Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1137 [Zhang Tian Pendant] (two in one)

"In the bloodiest and most terrifying place, put a pitiful loli prophet with silver hair and silver eyes..."

"As expected of you, Yunmeng!"

Qiye screamed that he couldn't bear it.

According to the traditional horror story formula, this little loli is definitely a trap - most likely an organ similar to the bait on the head of a lantern fish. Once someone gets close and wants to save her, she will be swallowed by the monster hidden under the corpse.

But the problem is: Yunmeng has never bullied Loli before.

Not only that, from many details, players can feel the care and preferential treatment given to Loli by the Yunmeng development team.

In view of the fact that Xiaomeng, a pink-haired lolita, existed during Yunmeng's founding period, players completely understand this style of behavior.

Therefore, there is a 99% chance that the silver-haired loli prophet below is really an innocent little girl!

And if she is an innocent human being, then the story behind her appearance in this place is a bit unbearable to think about.

Qiye slid down the pit wall silently.

The bottom of the pit was getting closer and closer, and the silver-haired Loli also moved, quickly approaching his position, and jumped over after he landed.

Qiye quickly opened his arms to catch her.

But the next second, he opened his eyes.


Lying in the game cabin, staring blankly at the transparent hatch of the game cabin, Qiye was stunned.

After a while, he finally realized:

I was kicked offline by the anti-addiction system...

He had already completed two chapters in a row, and there was not much game time left. He originally planned to log off after seeing what [Rebirth of Flesh and Blood] had to say.

He just didn't expect the new chapter to be so outrageous - outrageous in every sense. Whether it was the story theme or the level of heavy taste, it was far beyond his expectations, so much so that he accidentally forgot about it.

When the anti-addiction system sent him a warning half an hour ago, he was "opening his eyes" in the experimental area and couldn't care less.

As a result, at this juncture, I was unexpectedly kicked off the line...

"I'm going..." Thinking that he had to work the next day and only had less than 3 hours of sleep, Qiye felt bad!

What's even worse is: there are only 3 hours, and he still can't fall asleep.

As soon as I closed my eyes, all I could think about was what happened to the little silver-haired girl in the corpse pit.

I finally fell asleep, and in my dream I was still stepping on the flesh and blood carpet in the base, tearing the alien lizards alive with my mental arms.

When he woke up the next day, he felt pain all over his brain.

After that, I spent most of the morning secretly catching up on sleep in the office.

It was normal to have low work efficiency on Monday morning, he easily convinced himself.

After another hour and a half of sleep at noon, Qiye finally felt energetic, so he happily took half a day off and went home to continue playing games.

——Staying in the company, I don’t even dare to check social networks, for fear of accidentally getting spoiled, so it’s better to finish the game quickly. It’s not a problem to always disconnect from the Internet to prevent spoilers.


I quickly went home to fill my stomach, lay down in the game room, and "A Quiet Place" started again!

As soon as he opened his eyes this time, Qiye saw a flash of silver light flashing in front of his eyes, and then he was hugged by a little guy.

Qiye was stunned for a moment, but quickly picked up the little prophet and climbed up together with his mental arms.

He didn't even want to take a look at the cruel and bloody pile of corpses at his feet, let alone step on it and chat with the little girl.

Although from the perspective of the virtual world, he should have never left for a second, but I don’t know if he woke up energetic and in a good mental state. He felt that his mental arms had become stronger!

There was no pressure when climbing the almost vertical pit wall with a person in my arms, and I climbed very quickly along the way.

It wasn't until he couldn't see what was under his feet that the little girl he was holding held down his shoulders and asked him to stop.

And just as he stopped climbing, a body was thrown down from above his head and hit the bottom of the pit with a "bang".

"Who are you?" Qiye asked quietly.

"I don't know." The little girl shook her head.

"Then why are you here?"

"I don't know either." The little girl shook her head again.

"You don't know anything?" Qiye was stunned for a moment, "Don't you have lost your memory?"

The little girl nodded.

Qiye was a little speechless.

Because the amnesia routine is so cliche.

But then, he thought of the aliens' cruel transformation experiments, and saw the young prophet's dress dyed blood red, and finally thought that his superpowers "grew" from his brain...

Once this information is put together, things instantly make sense.

Not only that, after experiencing that kind of inhumane experiment, she only lost her memory and didn't go crazy, which is already very rare.

"Can you see the future?" Qiye asked the last question.

"Yes, but you can't keep looking, it will make you dizzy." The little girl was a little uneasy, as if she was afraid that she would be left behind if she couldn't help.

But Qiye certainly wouldn't do that: "That's good, we're going to start escaping next, please help me keep an eye on it."

Escape from the Dragon Pond and Tiger Den, which covers a huge area and is full of lizardmen coming and going, is by no means a simple matter.

But Qiye was very calm.

Isn't it just an escape copy?

It doesn't matter if you die a few times, as long as you figure out the distribution location and patrol track of the lizardmen, you can rush out with the backboard!

Not to mention that his mental power has been slowly increasing - considering this, the ability of the little prophet next to him to foresee the future is probably also increasing!

Qiye carried the little prophet behind him and jumped onto the surface with confidence.

