"To ally with the devil, or the oldest devil, is undoubtedly the stupidest choice."

Dirrel rejected the old devil's proposal without even thinking about it.

If you accidentally provoke a devil and establish a hostile relationship with a devil, then, knowing the other party's position, the wisest situation is to use absolute violence to wipe out the devil from body to soul.

Don't give the devil any chance, and don't be conceited and smart. Just use absolute violence to crush the devil. This is the advice given by Diriel as the Dragon King.

"You are so guarded against me, it is really unnecessary. I can't have any bad thoughts or actions towards you."

Asmodeus looked at Diriel's reaction and was inevitably disappointed.

He sincerely hoped that the other party could form a legion under his command to attack the abyss and share the pressure from the abyss for him, although he might not be able to share much, after all, the scale of the abyss is too huge.

"This encounter was beyond my expectations, and the content of our conversation also disappointed me. You didn't provide me with any useful information."

"What kind of information do you want to get from me? As long as I know, I will tell you."

Seeing such a greedy dragon king, Asmodeus still maintained the elegant appearance of an old gentleman, not at all surprised.

In these long years, he has come into contact with and witnessed the rise and fall of too many beings. In his eyes, Di Ruier can only be regarded as a well-behaved person.

"I want to know why the Titans allow the existence of the abyss? With the power of the Titans, it is not easy to destroy the abyss?"

Seeing that this old devil put on an attitude of asking whatever you want to know, Di Ruier was not polite at all, and directly asked a big confusion that emerged after knowing the existence of the Titans. When this question came out, the old devil's face froze.

"You really know how to ask!"

Asmodeus couldn't help but sigh.

"I want to know why the Titans don't destroy the abyss. According to my understanding, don't the Titans regard the planes that can be bred in the void as treasures? Why allow the abyss that can devour and destroy the world to exist?"

Di Ruier showed a posture of breaking the casserole to get to the bottom of it. Since the old devil was willing to answer his doubts, there was no need to ask well-known common sense questions.

"I want to correct you. Your understanding of the Titans seems to be biased."

"Oh? What's the bias?"

"The Titans are indeed very powerful, but even for them, the abyss is a very difficult problem."

"So, even the Titans can't deal with the abyss?"

Di Ruier frowned, and he didn't expect the abyss to be so terrifying.

"No, for the Titans, as long as they are willing to pay enough, no matter which abyss, they can sweep it away. This is a question without suspense!"

"Which abyss? There are more than one abyss?"

Di Ruier noticed the key point in the words of this old devil, which made his expression become solemn.

"Of course there is more than one abyss. Do you know what the abyss is?"

"A chaotic place full of death, killing, destruction and devastation, it is one of the final destinations of evil souls."

Di Ruier gave a fairly formal answer.

"Yes, all the filth and evil produced by billions of planes will eventually flow into the abyss, including the debris left after the destruction of the world, which will also fall into the abyss. The bottomless abyss is the product of a collection of negative things that are completely opposite to beauty, justice, peace, hope, etc."

"So, the abyss is everywhere, and the abyss cannot be destroyed."

Di Rui immediately understood. To put it a little too much, the abyss is the garbage dump of billions of worlds.

Garbage can be cleaned up temporarily, but as long as the source of garbage is still there, another garbage dump will be piled up sooner or later, and the source cannot be destroyed. No wonder Titan did not destroy the abyss.

"That's right. The Abyss can only be weakened, not destroyed. Even the Titans cannot completely wipe out the Abyss."

"So, how much do you know about the Titans?"

After the Titans' doubts about the Abyss were answered, Diriel was still not satisfied and continued to ask.

"Dear Dragon King, I would like to ask you to realize that the questions you are asking are taboos among taboos. I can answer some of them because we have the possibility of cooperation. If you don't intend to cooperate with me, then I refuse to answer questions related to the Titans."

"Cooperation is not impossible, but I need all the intelligence information that Hell has accumulated over the years in its fight against the Abyss."

"No problem, as long as you become an ally of Hell, then all the information related to the Abyss will naturally be open to you."

Asmodeus agreed at once.

"So, answer my question just now."

"It seems that you have just learned about the existence of Titans. Coincidentally, I have a certain understanding of Titans, but I know too much and I don't know how to describe it, so you'd better ask more specific questions."

"I want to know how to see Titans."


The old devil who had confidently assured Dirrell just now fell silent. He now wanted to retract his opinion of this dragon king. This guy had never been dealt with by a Titan and had no idea how terrifying the Titan was.

"Why don't you answer?"

When Tyrell saw the taciturn old devil, he was immediately dissatisfied and said,

"This is your attitude towards your allies. I was just about to agree to form an alliance with you, and now you are like this?"

"I can't answer this kind of question. It's not just me. I don't think anyone in this world community can answer your question."

"Why? Isn't it said that the Titans are the rulers of this world community? As the most powerful beings in this world community, you don't even know how to call the Titans?"

Tyrell suspected that these guys were hiding and were unwilling to tell them, allowing him to have contact with the Titans.

It's not that we can't understand their feelings. After all, according to the description, they are not the original inhabitants of this world community. They were all forcibly migrated here by the Titans. It is normal for them to be repulsive to the Titans.

"No one wants to see the coming of the Titans. Can you understand what I say, Your Majesty?"

"Understood. But I want to see the Titans, what should I do? Leave this world community?"

Tyrell still refused to give up. After learning that this world community was a nursing home for the gods placed by the Titan clan, he had the idea of ​​​​leaving.

