queen will be reduced to It is the logistics unit responsible for treatment and production development.

"Why do you call us waste? Without us, your birth would have been delayed for who knows how long, or even never appeared at all."

"Trash is trash. You take yourself too seriously. Without you, there will be other tyrants. None of you is unique, and none of you is irreplaceable."

It is obvious that among the swarm of insects that invaded the world of Carlos, even the newly born queen has strong power over the tyrants. In other words, no tyrant present has the power to break through the queen. the power of.

"My appearance is an inevitable result. It will not be earlier or delayed because of any of you. Do you understand?"

As she finished speaking, the queen felt regret in her heart, but the giant tyrant, who had no steps to go down, stretched out her palm, and with just a gentle squeeze, invisible power fell on the tyrant.

The rock carapace covering its body instantly cracked and shattered, and countless blood drops shot out from the exposed body, gathering into streams and trickling down from the tyrant's body.


The majestic life breath was quickly extracted from the giant tyrant's body along with the Queen's aim, and the blood dripping from his body was swallowed up and absorbed by the fungus carpet under his feet, leaving not a drop left.

"I don't like it when you question my decisions."

The Queen, who had killed a tyrant with just a raise of her hand, looked around at the seventeen tyrants who were as quiet as ice. This was all the high-end combat power she could command at present, and it was also all the foundation accumulated by the Zerg's barbaric development before she was born. .

"Continuing your previous discussion, the Dragon Clan is one of the most powerful creatures in the world. Collecting their blood and improving the blood map is what we need to do. Hunt all the dragons around the territory, including the emperor dragon. ”

After frightening all the tyrants and establishing her supreme dominance, the Queen issued her first order. However, as soon as this order was issued, almost all the tyrants who were still willing to surrender were stunned.

"Are you going to let us all fight to death together?"

There is no tyrant present who wants to fight with the dragon that is powerful enough to kill the tyrant instantly. Even the tyrant with the most radical ideas will hold back his thoughts and maintain restraint.

But the queen came up and asked them to kill the dragon clan. This time, at least the clan must continue to develop, let their tyrants evolve collectively, or breed and hatch more tyrants.

"I know the limits of your abilities, so I don't ask you to capture the dragon emperor. I only ask that you collect his biological tissue samples so that I can analyze him."

"This is also very difficult. None of our tyrants can match him."

"It's not true now, but that doesn't mean it won't be true in the future. With our development speed, no matter how fast the dragon emperor is, he won't be able to catch up with us."

The Queen seemed particularly confident. Although the current Zerg could not be called powerful, the development of the Zerg and the speed at which they exploded were what feared thousands of races.

"Your command is everything to us."

After confirming that the unreasonably powerful queen did not intend to let them die, many tyrants who were still a little restless suddenly calmed down.

Although the task requirements were somewhat unreasonable, they did not require them to do it immediately. They still had time and could delay it.

As long as they evolve for one round, they may have a chance to take a few scales or a few drops of blood from the dragon emperor.

The dragons miss the Zerg, and the Zerg also misses the fact that the dragons have almost evolved to the limit of the physical world. The Zerg is a group that constantly absorbs the excellent characteristics of other races and evolves. The Zerg that is stubborn will surely perish.


In the Sevier Fortress, Tyrell, who had unceremoniously accepted the command of the entire fortress city, raised his head and looked toward the southeast with a frown.

At a certain moment just now, he felt a faint threat in the southeast direction. Although this sense of threat quickly disappeared without a trace, Tyrell would not ignore it and regard it as his own illusion.

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

Dirrell's unusual movements attracted the attention of everyone present. Although he had accumulated in the Huohuo Fortress, he only transferred a new legion that was still under preparation. This made many people extremely dissatisfied, but it was only him. Its existence is enough to reunite the scattered hearts in the fortress city.

"It's nothing serious, probably a larger insect jumped out."

Tyrell made a judgment based on the weak reaction just now.

"Big bug?"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. What kind of size would an insect be that could make the dragon emperor in front of him think it was big?

"You guys keep talking, I'll go take a look."

After Tyrell said a word, it transformed into a stream of wind, sweeping from the sky and speeding towards the strange direction he just felt.

Although he now stands at the top of the material world, Tyrell does not really think that he is invincible. When he senses the danger, of course he wants to nip the danger in the bud.

He knew what the Zerg was, and he could use it to train troops, but the number of advanced Zerg must be strictly controlled, especially those that gave birth to intelligence.

A wisp of quiet wind swept through the sky, and soon continued to spread, stirring up the surrounding areas, turning into a heaven-shaking storm, blowing into the area that the Zerg had actually controlled, causing the sky to be filled with red mist, as if being The fire swept by the wind seemed to be extinguished.

"It turns out that a big insect really appeared. It seems that I came right."

Tyrell, who transformed into a storm in the body of an ancestral dragon, quickly locked his target.

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