A lizard man saw him, instantly dropped the body and went to draw his gun, but he was a step too late - Qiye's mental arm grabbed the gun first!

No one stipulates that if you have superpowers, you can't use guns!

He raised the muzzle of the gun and instantly aimed at the lizard man's chest. With a hook of his index finger, he was about to blow up the lizard man.

But the gun didn't go off.

——He didn’t pull the button!


The lizardman and Qiye were stunned at the same time.

Qiye looked down and made sure that this obsidian-coated alien gun didn't have anything that looked like a safety feature.

He used all his strength to pull the trigger several times in disbelief, but still failed to pull it.

And the lizard men have already rushed over.

Qiye then put on his strongest mental arm and pulled the trigger hard!


The trigger snapped.

"Your uncle's."

The mental arm picked up the gun and stabbed it into the lizard man's neck instantly, entering through the collarbone and coming out of the abdominal cavity!

Yellow-green blood spurted out.

Seeing this scene, Qiye's own eyelids jumped.

He found that he had seriously underestimated the power of his mental arm. This thing was far stronger than he expected!

The little girl on the back suddenly patted his shoulder and pointed to the right.

Less than three seconds later, there were footsteps.

Qiye didn't have time to think too much, and subconsciously pulled out the gun that had been inserted into the lizard man's body.

——This allowed him to see the spurting column of blood again.

However, the yellow-green alien blood did not cause him any discomfort, and he quickly used the gun as a javelin and threw it hard.


The lizard man who had just rushed around the corner was instantly shot through the chest by a gun!

The gun exploded into a pile of parts, and together with the lizard man's broken internal organs, a huge cone-shaped surface was ejected behind him!

The other lizard man was stunned when he saw this brutal scene.

When he reacted and raised the muzzle of the gun, he was already facing the same kind of corpse that was violently thrown by Qiye's spiritual arm.


As if being hit by a battering ram, the lizard man was instantly knocked away.

Qiye carried the prophet on his back and quickly approached with the help of his mental strength. Then he concentrated and punched the fallen lizard man in the face.


The sound of broken bones was extremely obvious.

The lizard man's facial bones collapsed, his neck was broken on the spot, and he died.

In just a few seconds, Qiye easily scored three kills, and the whole process was incredibly smooth!

It's just that this scene is somewhat brutal.

However, in such a cruel and bloody world, a more violent counterattack would be considered in line with the world view.

After that, Qiye quickly left the scene with a human flesh early warning device on his back and began to escape according to his memory.

At first, when the prophet warned him that lizardmen were about to appear, he considered taking a detour and hiding. However, after reloading the game several times, he realized that all hiding and detours were unwise.

If you play hide-and-seek with your opponent in the alien base, you will 100% be surrounded.

So, he changed his tactics.

If the prophet said that there were aliens about to appear, he would rush over without saying a word and kill any lizard man who dared to show up.

Come one, kill one, come two, kill a pair!

Even if there are three or four, if you have the upper hand, as long as you perform well, you can still kill quickly!

As for more than five...

Are you looking down on the prophet?

With a prophet guiding the way, there is no chance of running into a patrol of more than five people!

So the strategy is very simple——

As long as I kill fast enough, no one can round me up!

As he read files again and again, Qiye became more and more proficient in using his superpowers, killing aliens more and more efficiently, and his methods became more and more brutal.

Later on, he could already pull out the lizard man's head and spine without changing his expression!

He also collected a lot of knives worn by lizard men. He used these knives to shoot lizard men. It was as powerful as a sniper rifle and could blow off a head with one shot!

Just like this, running wildly and killing all the way, Qiye finally succeeded in rushing out of the alien base with the trumpet prophet on his back.

Afterwards, under the little girl's prompting, he crushed two lizardmen to death, snatched a human car transporting prisoners, and ran all the way to the west.

Because Qiye killed them so quickly, the inside of the base hadn't even figured out their location yet, and the only ones pursuing them were the two alien vehicles that happened to see him doing it outside.

After running wildly for twenty minutes, the little girl suddenly pulled the steering wheel from the passenger side and the car suddenly tilted.

Qiye didn't get any response, straightened the steering wheel and continued driving.

——No matter what the prophet did, there must be a reason!

Sure enough, a few seconds later, there was a violent explosion behind him, and an alien vehicle was instantly blown into the sky.

Qiye turned the steering wheel without hesitation, turned around and rushed back, crashing into the remaining vehicle.

But before he could hit it, a rocket flew out from the side and blew up the vehicle.

Qiye braked quickly and looked at the prophet sitting in the passenger seat.

The little girl opened the car door and got out of the car without saying a word. Qiye also got out of the car, and people outside also came out of their hiding places and gathered around.

Qiye came forward to negotiate and learned the identities of these people:

Human resistance.

They were surprised at the moment: they came here to ambush another alien team, but before that team returned, a group of people suddenly ran out from the other side, using the ambush in advance.

——They got those landmines from the cowboys.

What happened after that was very simple: the superpowers, who were already looking for organization and more force, joined the resistance army that was "thirsty for talents."

At this point, [Prophet] and [Resistance Army] officially merged.

