Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 408 Titan's Deterrence

"But such a war is an unjust war in the eyes of the gods of Mount Heaven. If you don't want to stop it, you will have to face their hostility. Your growth rate is indeed beyond my expectations, but are you sure you can really fight us?"

Bahamut sighed. He really wanted to persuade this child. In his eyes, this child has reached the point of recklessness in pursuit of a stronger power.

"I have never thought of fighting Mount Heaven, but I don't want to be obstructed by any existence and distort my will."

Di Ruier naturally didn't want to conflict with Mount Heaven, but if there was really no way to avoid it, he had to go up. It was impossible to make him bow his head.

"You are too young and too proud!"

Seeing the attitude of this young junior, Bahamut also understood what was going on. It was nothing more than that he had lived too smoothly and had not experienced any beatings.

Think about it, if this child's age was placed in the ordinary dragon clan, he would not even have reached the age of the ancient dragon, but the other party had already become the dragon king who ruled a world.

"In your eyes, I may be arrogant, but no matter how you view me, war is unstoppable. My subjects need war."

With the power of the World Tree, from the Dragon King Di Ruier to the ordinary soldiers of the Plane Expedition Corps, the entire World Tree system, from top to bottom, all creatures have tasted the sweetness brought by plane colonization.

The middle and lower-level soldiers and officers can obtain more promotion space and exchange for more resources through war, while the upper-level legends use war to obtain a large amount of land and corresponding resources.

As for Di Ruier, the highest Dragon King, the source power he obtained in the war is even more than before.

After all, the Void Altar introduced him to either a world on the verge of destruction or a wreckage. These targets require careful layout, and even if the layout is successful, the gains that can be obtained will take a longer time to realize.

The investment is not high, but the gains after the investment are uncertain, and the time for the gains is extremely long. The advantage is stability.

If it were a ten-thousand-year-old dragon king, he would probably be satisfied with this, sleeping peacefully all day and waiting quietly, but for Diriel, a young dragon king who is not even a thousand years old, he really doesn't want to wait any longer.

Not to mention that there is a god in the void whose purpose is to hunt dragons, eyeing him covetously and considering him as a hunting target.

How can Diriel bear this?

It's nothing more than starting a plane colonization war to obtain more source power and make himself go to the next level on the epic road.

"Do you have any requirements for the plane you conquer?"

Bahamut seemed to have discovered something and suddenly asked.

"No requirements, as long as it is a plane."

Diriel said indifferently, the world tree is not picky, anything is fine.

"In that case, why don't you choose to attack the abyss? Not only will you not be hostile to Heaven Mountain, you will even get the full support of Heaven Mountain."


Hearing what the old dragon god said, Di Ruier flicked his tail lightly, and in the void, layers of golden light ripples were swaying, stretching for thousands of miles.

If Di Ruier didn't know a little about the Lord of the North Wind, his first reaction would definitely be that the old dragon wanted to harm him. If he didn't want to harm him, why would he make such a suggestion?

Attack the abyss? He said it out loud.

What is the abyss?

The bottomless abyss is a collection of infinite levels and countless changes, reflecting all the ugliness, evil and chaos.

No scholar or god can tell how many layers the bottomless abyss has, because it is meaningless to explore such a question. The abyss is always expanding and disappearing.

The horror of the abyss is well known, but no one can tell how much horror is hidden in it. However, just knowing this is enough to make Di Ruier, the now quite proud Dragon King, feel terrified.

In the long history, there are also many races and forces that have established multi-dimensional empires. After such multi-dimensional empires have prospered and developed to their peak, their self-confidence will inevitably expand.

One of the manifestations of extreme expansion is to organize an expeditionary corps to attack the abyss. The Elf Empire did such a thing a long time ago.

In the most ancient legend, the Elf Expedition Corps broke through more than 300 layers of the abyss, and it is said that it also found the bottom of the abyss and peeked into the mystery of the abyss.

The specific details are not known by Di Ruier, the dragon of the later generations. These are some fragmentary descriptions he found in his bloodline inheritance.

Di Ruier does not know whether the Elf Empire expeditionary force found the core of the abyss and discovered its secrets.

But he knew one thing, that is, the former Elf Empire had become the dust of history, and everything related to it had become a legend, while the Abyss still existed in the world, a terrifying nightmare that shrouded billions of planes.

Let him attack the Abyss and seize the broken planes from the Abyss. This old dragon had a good plan.

As for the so-called support from Heaven Mountain, Di Ruier just regarded it as fart.

There is definitely support, but the extent of support is still to be discussed. You know, any race or force that fights against the abyss can get the assistance and support of the races or gods living on Mount Heaven.

"Your Majesty Bahamut, I admit that you are arrogant in your evaluation of me, but I am not crazy enough to order my subordinates to attack the abyss."

Diriel's tone was quite serious. If he did not refuse directly and said it vaguely, it would be really funny.

Although his army is now so powerful that it can attack multiple planes at the same time, it is not because he is pinching soft persimmons, all of which are small planes, and there is only one medium-sized plane.

If he really attacks the abyss, Diriel really has no confidence. Maybe he can take down a few layers, but what about after taking them down? Can he defend it? Can the world tree really cut flesh from the abyss?

"Isn't your current behavior crazy? You have already attracted the attention of Heaven Mountain."

"That's different."