"have no idea."

The old devil answered neatly.

"How could you not know? Don't you remember the way you came?"

"Only a dragon king with no knowledge like you would want to contact the Titans."

Looking at the persevering Di Ruier, the old devil sighed quietly.

"Why can't you contact Titans? In your opinion, Titans seem to be very scary? As far as I know, among the Titans, there is a King of Titans and Dragons. He is a hybrid of Titans and Dragons. As the Dragon King, I , will anything bad happen if we have contact with him?”

"Of course nothing bad will happen if you come into contact with him as the Dragon King, but are you willing to surrender to him and serve him?"


"Believe me, you don't want to meet this King of Titans and Dragons. His ambitions and desires cannot be satisfied even after conquering an entire world community. He is the most powerful person I have ever seen. A terrible existence.”

"I don't agree with your description of him. If he is really as scary as you say, then I will be able to see traces of the Titans here, and you will not be able to communicate with me standing here."

"Well, since you have a unique opinion, I won't argue with you. In the future, when you become powerful enough, you may have the opportunity to come into contact with Titan. At that time, you may agree with me."

When the old devil saw Tyrell, who had some beautiful illusions about Titans, he smiled and did not argue.

Anyway, in his eyes, there is nothing interesting about the Titan clan from top to bottom, especially the Titan and Dragon King, who is the worst.

"Now we may be able to discuss a joint attack on the abyss."

"Okay, let's talk about the abyss. You should have some idea of ​​my situation. I want to tear apart the layers of the abyss. Do you have any suggestions for this?"

Tyrell saw that the old devil was so evasive about the Titan issue, so he didn't make it difficult for him.

"Your Majesty, are you interested in the Myriad Abyss Plain? I think it is a good invasion point. You can tear the entire Myriad Abyss Plain apart and merge it under the World Tree."


Regarding the old devil's suggestion, Di Ruier sneered, "What the hell is the Wanyuan Plain?"

Any knowledgeable mortal can tell you that there are countless evil gods and great demons gathered there.

Tear apart the Wanyuan Plain, this old devil really dares to say that.

"If you think Wanyuan Plain is not good, then we can also change the location."

Seeing the sneering Dragon King, the old devil also knew that his suggestion would not be adopted.

"The filthy mummy lord on the 753rd floor of the abyss, I need his coordinates."

Tyrell remembered the first demon lord who mocked him as a lackey of Heaven Mountain. He said that he would throw away the ashes of this thing.

"Lord Filthy Mummy? That is a level ruled by the undead but controlled by the power of the World Tree. For you, it is indeed a good attack location."

The old devil nodded slightly after hearing Tyrell's own opinion. No matter where the dragon king in front of him attacked from, as long as he attacked, it would be beneficial to him.

"I want to tear apart as many layers of the abyss as possible at once, just like you tore apart the nine hells from the abyss at once. How can I do this?"

Tyrell made his request clear. It can be seen from the current scale of hell. Maybe there is only one chance to tear the flesh from the abyss.

After success, you will have to face the endless counterattack of the abyss and start a bloody battle with the abyss. Although for Tyrell, fighting the bloody battle with the devil is not without benefits, but no matter how great the benefits are, they are not as big as coming from the tearing level of the abyss.

"This requires mastering some secret techniques."

"I guess I don't have to pay any more for it."

Tyrell showed the greedy and stingy attitude of the Dragon King.

"This is natural. As long as you are willing to tear apart the abyss, I can provide you with the secret skills you need."

After reaching this level, the so-called magical secrets are not rare things, and there is no need to hide them, because after using them once, there is basically nothing to hide.

"It's easy to say, please leave the secret technique to me now, and I will prepare it now."

After a cordial and friendly meeting with Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells, Tyrael formed a wartime alliance with him.

Although the devil is cunning and scheming, he is really not stingy when it comes to carrying out his deceptions. At the very least, the various secret techniques that Asmodeus gave Tyrell that can act on the level of time and space are all real and have real effects.

But after Dirrell got it, he used the pretext of studying and practicing secret techniques. For a hundred years, he stood still and let the old devil prod him again and again, and scolded him countless times in private.

"This old guy doesn't know what to be anxious about. For him, a hundred years is just a nap. He keeps urging, which is really annoying to the dragon."

Tyrell and the God Queen Su Hailun who had completed their promotion complained that the God Queen, whose nominal authority was only second to Tyrell, had a cold and serious expression.

"You are extremely arrogant to have made a pact with the oldest devil."

"It's just a verbal agreement."

Tyrell didn't care.

"Asmodeus himself is one of the sources of the contract's power."

"So what? Even if I violate the contract, he dares to come here to punish me?"

Tyrell dismissed it. For the truly strong, all contracts were just a joke. Even those concepts with great power could not restrain them.

"Besides, I have no intention of breaking my promise. I've endured that bone stick for long enough. It's time to grind it into ashes and float it in the void."

"Once you tear through the abyss, be prepared for an endless bloody battle."

Su Hailun's tone was extremely serious, but she did not persuade Tyrell to stop the dangerous act of attacking the abyss, because she also knew what attacking the abyss meant.

"I think my followers are ready to turn the demons who dare to launch a bloody battle against us into tree fertilizer."

Tyrell stood up from his divine throne and looked down at the information he had accumulated during the hundreds of years of delay, which included as many as six epic-level beings, excluding his partner and his eldest son.

Even just stepping into this realm is enough to kill the abyss lord. After all, even the great lord who rules the entire level is only a weakened version of the god.

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