A single prophet can do nothing except hide and live quietly.

A single resistance army can only survive and hide in XZ to fight guerrillas.

But [Prophet] and [Resistance] together, that is the hope to save the world!

Well, there is also a person with superpowers who kills (alien) people like crazy, which at least adds a few percentage points to the winning rate.

Instigated by Qiye, the counterattack was launched quickly.

The resistance army dispatched all its troops - that is to say, more than a hundred pitiful people, and under his leadership, they rushed into the alien base.

The prophet determined the time and route, Qiye acted as the vanguard, and the rebels fought their way in.

He could kill everyone for seven nights without weapons, not to mention that now he was fully armed, and there was a little prophet who provided personal predictions, always telling him the direction of the enemy's appearance and the angle of the fatal attack a few seconds in advance.

There is no single enemy at all!

Although elite units appeared later - lizardmen with larger bodies and more powerful weapons; humans who had been transformed into human beings; and the human slave army controlled by lizardmen and fearless of death... they were only slightly hindered. However, Qiye used strength to overcome skill and killed him forcefully.

As for the lizard man's ability to control humans, it has also been completely abolished.

Qiye, whose mental power was already extraordinary, just felt that his brain was lightly poked, and there was no sign of being controlled at all.

The prophet was even more outrageous. The lizard man who tried to control her was severely injured and lost consciousness on the spot with blood spurting from his mouth and nose.

The remaining dozen soldiers who were not protected by shielding devices were always placed at the back of the team and were difficult to control. Even if the lizard men found an opportunity, the prophet would issue an early warning and interrupt the "looking at each other" process.

Although in terms of expressiveness, the prophet is not as exaggerated as the Seven Nights Killing Quartet, but this is completely a cheating level of power!

With the support of this power, they rushed into the core area with overwhelming force and slaughtered every lizardman. Afterwards, they spent a lot of effort to destroy the facilities that continuously discharged poisonous gases into the air.

At this point, the lizardman base was successfully captured.

There is still a lot of work to be done next, such as rescuing the remaining humans in the incubation area and laboratory, liberating the captives controlled by the lizardmen, collecting usable supplies, and then completely destroying the base.

Finally: escape.

In the ruined city, dozens of cars drove away quickly with billows of dust.

With this as the background, heavy yet hopeful music sounded leisurely, and the credits slowly scrolled upwards.

[Rebirth of flesh and blood], this is the end.

Qiye, whose consciousness was separated from his body and floating in the air watching all this, was stunned:


"Is this the end?"

"What about the big counterattack? Where about saving the world?"

He is still waiting to arrive at the base, repair and strengthen it, and then completely overthrow the alien oppression of mankind!

The base we just conquered contained less than 500 aliens in total, so it was obviously just a small stronghold.

Conquering that place is just a small step in a journey of thousands of miles!

How could he not be surprised when it ended like this?

But complaints are complaints. In fact, he also knows that in the current situation, it is impossible to launch a large-scale counterattack.

The aliens are too strong.

The existence of the prophet only gave humans the ability to better preserve themselves and the power of small-scale resistance, so that the end was no longer inevitable as before.

It can be said that it has truly preserved the fire of human civilization.

If you want to fully counterattack, you need more time to accumulate strength, whether it is explosives, technology, warriors, or superpowers.

Qiye was thinking about all these while silently waiting for the list of developers to finish scrolling.

Watching the scrolling subtitles is a way for him to express his respect for the developers of Yunmeng.

But today, this habit brought him an unexpected surprise——

After the last name rolled, the music slowly disappeared.

Then, a golden stream of light suddenly pierced the darkness and landed on the left side of his sight!

The golden light unfolded, and a group photo appeared in front of Qiye—that was the ending he made in the first chapter [A Quiet Place], and it was also a happy ending with the whole family surviving.

Then comes a second beam of light, unfurling to the right of the first photo.

This time it is the ending scene of the second chapter [Not to be Gazed at] - he walked into the shelter, and the thick metal door slowly closed behind him.

Only then did he realize belatedly: where the door had not been completely closed, the air seemed a little distorted? ?

Then came the third beam, the fourth beam, the fifth beam... until the seventh beam.

The seven endings turned into seven photos, neatly arranged in front of him.

"Is this?" Qiye didn't know why, but his heartbeat accelerated inexplicably.

It felt like—

The big one is coming!

Sure enough, after all seven photos were unfolded, seven thin lines spread upward, forming a brand new square frame!

A line of titles slowly emerged from the darkness:

【Chapter 0·Unlocked】

"I'll go!" Qiye exclaimed.

The seventh chapter of love is not the final chapter yet!

The final chapter is actually Chapter 0?

Can you still play like this? !

Without waiting for him to guess, the borders of four of the seven photos were suddenly dyed gold!

——Qiye guessed that it was because these four endings were "perfect endings" in a sense.

Golden light gathered on the frame and turned into four golden lines, which merged into the empty [Chapter 0] one by one.

The liquid-like golden light continued to rise, successfully filling it up.

Then, the golden light disappeared and the title changed accordingly——

[Chapter 0·Heavenly Pendant·Unlocked]

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