Di Ruier shook his head. Even if he attracted the attention of Heaven Mountain, he only needed to shrink and defend the world of Carlos. The powerful divine power could not do anything to him. But if he targeted the Abyss, he would be the one launching the attack. He had no geographical advantage and had to face the suppression of the Abyss.

"I don't think I have the power to invade and plunder the Abyss now."

"In that case, let's compromise. In this endless void, there are too many worlds facing the threat of the Abyss, and even being invaded by the demon army of the Abyss. How about you lead your army to rescue these worlds?"

"Save the world? I don't object to being a savior, but what about the reward?"

Di Ruier asked directly. This is a very normal way for the dragon clan. There is no need to consider feelings and be shy.

"You want your world tree to merge and control more planes, so those planes that have been severely corroded and damaged during the invasion of the abyss and are likely to fall and fall, as your reward, what do you think?"

"Is this your real purpose?"

Di Ruier stared at the Dragon God in front of him. Attacking the abyss is naturally nonsense, but it is what the Dragon God wants to change him from a plane conqueror to a savior who fights against the invasion of the abyss.

"What do you think of the plan I proposed?"

"I want Heaven Mountain to send a real angel army to support my army."

"So, you agree?"

The old Dragon God's eyes also showed a hint of joy.

"Of course, but you must provide me with accurate coordinates. I will first send my family to check whether to support the salvation. The decision is mine."

"Of course."

"In that case, I have no objection for the time being."

Although there are countless planes in the endless void, if you really want to find a plane accurately, it is like looking for a needle in the vast ocean, so the plane coordinates are extremely precious.

Don't think that Diriel's men are attacking everywhere now, that's because they have accurate coordinates. Once the coordinates in their hands are used up, don't expect to have the current grand occasion again.

Now, the platinum dragon god Bahamut is willing to send him new world coordinates on behalf of Mount Heaven. Although he has to fight against the abyss, the effort is proportional to the reward, and it is worth investing.

Platinum Dragon God Bahamut left, saying that he would discuss and communicate with the gods of Mount Heaven to see which planes that have been tortured by the invasion of the abyss should be handed over to Diriel.

Diriel naturally had no objection. He returned to the world of Carlos, but before he returned to his God King's bedroom to settle down, he sensed a breath lingering on the edge of the world.

"Good guy!"

Diriel exclaimed, and in just a moment he came to the area where he felt strange, and then he saw a man looking down at the ocean on a cloud island that was newly born on the edge of the world.

This is a muscular human with a firm and serious face. He is wearing silver armor and holding a huge sword in his hand. The most eye-catching thing is his empty right side.

This is a man who has lost his right arm.

Whether it is the time, place, or even the image, this man reveals incoordination and something is wrong everywhere.

There are almost no pure-blooded humans in the world of Carlos, let alone humans who have lost an arm. Generally speaking, such humans will seek dragon veins at all costs to get the opportunity to regenerate limbs, because this is the most cost-effective way to reconnect broken limbs for ordinary people.

However, the divine brilliance reflected from this man explains this point very well and reminds Diriel of his identity.

"Your Majesty Tyr."

Diriel said neither servile nor overbearing. Such a vivid image and characteristics are naturally the famous God of Justice. His priesthood involves justice, law, honor and war. He is a powerful and capable god and has a special and important position among the gods.

"Have you accepted Bahamut's proposal?"

The man who looked like a holy warrior and could give people a great sense of security turned slowly. His eyes were as calm as water, without any ripples, as he looked at the dragon king hovering above the sea of ​​clouds, whose body was larger than the cloud island where he stood.

"I'm considering it."

"The path you chose is not wrong. If you rush for success, you will only go astray. If you choose this path, you will encounter terrible sanctions in the future that you can't imagine."

"Is this a threat?"

"No, just a warning."

Even the most powerful among the gods, looking at the world tree standing between heaven and earth at this moment, there is a bit of admiration and helplessness in his eyes.

"As long as you don't leave the protection of the world tree, even I can't do anything to you."

"That's what I said, but no one likes to have a sword hanging over their head."

"Malok? Oh, since you have agreed to Bahamut's proposal, you don't have to worry about problems from him anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"He will retreat."

"Will Malok be so obedient?"

Diriel's tone was full of doubt. The dragon hunter Malok is a powerful god after all.

Although Mount Heaven is powerful, it is not so big that it can command a powerful god with its reputation.

"I'll talk to him. You don't have to worry about such trivial matters. You should withdraw your legion and reorganize them after they are appeased."


Di Ruier will have no problem. If the God of Justice in front of him is willing to hold a sword and talk to Malok, then the dragon hunter should not have any extra opinions.

"The path of the savior is the right path you should choose. Don't choose any other path."

"What will happen if I choose it?"

Di Ruier was aroused with a bit of rebelliousness and asked curiously.

"Once you fall into the evil god, you will have the opportunity to see the Titans, the real epic Titans."


Direlle was stunned, a little confused,

"What does this have to do with the Titans?"

"The Titans regard all the planes in the endless void that can give birth to life as treasures. All the existences that destroy the planes of life are evil gods, and they are also the existences that the Titans will inevitably wipe out."

Tyr continued to explain,

"And the world community we are in is under the watchful eyes of the Titans. There is no living space for evil gods here."

"So, this is the territory of the Titans?"

Given the identity of the god in front of him, Diriel did not think that the other party was making up a story to scare him, but this fact made him a little dazed, even at a loss.

"You can understand it this way, but as long as you don't fall into the evil god, you don't have to worry about their existence."

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